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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of September, 2013

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

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Call  fo Meetin



Informatio to Vot



Public  Powe o Attorne Request 



Item t b discusse in th Extraordinar Genera Meetin (EGM)



I Approv th disposition o on hundre percen (100%)  o th issu share of Innova S.A., held by PETROBRAS, to Videolar S.A. and its majority shareholder fo th amoun o R$  87 millio (eigh hundre sevent million reais)






Appendi –  Fiscal Council Opinion 



Appendix II Protocol and Justification for the Acquisition of COMPERJ PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A



Appendi II –  Valuation  repor o COMPER PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A



Appendi IV – (CV Instruction  No 481 Annex  21) 



Commercial Proposal of APSIS t COMPER PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. Commercial Proposal of APSIS t PETROBRA






Appendi –  Fiscal Council Opinion 



Appendix II Protocol and Justification for the Acquisition of COMPERJ ESTIRÊNICOS S.A



Appendi II –  Valuation  repor o COMPER ESTIRÊNICOS S.A



Appendi IV – (CV Instruction  No 481 Annex  21) 



Commercial Proposal of APSIS t COMPER ESTIRÊNICOS S.A. Commercial Proposal of APSIS t PETROBRA






Appendi –  Fiscal Council Opinion 







Appendi I –  Protocol  and  Justification  for the  Acquisition  o COMPERJ  ME S.A



Appendi II –  Valuation  repor o COMPER ME S.A



Appendi IV – (CV Instruction  No. 481- Annex  21) 



Commercial Proposal of APSIS t COMPER ME S.A. Commercial Proposal of APSIS t PETROBRA






Appendi –  Fiscal Council Opinion 



Appendix II – Protocol and Justification for the Acquisition of COMPERJ POLIOLEFINA S.A



Appendi II –  Valuation  repor o COMPER POLIOLEFINAS S.A



Appendi IV – (CV Instruction  No 481 Annex  21) 



Commercial Proposal of APSIS t COMPER POLIOLEFINAS S.A. Commercial Proposal of APSIS t PETROBRA



VI Merger of SFE - Sociedade Fluminense de Energia LTDA. (“SFE) int




Appendi –  Fiscal Council Opinion 



Appendi II Protocol  and  Justification  for  the  Acquisition  of SFE  Sociedade 

Fluminense  de  Energi LTDA



Appendi II –  Valuation  repor o SFE  Sociedad Fluminense  de  Energi LTDA



Appendi IV – (CV Instruction  No 481 Annex  21) 



Commercial Proposal of APSIS t SFE - Sociedade  Fluminense  de  Energi LTDA. Commercial Proposal of APSIS t Petrobras 



VII Approve of the waiver by PETROBRAS of the preemptive right to the subscriptio o convertible  bond t b issue b Set Brasil  Participaçõe S.A



Appendi Privat Instrument o Subscrition  Commitmen o Debentures 



Appendi I –  Privat Instrumen o Deed 



Appendi II –  Matter o interes of related  part














Date Septembe 30 201


Time 3P


Address auditoriu o th Company’s  hea office 


a Avenid República  d Chile  65 1st  floor in th cit o (RJ) 




Agenda  items



Extraodinary  Genera Meeting 


I Approv th disposition o on hundre percen (100%)   o th issu share o Innova S.A. held  b PETROBRAS t Videola S.A an it majorit shareholder fo th amount o R$  87 millio (eigh hundre sevent millio reais)










VI Merge o SF Sociedad Fluminense  d Energia  LTDA (“SFE in PETROBRAS


VII Approv o th waive b PETROBRA o th preemptiv righ t th subscriptio of convertible  bond t b issue b Set Brasil  Participaçõe S.A











Open Capital  Compan


CNPJ/M no  33.000.167/0001-0


NIRE no  33300032061 








Th Boar o Director o Petróle Brasileir S.A –  PETROBRAS calls  th shareholders of th Compan t hol a Extraordinary Genera Meetin o Septembe 3th, 2013 a 3:00 p.m. a th auditoriu o th registere office  o th Company a Avenid República  do Chile  65 1º  andar in  th cit o Rio  d Janeir (RJ) in  orde t resolv o th following matters: 


I Approv th dispositio o on hundre percen (100%)  o th issu share o Innov S.A., held  b PETROBRAS t Videola S.A an it majorit shareholder fo th amoun o R$ 

87 millio (eigh hundre sevent millio reais)




(1)    Ratif th contract  o APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda b PETROBRA for th preparatio o th Appraisa Report a boo value o COMPERJPAR,  pursuant to paragrap o article  22 o La No 6.404 o 12.15.1976


(2)    Approv th Appraisa Repor prepare b APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda. fo th appraisal,  a boo value o th shareholders’  equit o COMPERJPAR; 


(3)    Approve in  all  o it term an conditions,  th Protoco an Justificatio o Merger, entere int betwee COMPERJPA an PETROBRA o Jun rd, 2013


(4)    Approve   the   merger   of   COMPERJPAR  into   PETROBRAS,   causing   it   to   be dissolved withou increasin th capita stoc o PETROBRAS


(5)    Approv th authorizatio give to th Boar o Executiv Officer o PETROBRAS fo th performance o an an all  act require fo th merge an legalizatio of th statu o th incorporate compan an th incorporating compan befor the agencie o competen jurisdiction a necessary




(1)    Ratif th contract  o APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda b PETROBRA for th preparation o th Appraisa Report a boo value o EST pursuan to paragrap o article  22 o La No 6.404 o 12.15.1976







(2)    Approv th Appraisa Repor prepare b APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda

Fo th appraisal,  a boo value o th shareholders’  equit o EST


(3)    Approve in  all  o it term an conditions,  th Protoco an Justificatio o Merger, entere int betwee ES an PETROBRA o Jun rd, 2013


(4)    Approv th merge o ES b PETROBRAS causin it  t b dissolved without increasin th capita stock  o PETROBRAS


(5)    Approv th authorizatio give to th Boar o Executiv Officer o PETROBRAS fo th performance o an an all  act require fo th merge an legalizatio of th statu o th incorporate compan an th incorporating compan befor the agencie o competen jurisdiction a necessary




(1)    Ratif th contract  o APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda b PETROBRA for th preparation o th Appraisa Report a boo value o MEG pursuan to paragrap o article  22 o La No 6.404 o 12.15.1976


(2)    Approv th Appraisa Repor prepare b APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda. fo th appraisal,  a boo value o th shareholders’  equit o MEG


(3)    Approve in  all  o it term an conditions,  th Protoco an Justificatio o Merger, entere int betwee ME an PETROBRA o Jun rd, 2013


(4)    Approv th Merge o ME b PETROBRAS causin it  t b dissolved without increasin th capita stock  o PETROBRAS


(5)    Approv th authorizatio give to th Boar o Executiv Officer o PETROBRAS fo th performance o an an all  act require fo th merge an legalizatio of th statu o th incorporate compan an th incorporating compan befor the agencie o competen jurisdiction a necessary




(1)    Ratif th contract  o APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda b PETROBRA for th preparation o th Appraisal Report a boo value o POL pursuant to paragrap o article  22 o La No 6.404 o 12.15.1976


(2)    Approv th Appraisa Repor prepare b APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda. fo th appraisal,  a boo value o th shareholders’  equit o POL


(3)    Approve in  all  o it term an conditions,  th Protoco an Justificatio o Merger, entere int betwee PO an PETROBRA o Jun rd, 2013


(4)    Approv th Merge o PO b PETROBRAS causin it  t b dissolved without increasin th capita stock  o PETROBRAS







(5)    Approv th authorizatio give to th Boar o Executiv Officer o PETROBRAS fo th performance o an an all  act require fo th merge an legalizatio of th statu o th incorporate compan an th incorporating compan befor the agencie o competen jurisdiction a necessary




VI Merge o SF Sociedad Fluminens de  Energi LTDA (SFE”)  in PETROBRA to


(1)    Ratif th contract  o APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda b PETROBRA for th preparation o th Appraisa Report a boo value o SFE pursuan to paragrap o article  22 o La No 6.404 o 12.15.1976


(2)    Approv th Appraisa Repor prepare b APSI Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda. fo th appraisal,  a boo value o th shareholders’  equit o SFE


(3)    Approve in  all  o it term an conditions,  th Protoco an Justificatio o Merger, entere int betwee SFE  an PETROBRA o August  1th, 2013


(4)    Approv th Merge o SFE  b PETROBRAS causin it  t b dissolved without increasin th capita stock  o PETROBRAS


(5)    Approv th authorizatio give to th Boar o Executiv Officer o PETROBRAS fo th performance o an an all  act require fo th merge an legalizatio of th statu o th incorporate compan an th incorporating compan befor the agencie o competen jurisdiction a necessary


VII Approv o th waive b PETROBRA o th preemptiv righ t th subscriptio of convertible  bond t b issue b Set Brasil  Participaçõe S.A


An perso presen a th meetin must  evidenc it capacit a shareholder, pursuan to article  12 o La No 6.40 o 12.15.1976. I cas an shareholde wishe t be represented he/sh must  mee th provision o paragrap o article  12 o th referred la an article  1 o th Article o Incorporatio o PETROBRAS, upo submissio o the followin documents: 



i)    Representativ I Card


ii)   Powe o Attorne wit specia power grante b th granto duly  notarize a NotarOffic (origina o certifie copy)


iii)  Cop o th agreement article o incorporatio o regulatio o th fund i applicable


iv)  Cop o th instrumen o investitur o simila tha confirm th power o th granto of th powe o attorney if applicable


W request  tha th shareholders represente b attorney file within  a least  tw business days,  th document liste abov in  roo 100 (Shareholde Service o th registereoffice Fo those  wh will  presen th documen o th dat o th meeting w infor tha the Compan wil b able  t receiv the a o 1:0 p.m. a th place wher th meetin wil be held








Th votin righ in  th even o loa o share must  b exercise b th borrower, excep if otherwise  provide in th agreemen entere int betwee th parties. 


Furthermore th shareholder ma choose  t vot th matter containe in  this  notice  of meetin upo Public  Request  fo Powe o Attorney pursuan t CV Instructio No 481, o 12.17.2009


Electronic power o attorne will  b receive throug th Onlin Meeting Platform at www.assembleiasonline.com.br Fo such  purpose th shareholder mus registe in  this platform


An an all  document relate t th matter t b resolve in  this  Extraordinary General Meetin ar a th disposa o th shareholder in  roo 100 (Shareholder Service o the registered offic o th Company, an o th website o th Company (http://www.petrobras.com.br/ri) an th Brazilia Securitie an Exchang Commission (http://www.cvm.gov.br) pursuan t La No 6.404 o 12.15.197 an CV Instructio No

48 o 12.17.2009




Rio d Janeiro August  21 2013




Guid Manteg

Chairma o th Boar o Director





Information to Vote 




Tvotin   generameetingof   companieanfundsthfirst  steis   to   click in  www.assembleiasonline.com.br/wfPublicaCadastroAcionistas.aspx   and register


Afte registerin a Assembleias Online yo will  receiv a automate message containin th Instrument  of  Agreement Ownershi and  Liability which  must  be signed notarize an consularised, an lis o document tha must  b provide so tha you registratio ca b validated


Once  you registratio is  validated yo will  receiv a email  wit instructions t issue your Privat Digita Certificate Th Privat Digita Certificat will  b issue by Certisign, exclusiv partne o VeriSig in Brazil  an leade in th segment


A soo a companies o fund tha yo invest  in  publish  their  call  notices yo will  be notifie b email. 


Afte yo lo in  o th websit www.onlinegeneralmeetings.com yo select  the genera meetin yo want Afte analyzin th documents available  an the managemen proposals, yo must  vot o each  o th agend item (i favor,  against or abstention).You par in th votin proces end here


Once  you vot is  validated it  will  b computed t th respective meeting an receipt o you vot will  b sen t you email.  Fo increase securit and integrity Assembleias Onlin ha hire Ernst & Youn t review th environmen o interna controls t further improv them


I orde t facilitat an encourag shareholder wit votin right t participate the Compan will  allo shareholder t vot o th item tha appea in  th General Meeting Notice  ove th Internet b usin th public  reques fo proxies,  a pe CVM rulin 481 publishe o Decembe 1 2009


Th electronic proxie will  b receive via  th Onlin Meetin platform a www.assembleiasonline.com.br Shareholder must  registe in  th platfor a soo as possible  in  orde t us it Th dat use in  th previou Genera Meetin wil remain  in effect Th proxy showin th shareholder’s  votin intentio (electronic  voting) must  be sen throug th syste betwee Septiembr 1 t 29 2013 Fo mor details  o how t vot via  th Onlin Meeting Platform rea th Manua tha ha bee poste o our website





Publi Power o Attorne Request 



Rio d Janeiro August  3 2013, Petrole Brasileir S.A –  Petrobra hereb invite its shareholder t atten it Extraordinar Genera Meeting t b hel o September 30, 2013 a 3.0 p.m. in  orde to resolv o th matte in th Notice  fo Genera Meeting


Wit vie t enable  an stimulat th participatio o th shareholder wit righ to vote th Compan provides,  throug th world  wid web wit th possibilit fo the shareholder t vot o th matte in  th Notice  fo Genera Meeting throug th us of public  power o attorne request a pe CVM Instructio 48 issue o Decembe 1th, 2009


Th receip o electronic  power o attorney will  b b mean o th platform Assembleia Online available  a www.assembleiasonline.com.br. Fo such it  is necessary tha th shareholders mak their  registratio in  this  platfor a soo as possible an th registration mad fo th last  Meetin remain  valid Th powe of attorney which  ha th shareholder’s  votin intentio (electronic  vote) mus b sent throug th syste betwee September 1 t 29 2013 Pleas refe t th Manua on ho t vot throug th Assembleia Onlin syste available  in  this  handboo o on th Investo Relation websit via  Financia Result an Disclosures/Meetings. 


Wit such  alternative Petrobras seeks  t reinforce  it commitmen t adoptin th best Corporat Governanc practice an transparency














Dea Shareholders, 


Th Boar o Director o Petróle Brasileir S.A –  PETROBRA (“Company hereby presents in  relatio t th disposition by th Company o one hundre percen (100%) o th share o th total votin capita stock  o INNOV S.A (“INNOVA t VIDEOLAR S.A and it majorit shareholder Mr Lirio  Albin Parisott (“Purchasers”) ite Io the Agend o th Extraordinary Shareholder Meetin t b hel o 09/30/2013 the followin informatio t th Shareholders: 


INNOV is  wholl owne subsidiar o PETROBRAS operatin in  th second- generatio petrochemica secto an locate in  th Petrochemical Hu o Triunfo Rio Grand d Sul.  It productio comprise ethylbenzene, styrene polystyrene raw materials fo synthetic  rubber acrylic  resin  an polyeste resin  use in  th manufacture o disposabl items,  paint foam tires,  packages,  amon others. 


Fo such  disposition, a competitiv biddin wa held in  which  4 nationa an foreign companie wer invite t participate A th en o th bidding th Purchasers’  bid in th amoun o R$  87 million wa th winnin bid Th proposed amoun exceed the economic evaluation o th asse don internally b th financia assistan hire fo the transaction Th purchaser will  b boun t liabilitie corresponding t nearly  R$  24 millio concernin th debt incurre b INNOVA


The transaction is an important step to PETROBRAS, in the scope of the Divestment Program of the Company (PRODESIN), in compliance with the goals of cash generation, discharge of investments and reduction of debts, under the Company’s 2013-2017 Business and Management Plan.


Th main  point o th Purchas an Sale  o Share Contract  ar th following


(a O th dat o execution Petrobra will  receiv 20 o th purchase  price b way o bon (R$  17 million)


(b O th closin date Petrobra will  receiv 80 (R$  69 million) adjuste for inflatio base o th IGPM


(c)  Adjustment o th purchas price  du t th variatio o th workin capita an net debts fro 12/31/12 t th closin date Such  price  adjustment will  b calculated accordin t th closin balance  sheet to b audite b a independen company







(d Liabilit o Petrobras fo acts,  fact o omissions relate t Innov which  hav not bee informe durin th negotiation o th parties,  u t th dat o executio o the Agreement includin th du diligence  don in  th Company Such  liabilit is  limited in genera terms,  to th perio o year an th amoun o 5 o th purchas price


Once  approve b th shareholder o PETROBRAS, th executio o th transaction will  b still  subject  t regula prio conditions,  includin th approva o th Brazilian Antitrust  Authorit –  CADE


Th Brazilia Securitie an Exchang Commission (CVM wa consulted o the applicability o Article  25 o La No 6.404/7 t th even o dispositio o wholly owned   subsidiary’s  equit interest  which  ha no bee constituted b mean o a transactio o merge o shares,  which  is  th case  o INNOVA


The CV reaffirme th positio o it Board which in  prior resolutions,  decide fo the inapplicability o Articl 25 o La No 6.404/7 t th even o dispositio o wholly owne subsidiary’s equit interest  which  ha no bee constituted b mean o a transactio o merge o shares. 


Thus,  th Boar o Director submit fo evaluatio an resolution b th Extraordinary Shareholde Meetin th proposa o dispositio o INNOV b PETROBRAS in  the for o a initiale draf o Purchase  an Sale  o Share Contract




Mari da Gra Silv Foste

CE o Petrobra

















Dea shareholders, 


Th Boar o Director o Petróle Brasileir S.A –  Petrobra (“Company) hereby presents in  relatio t th merge o Comper Participações S.A (“COMPERJPAR”), Comper Estirênicos S.A (“EST”) Comper Me S.A (“MEG an Comper Poliolefinas S.A (“POL int Petrobras, iten II III I an V which  ar th matter o th agend of th Extraordinary Shareholder Meetin schedule t take  plac o 09/30/2013 the followin informatio t th Shareholders: 


COMPERJPAR, EST ME an PO ar closely  held  corporations,  full  subsidiarie of PETROBRAS an governe b th Busines Corporatio Act an applicable  legislation an their  Article o Incorporation, b reaso o which  the ar no par o th current corporat structur o PETROBRA system


The maintenanc o severa administrativ structures,  beside resultin in  th increase  of operatin costs,  also  result in  loss  o relevan synergie in  th management o the matter o interes t th Company


I this  context takin int accoun th inten t rationaliz cost b simplifying the corporat structur o PETROBRAS th goa is  to upo merge o th asset owne by COMPERJ,  currently  allocate t COMPERJPAR,  EST ME an POL integrat the petrochemical asset composin th Petrochemical Comple o Rio  d Janeiro (“COMPERJ) an th othe businesse o PETROBRA system accordin t the integrated   strategy   of   growth   up   to   2020,   as   well   as   continue   the   process   of reorganizatio an optimizatio o th petrochemica portfolio  o th Company


Since  th Compan is  th owne o on hundre percen (100%)  o th share o the capita stock  o COMPERJPAR, EST ME an POL th capita stock  o PETROBRAS will  no b increased considerin tha it financia statement alread consolidat the accountin record o th companie t b absorbed


Therefore th purpos o th merger is  t transfe all  assets,  right an obligations of COMPERJPAR, EST,  ME an PO t th Company which  is  par o th process  of reorganizatio whose   goal   is   to   simplify   the   corporate   structure,   reduce   costs   and manag th asset in  mor efficien manner








Thus,  th Boar o Director submit th proposa o merge o COMPERJPAR,  EST, ME an PO int PETROBRA fo assessmen an resolutio b th Specia Meeting, alon wit th favorable  opinio o th Audit  Committee in  th for o Protocols  and Justification o merger entere int betwee th Companie an PETROBRAS the corresponding Appraisa Report an othe measure fo th iten II III I o the Agend containe in th notice  o meeting


Fin attache t this  Meetin Manua th document an informatio concerning the exercise  o th shareholder’s votin right includin informatio provide in  CVM Instructio No 481/09 Anne 21


A last w emphasiz tha th Protoco an Justificatio o th Merge o COMPERJPAR int PETROBRA an th corresponding Appraisa Repor o COMPERJPAR contemplat th previou stage o merge o Companhi d Desenvolviment d Plantas d Utilidade (“CDPU int COMPERJPAR,  a approve b th Specia Meeting of Shareholder o such  Companies,  hel o 06/28/2013





Mari Da Graça Silv Foste

CE o Petrobra








Fiscal Counci OPINION 




Th Fisca Counci o Comperj  Participõe S.A ("COMPERJPAR"), in  the exercise  o it legal an statutor duties,  in  meetin held  today ha considered th decisio o th Boar o Director o th Company take in  Meetin No 41, o Jun 17 2013 wit th purpos o submittin fo deliberation o the Extraordinary Genera Meetin EG motio fo th incorporatio of COMPERJPA int Petrole Brasileiro  S.A ("Petrobras")


Base o (i)  th conten o th document tha wer sen t this  Fisca Council, (ii)  th condition o incorporatio presente in  th Protoco an Justification of merge signe o Jun 03 2013 an (iii)  th Valuation Report Equit book prepare by Apsis  Consultoria  Avaliaçõe Ltda. positio a o March  31 2013, considering th subsequen even o merge o th Utilitie Plant Development Company - CDP int COMPERJPAR,  th Fisca Council  favor th approva of th merge o COMPERJPAR b PETROBRAS t b submitte t the Extraordinar Genera Meetin –  EG o COMPERJPAR. 



Rio d Janeiro Jun 24 2013




Amó d Silv Cancio 





Gilva d Silv Danta





Maria  Rom d Freita





















Entere int b



I.      PETRÓLE BRASILEIR S.A PETROBRAS mixed-capital  join stock corporatio headquartered  at  Avenid Repúblic do  Chile nº  65,  Centro,  in the cit and  state  of  Rio d Janeiro,  inscribe i th rol of  corporat taxpayers (CNPJ/MF under  no 33.000.167/0001-01 hereinafte referre to as PETROBRAS and 




II.      COMPERJ PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., a corporation headquartered at Avenida República do Chile, nº 65, 20º andar, Parte, Centro, in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, inscribed in the roll of corporate taxpayers (CNPJ/MF) under no. 10.693.351/0001-89, herein represented by its duly authorized representative, hereinafter referred to as “COMPERJPAR” or “Merged Company”;



PETROBRAS and COMPERJPAR are hereinafter referred to, jointly, as “PARTIES”, and each of them, separately, as “PARTY”;






(i)        PETROBRAS  i mixed-capital  joint-stoc company with  full subscribed and  paid   up   capital   in  the   amount   of   two   hundred   five   billion,   four hundre ten  million nine  hundred  an fiv thousand tw hundred  thirty reai and  fifty centavos  (R 205,410,905,230.50) divide int thirteen billion forty-fou million fou hundre ninety-si thousand nin hundred and thirt (13,044,496,930 non-pa shares of  whic seven  billion four hundre forty-tw million,  four  hundre fifty-fou thousand,  one  hundred and forty-tw (7,442,454,142 ar common  shares  and  fiv billion sihundre tw million,  forty-tw thousand seven  hundred  and  eighty-eight (5,602,042,788 ar preferre shares







(ii)       COMPERJPA i closely-hel company wit subscribed  and  paid up capital  in the amount  o twenty-one  million  fiv hundred  an one thousan reai (R$21,501,000.00) divide int tw million,  one  hundred fifty thousand  and  on hundred  (2,150,100 non-pa registered  common shares With  the subsequent  event  o the  merger  o Companhi de Desenvolvimento  de Plantas  de Utilidade (“CDPU”) th subscribe and pai u capita o COMPERJPAR  wil be  R 41,044,939.04 divided  int4,104,49 non-pa registered  commo shares


(iii)     PETROBRAS   retains   al th shares  issued   by  COMPERJPAR, representing   100%  o its  votin an tota capital making  the  latter  a wholly-owned  PETROBRA subsidiary


(iv)      The  PARTIE intend  to  undertak a merge operation  throug which COMPERJPA wil be  merge into  PETROBRAS,  and the  forme wil be legall dissolved,  with  PETROBRAS  succeedin COMPERJPA in al its rights  an obligations pursuan t Articl 227  of  La 640 of  December 15 1976  (La 6404/76”) being  that  COMPERJPAR prior  to  its merger into  PETROBRAS procee to  the incorporatio of  Company  Plant Development   Utilities   ("CDPU"),   with   thconsequent   increase   of   its capital  stock


(v)       The  merge of  COMPERJPAR  into  PETROBRAS  wil simplif the  latters corporate  structur through  th consolidation,   withi PETROBRAS,   of the asset owne by  COMPERJPAR with  a consequen reduction  in PETROBRAS’  management  costs  and  th rationalizatio of  its  activities


(vi)      The  merge of  COMPERJPAR  wil not  entai a increas i the  capital  of PETROBRAS  and  wil not  impac its  results no wil i entai any  impact on  investors,   since   COMPERJPAR   is   a   wholly-owned   PETROBRAsubsidiary,   already   considered   the   incorporation   of   the   CDPU   into COMPERJPA i thi Protocol  an Justification;






(vii)      The  merger  wil not  affec the  pric o PETROBRAS’  securities no wil it prevent  investor from  buying selling  or retaining  sai securities or exercising  any  rights  entitled  to  the as  th owner o sai securities



(viii       In  line  with  PETROBRAS’   Businesan Management   Plan  for  2013 2017 (“Busines Plan”) thi operation  favor (a the reallocatio of investment  funds (b improved  integration  betwee th activitie o the petrochemica assets  owne by PETROBRAS  constituting  the Rio de Janeiro   Petrochemical   Complex   (“COMPERJ”),   and   the  other businesse of  the Petrobras  System withi the strateg of  integrated growt b 2020 and  (c th continuing  restructuring  an optimization  of PETROBRAS’  petrochemica portfolio. 



(ix)      The   merger   of   COMPERJPAR   into   PETROBRAS   will   allow   more flexibility  in regar t new  investments  and  permi the  mor efficient executio of PETROBRAS’  strategi decisions therefor benefiting PETROBRAS’  corporat interest an shareholders and 



(x)       The  merger  of  COMPERJPAR  int PETROBRAS  i subjec t approval b th shareholder o PETROBRAS  and  COMPERJPAR



The  PARTIES  agree  to sign thi Protoco an Justificatio o Merge (“Protocol  an Justification”) i complianc wit Articles  224,  225  and  227  of  La 6404/76  and Instructio 319  of  December  3 1999,  issue by the Brazilian  Securitie and Exchange   Commission   CVM   (CVM   Instruction   319/99),   under   the  following term an conditions












1.1.   Proposed   Operation.   The   operation   consists   of   the  merger   of COMPERJPA into  PETROBRAS,  with  the  full transfe of  COMPERJPARs shareholders’  equity appraised  a its  boo value,  t PETROBRAS  (Operation”  or Merge).



1.1.1 A resul o th Operation COMPERJPAR  wil be  legall dissolved and  PETROBRAS    will   succeed   COMPERJPAR    in   all   its   rights   and obligations pursuan to  Articl 227  o La 6404/76



1.2.     Th appraisal  o COMPERJPAR shareholders’  equity fo th purpose of the respectiv entries  i PETROBRAS’  accounts was  conducted  at  its  book  value by th specialized  compan APSI CONSULTORIA  AVALIAÇÕE LTDA., nominated  i item  2.1.,  on  the  Merge Referenc Dat established  i item  2.2.  of thi Protoco and  Justification,  pursuant  to th criteri fo preparing  financial statements  envisage i La 6404/76  an CV Instruction  319/09. 



1.3.     The   balances    of   COMPERJPARs    credit   and   debt   accounts    will   be transferre t PETROBRAS’  book following  the  necessar adjustments



1.4.   The   assets,   rights   and   obligations   making   uCOMPERJPAR’s shareholders’   equit to   b transferred   to  PETROBRAS   are  those   described   in detai i the  appraisal  report,  a thei boo value. 



1.5.     Th managemen o PETROBRAS  wil b responsibl fo carryin out  al the act necessar t implement  the Merger and  wil bea al th cost an expenses resultin fro sai implementation. 



1.6.     Justification   of   the   Operation.   The   Operation   will   simplify   the   corporate structur o PETROBRA throug the consolidation withi PETROBRAS,  of  the assets   making   up   COMPERJ,   iorder   to   integrate   the   petrochemical   assets making  up  COMPER with  th othe businesse o th Petrobras  system undethe strateg of  integrate growt b 2020 aimin to continue  the  proces of restructuring    and   optimizing    of    PETROBRAS’    petrochemical    portfolio.    The Operation  wil also permi a reduction  i PETROBRAS’  management  costs  an the rationalizatio o its activities an wil simplif the  reallocation  of  investmen funds under the  Busines Plan








1.7.     Given  that  PETROBRAS  retain one  hundred  percent  (100% o th shares representing  COMPERJPAR capita stock the  proposed  Merger  wil no entail any changes  in PETROBRAS’  capital sinc PETROBRAS’  financial  statements alread consolidat COMPERJPARaccounts






2.1.    Th nominatio and  appointmen o the specialized  company  APSIS CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA.,  headquartere a Ru da  Assemblei nº 35 12º  andar i th city  and  stat of  Ri d Janeir and  inscribe i the  rol of corporate  taxpayer (CNPJ under  no. 08.681.365/0001-30 as the company responsibl fo preparin the  appraisal  repor on COMPERJPAR’ shareholders’ equit t b transferred  to  PETROBRAS  (Appraisal  Report) wil be  ratified  b a resolution  of  a PETROBRAS  Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting pursuan to Articl 22 o La 6404/76. 


2.2.     APSIS  CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA i compan specializin in appraisals having  proceeded,  b reques o th management  of  th PARTIES,  (i) to apprais COMPERJPAR shareholders’  equity a its book  value,  base on COMPERJPAR balanc shee o Marc 31, 2013 (“Merge Referenc Date and on the  pro-form balanc shee o COMPERJPAR  considering  events  subsequent to  the   appraisal   reference   date,   thus   constituting   the   amount   of   shareholders’ equit to  b transferre to  PETROBRAS an (ii to  prepar the  Appraisa Report, attached    hereto    as    Exhibit    I,   subject    to    the    approval    of    PETROBRAS’ shareholders pursuant  to  the  law










3.1.     Accordin to  the  appraisal  an th resultin Appraisa Report,  th amount  of COMPERJPAR shareholders’  equit (afte CDPU merger t be  transferred  to PETROBRAS  i R 18,903,101.59 a pe Claus Four  below



3.2.     The   substitution   of   PETROBRAS’   investments   i COMPERJPAR   by   the asset an liabilitie i COMPERJPAR balanc shee wil not  entai any  changes i PETROBRAS’  shareholders’  equity







4.1.     Shareholders’   equity   variations   recorded   between   the   Merger   Reference Date  and  th effectiv Merge dat wil remai recorde in COMPERJPAR books and wil b absorbed  by PETROBRA and  transferred  t it books i strict adherenc to  th amount established  herei for  the  implementatio o the  Merger








5.1.     Since   COMPERJPAR   is   a   wholly-owned   PETROBRAS   subsidiary,   the Merge wil no resul in the  cancellatio or  issue  o ne PETROBRAS  shares nor wil i entai an changes  i th valu of  it capita stock Therefore,  at  th en of the  Merger,   the  capital   stock   of   PETROBRAS   will   remain   unchanged   at   two hundre five billion,  fou hundre ten  million nine  hundre an five thousand,  two hundred   thirty   reais   and   fifty   centavos   (R$   205,410,905,230.50),   divided   into thirtee billion forty-four  million,  fou hundre ninety-si thousand,  nin hundred and thirt (13,044,496,930 non-par  shares o whic seve billion four  hundred forty-tw million,  four hundre fifty-fou thousand one  hundre and forty-two (7,442,454,142 ar common  shares  an fiv billion,  si hundred  tw million,  forty-two   thousand,   seven   hundred   and   eighty-eight   (5,602,042,788)   are   preferred shares Consequently PETROBRAS’  Bylaw wil no be  amended






5.2.     As   result   of   the   Merger,   all   shares   issued   by   COMPERJPAR   will   be cancelled,  base o Articl 226 paragrap of  La 6404/76



5.3.     As  resul of  the  Merger COMPERJPAR  wil be  legall dissolved,  its  legal existenc through  th filing  of  its Articles  of  Incorporation  with  th Registr of Commerc wil cease and  i wil b succeede i al its  rights  and  obligation by PETROBRAS






6.1.     Board of  Director an Fiscal  Councils In  complianc with  Articl 163 item III,  o La 6404/76,  the respectiv Fisca Council of  PETROBRAS  and COMPERJPAR   will   issue   their   opinion   on   the   Operation,   and   the   respective Board of  Director of  PETROBRAS  and  COMPERJPA wil als acknowledge the Operatio and  cal th Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting t resolv on  the Operation



6.2.    Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meetings To implemen the  Operation,  the respectiv Extraordinar Shareholders Meeting of PETROBRAS  and COMPERJPA wil be called pursuan to  the  term an othe procedures establishe by  th law






7.1.    Sinc COMPERJPAR  is a wholl owned  PETROBRA subsidiary the provision relate t (i) the exchang ratio;  (ii the reimbursemen of COMPERJPAR shareholders an (iii the nee to  prepar an  appraisa repor of COMPERJPA a marke price (Articl 264  o La 6404/76)  wil not  apply







7.2.     Documents  Availabl t Shareholders I complianc with  Articl of  CVM Instructio 319/99,  al documents  mentioned  herei wil b availabl to the shareholder of  PETROBRAS  a fro thi date  an may be consulte at  its headquarter an o it website  (www.petrobras.com) and  o the  websites  o the CVM  an the  BM&FBOVESPA  Securities Commodities  and  Futures  Exchange



IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the  partie execut thi Protocol  an Justificatio i two (2)  counterparts  of  identical  conten an for and  fo sam purpose,  befor the tw undersigned  witnesses



Ri d Janeiro Jun 3 2013






Patric Horbac Fairo


Executiv Manage o Abastecimento-Petroquímic








SergiMartinBezerra   LaertRochPires
ExecutivOfficer   ExecutivOfficer
Fernando LuiAffonso   JoãEduardde S. Freixinho
RG04466901-IFP/RJ   RG118934207 IFP/RJ
CPF620.488.727-0     CPF074.564.427-97

































Fiscal Council OPINION

The Fiscal Council of Comperj Estirênicos S.A. ("EST"), in the exercise of its legal and statutory duties, in a meeting held today, has considered the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, taken in Meeting No. 34, of June 17, 2013, with the purpose of submitting for deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM a motion for the incorporation of EST into Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. ("Petrobras").

Based on (i) the content of the documents that were sent to this Fiscal Council, (ii) the conditions of incorporation presented in the Protocol and Justification of merger signed on June 03, 2013, and (iii) the Valuation Report Equity book prepared by Apsis Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda., position as of March 31, 2013, the Fiscal Council favors the approval of the merger of EST by PETROBRAS, to be submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting – EGM of EST.

Rio de Janeiro, June 24, 2013.


Amós da Silva Cancio

Gilvan da Silva Dantas

Maria Roma de Freitas












Entere int b




I.      PETRÓLEO   BRASILEIRO   S.A.   -   PETROBRAS,    mixed-capital   joint   stock corporatio headquartere a Avenida  Repúblic do Chile nº  65 Centro,  i the city  and  stat of  Rio de Janeiro inscribed  i the  rol o corporat taxpayers (CNPJ/MF)    under    no.    33.000.167/0001-01,     hereinafter    referred    to    as  PETROBRA; and 



II.      COMPERJ   ESTIRÊNICOS   S.A.,   a   corporation   headquartered   at   Avenida Repúblic do  Chile nº  65,  20º  andar Parte Centro,  i th cit an state  of  Rio de Janeiro inscribed  i the  rol of  corporat taxpayer (CNPJ/MF unde no10.686.006/0001-18 herei represente b its  dul authorize representative,  hereinafte referre to  a EST”  or  Merged  Company



PETROBRAS  an ES ar hereinafte referred  to jointly a PARTIES and  eac othem separately a PARTY






(i)        PETROBRAS  i mixed-capita joint-stoc company with  full subscribed and pai up  capital  i th amount  of  tw hundred  fiv billion four  hundred ten million,  nin hundred  and  fiv thousand tw hundred  thirt reai and fifty  centavos  (R 205,410,905,230.50) divided  int thirteen  billion forty- fou million fou hundred  ninety-si thousand nine  hundred  and thirty (13,044,496,930)   non-par   shares,   of  which   seven   billion,   four   hundred forty-tw million four  hundred  fifty-fou thousand on hundred  and  forty- tw (7,442,454,142)  ar commo share an fiv billion si hundre twmillion,  forty-tw thousand,   seve  hundre  and   eighty-eigh(5,602,042,788 ar preferre shares






(ii)       ES i closely-hel company with  full subscribed  an pai up  capital in   the   amount    of    eighty-seven    million,    three    hundred    eighty-seven thousand seve hundre sixtee reai and  ninety centavos (R$87,387,716.19) divided  into eigh million,  seve hundre thirty-eight thousand seve hundred  and seventy-one  (8,738,771 non-par  registered commo shares



(iii)       PETROBRAS  retain al the  shares  issued  by  EST representing  100 of it voting  and total  capital making  th latter  wholly-owne PETROBRAS subsidiary



(iv)      The  PARTIES  intend  t undertak merge operation  through  whic EST wil be  merged  into  PETROBRAS,  and th former  wil be  legall dissolved, with   PETROBRAS   succeeding   EST   in   all   its   rights   and   obligations, pursuant   to   Article   227   of   Law   6404   of   December   15,   1976   (La6404/7);



(v)       The merge o EST into PETROBRA wil simplif the  latter corporate structur through  the  consolidation withi PETROBRAS,  o the assets owne by EST  located  in th Ri d Janeir Petrochemical  Complex (“COMPERJ) wit consequen reductio in PETROBRAS’  management costs  and  th rationalization  of  its  activities



(vi)      The   merger    of    EST   will   not    entail    an    increase    in   the   capital    of PETROBRAS  and  wil no impac its  results no wil it entai any impac on investors sinc EST  i wholly-owne PETROBRA subsidiary







(vii)      The  merger  wil not  affec the  pric of  PETROBRAS’  securities no wil it prevent   investors   from   buying,   selling   or   retaining   said   securities,   or exercising  any  rights  entitled  to  the as  th owner o sai securities



(viii)     In  lin wit PETROBRAS’  Busines and  Managemen Plan  for  2013-2017 (“Busines Plan”) thi operation  favor (a) the reallocatio o investment funds (b) improve integration  between  the activities  o the petrochemical asset owne by  PETROBRAS  and  allocated  to EST an constituting COMPERJ an th other  businesse o th Petrobras  System withi the strateg o integrate growth  by  2020 and  (c the  continuing  restructuring and optimizatio o PETROBRAS’  petrochemica portfolio



(ix)      The  merge of  EST  into  PETROBRAS  wil allow  mor flexibility  i regar to new investments  and  permi the mor efficien executio o PETROBRAS’ strategi decisions therefor benefitin PETROBRAS’  corporate interests and shareholders an



(x)      The  merge o EST  into  PETROBRAS  i subjec to approval  by the shareholder o PETROBRAS  an EST



The  PARTIES  agree  t sign  thi Protocol  and  Justificatio o Merge (“Protoco and  Justification”) in complianc with  Articles  224,  225  an 227  of  La 6404/7 and Instruction   319   of   December   3,   1999,   issued   by   the   Brazilian   Securities   and Exchang Commissio CVM  (“CVM  Instructio 319/99”) under  the  following  terms and conditions






1.1.    Proposed  Operation The  operatio consists  of  the merge o EST  into PETROBRAS wit th ful transfe of  EST shareholders’  equity appraise at  its book value to  PETROBRAS  (“Operation”  or  Merger”)







1.1.1. A resul o th Operation EST  wil be  legall dissolve and PETROBRA wil succeed  EST  in al it rights  an obligations pursuan to Articl 22 o La 6404/76. 



1.2.     Th appraisal  of  EST shareholders’  equity for  th purposes  o the  respective entries   in   PETROBRAS’   accounts,   was   conducted   at   its   book   value   by   the specialized  company  APSIS  CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA. nominate in ite 2.1.,  on th Merge Referenc Date  establishe i item  2.2 of  thi Protoco and Justification pursuant  to  the  criteri for  preparin financia statements  envisaged  in Law 6404/76  an CVM  Instructio 319/09



1.3.     The   balances   of   ESTs   credit   and   debt   accounts   will   be   transferred   to  PETROBRAS’  book following  th necessar adjustments



1.4.     Th assets rights  an obligations  makin up  EST shareholders’  equit t be transferre to  PETROBRAS  ar thos described  i detai i th appraisal  report,  at thei book  value



1.5.     Th management  of  PETROBRAS  wil b responsibl for  carryin ou al the act necessar t implement  the Merger and  wil bear  al th cost an expenses resultin fro sai implementation. 



1.6.     Justification   of   the   Operation.   The   Operation   will   simplify   the   corporate structure   of   PETROBRAS   through   th consolidation,   withi PETROBRAS,   of   the asset makin u COMPERJ currentl allocate to  EST in order  to  integrat the petrochemical   assets   making   up   COMPERJ   with   the   other   businesses   of   the Petrobras   system,   under   the   strategy   of   integrated   growth   by  2020,  aiming   to continu th proces of  restructurin an optimizin of  PETROBRAS’  petrochemical portfolio.  The  Operatio wil als permi a reduction  i PETROBRAS’  management costs  an the rationalizatio of  its  activities an wil simplify the reallocation  of investment  fund under  th Busines Plan




1.7.     Given  tha PETROBRAS  retain on hundred  percen (100% o the shares representing  EST capita stock the  proposed  Merger  wil no entai any changes  in PETROBRAS’  capital sinc PETROBRAS’  financia statements  already  consolidate ESTs   accounts






2.1.   Th nomination  and  appointmen of  the specialize compan APSIS CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕE LTDA.,  headquartere at  Ru da  Assemblei nº  35 12º  andar in the  city  an stat of  Ri de  Janeir and  inscribed  in th rol of corporate  taxpayer (CNPJ unde no 08.681.365/0001-30,  as  the company responsibl fo preparin th appraisal  repor on EST shareholders’  equit to  be transferre t PETROBRAS  (“Appraisa Report”) wil b ratifie by  resolutio of  a PETROBRAS  Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting pursuant  to  Articl 22 o Law  6404/76



2.2.     APSIS  CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA.  i compan specializing  in appraisals having  proceeded,  by reques o th managemen o th PARTIES,  (i to appraise   EST shareholders’   equity at  its  boo valuebased  o EST balance shee on Marc 31,  2013  (Merger  Referenc Date) thu constitutin the  amoun of shareholders’   equity   to   btransferred   to   PETROBRAS,   and   (ii)   to   prepare   the Appraisal    Report,    attached    hereto   as   Exhibit   I,   subject   to  the   approval    of PETROBRAS’  shareholders pursuant  to th law




3.1.     Accordin t th appraisa and  the  resulting  Appraisal  Report,  the  amoun of EST shareholders’  equit to  be  transferre to PETROBRAS  i R 87,309,966.47  as per Claus Four  below




3.2.     The   substitution   of   PETROBRAS’   investments   in   EST   by   the   assets   and liabilitie i EST balanc shee wil no entai an change in PETROBRAS’ shareholders’  equity






4.1.     Shareholders’  equit variations  recorded  between  th Merge Referenc Date and  the   effective   Merger   date   will   remain   recorded   in  ESTs   books   and   will   be absorbed  by  PETROBRAS  and  transferre to its  books in stric adherenc to the amounts establishe herei for  the  implementation  o th Merger






5.1.     Sinc ES i wholly-owned  PETROBRA subsidiary the  Merger  wil not resul i th cancellatio or  issue  of  ne PETROBRAS  shares no wil i entai any change i th value  of  its  capital  stock Therefore a the  end  of  the  Merger the capital  stoc of  PETROBRA wil remai unchange at  tw hundred  five billion,  four hundre te million,  nine  hundred  an fiv thousand,  tw hundre thirty reai and fifty centavos  (R$ 205,410,905,230.50) divided  into  thirteen  billion forty-four  million,  four hundred   ninety-six   thousand,   nine   hundred   and   thirty   (13,044,496,930)   non-par shares of  whic seve billion four  hundred  forty-tw million four  hundred  fifty-four thousand on hundred  and  forty-tw (7,442,454,142)  ar common  share and  five billion si hundre tw million,  forty-tw thousand seven  hundre an eighty-eight (5,602,042,788 ar preferre shares Consequently PETROBRAS’  Bylaw wil not be amended



5.2.     As  resul o the  Merger al share issued  by  ES wil b cancelled,  based  oArticl 226,  paragraph  o La 6404/76. 




5.3.     As  resul o the  Merger EST  wil be  legall dissolved its  lega existence through  the  filin o it Article o Incorporatio wit th Registr of  Commerc will cease,  and  i wil b succeede i al its  right an obligations  by  PETROBRAS. 






6.1.     Board o Director and  Fisca Councils I complianc with  Articl 163 item III,  o Law  6404/76,  th respectiv Fiscal  Council of  PETROBRAS  an EST  will issu thei opinio on the Operation an the  respectiv Board of  Director of PETROBRAS    and    EST    will    also   acknowledge    the    Operation    and   call    the Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meetings  t resolv o the  Operation. 



6.2.     Extraordinary   Shareholders’   Meetings.   To   implement   the   Operation,   the respectiv Extraordinar Shareholders Meetings  of  PETROBRAS  and EST will be called pursuan to  the  term an othe procedures  established  b the  law






7.1.     Sinc EST  i wholl owne PETROBRAS  subsidiary th provisions  related to (i th exchang ratio;  (ii the  reimbursemen o EST shareholders and  (iii the need to  prepar an  appraisa repor of  ES at  marke prices  (Articl 26 o Law  6404/76 wil no apply



7.2.     Documents  Availabl to Shareholders I complianc with  Articl o CVM Instruction    319/99,   all   documents    mentioned    herein    will   be   available   to   the shareholder of  PETROBRAS  a fro thi date  and ma be  consulte a its headquarter and  o its  website  (www.petrobras.com) and  o the  websites  of  the CVM  an the  BM&FBOVESPA  Securities Commodities  and  Futures  Exchange




IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the  partie execute  thi Protocol  and  Justificatio i two (2)  counterpart of  identica content  an for and  for a sam purpose,  befor th two undersigned  witnesses



Ri de  Janeiro,  Jun 3,   2013








Patric Horbac Fairo


Executiv Manage o Abastecimento-Petroquímic








SergiMartinBezerra   LaertRochPires
ExecutivOfficer   ExecutivOfficer
Fernando LuiAffonso   JoãEduardde S. Freixinho
RG04466901-IFP/RJ   RG118934207 IFP/RJ
CPF620.488.727-0     CPF074.564.427-97






























Fiscal Council OPINION

The Fiscal Council of Comperj Meg S.A. (“MEG”), in the exercise of its legal and statutory duties, in a meeting held today, has considered the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, taken in Meeting No. 33, of June 17, 2013, with the purpose of submitting for deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM a motion for the incorporation of MEG into Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. ("Petrobras").

Based on (i) the content of the documents that were sent to this Fiscal Council, (ii) the conditions of incorporation presented in the Protocol and Justification of merger signed on June 03, 2013, and (iii) the Valuation Report Equity book prepared by Apsis Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda., position as of March 31, 2013, the Fiscal Council favors the approval of the merger of MEG by PETROBRAS, to be submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting – EGM of MEG.


Rio de Janeiro, June 24, 2013.


Amós da Silva Cancio


Gilvan da Silva Dantas


Maria Roma de Freitas













Entere int b




I.      PETRÓLEO   BRASILEIRO   S.A PETROBRAS,    mixed-capital   joint  stock corporation  headquartered  at Avenida  Repúblic do  Chile,  nº  65,  Centro in the city and stat o Ri de  Janeiro inscribe in the  rol o corporat taxpayers (CNPJ/MF)    under    no.    33.000.167/0001-01,    hereinafter    referred    to    as  PETROBRAS ; an



II.     COMPER MEG  S.A.,  corporation  headquartere at  Avenida  Repúblic do Chile,  nº 65 20º  andar Parte,  Centro i the  city  and state  o Ri d Janeiro, inscribed    in    the    roll    of    corporate    taxpayers    (CNPJ/MF)    under    no10.693.983/0001-42,  herei represente by  its  dul authorized  representativehereinafter  referred  to  as MEG”  or  Merged  Company



PETROBRAS  and  ME ar hereinafter  referred  to,  jointly a PARTIES an eacof them separately as  PARTY







(i)        PETROBRAS  i mixed-capita joint-stoc company wit full subscribed an pai u capital  in th amount  of  tw hundred  fiv billion four  hundred te million nin hundre and  fiv thousand,  tw hundred  thirty reai and fift centavo (R 205,410,905,230.50) divide into  thirteen  billion forty- four  million fou hundred  ninety-si thousand nine hundred  an thirty (13,044,496,930)   non-pa shares of  whic seve billion fou hundred forty-tw million,  fou hundred  fifty-fou thousand on hundred  and forty- tw (7,442,454,142)  ar commo share an fiv billion,  si hundre twmillion,  forty-tw thousand,   seve  hundre  and   eighty-eigh(5,602,042,788)  ar preferred  shares






(ii)       MEis    closely-held   company,   with    full subscribed   and   paid   up capita in th amoun of  seventy-si million,  nine  hundred  sixty-four thousand,  fiv reai and  twenty-si centavos  (R$76,964,005.26) divided into seven  million,  si hundred  ninety-si thousand  and fou hundred (7,696,400 non-par  registere common  shares



(iii)       PETROBRAS  retain al th shares  issued  by  MEG representin 100% o its voting  and  tota capital making  the  latte a wholly-owned PETROBRAS  subsidiary


(iv)      The   PARTIES   intend   to  undertake    merger   operation   through   which ME wil be merged  into  PETROBRAS an th forme wil be legally dissolved wit PETROBRA succeeding  MEG  in all its  rights  and obligations pursuan t Articl 22 of  La 640 o Decembe 15,  1976 (“La 6404/76”)



(v)       Th merger  o MEG  int PETROBRAS  wil simplif th latter’ corporate structur through  th consolidation withi PETROBRAS of  the assets owned  by MEG located  i th Ri d Janeir Petrochemical  Complex (“COMPERJ”),   with   consequent   reduction   in   PETROBRAS’ management  costs  and  the  rationalization  of  its  activities



(vi)      The   merger   of   MEG   will   not   entail   an   increase   in   the   capital   of PETROBRAS  an wil not  impac its  results nor  wil i entai an impact o investors sinc ME i wholly-owned  PETROBRAS  subsidiary






(vii)      Th merge wil not  affec th pric o PETROBRAS’  securities nor  wil it preven investor fro buying selling  or retainin said securities or exercising  an right entitle to  the a the  owner of  sai securities



(viii)     In line  with  PETROBRAS’  Busines and Management  Plan  for  2013-2017 (“Busines Plan) thi operation  favor (a th reallocation  of investment funds (b)  improved  integration  betwee the activitie of  th petrochemical assets  owned  by  PETROBRAS  and  allocated  to MEG and  constituting COMPERJ and  the other  businesse of  th PETROBRAS  System within th strateg o integrated  growth  by  2020 and  (c the continuing restructuring  and  optimizatio o PETROBRAS’  petrochemica portfolio



(ix)      Th merger  o MEG  into  PETROBRAS  wil allow  mor flexibility  i regard to   new investments  and permi th mor efficient  executio of PETROBRAS’  strategi decisions therefor benefiting PETROBRAS’ corporate  interests  an shareholders and 



(x)      Th merger  o MEG  int PETROBRAS  is subjec to  approva b the shareholder of  PETROBRAS  and  MEG



Th PARTIES  agree  to sign thi Protoco and Justification  o Merger  (Protoco an Justification”) i complianc with  Articles  224,  22 an 22 of  Law 6404/76 and Instruction   319   of   December   3,   1999,   issued   by   the   Brazilian   Securities   and Exchange   Commission   –  CVM   (CVM   Instruction   319/99”),   under   thfollowing term and  conditions







1.1.    Propose Operation The  operation  consist o the merger  o MEG  into PETROBRAS,  with  the  ful transfer  o MEG shareholders’  equity appraise at  its boo value,  to  PETROBRA (“Operation”  o Merger)







1.1.1. As resul o the  Operation,  MEG  wil be  legall dissolved  and PETROBRAS  wil succeed  MEG  i al it rights  an obligations pursuan to Articl 227  of  Law  6404/76



1.2.     The   appraisal   of   MEGs   shareholders’   equity,   for   the   purposes   of   the respectiv entries  i PETROBRAS’  accounts wa conducted  at  its  book  value  by th specialized   company  APSIS   CONSULTORIA    AVALIAÇÕES   LTDA., nominate i item  2.1.,  on  the  Merge Referenc Dat establishe i ite 2.2 of thi Protoco and  Justification,  pursuant  to the  criteri for  preparin financial statements  envisaged  i Law  6404/7 and  CV Instructio 319/09. 



1.3.     The   balances   of   MEGs   credit   and   debt   accounts   will   be   transferred   tPETROBRAS’  book following  the  necessar adjustments



1.4.     The  assets right an obligation making  up  MEG shareholders’  equit to b transferred  t PETROBRAS  ar thos described  i detai i th appraisal  report, a thei boo value. 



1.5.     The  managemen o PETROBRAS  wil b responsibl fo carrying  ou al the acts  necessar t implement  th Merger and  wil bea al the  cost and  expenses resulting  from  sai implementation. 



1.6.     Justification   of   the   Operation.   The   Operation   will   simplify   the   corporate structur o PETROBRAS  throug the  consolidation,  withi PETROBRAS,  of the assets  makin up  COMPERJ currentl allocated  to  MEG i order  to  integrat the petrochemical  assets  making  up COMPER with  th othe businesses  o the PETROBRAS  system under  the strateg of  integrated  growt b 2020 aimin to continu the  proces o restructurin and optimizing  o PETROBRAS’  petrochemical portfolio Th Operatio wil als permi reductio i PETROBRAS’  management cost and  the rationalizatio of  its  activities and  wil simplif the  reallocatio of investmen funds  unde the  Busines Plan. 







1.7.     Give that  PETROBRA retain on hundred  percent  (100% of  the  shares representin MEG capital  stock th proposed  Merge wil not  entai an changes i PETROBRAS’   capital sinc PETROBRAS’  financial  statements  already consolidat MEGs   accounts






2.1.   The  nominatio an appointmen o the specialized  compan APSIS CONSULTORIA  AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA.,  headquartere a Rua  da  Assemblei nº  35,  12º  andar i the  city  an state  of  Ri d Janeir an inscribed  in th rol of corporate  taxpayer (CNPJ under  no.  08.681.365/0001-30 a the company responsibl for  preparin the  appraisal  repor on  MEG shareholders’  equit t be transferred  to  PETROBRAS  (Appraisa Report”) wil b ratified  b a resolutio o a PETROBRAS  Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting pursuan t Articl 22 of  Law  6404/76. 



2.2.     APSI CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA i company  specializing  in appraisals havin proceeded,  b reques o the management  of  the  PARTIES,  (i to apprais MEG shareholders’  equity at  it book  value,  base on  MEG balance sheet  o marc 31,  201 (Merger  Referenc Date) thus  constitutin th amount o shareholders’  equity  t be transferre t PETROBRAS,  an (ii to  prepar the Appraisal  Report,  attache heret as Exhibit  I, subjec to  th approva of PETROBRAS’  shareholders pursuan to  the  law




3.1.     According  t th appraisal  and  th resulting  Appraisa Report th amoun of MEG shareholders’  equity to b transferre to PETROBRAS  i R 76.880.514,68  , a pe Claus Four  below





3.2.     The  substitution  of  PETROBRAS’  investments  i MEG  by th assets  and liabilities  i MEG balanc sheet  wil no entai any changes  in PETROBRAS’ shareholders’  equity




4.1.     Shareholders’   equity   variations   recorded   between   the   Merger   Reference Date  and  th effectiv Merger  dat wil remai recorded  in MEG book and  wil be absorbe b PETROBRAS  and  transferre t its  books i stric adherenc t the amount established  herei for  th implementatio of  the  Merger






5.1.     Sinc MEG  i wholly-owne PETROBRA subsidiary th Merge wil not resul in the cancellation  o issu of  new  PETROBRA shares no wil i entai any changes  i the  value  of  its  capital  stock Therefore,  a the  end  of  the  Merger the capita stoc of PETROBRAS  wil remai unchange at tw hundred  five billion four hundred  ten  million nin hundred  and  fiv thousand tw hundred  thirty  reai and fifty   centavos   (R$   205,410,905,230.50),   divided   into   thirteen   billion,   forty-four million,  four  hundre ninety-si thousand nin hundred  and thirt (13,044,496,930) non-par  shares o which seven billion,  four hundred  forty-tw million four hundred fifty-four  thousand one  hundred  and  forty-tw (7,442,454,142)  ar common  shares an fiv billion,  si hundred  tw million,  forty-tw thousand seven  hundre and eighty-eight  (5,602,042,788)  are preferred  shares Consequently PETROBRAS’ Bylaw wil not  be  amended. 


5.2.     As  resul of  the  Merger al share issued  b MEG  wil be  cancelled based o Articl 226 paragrap o La 6404/76






5.3.     As  resul of  the  Merger MEG  wil be  legall dissolved,  it lega existence through  the  filing  of  its  Article of  Incorporation  with  th Registr of  Commerc will cease and  i wil be  succeeded  i al its  rights  and  obligation b PETROBRAS. 






6.1.     Boards  of  Director an Fisca Councils In  complianc with  Articl 163 item III, of  La 6404/76,  th respectiv Fisca Council of  PETROBRAS  an MEG  will issue  their opinio o the Operation and  the respectiv Boards  of  Director of PETROBRAS  and  ME wil als acknowledg th Operatio and cal the Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting t resolv on  the  Operation



6.2.    Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meetings To implemen th Operation,  the respectiv Extraordinar Shareholders Meetings  o PETROBRAS  an MEG  will be called,  pursuan to  th terms  and  other  procedure establishe by  th law







7.1.     Since   MEG   is   a   wholly   owned   PETROBRAS   subsidiary,   the   provisions relate to  (i the  exchang ratio (ii the reimbursemen o MEG shareholders and (iii) the nee to  prepar an  appraisal  repor o MEG  at market  price (Articl 26 of La 6404/76 wil no apply



7.2.     Document Availabl t Shareholders I complianc with  Articl o CVM Instruction  319/99 al documents  mentioned  herei wil b availabl to the shareholder o PETROBRAS  a fro thi dat and  may b consulted  a its headquarter and  o its  website  (www.petrobras.com) and  o the  websites  of  the CVM  an the  BM&FBOVESPA  Securities Commoditie an Future Exchange






IN WITNESS  WHEREOF th partie execute  thi Protoco an Justification  i two (2 counterparts  of  identical  conten an for and  for  sam purpose befor the tw undersigned  witnesses



Ri d Janeiro June  3 2012







Patric Horbac Fairo


Executiv Manager  of   Abastecimento-Petroquímic







SergiMartinBezerra   LaertRochPires
ExecutivOfficer   ExecutivOfficer
Fernando LuiAffonso   JoãEduardde S. Freixinho
RG04466901-IFP/RJ   RG118934207 IFP/RJ
CPF620.488.727-0     CPF074.564.427-97





























Fiscal Council OPINION

The Fiscal Council of Comperj Poliolefinas S.A. ("POL"), in the exercise of its legal and statutory duties, in a meeting held today, has considered the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, taken in Meeting No. 34, of June 17, 2013, with the purpose of submitting for deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM a motion for the incorporation of POL into Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. ("Petrobras").

Based on (i) the content of the documents that were sent to this Fiscal Council, (ii) the conditions of incorporation presented in the Protocol and Justification of merger signed on June 03, 2013, and (iii) the Valuation Report Equity book prepared by Apsis Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda., position as of March 31, 2013, the Fiscal Council favors the approval of the merger of POL by PETROBRAS, to be submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting – EGM of POL.


Rio de Janeiro, June 24, 2013.


Amós da Silva Cancio


Gilvan da Silva Dantas


Maria Roma de Freitas













Entered  int b





I.      PETRÓLEO   BRASILEIRO   S.A.   -   PETROBRAS,   a mixed-capital   joint   stock corporation  headquartered  at Avenid Repúblic d Chile,  nº  65,  Centro in the city an stat o Ri d Janeiro,  inscribed  i th rol o corporat taxpayers (CNPJ/MF)    under    no.    33.000.167/0001-01,     hereinafter    referred    to    aPETROBRAS ; and 



II.   COMPER POLIOLEFINA S.A.,  a corporation  headquartere at  Avenida Repúblic do  Chile,  nº  65 20º  andar Parte,  Centro i the  cit and  state  of  Rio d Janeiro,  inscribe i th rol o corporat taxpayer (CNPJ/MF under  no.  10.686.018/0001-42,  herei represented  b it dul authorized  representative,  hereinafter  referred  to  as  POL”  o Merged  Company



PETROBRAS  an PO ar hereinafter  referre to,  jointly as  PARTIES and  eac of  them separately as  PARTY






(i)        PETROBRAS  i mixed-capital  joint-stoc company wit full subscribed an pai u capita i the  amoun o tw hundre fiv billion,  fou hundred ten million nin hundre an fiv thousand,  tw hundred  thirt reai and fifty  centavo (R 205,410,905,230.50) divide int thirtee billion,  forty- four  million fou hundre ninety-si thousand,  nin hundred  and thirty (13,044,496,930)   non-par   shares,   owhich   seven   billion,   four   hundred forty-tw million,  fou hundred  fifty-four  thousand,  one  hundre an forty- tw (7,442,454,142 ar commo shares  and  fiv billion,  si hundre twmillion,  forty-tw  thousand seven   hundred   an  eighty-eight  (5,602,042,788)  ar preferred  shares





(ii)       PO i closely-hel company wit full subscribe an pai u capital i the amount  of  si hundred  fifty-one  million seventy-fiv thousand,  three hundred  sixty-fiv reais and ninet centavo (R$651,075,365.90) divided into sixty-fiv thousand,  one hundre seve thousand,  five hundre and thirty-si (65,107,536)  non-pa registered  common  shares



(iii)       PETROBRAS  retains  al the  shares  issued  b POL representing  100%  of its  votin an tota capital makin the  latte a wholly-owned  PETROBRAS subsidiary



(iv)      The  PARTIE intend  t undertak merger  operatio through  whic POL wil be merge int PETROBRAS,  and  th forme wil be legall dissolved, with   PETROBRAS   succeeding   POL   in   all   its   rights   and   obligations, pursuant   to   Article   227   of   Law   6404   of   December   15,   1976   (La6404/7”);



(v)       The  merge of  PO into  PETROBRAS  wil simplify the latter corporate structur throug th consolidation,  withi PETROBRAS of  the assets owned  by PO located  in the  Ri de  Janeir Petrochemical  Complex (“COMPERJ”) with  consequent  reductio in PETROBRAS’  management costs  an the  rationalizatio o it activities



(vi)      The   merger    of   POL    will    not   entail    an   increase    in   the   capital    of PETROBRAS  an wil not  impac its  results nor  wil i entai any impac on investors sinc PO i wholly-owne PETROBRAS  subsidiary





(vii)      The  merge wil no affec the  pric of  PETROBRAS’  securities nor  wil it prevent   investors   from   buying,   selling   or   retaining   said   securities,   or exercisin any  rights  entitled  to them  a the  owner of  sai securities



(viii)     In  line  with  PETROBRAS’  Busines an Management  Pla fo 2013-2017 (“Busines Plan”) thi operatio favor (a) th reallocation  of  investment funds (b improved  integration  between  the activities  of  the  petrochemical assets  owne by PETROBRAS  and  allocate to POL and  constituting COMPERJ an th othe businesses  o th PETROBRAS  System,  within the strateg of  integrate growt by 2020 an (c) the continuing restructuring  an optimizatio of  PETROBRAS’  petrochemica portfolio



(ix)      The  merger  of  PO into  PETROBRAS  wil allo mor flexibilit i regar to ne investments  an permi the mor efficien execution  of  PETROBRAS’ strategi decisions therefor benefiting PETROBRAS’  corporate interests an shareholders and 



(x)      The  merger  of  PO int PETROBRAS  i subjec to  approva by the shareholder o PETROBRAS  and  POL; 



The  PARTIE agre t sig thi Protocol  an Justificatio o Merger  (Protocol  an Justification”) in complianc with Article 224 225 and  227 of Law 6404/76  and Instruction   319   of   December   3,   1999,   issued   by   the   Brazilian   Securities   and Exchange  Commission  (CVM)  (CVM  Instructio 319/99”) under  the following  terms an conditions






1.1.    Propose Operation Th operation  consists  o the merge of  PO into PETROBRAS,  with  the  ful transfer  o POL shareholders’  equity appraise at  its boo value,  to PETROBRA (“Operation”  or  Merger”)






1.1.1. As resul of  the  Operation,  PO wil b legall dissolved  and PETROBRAS  wil succee PO in al its  right an obligations pursuan to Articl 227  of  La 6404/76



1.2.     The  appraisa o POL shareholders’  equity fo th purposes  of  th respective entries   in   PETROBRAS’   accounts,   was   conducted   at   its   book   value   by   the specialized  company  APSI CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕE LTDA.,  nominated  in item  2.1.,  o the  Merger  Referenc Date  established  in ite 2.2.  of  thi Protocol  and Justification,  pursuan to  th criteri fo preparing  financial  statement envisaged  in La 6404/7 and  CVM  Instructio 319/09. 



1.3.     The   balances   of   POLs   credit   and   debt   accounts   will   be   transferred   tPETROBRAS’  book followin the  necessar adjustments



1.4.     The  assets rights  an obligation making  up  POL shareholders’  equit to  be transferred  to  PETROBRAS  ar thos described  i detai i the  appraisal  report,  at thei boo value. 



1.5.     The  managemen o PETROBRAS  wil be  responsibl fo carryin ou al the acts  necessar t implement  the  Merger an wil bea al the  costs  and  expenses resultin from  sai implementation



1.6.     Justification   of   the   Operation.   The   Operation   will   simplify   the   corporate structure   of   PETROBRAS   through   the  consolidation,   withi PETROBRAS,   of   the assets  making  u COMPERJ currentl allocated  to POL in orde to integrate  the petrochemical  assets  making  up COMPER with th other  businesses  o the PETROBRAS  system unde the  strategy  of  integrated  growt by 2020 aiming  to continue  the  proces o restructuring  and  optimizing  o PETROBRAS’  petrochemical portfolio Th Operation  wil als permi a reductio i PETROBRAS’  management costs  and  th rationalization  of its  activities and  wil simplif the  reallocatio of investment  funds  unde th Busines Plan. 





1.7.     Give tha PETROBRAS  retains  one  hundred  percent  (100% of  the shares representin POL capital  stock th propose Merge wil not  entai any change in PETROBRAS’  capital sinc PETROBRAS’  financial  statements  alread consolidate POLs   accounts






2.1.   The  nominatio an appointment  o the specialized  company  APSIS CONSULTORIA  AVALIAÇÕES  LTDA. headquartered  at  Rua  da  Assemblei nº 

35,  12º  andar i th city and state  o Ri d Janeir an inscribe in the  rol of corporate  taxpayer (CNPJ under  no.  08.681.365/0001-30 as th company responsibl for  preparing  the  appraisa repor on POL shareholders’  equit t be transferred  to  PETROBRAS  (“Appraisal  Report) wil be  ratified  b resolution  o a PETROBRAS  Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting pursuant  to  Articl 227  of  La6404/76


2.2.     APSI CONSULTORI AVALIAÇÕE LTDA.  i company  specializing  in appraisals having  proceeded,  by reques of  the  management  of  the PARTIES,  (i) to apprais POL shareholders’   equity a its  book  value,  based  o POL balance sheet  on Marc 31 201 (“Merge Referenc Date”) thus  constituting  th amount  of shareholders’   equity   to  be  transferred   to   PETROBRAS,   and   (ii)  to  prepare   the Appraisal    Report,    attached    hereto   as   Exhibit   I,   subject    to   the   approval    of PETROBRAS’  shareholders pursuan to  the  law




3.1.     According  to  the  appraisal  an th resultin Appraisa Report the  amount  of POL shareholders’  equit t be  transferre t PETROBRAS  i R 651,207,551.15 a pe Claus Four  below






3.2.     The   substitution   of   PETROBRAS’   investments   in   POL   by   the   assets   and liabilities  in POL balanc sheet  wil not  entai any  changes  in PETROBRAS’ shareholders’  equity






4.1.     Shareholders’  equit variation recorded  between  th Merge Referenc Date and   the   effective   Merger   date   will   remain   recorded   in  POLs   books   and   will   be absorbed  by PETROBRA an transferred  t its  books i stric adherenc to  the amounts  established  herei fo th implementatio of  the  Merger






5.1.     Sinc PO i wholly-owne PETROBRAS  subsidiary th Merge wil not resul i the  cancellation  o issu o ne PETROBRAS  shares no wil i entai any changes  i the  valu o its  capita stock Therefore,  at  th en o the  Merger the capital  stoc of  PETROBRAS  wil remai unchanged  a tw hundre fiv billion four hundred  ten  million nin hundred  and  fiv thousand tw hundre thirty reai and  fifty centavo (R 205,410,905,230.50) divide int thirtee billion,  forty-fou million four hundred   ninety-six   thousand,   nine   hundred   and   thirty   (13,044,496,930)   non-par shares o whic seven  billion,  fou hundre forty-tw million,  fou hundred  fifty-four thousand,  one  hundred  and  forty-tw (7,442,454,142 ar commo shares  an five billion,  si hundred  two million forty-tw thousand seven  hundred  and  eighty-eight (5,602,042,788)  ar preferre shares Consequently PETROBRAS’  Bylaw wil not b amended. 



5.2.     As  resul of  th Merger al shares  issued  b PO wil be  cancelled based  oArticl 226 paragrap of  La 6404/76






5.3.     As  resul of  th Merger PO wil b legall dissolved,  it lega existence throug th filing  of  its  Articles  of  Incorporatio with  the  Registr of  Commerc will cease,  an i wil be  succeeded  i al its  rights  and  obligations  b PETROBRAS. 






6.1.     Boards  of  Director and  Fiscal  Councils In  complianc with  Articl 163,  item III, of  Law  6404/76 the  respectiv Fisca Council of  PETROBRAS  an PO will issue  thei opinion  on the Operation,  and  th respectiv Boards  of  Director of PETROBRAS    and   POL    will    also   acknowledge    the    Operation    and   call    the Extraordinar Shareholders’  Meeting to resolv o th Operation



6.2.     Extraordinary   Shareholders’   Meetings.   To   implement   the   Operation,   the respectiv Extraordinar Shareholders Meeting o PETROBRAS  and PO wil be called,  pursuant  to  th terms  and  other  procedure establishe by  th law






7.1.     Sinc PO i wholl owne PETROBRAS  subsidiary th provision related to (i the  exchang ratio;  (ii the  reimbursemen of  POL shareholders and  (iii the nee t prepar an  appraisa repor o PO a market  price (Articl 26 of  La6404/76 wil not  apply



7.2.     Document Availabl to  Shareholders I complianc with  Articl 3 of CVM Instruction    319/99,   all   documents   mentioned    herein   will   be   available   to   the shareholder o PETROBRAS  as  from  thi date  and  may b consulted  at  its headquarter an on  its  website  (www.petrobras.com) an on  the  website o the CVM  and  th BM&FBOVESPA  Securities Commoditie an Future Exchange





IN WITNES WHEREOF the  parties  execute  thi Protoco an Justification  i two (2 counterparts  of  identical  content  an for an fo a same  purpose befor the  two undersigned  witnesses



Ri de  Janeiro,  June  3 2013. 







Patric Horbac Fairon 


Executiv Manage of   Abastecimento-Petroquímic







SergiMartinBezerra   LaertRochPires
ExecutivOfficer   ExecutivOfficer
Fernando LuiAffonso   JoãEduardde S. Freixinho
RG04466901-IFP/RJ   RG118934207 IFP/RJ
CPF620.488.727-0     CPF074.564.427-97































(CVM Instruction No. 481- Annex 21)





Annex 21

1. List the appraisers recommended by the manager

APSIS CONSULTORIA E AVALIAÇÕES Ltda, hereinafter referred to as APSIS, was designated to check the value of the net assets of: COMPERJ PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., COMPERJ POLIOLEFINAS S.A., COMPERJ ESTIRÊNICOS S.A., COMPERJ MEG S.A., to be absorbed by PETROBRAS.

2. Describe the qualification of recommended appraisers

APSIS, since it is a consulting firm, registered before CRC under No. CRC/RJ-005112/O-9, is qualified to issue an appraisal report at book value according the rules in force. This report satisfies the specifications and criteria established by USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice), in addition to the requirements imposed by different agencies, such as: Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Brazil, Banco do Brasil, CVM – Securities and Exchange Commission, SUSEP – Private Insurance Supervisory Board, RIR – Income Tax Regulation etc.

APSIS has already performed similar services to PETROBRAS.

3. Provide copies of the work offers and compensation of recommended appraisers

See below

4. Describe any relevant existing relationship in the last three (3) years between the recommended appraisers and the parties related to the company, such as defined by the accounting rules providing for such matter

The advisors are not interested, directly or indirectly, in the companies involved or in the transaction, and there is no other relevant circumstance that may be regarded as conflict of interests.
















Dear Shareholders,

The Board of Directors of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras (“Company”) hereby presents, in relation to the merger of Sociedade Fluminense de Energia LTDA. (“SFE”) into Petrobras, item VI of the Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 09/30/2013, the following information to the Shareholders:

SFE, located at Rodovia Presidente Dutra, s/nº - Km 200, Jardim Maracanã, municipality of Seropédica, State of Rio de Janeiro, is a company belonging to the current shareholding structure of Petrobras System.

The maintenance of several administrative structures results in an increase of operating costs and loss of relevant synergies in the management of the matters of interest to the Company.

In this scenario, taking into account the intent to rationalize costs and increase the businesses, integrating assets, promoting synergy and economy to the System, the merger contributes to the management shared between the Power Plan Barbosa Lima Sobrinho and the Power Plant Baixada Fluminense under construction, being an strategy of the Power and Gas area to better conduct its activities and management policies.

Since the Company is the holder of one hundred percent (100%) of the shares of the capital stock of SFE, the capital stock will not be affected, to the extent that its financial statements already consolidate the accounting records of the company to be absorbed.

At last, the purpose of the merger is to transfer all assets, rights and obligations of SFE to the Company and is part of a process of reorganization whose goal is to simplify the shareholding structure, reduce costs, manage the assets involved in a more efficient manner and establish a better relationship with the regulatory agents, especially ANEEL.




Thus, the Board of Directors submits for evaluation and resolution by this Extraordinary General Meeting, with the favorable opinion of the Audit Committee, the proposal of merger of SFE into Petrobras, in the form of a Protocol of Merger and Justification entered into between the Company and SFE and the corresponding Appraisal Report, as well as the other measures set forth in item VI of the Agenda contained in the Notice of Meeting.

Find attached to this Meeting handbook the relevant documents and information related to the exercise by the shareholder of voting rights, including information provided in CVM Instruction No. 481, Annex 21.

Maria das Graças Silva Foster
CEO of Petrobras







Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS' Fiscal Council, in the exercise of its duties under the law and the company’s by-laws, on meeting held on this date, has reviewed the decisions of the Company's Board of Directors (Meeting B.D. number 1.381, on 08.09.2013), in order to submit to deliberation the merger of SFE -Sociedade Fluminense de Energia into Petrobras at the Extraordinary General Meeting – EGM.

2. Based on the content of documents sent to this Council, and provided that EGM has not experienced since march 2012 tax loss carry forward, as reported in DIP TRIBUTÁRIO/ETR/TFM/RES 113/2013 (Internal Document) of 07.04.2013 and that the BRL$ 39 million negative goodwill, related to the shareholding buyout of SFE, due to other economic reasons and having special treatment regarding taxes, is not subject to amortization, and, therefore, it shall not bring tax impact on PETROBRAS, and also, based on the Appraisal Report of SFE’s Net Book Value, made by APSIS Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda. issued on July 17, 2013, which has verified a net book value in the amount of BRL$ 131,716,008.18 on base date of June 30, 2013, and in the merger conditions duly submitted in the Protocol and Justification of the Merger of SFE into PETROBRAS, it is the understanding of the Fiscal Council that since said operation complies with all of the legal formalities, and the required documentation submitted, it is in the interest of the Company and its shareholders to submit it for deliberation and vote by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of PETROBRAS.

Rio de Janeiro, August 9, 2013.

Marisete Fátima Dadaid Pereira

Paulo José dos Reis Souza

Reginaldo Ferreira Alexandre Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni
Director Director




Protocol and Justification of the Merger Company of

SFE - Sociedade Fluminense de Energia Ltda

into Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras


By and between

I. PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. – PETROBRAS, a publicly held company, with headquarters at Avenida República do Chile 65, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, enrolled with the National Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Finance (CNPJ) under No. 33.000.167/0001-01, herein duly represented by its attorney-in-fact Fernando Homem da Costa Filho, hereinafter referred to as “PETROBRAS”, or “Merger Company”; and

II. SFE – SOCIEDADE FLUMINENSE DE ENERGIA LTDA., limited liability company with headquarters at Rodovia Presidente Dutra, s/nº - km 200, Jardim Maracanã, Municipality of Seropédica, State of Rio de Janeiro, enrolled with the National Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Finance (CNPJ) under No. 02.754.200/0001-65, herein duly represented by its Articles of Organization, hereinafter referred to as “SFE” or “Merged Company”;

PETROBRAS and SFE shall be hereinafter referred to jointly as “PARTIES”, or individually as “PARTY”;


(i) PETROBRAS is a publicly held, mixed capital company, with fully subscribed and paid-up capital, in the amount of BRL$ 205,410,905,230.50 (two hundred and five billion four hundred and ten million, nine hundred and five thousand, two hundred and thirty reais and fifty cents), divided into 13,044,496,930 (thirteen billion, forty-four million four hundred ninety-six thousand, nine hundred and thirty) non par shares, being 7,442,454,142 (seven billion, four hundred forty-two million, four hundred and fifty-four thousand, one hundred forty-two) common shares and 5,602,042,788 (five billion, six hundred and two million, forty-two thousand, seven hundred eighty-eight) preferred shares;




(ii) SFE is a limited liability company, with fully subscribed and paid-up capital in the amount of BRL$ 55,555,745.00 (fifty-five million, five hundred fifty-five thousand seven hundred forty-five real), divided into 55,555,745 (fifty-five million, five hundred fifty-five thousand seven hundred forty-five) quotas of par value of BRL$1.00 (one Brazilian real), and its Articles of Organization provides the application of Law no. 6.404, of December 15, 1976 (“Law no. 6.404/76”);

(iii) PETROBRAS is the holder of all the shares issued by SFE, representing 100% of the total share capital of SFE, the latter being, therefore, a wholly owned subsidiary of PETROBRAS;

(iv) The PARTIES intend to undertake a merger transaction, through which SFE will be merged into Petrobras, with the exhaustion of all SFE’s rights, which will be fully succeeded in all its rights and obligations by PETROBRAS, all in accordance with Article 1116 of the Civil Code;

(v) The management of both companies has considered the best alternatives for conducting its activities and management policies, taking into account the intention to streamline costs and increase their business through the consolidation of its activities, taking into consideration that the maintenance of various administrative structures would lead to an increase in operating costs, and at the same time would result in loss of relevant synergies in conducting the affairs of its interest;

(vi) The merger of SFE by PETROBRAS will be submitted for approval by the shareholders of both companies.

NOW, THEREFORE, the PARTIES hereby establish and agree upon to enter this Protocol and Justification of Merger ("Protocol and Justification"), in accordance with Clause One of the Articles of Organization of SFE and Articles 224, 225 and 227 of Law at. 6.404/76, which the following terms and conditions will guide the proposed Merger to be submitted to their respective shareholders:





1.1. Proposed operation. The operation consists of the merger of the SFE by PETROBRAS, with the transfer of SFE’s full equity into PETROBRAS at book value ("Transaction" or "Merger").

1.1.1. As a result of the Transaction, SFE will be extinguished by operation of law, for all legal purposes, so that the Merger Company will fully succeed SFE in all its rights and obligations, all in accordance with Article 1116 of the Civil Code.

1.2. The assessment of SFE’s net equity, for the purposes of the respective accounting entries in PETROBRAS, was made at book value by the specialized company APSIS Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda. as indicated in item 2.1., on the base date established in section 2.2 of this Protocol and Justification, based on the criteria set out in the Civil Code and Law No. 6.404/76, relative to financial statements preparation.

1.3. The management of PETROBRAS will be responsible to perform all acts necessary for the implementation of the Merger, and bear all costs and expenses arising from such implementation.

1.4. Justification of Operation. PETROBRAS has assessed the best alternatives for conducting its activities and management policies, taking into account the intention to streamline costs and increase its business through the consolidation of its activities, taking into consideration that the maintenance of various administrative structures would lead to an increase in operating costs, and at the same time would result in loss of relevant synergies in conducting the affairs of its interest;

1.4.1. The merger aims at transferring all the assets, rights and obligations of SFE to PETROBRAS and is part of a corporate reorganization process whose goal is to simplify the corporate structure, reduce cost and provide a more efficient management of the assets involved.




1.4.2. Considering that Petrobras holds 100% (one hundred percent) of the shares representing the capital stock of SFE, the Merger Proposal will not lead into a change in the capital stock of Petrobras, in that the financial statements of Petrobras consolidate the accounting records of SFE.


2.1. The indication of the specialized company APSIS Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda., enrolled with the CNPJ under no. 08.681.365/0001-30, head offices at Rua da Assembleia 35, 12th floor, in the City of Rio de Janeiro – RJ, as responsible for the development of the accounting appraisal report of the Merged Company’s net equity to be transfer to PETROBRAS (“Accounting Appraisal Report”), must be approved by deliberation of SFE’s Members and Special General Meeting of PETROBRAS, in accordance with articles 1.117 and 1.118, both from Civil Code and article 227, of Law 6.404/76.

2.2. APSIS Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda. is a company specialized in accounting valuation that performed at the request of the administration of the PARTIES, (i) the assessment of the net equity of the SFE at book value, based on the information contained in the audited Balance Sheet of the SFE, on June 30, 2013 ("Merger Base Date"), which has verified the value of the net equity to be transferred to PETROBRAS, and (ii) the preparation of the Accounting Appraisal Report (Annex I to this Protocol and Justification), which shall be submitted to the prior review and approval of the shareholders of Petrobras under the law.


3.1. According to the assessment made in the Valuation Report, the book value of SFE’s net equity to be transferred to PETROBRAS is BRL$ 131,716,008.18 (one hundred thirty-one million, seven hundred and sixteen thousand, eight reais and eighteen cents), subject to the provisions of Clause Fourth below.

3.2. The value of the net equity calculated matches exactly to the active account

investment of PETROBRAS, since SFE is a wholly owned subsidiary of PETROBRAS. Thus, as a result of the Merger, it shall be operated in the accounts of PETROBRAS, a mere replacement of PETROBRAS assets represented by its investment account relative to the participation in the capital of SFE by the assets and liabilities included in SFE Balance Sheet.




3.3. The replacement of PETROBRAS investments in SFE by the assets and liabilities shown in the Balance Sheet of the SFE does not imply a change in the value of PETROBRAS net equity.

3.4. The balances of the credit and debit accounts of SFE shall be entered in the accounting books of PETROBRAS, with all the necessary adjustments

3.5. The assets, rights and obligations of the SFE that make up the net equity to be transferred to PETROBRAS, are those detailed in the appraisal report, at book value.


4.1. The equity variations in the period between the Base Date of the Merger and the Merger will be effectively absorbed by PETROBRAS and transferred to the books of PETROBRAS by their respective values on the date of the Merger without changing the values adopted in this Protocol and Justification for the realization of the merger.


5.1. For the purposes of the Merger proposed in this Protocol and Justification, it shall not be assigned shares of Petrobras to the members, provided that Petrobras owns all of the shares issued by SFE.

5.2. As a result, the 55,555,745 (fifty five million, five hundred and fifty-five thousand, seven hundred forty-five) quotas, of par value of BRL$1.00 (one real), issued by SFE, shall be extinct, based on article 226, paragraph 1 of Law no. 6.404/76, with all the necessary adjustments in the accounting records of PETROBRAS.



5.3. No cancellation or issuance of new shares of PETROBRAS shall not occur under the Merger, nor there will be no change in the amount of its capital stock, so that at the end of the Merger, the capital of PETROBRAS will remain unchanged in the amount of BRL$ 205,410,905,230.50 (two hundred and five billion four hundred and ten million, nine hundred and five thousand, two hundred and thirty reais and fifty cents), divided into 13,044,496,930 (thirteen billion, forty-four million four hundred ninety-six thousand, nine hundred and thirty) non par shares, being 7,442,454,142 (seven billion, four hundred forty-two million, four hundred and fifty-four thousand, one hundred forty-two) common shares and 5,602,042,788 (five billion, six hundred and two million, forty-two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-eight) preferred shares. Consequently, there will be no change in the Articles of Incorporation of PETROBRAS.


6.1. Board of Directors. In compliance with the Articles of Incorporation of Petrobras and Articles of Organization of SFE, the Board of Directors of Petrobras must be informed of the Transaction, confirming the hiring of audit company to assess the net equity of the SFE and, in accordance with article 142, subsection IV of Law No. 6.404/76, convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Petrobras to decide on the operation.

6.2. Executive Board. The Executive Board of SFE shall give notice to the Advisory Board to convene the Meeting of Shareholders, after prior approval of the Board of Directors of PETROBRAS, to deliberate on the Transaction.

6.3. PETROBRAS General Meeting and SFE’s members meeting. The respective PETROBRAS General Meeting and SFE’s members meeting shall be convened for the implementation of the Transaction, in compliance with the terms and conditions provided by law.




7.1. Considering that SFE is a wholly owned subsidiary of PETROBRAS, the provisions concerning (i) the exchange ratio and (ii) the repayment to shareholders of SFE do not apply.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto sign these in two counterparts of the same tenor and to one sole effect before the witnesses who also sign it.


Rio de Janeiro, August 12, 2013.




Fernando Homem da Costa Filho

Executive Manager of Operations and Investments in Energy



Jorge Roberto Abrahão Hijjar José Augusto Silva Machado

Chief Executive Officer

Managing Director


Name: Eduardo Machado de Souza Araújo
ID No.:93.352 – OAB/RJ

Name: Demetrio Shenny Coutinho
ID No.: 0961146-6































Proposal RJ 0251/13 C


Rio de Janeiro, July 14, 2013. 

Av. República do Chile, 65  Centro
Rio de Janeiro   RJ 

Att.: Marco Queiroz 

Dear Marco 

Upon request, we are pleased to submit our proposal for the provision of services. 


Apsis is a company operating in the market since the 70’s, providing integrated services in the area of property consulting for companies in Brazil and worldwide. 

APSIS is committed to a strict quality standard offering an expeditious and customized assistance. Our large experience throughout the different sectors of the economy is an aid tool to clearly identify the needs of your company, and provide simple and smart solutions that meet the requirements of your business.

Our appraisals are performed by a multidisciplinary team, highly qualified and acquainted with the changes and needs of the market, in full compliance with the international accounting standards (IFRS) published and reviewed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the Accounting Approval Committees, ABNT and other rules and standards concerned.

We  are  member  of  the  Brazilian  Business  Appraisers  Committee  (CBAN),  the  National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives (ANEFAC). 

We are independent members of Morison International, a global association of accounting, audit and consulting companies that operates in 65 countries with over 90 associates. 









Corporate Restructuring  Appraisal 

§      Appraisal  Independent  Reports 
       Merger and  Spin-off  Reports
     Assets  Appraisal  in  Investment  Funds,  Shareholding  and  Real  Estate
§      Capital  Increase 
§      Public  Share  Offering  (OPA) 
§      Net  Equity  an Market  (Exchange  Relation) 
      Alternative Dispute  Resolution  (ADR)

Financial  Statements  Appraisal  – Fair Value 

§      Business  Combination  (Intangible  Assets  and  Premium/  Goodwill) 
      Impairment  Test  (Assets  Impairment)
     Intangible  Assets  (Marks,  Software  and  Others) 
§      Economic  Useful  Life,  Net  Boo Value  and  Replacement  Value 
§      Investment  Property 
§      Purchase  Price  Allocation  (PPA) 
      Biological Assets 

Corporate Finance 

§      Appraisal  o Companies,  Marks  and  Other  Intangibl Assets
      Mergers & Acquisitions
     Fairness  Opinion 
§      Investors  Prospect  and  Opportunities 
§      Feasibility  Studies 
§      Strategi Financial  Modelin
      Performance Indicators  Analysis 

Fixed Assets  Management 

§      Accountin Reconciliation 
      Equity  Outsourcing 

Real Estate  Valuation 

§      Financial  and  Economic  Feasibility  Studies 
§      Legal  Audit 
§      Economic  Useful  Life,  Residual  and  Replacement  Value 
§      Profitability  Analysis  o Rea Estat Portfolios 
§      Structural  Engineerin Appraisal 
      Purchase and  Sale  Value/  Rental 
     Bank  Guarantee/  Payment  in  kind 
§      Insurance 
§      Tax  Review  (IPTU/ITBI) 





















































































































1. Scope  of  work 


1.1 Scenario 


PETROLEO BRASILEIR S.A.  –  PETROBRAS  (“PETROBRAS”)  is  Brazilian  publicly  held,  mixed capital company,  having  the  Federal  Government a its  main  shareholder  operating  in  the energy sector. 

Accordin to  agreements  made,  Petrobras  shall  take  over  the  net  equity  o two  companies (both portfoli companies) by its  book  value  and  has  contacted  APSIS  in  order  t assist  in  the development  o reports  in  compliance  with  the  accounting  practices  adopted  in  Brazil.  The reports  shall  be  issued  bot in  Portuguese,  English  an Spanish  versions. 


1.2 Project  description 




Development o appraisal reports at book  value  o the  net  equity  o company SFE –  Sociedade Fluminense  d Energia  S/A in  compliance with the  accounting  practices  adopted  in  Brazil,  on base  date  o Jun 30,  2013,  for  the  purposes  o merger  by  PETROBRAS,  a provided  fo in articles 226  and  227  o Law  6404/76. 




Development o appraisal  reports  at  book  value  o the  net  equity  of company Termoaç S/A,  in compliance  with  the  accountin practices adopted i Brazil,  o bas date  o June  30,  2013 for the purposes  o merger  by  PETROBRAS,  as  provided  fo in  articles  226  and  227  o Law  6404/76. 


1.3 Required  Documentation 


ü     By‐laws o articles  o organization,  o qualification  o the  company(ies)  involved  in  the operation (Trade  name,  CNPJ,  and  hea office  address); 

ü     Balance  sheet  o companies  involved  in  the  analysis  (including  affiliates  and  subsidiary companies a the  base  date  o the  appraisal; 

ü     In  case  there  is  registered  intangible  asset,  send  an  opinion  and/or  impairment  test; 

ü     Protocols and  minutes  o corporate  documents,  if  any; 

ü     Corporate  schedule and 

ü     Audit  report,  if  any. 


1.4. If  the  documentation and/or the  information  required  fo the  development  o the proposed work  are  not  provided  by  th client,  and  its  obtainment  o development  require additional hours  o work  by  the  APSIS  team  involved in the  project,  suc hours  shall  be computed an charged  according  to  th hour/man rate in  effect.  The  same  shall  apply  when the documentation  o information  are  replaced  after  the  commencement  o th project. 


1.5. Any  work  not  described in the  scope  o this  proposal,  directly  o indirectl related  to  the scope herein  referred  to,  which  may  b performed by APSIS  du to  Client’s  request,  shall  be charged as  additional  hours  by  the  APSIS  tea





involved in  the  project,  or,  if  required,  it  may  be  th object  o different  proposal.  The  said hours shall  b computed  and  charged  according  to  the  man/hou table  rate  i effect. 


1.6. The  scope  o the  proposal  does  not  include  the  hours  used  fo clarifications made to  the Audit department. The  hours  that  ma be  necessar shall  be  charged  accordin to  the man/hour table  rate  in  effect. 


2. Methodology 


Despite o th considerabl differences  betwee th existing  appraisal  methodologies, all of them  derive  from  the  same  principle  o replacement  value,  which  provides  that  the  investor will not  have  to  spend  mor money  t get  similar  new  item summary  o the  appraisal methodologies is  set  ou below. 


§      Market   Based   approach   –   The   purpose   of   this   methodology   is   to   compare   the appraised company  with  others recently sold  o being offered in  the  market (multiples o stock  market  value). 


§      Asset  Based  approac –  type  o business  valuation  that  focuses  o company's  net asset value,  o the  fair‐market  valu o it total  assets  minus  its  tota liabilities. 


§      Income  Base approach  –  Also  known  as  discounte cash  flow.  The  su o all  future discounted flow is  the  company's  present  value  (future  value  converted  into  present value by  means  o an  appropriate  rate). 


The following  table  summarizes  th methodologies described  above  and  pinpoints  its indications,  difficulties  and  advantages. APSIS shall  determine  th most  appropriate methodology to  b use in  the  proposed  object. 


METHOD  Multiple  Share Price  Market Value  Discounted Cash Flow 
  Sector for multiple       
  indicators  Company traded in stock  Intensive capital company  Cash generation company 
      Company generates low   
  Relevant market of similar  Meaningful market of  value by operational  Risk of company may be 
INDICATORS   companies  similar companies  activity  measures (discount rate) 
        Flexibility to measure 
  Evaluates investors and    Include market trends and Appraisals based on the  competitive advantages, 
  other players perception  expectation for future company’s history  growth and business 
  on the market  results (traditional)  profile 
ADVANTAGES   Transaction amounts      Reflects the expected 
    Information available to  Traditional appraisal  return in relation to risk 
  include control premium  the market  method  (sector, company and 
  and liquidity      country) 
  Separate from the       
  transaction values,      Macro and 
  portions relative to  Similar companies may  Appraisal of non audited  microeconomic changes 
  control premium and  add different perspectives  companies  have affected projected 
  liquidity      scenario 
  Limited samples, only a  Emerging markets are    Sensitivity: capital 
      Does not include trends   
  few buyable companies  affected by short term    structure and discount 
      and economic potential   
  (similar)  macroeconomic variables    rate 



3. Service Presentation 

The final report shall be presented in a Digital format, that is, a Portable Document Format (PDF) with digital certification*, and shall be available in an exclusive environment for the Client in our extranet site for the period of ninety (90) days. 

Upon Client’s request, APSIS shall made available, free of charge, in up to five (05) business  days, an original copy on printed format. 

* Digital certification – identification technology that enables electronic transactions of different types to be performed respecting its integrity, authenticity and confidentiality character, in order to avoid alteration, capture of private information and the occurrence of other types of improper actions. 

3. Deadline 

5.1.        Accordin to  the  schedule  included  in  Clause  Four,  APSIS  shall  submit  draf o the report(s) according to the  following  timetable: Scope  1)  up  to  July  19,  2013;  Scope  2)  in  up  to ten (10 business  days  (Diagnosis  and  Development  Stages),  after  receiving  documentation/ information required  for  the  performance  o th work. 

5.2.      After  receiving th repor draft,  the  client  will  hav twenty  (20)  days  to  request clarifications and approve  the  draft  for  the  issuance  o the  final  report.  After  said  time  limit elapses, APSI shall  consider  the  work  as  completed, and will  be  entitle to  issue  the  final invoice, regardless  o the  issuance  o th final report. After  the  approval  o the  draft, Apsis will have seven  (07)  days  to  issue  the  final  report. 

5.3.        The  service  will  start  upo the  expres approval  o the  proposal  and  upon  receipt  of the  full  documentation  required. 

5.4.        Any  changes  requeste to  be  made  after  the  delivery  o the  Digital  Report  are  subject to new  pric quote. 



6. Professionals  Fees 


6.1.       The  professionals’ fees for  the  execution  o th works,  including  all  charges  (tax,  fees, tax and non tax contributions)  shall  total  BRL$  35,772.30  (thirt five thousand seven  hundred and seventy  tw brazilian  reai and  thirty  cents)  to  be  pai as  follows: 



BRL$ 11,867.69  (eleven  thousan eight  hundred  and  sixty  seven  brazilian  reais  and sixty nine  cents). 

ü    100%  (one  hundred  percent)  o the  tota amount  at  the  tim o delivery  o the Digital Report o after  twenty  (20)  day after  the  delivery o th draft,  whatever occurs first. 



BRL$ 23,904,61  (twenty  three  thousand,  nine  hundred  and  four  brazilian  reais  and sixty one  cents). 

ü    100%  (one  hundred  percent)  o the  tota amount  at  the  tim o delivery  o the Digital Report o after  twenty  (20)  day after  the  delivery o th draft,  whatever occurs first. 




6.2.       For  each  aforementioned  stage  the  invoice  due  date  shall  correspond  to  thirty  (30) days  as  o th occurrence o each  event  that  gave  rise  to  the  charge.  After  due  date,  one percent  (1% monthly  interest  shall  incur  o the  net  value  o the  invoice,  plus  2%  default  fine o the  amount  o the  invoice. 


6.3.       Any  activity  that  goes  beyond  the  scope  o service  shall  be  reported to the  client  and charged by  means  o issuance  o an  activity  report  provided  by  APSIS.  Such report shall  include date, description  o activities  and  time  spent. 


7. Validity 


This proposal  is  valid  until  December  31 2013. 


8. Confidentiality 


APSIS is  committed  to  th strictest  confidentiality  i respect  o the  proprietary  information disclosed by the  time  o th provision o services. Fo the  purposes o this  proposal, it shall  be considered as  confidential  information  each  an every  information disclosed t APSIS  du to the services  t be provided, directly  o indirectly.  Such  confidential  information  include  all type o disclosing,  whether  it  i verbal,  written,  recorded  and  computerized,  o disclosed  by  any other  mean  by  the  client  o obtained  in  view  o observation, interviews o assessments, including, an without  limitation,  each  composition, machinery equipment,  records,  reports, drafts, use  o paten and  documents,  procedures, techniques, models, and  every  tangible  and intangible  incorporation  o any  nature. 


9. General Conditions 





9.1.       The  basic  parameters  relative  to  the  scope  o the  service  shall  be  defined  immediately after th approva o the  proposal  to  assist  the  planning  o the  works  to  be  executed. 



9.2.       The   scope   of   this   work   does   not   include   neither   the   auditing   of   the   financial statements no the  review  o works  performed  by  th client’s  auditors. 



9.3.       This  proposal may be  terminated,  if  mutually agreed betwee the  parties. I thi case, APSIS shall  b entitle to  receive  the  payment o fees  for  work  as  provided fo in  Clause  Six herein, pro  rata. 



9.4.       All  travel  and  lodging  expenses  outside  the  Great  Rio  and  Sao  Paulo,  if  necessary  for the performance  o the  services  are  not  included  i the  proposal/  agreement,  and  shall  be charged separately,  being  subject  to  previous  approval  o the  client.  If  APSIS  is  responsible to decid whether  o not  to  make  such  expenses,  the  reimbursement shall be  performe by submission  o receipt,  clea from  all  tax,  since  it  is  not  part  o the  object  o the  agreement. 







10. Approval  and  Agreement 


Upon approval,  the  proposal  must  b signed  by  th Legal  Representative  o the  client  and returned  to  the  service  provider,  followed  by  all  required  documentation for the  proper commencement  o the  works. 



When the  proposal is returned to the  service  provider, it shall  assume  the  for o agreement, as provided  i th applicable  civil  law. 



In witness  whereof  the  legal  representative  o the  parties  hereto  execute  this  proposal,  which shall  automatically   converted   into   a   service   agreement,   with   10   (ten)   pages   in   two counterparts  o equal  form  and  content. 


Looking forward  to  hear  from  you. Yours, 



Rio de Janeiro [          ] [  ], 2013.             
Legal Representative               
Witness 1                Witness 2   
Agnes Anne Ribeiro Nascimento             
CPF(Taxpayer No.): 056 313 427 58          CPF(Taxpayer No.):    
RIO DE JANEIRO            SÃO PAULO       
Rua da Assembleia, 35   12° andar        Av. Angélica, 2503, Conj. 42     
Centro   Rio de Janeiro   RJ          Consolação  São Paulo  SP     
CEP: 20011 001            CEP: 01227 200       
Telefone: +55 21 2212 6850       Fax: +55 21 2212 6851      Telefone: +55 11 3666 8448        Fax: +55 11 3662 5722   








Dear Shareholders,

The Board of Directors of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – PETROBRAS (“Company”) hereby presents, in relation to the waiver by the Company of the preemptive right to the subscription of convertible bonds (“SCBs”) to be issued by Sete Brasil Participações S.A. (“Sete Brasil”), item “VII” of the Agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 09/30/2013, the following information to the Shareholders:

The purpose of the waiver by Petrobras of the right to subscribe SCBs is to allow the admission of BNDES/BNDESPar as a shareholder of Sete Brasil, in order to obtain funds for the execution of the Rig Project.

The purpose of the Rig Project is the construction of 29 drilling rigs, twenty eight of which will be constructed upon a charter agreement between the companies belonging to the shareholding structure of Sete Brasil and Petrobras and are intended for the Exploration Projects and Production Development provided in the Business and Management Plan of Petrobras (BMP 2013 – 2017).

On 12/01/2010, the Executive Board authorized the interest of Petrobras in the capital stock of Sete Brasil, in the percentages of at least 5% and at most 10%.

Petrobras directly owns an interest of 5% in the capital stock of Sete Brasil and holds 4.59% of the membership interests of the Rig Investment Fund, which is the owner of 95% of the shares of Sete Brasil. Thus, the interest owned by Petrobras in Sete Brasil, directly (5%) and indirectly, through the Rig Investment Fund (4.36% = 4.59% out of 95%), is equal to 9.4%. The Rig Investment Fund gathers the other shareholders of Sete Brasil (on a major basis, pension funds and banks).

Since its conception, a relevant interest owned by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) in the financing of the Rig Project was contemplated. According to the Business Plan of Sete Brasil, such interest is estimated in US$ 12.75 billion, corresponding to 50% of the total financing of the investment of the Project, in the amount of US$ 25.5 billion.

In the second semester of 2012, the Bank informed Sete Brasil its intent to own an interest in the equity of the Project, using the system of convertible bonds (SCBs), through its subsidiary BNDESPar.



The transaction of issuance of SCBs will be as follows:

  . Total amount limited to R$ 1.2 billion;

  . Period of 11 years (convertibility up to the sixth year, from which period SCBs becomes a common bond) and

  . Cost calculated according to the IPCA plus 5% p.y. up to the sixth year and, within the remaining five years, if the bonds are not converted into shares, it must be calculated according to the IPCA plus 9% p.y..

If the shareholders of Sete Brasil (Petrobras and the Rig Investment Fund) exercise the preemptive right to the subscription of such SCBs and BNDESPar purchases them and chooses to convert them into shares of Sete Brasil, the interest of Petrobras is expected to be diluted from 9.4% to around 8.5% of the capital stock of Sete Brasil.

Thus, pursuant to article 40, sub-item XV, of the Articles of Organization of the Company, the Board of Directors submits for evaluation and resolution by this Extraordinary General Meeting the proposal of waiver by Petrobras of the preemptive right to the subscription of convertible bonds to be issued by Sete Brasil Participações S.A., according to the Private Deed of the 2nd Private Bond Issuance, upon floating charge issued by Sete Brasil Participações S.A. and the Private Contract for the Subscription of Bonds of the 2nd Private Bond Issuance, upon floating charge issued by Sete Brasil Participações S.A. and Other Covenants (Annexes I and II). Furthermore, find attached information requested in Article 8 of CVM Instruction 481/09 (Annex III).

Maria das Graças Silva Foster
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS






BNDES PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. - BNDESPAR, wholly-owned subsidiary of BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL - BNDES, with headquarters in Brasilia, Distrito Federal, and offices in this City of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida República do Chile No. 100 - part, enrolled with National Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Finance ("CNPJ / MF") under No. 00.383.281/0001-09 herein duly represented pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation, hereinafter referred to as "BNDESPAR";

SETE BRASIL PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A, joint stock company, with headquarters in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Rua Humaitá, 275, sala 1302, Humaitá, CEP 22261-005, enrolled with CNPJ/MF Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities under no. 13.127.015/0001-67, herein represented by its articles of incorporation, hereinafter referred to as “ISSUING COMPANY” or “COMPANY”;

INVESTMENT FUND IN PARTICIPAÇÕES SONDAS, enrolled with CNPJ/MF Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities under no.12.396.426/0001-95 and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") under No. 431-6, herein represented by its trustee, CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL, a financial institution under the form of a public company, governed by statutes approved by Decree n. º 6.473, of June 5, 2008, authorized by CVM to manage investment funds and securities portfolios, based in Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 4, Lots 3 e 4, 21º andar, Asa Sul through its Vice President of Third-Parties Asset Management, domiciled in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Paulista 2300 , 11th floor, enrolled with the CNPJ / MF under n. º 00.360.305/0001-04, herein represented by its legal representatives as provided in its articles of incorporation ("FIP Sondas");

FIP SONDAS hereafter referred to as "CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER" and, together with BNDESPAR and the ISSUING COMPANY, hereinafter simply referred to as "Parties" and severally and indistinctly as a "Party";

hereby mutually agree to execute this “Private instrument of Subscription commitment of debentures of the 2nd Private Issuance of Debentures, with Floating Charge, Convertible into Shares Issued by Sete Brasil Participações S/A and other agreements” (“Agreement”) which shall be ruled by the following provisions and rules.

The capitalized terms used in this Agreement, whether in singular or plural and which are not otherwise defined in this Agreement have the meanings ascribed to them in "Private Deed of 2nd Private Issuance of Debentures Convertible into shares, with Floating Charge, issued by SEVEN BRAZIL EQUITY S / A ", which includes the present Agreement, as Annex I (" Indenture ").


1.1 The subscribed and paid up capital of the ISSUING COMPANY on base date of xx/xx/2013 is BRL$ [  ] with a total of [  ] common shares, all nominative and without par value.



2.1 In the Special General Meeting of the ISSUING COMPANY held on xx/xx/2013] it was approved the Issue (as defined in item 3.1) ("AGE").,



2.1.1 - The Business Plan presented by the COMPANY and considered by BNDESPAR for approval of this Agreement consists of the construction in Brazil of 29 (twenty-nine) ultra-deepwater rigs, among which 28 (twenty-eight) rigs will be chartered for Petróleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras.

2.1.2 – The proceeds from the payment of the debentures will be allocated to the Business Plan, as provided in Section 2.1.1 above, and other related projects of the COMPANY, except for payment of bridge loans incurred by the COMPANY for the construction of said rigs ("Application of resources "or" Project ").



3.1 As provided in the Indenture, it will be issued a total of 400,000 (four hundred thousand) debentures convertible into common shares issued by the COMPANY ("Debentures"), in a single series, Floating Charge type, with a nominal value of BRL$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais), which is updated in accordance with the Indenture ("Updated par Value"), resulting in a total nominal value of BRL$ 1,200,000,000.00 (one billion two hundred million reais), the date of issue ("Issue").

3.2 The date of issue is defined as provided in the Indenture ("Issue Date") and the maturity of the Debentures shall be eleven (11) years from the Issue Date ("Maturity of Debentures").

3.3 The placement of the Debentures will be private and it will be provided to the shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY, the preemptive right to subscribe for Debentures ("Right of First Refusal") provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 171 of Law n. 6,404 of December 15, 1976, as amended ("Corporation Law"), in proportion to the number and type of shares issued by the issuing COMPANY they hold for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the AGE, unless in the event of an express waiver of the preemptive rights before the legal deadline.

3.4 The other characteristics of the Issue and the Debentures are described in the Indenture.


4.1 A BNDESPAR, subject to the provisions of section 4.2 and in Clause Five below, undertakes to pay up and subscribe up to 400,000 (four hundred thousand) Debentures, corresponding to a total nominal value of BRL$ 1,200,000,000.00 (one billion two hundred million reais), on the Issue Date, which will be updated and increased of Compensation, in accordance with items 12 and 13 of Clause III of the Indenture, calculated pro rata from the Issue Date until the date of actual payment of the Debentures ("Subscription Guarantee"). The Subscription Guarantee will include the positive obligation under the terms of Clause Five, of subscription and payment of all Debentures, considering that all shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY would have waived their preemptive rights to subscribe for debentures in favor of BNDESPAR.

4.2 The subscription and payment price of the Debentures will be equal to the Updated Face Value plus Remuneration expected in the Indenture, calculated pro rata from the Issue Date until the date of actual payment of the Debentures by BNDESPAR, less any financial events, anticipated or not in the Indenture for this period, being a financial event understood as interest installments, amortization and others that may change the unit price.

4.3 The Debentures will be subscribed and paid up as follows:

4.3.1. First Subscription ("1st Lot"): Within ten (10) days of proof of compliance with the conditions set out in section 5.1, BNDESPAR shall subscribe 255,000 (two hundred fifty five thousand) Debentures totaling BRL$ 765,000,000.00 (seven hundred sixty-five million reais), updated in accordance with item 4.2.




4.3.2. Initial Payment: Upon First Subscription, BNDESPAR shall pay [  ] 1 Debentures totaling [  ], updated in accordance with item 4.2.

4.3.3. Other payments of the 1st Lot: The other payments the 1st Lot shall be held within thirty (30) days of receipt by BNDESPAR written notice sent by ISSUING COMPANY, indicating the number of debentures to be paid, subject to the provisions of clause five.

4.3.4. Subscriptions and payments Remaining: Subscription and payment of the remaining 145,000 (one hundred forty five thousand) Debentures will be made after payment of all Debentures for the 1st Lot. The remaining subscriptions and payments will be held within thirty (30) days of receipt by BNDESPAR of written notice sent by ISSUING COMPANY, indicating the number of Debentures to be subscribed and paid, subject to the provisions of Clause Five. The Remaining subscriptions and payments may be made in one or more lots, but each Debenture shall be subscribed and paid at the same time.

4.3.5. The payment of the Debentures will be made in local currency.

4.3.6. At the end of the period of 48 (forty eight) months after the Issue Date, the ISSUING COMPANY will have the option to request the subscription and payment of all Debentures not yet subscribed and paid, and in case of failure to exercise this prerogative by the ISSUING COMPANY, the Debentures of the 1st Lot eventually not paid on such date, as well as any Debentures not yet subscribed or paid by BNDESPAR will be canceled, subject to the provisions of Clause Five, especially in item 5.6.


5.1 The First Subscription (1st Lot) of Debentures by BNDESPAR is subject to compliance with the following:

a) submission of Debt Clearance Certificate Relating to Social Security and Third Parties Contributions - CND, or Liability Certificate with Clearance Effects, issued by the Internal Revenue Service of Brazil on behalf of the COMPANY, through the internet, which authenticity should be verified by BNDESPAR at the address www.mpas.gov.br;

b) submission of the Joint Clearance Certificate in respect to Federal Taxes and to the Federal Outstanding Debt, or Liability Certificate with Clearance Certificate Effects, issued by SRF and PGFN jointly, on behalf of the COMPANY, through the internet, which authenticity should be verified by BNDESPAR at the address www.receita.fazenda.gov.br and www.pgfn.fazenda.gov.br;

c) proof of compliance of the COMPANY in respect of the delivery of the Annual Social Information Report - RAIS;

d) submission of Certificate of Compliance with FGTS, issued by CEF on behalf of the ISSUING COMPANY, which authenticity should be verified by BNDESPAR at the address www.caixa.gov.br;

e) submission of three (3) copies of the subscription list of the Debentures to be subscribed by BNDESPAR;


1 The amount of the Initial Payment shall correspond to the paid up capital / committed capital ratio of the Issuing company on the date of the Initial Payment.



f) absence of default of any nature with BNDES and its subsidiaries, by the COMPANY or company member of the economic group to which it belongs, being Economic Group defined according to the "Provisions Applicable to BNDES Agreements (as defined below), approved by Resolution no. 665, of December 10, 1987, partially amended by Resolution no. 775, of December 16, 1991, by Resolution no. 863, of March 11, 1996, by Resolution. 878 of September 4 1996, by Resolution no. 894 of March 6, 1997, by Resolution no. 927 of 1 April 1998, by Resolution no. 976, of September 24, 2001, by Resolution no. 1,571, 04 March 2008, by Resolution no. 1,832, of September 15, 2009, by Resolution no. 2,078, of March 15, 2011, by Resolution no. 2,139 of August 30, 2011 and by Resolution. 2,181, of November 8, 2011, all of BNDES Board, published in the Official Gazette (Section I) of December 29, 1987, December 27, 1991, April 8, 1996, September 24, 1996, 19 March 1997, April 15, 1998, October 31, 2001, March 25, 2008, November 6, 2009, April 4, 2011, September 13, 2011 and November 17, 2011, respectively ("provisions Applicable to BNDES Agreements ");

g) non-existence of economic-financial nature fact that according to BNDES, reasonably, could compromise the implementation of the Application of resources in order to significantly change or impair the performance;

h) non-existence of changes in the Business Plan, as provided in Section 2.1.1 of the Second Clause above, which, according to the evaluation of the BNDES, may compromise its implementation;

i) non-existence of records found in the Employer Offender Registry, relative to working conditions similar to slavery, established by the Ordinance. 540 of 15.10.04, of Ministry of Labour and Employment, to be verified by BNDESPAR upon consultation in the Internet at the address www.mte.gov.br (Resolution no. 1,178, of 31.05.2005, the Board of BNDES);

j) submission by the COMPANY, of no final punitive administrative decision drawn up by sanctioning authority or competent body found due to the performance of acts by the COMPANY or its officers, implying race or gender discrimination, child labor or slave labor, and / or a final judgment of conviction, rendered as a result of such acts, or others that characterize bullying or harassment, or relative to crime against the environment. In the event that there was an administrative decision and / or conviction, as defined above, the contracting of the operation will be refrained until proof of compliance of remediation or rehabilitation of the COMPANY or its directors, as applicable;

k) submission by the COMPANY, of no good standing certificate with the Federal Government, its bodies and entities of direct and indirect administration, signed by their legal representatives, excluding obligations which require evidence of due performance by certificates, due to legislation in force;

l) non-existence of the application for bankruptcy or judicial or extrajudicial recovery by the COMPANY and / or its relevant subsidiaries;

m) non-existence of dissolution or liquidation of the COMPANY and / or its relevant subsidiaries;
n) submission of other documents required by law or regulation, as well as usually requested in similar transactions, as deemed necessary, reasonably by BNDESPAR to contract this operation;

o) proof of signing of all agreements and construction and charter agreements relating to 28 (twenty eight) ultra-deepwater rigs to be built in Brazil and chartered to Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras;

p) submission of the minutes of the AGE of the ISSUING COMPANY which has approved the Issue registered with the Board of Trade of the State of Rio de Janeiro ("JUCERJ") and a copy of this publication in newspapers, in which the ISSUING COMPANY performs its publications;

q) submission of the Indenture filed with JUCERJ;
r) proof that this transaction has been approved without restrictions by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE);

s) proof of waiver in favor of BNDESPAR by each of the shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY, of their preemptive rights in the subscription of the Debentures;



t) submission of the audited consolidated financial statements relating to the ISSUING COMPANY as of December 31, 2012;

u) submission of Terms signed by the members of FIP Sondas in which they commit to (i) approve the issuance of new shares of FIP Sondas to be paid up with shares arising from the conversion of the Debentures, in order to enable the reallocation of participation provided in items 16.12 and 16.13 of Clause III of the Indenture, and (ii) waive, expressly, irrevocably and irreversibly in favor of BNDESPAR, the Right of First Refusal in the subscription of such new shares issued by FIP Sondas, and

u) receipt of opinion on satisfactory terms, at the discretion of BNDESPAR by a lawyer or law firm abroad of recognized expertise contracted by BNDES, which purpose is the legal analysis of the following operating agreements relating to the rigs mentioned in item 2.1: Construction Agreements (EPC), Shareholders Agreements of Special Purpose Entities owners of the rigs, Agreements for the Provision of Services, Chartering Agreements and Construction Management Agreements that have already been entered.

5.2 The Remaining subscriptions and payments are conditioned to compliance with points a to m n of Item 5.1 of this Agreement and the following conditions:

a) submission of the consolidated balance sheet of the ISSUING COMPANY relative to the month prior to the subscription, and

b) the result of multiplying the unit price of the Debentures, as defined in section 11.1 of Clause III of the Indenture by the amount of Debentures subscribed by BNDESPAR plus the amount of the Debentures to be subscribed by BNDESPAR shall not exceed the amount equal to the lesser of the following parameters (i ) 20% (twenty percent) of the total assets of ISSUING COMPANY, or (ii) 45% (forty five percent) of the equity of ISSUING COMPANY; calculated according to the latest audited balance sheet of ISSUING COMPANY and adjusted according to the latest report of Corporate Risk Rating in force issued by the Credit Sector of BNDES.

5.3 The shares for the 1st Lot is conditional to compliance with paragraphs a and d of Item 5.1 of this Agreement.

5.4 The ISSUING COMPANY shall give written notice to BNDESPAR to subscribe and / or pay the Debentures so that the proportion between the paid up capital of the ISSUING COMPANY and investment commitments in the ISSUING COMPANY, in the amount of BRL$ 8,315,784,188, 42 (eight billion three hundred and fifteen million, seven hundred and eighty-four thousand, one hundred and eighty-eight reais and forty-two cents) is always less than or equal to the ratio between the number of Debentures paid, or already converted, BY BNDESPAR and the number of Debentures of this ISSUE, subject to the conditions of subscription and payment of Debentures set forth in this Clause five.

5.5 The obligation of BNDESPAR to subscribe and pay the Debentures will be effective only for 48 (forty eight) months from the Date of Issue, being BNDESPAR after such period, fully relieved from the commitments set out in Clause Four.

5.6 Upon fulfillment of the conditions imposed by this Clause Five at the end of the period of 48 (forty eight) months referred to in clause 5.5 above, if the ISSUING COMPANY has not called, the payment of the minimum amount of 200,000 (two hundred thousand) Debentures ("Minimum Amount "), BNDESPAR will be entitled to subscribe and pay the missing amount of Debentures for achieving the Minimum Amount, regardless of notification sent by the ISSUING COMPANY. For the clarification of doubts, the Minimum Amount includes all Debentures already subscribed and paid by BNDESPAR complying with the notified by the ISSUING COMPANY, along the said period of 48 (forty eight) months.


6.1 The ISSUING COMPANY will pay BNDESPAR an Underwriting Fee for Securities in the amount equivalent to 0.5% (five-tenth percent) of the Underwriting.



6.2 The payment of Underwriting Fee for Securities shall mandatory on the following terms:
(a) within three business days after each payment of the Debentures subscribed by BNDESPAR, the ISSUING COMPANY shall pay an amount equivalent to 0.5% (five-tenth percent) of the amount actually paid by BNDESPAR, and

(b) within 5 (five) business days after the completion date of issuance (upon subscription and payment of all Debentures, subject to the provisions of the Indenture or the possible cancellation of debentures not subscribed, if applicable), the ISSUING COMPANY shall pay an amount equivalent to 0.5% (five-tenth percent) of the difference between the amount actually paid by BNDESPAR (reduced by any amount not paid by BNDESPAR depending on the application of the option provided for in clause 5.1 (g) by BNDESPAR and the value of Underwriting, according to the formula below:

0,5% x [(400.000 – QSI – QNI) x PU]


Uni Price of the Debenture,  as defined  in paragrap 11 of Clause  III of the Indentur


Amoun of Debentures  subscribed  an pai by BNDESPA


Amoun o Debentures  no pai b BNDESPA accordin t th provision i clause  5. (g




7.1 While this Agreement is in effect, the ISSUING COMPANY, beyond the obligations in the indenture, undertakes especially:

a) promptly provide BNDESPAR any necessary clarification for the monitoring of obligations set out in this Agreement. Also, provide the BNDESPAR annually until the last day of the statutory period for disclosure, the Financial Statements, accompanied by explanatory notes, reports of the Board of the COMPANY and report from external auditor, unless such information is made available on the website of the Issuing company on the Internet for that period;

b) provide quarterly reports stating the stage of completion of the Project. The reports shall contain at least the following information: (i) S Curves, updated in Brazilian Reais, U.S. dollars and euros for each of the 28 rigs, (ii) schedule for completion of construction of each of the 28 units; (iii) measures being taken if the timeline for completion of a rig is longer than allowed in the delivery of the same to PETROBRAS, as set out in the charter agreements, (iv) the amount already paid by currency, in the EPC agreements; (v) estimates of amounts payable in the respective agreements, (vi) change order approved events that result in schedule delay or extra cost of EPC agreements, (vii) conflicts or arbitration proceedings between ISSUING COMPANY, its respective direct or indirect subsidiaries, shipyards builders and / or Petrobras, (viii) the result of the test equipment, as defined in clauses 3.3 of the charter agreements and any changes requested by PETROBRAS due to non-acceptance of the units when the performance of this test, (ix) changes in corporate contracted shipyards, as well as the exit or entry of new technological or shipyards consultants

c) inform BNDESPAR about the occurrence of any event of Accelerated Maturity of Debentures stated in paragraph 24 of Clause III of the Indenture, immediately after becoming aware or as requested by BNDESPAR. This information should be accompanied by a report from the ISSUING COMPANY with the description of the occurrence and the measures that ISSUING COMPANY intends to take with respect to such occurrence. If this information arises from event, act or event that gives rise to a notice of material fact by the ISSUING COMPANY, pursuant to CVM Instruction no. 358, of January 3, 2002, as amended ("CVM Instruction 358") , the disclosure of such event, act or fact to BNDESPAR should occur concurrently with its release to the market under that CVM Instruction 358;

d) if, due to the use of resources under this Agreement for the purpose provided in the Clause Two, occur the reduction of the staff of the COMPANY during the term of this Agreement, provide training programs focused on job opportunities in the region and / or replacement programs for workers in other



companies after submitting to BNDESPAR for consideration a document specifying and certifying successful completion of transactions held with the competent representation of workers involved in the dismissal process;

e) observe, during the term of this Agreement, the provisions of law applicable to persons with disabilities;

f) report to BNDESPAR, on the date of the event, the name and number of registry of individuals with the Ministry of Finance ("CPF / MF"), of the person performing remunerated position or being among the owners, controllers or officers of the COMPANY, have been sworn and certified as Federal Deputy or Senator;

g) provide BNDESPAR with copies of any correspondence or judicial or extrajudicial notice received that may hinder the ability to fulfill the obligations assumed in the Indenture, within two (2) business days after its receipt;

h) If BNDESPAR (i) exercises significant influence over the ISSUING COMPANY, as defined under the Corporations Law, the CVM Resolution No. 605 of November 26, 2009 (CPC 18) and International Accounting Standard IAS 28 and while this condition lasts and (ii) due to the obligation provided in Corporations Act and in the accounting standards listed above, it is necessary to evaluate the investment in the COMPANY by the equity method and while such condition continues, BNDESPAR should request the COMPANY to (a) review and refer to BNDESPAR, within sixty (60) days, the specific balance sheet, containing all assets and liabilities of the ISSUING COMPANY at fair value, as provided in Resolution CVM No. 580 of July 31 2009 (CPC 15) and No. 618 of December 22, 2009 (ICPC 09), as well as the International Accounting Standard IFRS 3, along with the last accounting balance of ISSUING COMPANY, allowing a lag of up to one month after the Delivery Date, (b) refers to BNDESPAR until June 10 and December 10 of each year, the consolidated financial statements of the COMPANY for the periods ended on April 30 and October 31, respectively, followed by the audit opinion of its independent auditors, as well as the composition of the total capital stock of the COMPANY highlighting the shareholding of BNDESPAR. With regard to such financial statements, the COMPANY undertakes to ensure access of independent auditors BNDESPAR to the respective independent auditors paper work in the COMPANY in accordance with the Technical Standards for Independent Audit (NBC TAs) issued by the Federal Council of Accounting (CFC) and International Standards on Independent Auditing (ISAs);

i) always adopt measures and actions to prevent or remedy damage to the environment, safety and occupational health that may be caused because of the activities performed by the COMPANY and / or its subsidiaries;

j) maintain in good standing its obligations and its subsidiaries obligations with respect to federal, state and local taxes pension contributions and obligations relating to the Government Severance Indemnity Fund - FGTS and the compliance with environmental authorities;

k) apply the resources for related to the investment of BNDESPAR regulated by this Agreement in accordance with the Allocation of Resources mentioned in Clause Two above;

l) comply, where applicable, with the provisions of the Agreements Applicable to BNDES, for all legal intents and purposes, which the COMPANY hereby declares to know and agree;

m) comply with the preconditions laid down in Clause five above, as applicable;
n) send BNDESPAR a receipt acknowledging the receipt of each payment within three (3) working days from the receipt of each payment, and

o) send BNDESPAR a certified copy of the Book of Registered Debentures of the ISSUING COMPANY, updated with the release of Debentures subscribed by BNDESPAR, in addition to the Terms of Opening and Closing contained in the same book; within five (5) working days as of the corresponding subscription of Debentures by BNDESPAR.



7.2 While this Agreement is effective, the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER undertakes before BNDESPAR, especially, to:

a) comply, where applicable, with the Provisions Relative to BNDES Agreements, for all legal intents and purposes, which the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER hereby declares to know and agree;

b) cause the COMPANY to fulfill the preconditions set out in Clause five above;
c) cause to be obtained all necessary corporate approvals necessary for the completion of the Issue, under the law, as well as voting for the completion of the Issue and the approval of the Indenture;

d) provide BNDESPAR with a copy of the Shareholders Agreement of FIP SONDAS within five (5) days of receipt by the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER, of the request made by BNDESPAR, and

e) inform BNDESPAR of the amount of capital paid in by FIP SONDAS in the ISSUING COMPANY within five (5) days of receipt by CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER the request made by BNDESPAR.


8.1. The ISSUING COMPANY and the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER, where applicable, represent and warrant to BNDESPAR that:

a) The total share capital, subscribed and paid-up of the ISSUING COMPANY on xx/xx/2013 is BRL$ [  ], fully subscribed and paid up and represented by [  ] common shares, nominative, without par value, all held by Petrobras S/A, Petróleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras and by Investment fund in Participações Sondas ("Shareholders"). On this date, all shares of the ISSUING COMPANY are free and clear of any liens or encumbrances;

b) they are entities organized and existing under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and are duly registered in the CNPJ / MF with all statutory and governmental authorizations necessary: (i) to conduct its business and (ii) for the assumption and fulfillment of all its obligations under this Agreement;

c) the execution of this Agreement, the assumption and fulfillment of obligations arising from it do not depend on any commitments of their governing and executives bodies, as well as any prior resolution of their shareholders required under the shareholders' agreement, which has not been obtained previously to the execution of this Agreement;

d) all documents, including declarations, certificates and the information contained in the financial statements of the COMPANY and its subsidiaries, which were delivered to BNDESPAR in operations under this Agreement, are substantially true and complete;

e) are in compliance with all federal, state and local fiscal and parafiscal contributions, except those being disputed in good faith;

f) the Legal Representatives that have signed this Agreement have the necessary powers to fulfill the obligations herein set out, and in the quality of trustees, had the powers lawfully granted and their mandate are in full force;

g) the execution of this Agreement, the assumption and fulfillment of obligations arising from it do not cause, directly or indirectly, the failure, total or partial, of (i) any agreements or commitments of any nature, entered into before the date of signature of this Agreement, of which the COMPANY or the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER are part of; (ii) any legal or statutory rule that the COMPANY or CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER are subject to and (iii) any order, decision, albeit preliminary, judicial or administrative, that affects the ISSUING COMPANY or the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER;



h) the ISSUING COMPANY has obtained all permits or licenses required by environmental agencies to carry out their activities in accordance with environmental legislation, as well as all the shipyards contracted hold the necessary operating permits for construction of the rigs mentioned in Section 2.1, and

i) there is not, up to this date, in Brazil or abroad, lawsuits, judicial proceedings, or administrative actions filed against the COMPANY and / or the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER that may, in any way, directly or indirectly, invalidate the obligations assumed by them under this agreement or compromise the ability of pay the obligations assumed in this Agreement.


9.1 In the event of default of the obligations assumed by the ISSUING COMPANY or by the CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER in this Agreement, it shall be observed the provisions of Articles 40-47 A of the Provisions Applicable to BNDES Agreements.


10.1 The Parties, in the best form of law, recognize that, except as expressly provided in this Agreement:

a) the nonperformance, the granting of time, tolerance, or delay in performing any right ensured to them under this Agreement and / or by law shall not constitute a novation or waiver of those rights or prejudice their eventual exercise;

b) the single or partial exercise of such rights does not preclude further exercise of the remainder of these rights or the exercise of any other right;

c) waiver of any such right shall not be valid unless given in writing, and
d) the waiver of a right should be construed restrictively, and will not be deemed a waiver of any other right conferred by this Agreement.


11.1 The notices, communications and / or notices required and / or permitted by this Agreement shall be made by registered letter, notarial notification, judicial notice, or a combination of fax and e-mail, and should be addressed to the Contracting Parties at the following addresses :


Sete Brasil Participações S.A.
Rua Humaitá, n°275, sala 1302, Humaitá, Rio de Jan eiro – RJ Tel.: (21) 2508-0080

Attn.: Messrs. Vinicius Dias and Antonio Siqueira
E-mail: vinicius.dias@setebr.com e antonio.siqueira@setebr.com

With copy to:

Caixa Econômica Federal
GN Desenvolvimento de Fundos Estruturados
Av. Paulista, 2.300 - 11ª andar CEP 01310-300 - São Paulo (SP) Tel.: (11) 2159-7261
Attn.: Mr. Yoshio Marcos Hashimoto
E-mail: yoshio.hashimoto@caixa.gov.br



Avenida República do Chile, 100, 15º andar
CEP 20031-917 - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Tel.: (21) 2172-xxxx Fax: (21) 2172-xxxx
Attn.: Superintendent of Venture Capital Area
E-mail: xxxxxxx@bndes.gov.br or other e-mail to be informed in writing by BNDESPAR to the COMPANY

11.2 Deadlines and obligations under this Agreement will remain in effect regardless of extrajudicial notice, as well as summons or subpoena will be counted as of the dates of its receipt in writing by the Parties.

11.3 The notices, communications and / or notices will be deemed to have been delivered (i) on the date affixed on the receipt, (ii) on the date of the formal judicial or extrajudicial notification, or (iii) on the date of receipt of the fax and e-mail, whatever is sent last.

11.4 In calculating time limits, the day of receipt of the documents shall be excluded and the expiration will be included.

11.5 For BNDESPAR the terms may be interrupted whenever it requests new information, and such terms will resume upon receipt of it.


12.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature and shall remain in force until the conversion or liquidation of all Debentures held by BNDESPAR.



13.1 The Parties agree that this Agreement is irrevocable and irreversible.


14.1 In case of one or more provisions in this Agreement is considered invalid or unenforceable in any court or jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not invalidate the remaining provisions contained in this Agreement, and the Parties shall keep negotiations in good faith, to replace the provision invalid or unenforceable by another to the extent possible and reasonable, to achieve the same purposes and the same effects intended by the Parties to this Agreement, always seeking alternatives and transaction instruments that preserve the economic and financial balance of the obligations herein.

14.2 All obligations under this Agreement are irrevocable and binding and are subject to specific performance, being made available to the aggrieved Party be used in any action or judicial or extrajudicial proceedings to see respected this Agreement and all obligations assumed herein. Either Party may require the defaulting Party to obtain (i) specific performance of the obligations; and / or (ii) compensation for damages.

14.3 This Agreement repeals, solely with respect to the relations between the Parties, any other documents, memos, letters of intent or proposals of any kind, eventually signed by the Parties prior to this date, with respect to the terms agreed in this Agreement.

14.4 Any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be referred by either Party to the other, and the Parties agree to use their best efforts to resolve them amicably through direct negotiations between the parties held in good faith, no later than sixty (60) calendar days from the date of receipt of such notice.



14.5 Neither Party may assign any rights or obligations arising from this Agreement to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of the other Parties.

14.6 Each Party hereby represents and warrants to the other that it will pay its own fees and expenses (including the fees and expenses of its attorneys, accountants, financial advisors and other professionals) incurred in connection with this Agreement and all transactions therein.

14.7 This Agreement constitutes an extrajudicial execution, pursuant to Article 585, item II, of the Code of Civil Procedure.

14.8 In the event of conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and its Annexes, the provisions of this Agreement shall supersede.


15.1. The Parties hereby undertake to submit to arbitration, permanently, any disagreement or dispute relating to this Agreement, including as to its interpretation, performance, default, termination or invalidity, which should be conducted at the Center for Mediation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada in accordance with the terms of its Regulations, with strict adherence to current legislation, especially the Law n 9.307/96, and this DEED shall be considered as Clause of Commitment pursuant to Article 4 of that Law. It is therefore mandatory the signing of the respective instrument and acceptance of the arbitration award that may be given on any dispute or controversy arising out eventually.

15.2. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the procedural rules of the Board in force at the time of the arbitration ("Chamber Regulation").

15.3. The arbitration shall be carried out by an Arbitration Court composed of three arbitrators, preferably enrolled in the Bar Association of Brazil ("Arbitration Court").

15.4. Each Party to appoint an arbitrator. If there is more than one claimant, they all appoint an agreed sole arbitrator; if it is more than one, they all appoint an agreed sole arbitrator. The third arbitrator, who shall chair the Arbitration Court shall be chosen jointly by the arbitrators appointed by the parties involved.

15.5. Any omissions, denials, disputes, doubts and lack of agreement on the appointment of arbitrators by the parties involved or the third arbitrator shall be settled by the Chamber.

15.6. The procedures provided for in this Section shall also apply to cases of replacement of arbitrator.
15.7. The arbitration will be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, and the Arbitration Court may, with justification, to designate the achievement of specific acts elsewhere.

15.8. The arbitration will be conducted in Portuguese.

15.9. The arbitration shall be under the law, applying the rules and principles of law of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

15.10. The arbitration shall be completed within six (6) months from the date of its installation, which may be extended with justification by the Arbitration Court.

16.11. The arbitration will be confidential.

15.12. The Arbitration Court will allocate among the parties, according to the criteria of defeat, reasonableness and proportionality, the payment and reimbursement of (i) the fees and



other amounts due, paid or reimbursed to the Board, (ii) the fees and other amounts due or paid reimbursed to arbitrators, (iii) the fees and other amounts due, paid or reimbursed to the experts, translators, interpreters, and other auxiliary stenotypists eventually appointed by the Arbitration Court, (iv) the fees of collapsing fixed by the Arbitration Court and (v) of any indemnity for litigation in bad faith. The Arbitration Court shall not condemn any of Stakeholders to pay or reimburse (i) contractual fees or any other amount due, paid or reimbursed by the other party to his lawyers, technicians, translators, interpreters and other auxiliary and (ii) any other value due, paid or reimbursed by the other party with respect to arbitration, like copying expenses, endorsements, endorsed by the consulate and travel.

15.13. Arbitration awards shall be final and binding, not requiring court approval or any appeal against the same, except for requests for correction and clarification to the Arbitration Court as provided for in art. 30 of Law No. 9.307/96 and eventual annulment action based on art. 32 of Law No. 9.307/96.

15.14. Before installation of the Arbitration Court, any of the Parties may request the Judiciary emergency measures, given that any request for an urgent measure to the Judiciary does not affect the existence, validity or enforceability of the arbitration agreement, or represent a waiver regarding the need for submission to arbitration Conflict. After installation of the Arbitration Court, the requirements of urgency measure shall be directed to the Arbitration Court. Emergency measures granted by the judiciary may be reviewed by the Arbitration Court after its establishment.

15.15. For (i) the emergency measures of protection and interim relief prior to the constitution of the Arbitration Court, (ii) the implementation of the awards of the Arbitration Court, including the final verdict and possible partial sentence, (iii) any action for annulment based on art. 32 of Law No. 9.307/96 and (iv) the Conflicts that under Brazilian law cannot be submitted to arbitration, it is hereby elected the Courts of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, as the only competent court, waiving the right to any other, however privileged it may be.

In witness whereof, the Parties have signed this instrument in four (4) counterparts of equal form and content for the same purpose, together with two (2) undersigned witnesses.
The pages of this instrument shall be initialed by an attorney of BNDES System, under authorization of the legal representatives that also sign it.

Rio de Janeiro, [          ] [ ], 2013.













Annex I to the Private instrument of Subscription Commitment of debentures of the 2nd Private Issuance of Debentures with Floating
Charge, Convertible into Shares Issued by SETE BRASIL PATICIPAÇÕES S/A and other agreements

“Private Instrument of Deed of the 2nd Private Issuance of Debentures, with Floating Charge, Convertible into Shares

(remaining of page intentionally blank)




I. SETE BRASIL PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., joint stock company, with headquarters in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Rua Humaitá, 275, sala 1302, Humaitá, CEP 22261-005, enrolled with CNPJ/MF Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities under no. 13.127.015/0001-67, herein represented by its articles of incorporation, hereinafter referred to as “ISSUING COMPANY” or “COMPANY”;

II. PAVARINI DISTRIBUIDORA DE TÍTULOS E VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS LTDA., financial institution operating under authorization of Brazilian Central Bank, with headquarters at Rua Sete de Setembro, 99, 24º andar, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, enrolled with CNPJ/MF Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities under no. 15.227.994/0001-50, representing the DEBENTURE HOLDERS, as set forth below, herein represented by its articles of incorporation, hereinafter simply referred to as "TRUSTEE";

AGREE to enter this "Private Instrument of DEED of the 2nd Private Issuance of DEBENTURES Convertible into Shares, with Floating charge, of Sete Brasil Participações S.A." ("DEED"), as follows:


This DEED is entered based on the deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY, held on XX XX, 2013 ("AGE"), through which the current shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY approved the terms and conditions of this DEED and waived their preemptive rights provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 57 of the Law of Corporations.


The issuing of DEBENTURES convertible into common shares, with floating charge, of the COMPANY (respectively, "ISSUE" and "DEBENTURES") will be made in compliance with the following requirements:




The DEED will be filed with the Board of Trade of the State of Rio de Janeiro and any amendments thereto shall be entered with said body, in accordance with the provisions of section II and paragraph 3 of Article 62 of Law n. 6,404, of December 15, 1976, as subsequently amended ("CORPORATE LAW").


The minutes of the AGE will be filed with the Board of Trade of the State of Rio de Janeiro and will be published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro and Valor Econômico (section of Rio de Janeiro), in accordance with Article 62, paragraph I, of CORPORATE LAW .


The ISSUE will not be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"), since this ISSUE DEBENTURES will be subject to private placement, without any sales effort toward investors.


The COMPANY has as business purpose to participate in other national or foreign companies, as a shareholder, partner or quotaholder, joint ventures, partnerships and / or consortia with the purpose of acquiring, selling, building, operating and / or chartering: (i) drilling rigs and other assets and oil and gas exploration and production vessels, (ii) support vessels and other equipment used in support of the exploration and production of oil and gas, and (iii) shipyards and other assets and industrial units related to the shipping industry.





The ISSUE of DEBENTURES shall comply with the following conditions and features:


The value of ISSUE, on the DATE OF ISSUE (as defined below), is up to BRL$ 1,200,000,000.00 (one billion two hundred million Reais).


The DEBENTURES shall bear a face value of BRL$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais) ("FACE VALUE") on the DATE OF ISSUE (as defined below), and such value will be upgraded under this DEED .


The ISSUE shall be held in single series.


The COMPANY will issue up to 400,000 (four hundred thousand) DEBENTURES, being provided for the subscription and payment of a minimum amount of 200,000 (two hundred thousand) DEBENTURES.


The proceeds from the ISSUE will be allocated to the investment program of the COMPANY which involves the construction of 29 (twenty nine) ultra-deepwater rigs to be built in Brazil, among which 28 (twenty eight) rigs will be chartered to Petróleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras, and other related projects of the COMPANY, as provided for in its Articles of incorporation and Business Plan approved by the shareholders and considered by BNDESPAR for approval of subscription operation of DEBENTURES ("PROJECT"), except for repayment of loans contracted by the COMPANY for the construction of said rigs.




The DEBENTURES will be nominative and convertible into registered shares issued by the COMPANY ("SHARES" or individually, "SHARE") without issue of certificates and share certificates.


The DEBENTURES will be floating charge type, as provided in Section 17 of this Clause III, below.


For all legal purposes, the date of ISSUE will be the 15th of [Ï], 2013 ("DATE OF ISSUE").


9.1. The maturity of the DEBENTURES will be eleven (11) years from the DATE OF ISSUE, which is therefore the 15th of [  ], 2024 ("MATURITY DATE OF THE DEBENTURES").

9.2. At the MATURITY DATE OF THE DEBENTURES the COMPANY shall proceed to the full settlement of the DEBENTURES then still outstanding for its UPDATED FACE VALUE plus COMPENSATION incident on such date, subject to the amortization schedule set forth in item 12.5. below.





10.1. For all purposes of law, the ownership of the DEBENTURES will be confirmed by the inscription of the name of the Debenture Holder in the Register of DEBENTURES of the ISSUING COMPANY. THE ISSUING COMPANY shall (i) maintain the Register of DEBENTURE HOLDERS updated, (ii) provide to the Debenture holder free access to the Register of DEBENTURE HOLDERS, and (iii) make all approvals required by the Debenture Holder, unless if not in compliance with the provisions of this DEED of Issue or applicable law.
11.1. The subscription and payment prices of the DEBENTURES will be its UPDATED FACE VALUE (as defined in section 12.1. of this Clause III below), plus COMPENSATION (as defined in 13.1. of this Clause III below), both calculated pro rata from the DATE OF ISSUE until the date of subscription or payment, as applicable, deducted from any financial events, except incorporating COMPENSATION, as provided in the DEED, being a financial event understood as interest installments, amortization and others that may change the UNIT PRICE OF DEBENTURE ("PU" or "UPDATED FACE VALUE + COMPENSATION"), occurring during the period between the DATE OF ISSUE and date of subscription or payment, which shall not exceed four (4) years from the DATE OF ISSUE , to be paid in local currency.

11.2. At the end of the period of 48 (forty eight) months after the DATE OF ISSUE, the ISSUING COMPANY will have the option to request the subscription and payment of all of the DEBENTURES not yet subscribed and paid up, on the terms of subscription and payment agreed with the DEBENTURE HOLDERS, and in case of failure to exercise this prerogative by ISSUING COMPANY, the DEBENTURES eventually unsubscribed or not paid on such date shall be canceled.






12.1  The UNIT FACE VALUE is restated by the National Index of Consumer Price - IPCA ("IPCA"), calculated and published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE ("IBGE"), from the DATE OF ISSUE, calculated on a pro rata basis per Business Days until the full settlement of the DEBENTURES (including the payment due to acceleration) or until the CONVERSION DATE OF THE DEBENTURES (as defined in paragraphs 16.6., and 16:15. below), according to the following criteria (being hereinafter referred to as "UPDATED FACE VALUE" or "VNa")

VNa = VNe x C


VNa = updated nominal value calculated with six (6) decimal places without rounding;

C = accumulated factor of the monthly variations of the IPCA, calculated with eight (8) decimal places without rounding, calculated as follows:



n = total number of indexes considered in the update of the asset in each period, where "n" is an integer;

NIk = numerical-index value of the IPCA index of the month preceding the month of update, if the update is at an earlier date or in the anniversary date itself of the asset.

After the anniversary date, the value of the IPCA index number of the month update;



NIk-1 = numerical value of the IPCA index of the month preceding the month "k";

dup = number of Business Days between the last anniversary date and the date of calculation, limited to the total number of Days of validity of the price index, being "dup" an integer

dut = number of Business Days between the last and the next anniversary date, and "dut" an integer.

VNe = nominal value of the issue or updated face value at the end of the period preceding the date of calculation, plus COMPENSATION, if applicable, and net of depreciation applicable from the seventh period, calculated according to the formula below, calculated with six (6) decimal places, without rounding;

VNe = VNat-1 + Jc - A

VNat-1= Updated face value at the end of the period preceding the date of calculation, calculated with six (6) decimal places, without rounding;

Jc = COMPENSATION at the end of the period preceding the date of calculation, eventually incorporated into the Par Value per option of the ISSUING COMPANY, based on the mechanism described in Section 13.2.1. of this Clause III, calculated as provided in Section 13.1. of this Clause III, calculated with six (6) decimal places, without rounding;

A = amortization performed at the end of the period preceding the date of calculation, as defined in section 12.5. of this Clause III, calculated with six (6) decimal places, without rounding.

12.1.1. The application of IPCA shall focus in the shortest period allowed by law without the need for adjustment to the DEED or any other formality.



12.1.2. It shall be considered as the anniversary date every fifteen (15) of each month, and, if such date is not a Business Day, the first Business Day following

12.1.3. It shall be considered as the month of the update the interval between two consecutive anniversary dates.

12.1.4.. The resulting factor of the following expression:

is considered to eight (8) decimal places, without rounding

12.1.5. Each interval period of twelve (12) months from the DATE OF ISSUE shall be considered as a period.

12.1.6. The product is executed from the most recent factor, adding then the most remote. The intermediate results are calculated with sixteen (16) decimal places, without rounding.

12.1.7. For purposes of this DEED, "Business Day" means any day other than Saturday or Sunday or day on which banks are authorized to close in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro.

12.1.8. The values of weekends or holidays will be equal to the value of the Business Day following applying the pro rata of the last Business Day prior.

12.2. If in the month of update the index number is not yet available, the last available rate of IPCA shall be used.

12.3. In the case of temporary unavailability of the IPCA upon payment of any monetary obligation in this DEED, it shall be used in its place, the last available



variation of the IPCA, calculated pro rata per Business Days, but if not applicable, upon the release of the IPCA in arrears, any financial compensation, both by the ISSUING COMPANY and the DEBENTURE HOLDERS.

12.3.1. In the case of maturing obligations, as well as the other parameters of this ISSUE, upon the subsequent disclosure of the IPCA, all values should be recalculated and updated by the last released IPCA, subject to a period of 60 (sixty) days provided pursuant to item 12.4. below.

12.4.. In the absence of calculation and / or dissemination of the Index for a period exceeding sixty (60) days after the expected date of its disclosure, or even, in the case of its extinction, whether by legal or judicial determination, the IPCA should be replaced by the legally determined substitute. In case there is no legal substitute for the IPCA, it will be replaced by the General Price Index - Market by Fundação Getúlio Vargas - IGP-M.

12.5. The UPDATED FACE VALUE of the outstanding DEBENTURES will be amortized annually from the seventh year, including the date of issue, in percentage, and on the dates indicated in the table below:



Amortizatio Date

Percentage  o FAC VALU UPDATE balanc t b amortize

[ 15 202


[ 15 202


[ 15 202


[ 15 202


[ 15 202





13.1. Up to [.] 15, 2019, the DEBENTURES shall bear interest at 5.0% (five percent) per year of 252 Business Days, incidents on UPDATED FACE VALUE from the DATE OF

ISSUE, calculated on reserve for future obligations pro rata basis per Business Days ("COMPENSATION"), as follows:



J = VNa x (Interest Index -1)


J = amount of interest due calculated on six (6) decimal places without rounding; VNa is defined in section 12.1.;
Interest Index = fixed interest index calculated with nine (9) decimal places,with rounding, calculated as follows:




DP = number of Business Days between the date of issue or the date of payment / incorporation of interest immediately before, as appropriate, and the current date, "DP" being an integer.

13.1.1. From [  ]15, 2019, the DEBENTURES will earn interest of 9.0% (nine percent) per year of 252 Business Days, incidents on UPDATED FACE VALUE from the date of payment or incorporation of the immediately preceding COMPENSATION, calculated on reserve for future obligations pro rata basis per Business Days, according to the

formulas described in section 13.1. above, except in relation to the Interest Index, which will be calculated as follows:




DP = number of Business Days from the date of payment or immediately preceding interest incorporation and the current date, "DP" being an integer

13.2. The COMPENSATION will be paid annually at the end of each period, the first payment on [] 15, 2014 and the remaining payments on the same day of the subsequent years, and it will also be paid in the early maturity dates, final maturity, settlement of the DEBENTURES, or in the CONVERSION DATE OF THE DEBENTURES (as defined in paragraphs 16.6., and 16:15. below).

13.2.1. By 15 [ ] 2019, including, alternative to the payment in local currency, the COMPANY may elect by notice being sent to the TRUSTEE with at least ten (10) days in advance, to incorporate in the UPDATED FACE VALUE the COMPENSATION due since the payment of COMPENSATION immediately preceding or its incorporation to the principal of the DEBENTURES pursuant to items 13.1. and 13.1.1. of this Clause III above.

13.3. There is no scheduled renegotiation for The DEBENTURES.

14.1. The DEBENTURES will be issued for private placement, without any sales effort toward investors, and partial placement of the DEBENTURES shall be allowed.
15.1. THE ISSUING COMPANY may, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, in its sole discretion, regardless of the will of DEBENTURE HOLDERS, within six years from the date of issue, perform the early redemption of all or part of the DEBENTURES ("EARLY REDEMPTION").

15.2. The EARLY REDEMPTION will depend on sending notice to DEBENTURE HOLDERS ("NOTICE OF EARLY REDEMPTION"), at least ten (10) days of the effective date for implementation of the EARLY REDEMPTION ("EARLY REDEMPTION DATE").

15.3. At the EARLY REDEMPTION, the DEBENTURE HOLDERS shall be entitled to payment per redeemed DEBENTURE of the UPDATED FACE VALUE, plus



COMPENSATION, according to item 13 above, calculated pro rata from the date of payment or the incorporation to the principal of the COMPENSATION immediately preceding until the DATE OF EARLY REDEMPTION, as well as premium of 1.1% (one and one-tenth percent) per annum on the UNIT PRICE OF THE DEBENTURES, calculated according to the formula below, which will be paid in cash by the ISSUING COMPANY on the DATE OF EARLY REDEMPTION:



PU = UNIT PRICE OF THE DEBENTURES, as defined in section 11.1. of this Clause III, on the DATE OF EARLY REDEMPTION.

d = number of days elapsed since the date of issue until the DATE OF EARLY


15.4. The EARLY REDEMPTION REPORT shall include: (i) DATE OF EARLY REDEMPTION (ii) the amount of DEBENTURES, which will be subject to EARLY REDEMPTION, and (iii) any other information necessary for the operation of the EARLY REDEMPTION.

15.4.1. The DEBENTURES object of EARLY REDEMPTION will be mandatorily canceled.


16.1. Each DEBENTURE may be converted into SHARES of the ISSUING COMPANY, separately and in the discretion of the holder, subject to the provisions of section 16:14. below, provided that after the 120th (hundred and twentieth) day after the date of issue and within the period of six (6) years from the date of issue ("CONVERSION PERIOD"), through a REQUEST FOR CONVERSION sent to the ISSUING COMPANY. The conversion price of the DEBENTURES ("CONVERSION PRICE"), when



requested by the debenture holder, will be fixed at BRL$ 1.50 (one real and fifty cents) per share, subject to the provisions of section 16.11 below.

16.1.1. Upon closing of the CONVERSION PERIOD, the outstanding DEBENTURES that have not been converted into SHARES of the ISSUING COMPANY will be converted into common DEBENTURES (not convertible into shares of the ISSUING COMPANY).

16.2. Subject to the provisions of clauses 16.3. and 16.4. below, each DEBENTURE should be converted into at least two thousand (2,000) common shares ("MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SHARES") in DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES as defined in item 16.6 below.

16.3 Upon conversion of the DEBENTURES until the completion of the ACCREDITED IPO (as defined in clause 16:17 below), up to 80% (eighty percent) of the difference between UPDATED FACE VALUE of the DEBENTURES converted and FACE VALUE of BRL$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais) it may, at the discretion of the ISSUING COMPANY and in compliance with the LIMIT OF BNDESPAR PARTICIPATION, as defined in item 16:19. below: (i) be paid in local currency directly to the debenture holder, (ii) be converted into additional shares by CONVERSION PRICE or (iii) be paid through the combination of the sub-items (i) and (ii) above in proportion chosen by ISSUING COMPANY, and such combination to be applied identically to all DEBENTURE HOLDERS who requested or may request the conversion of DEBENTURES, except that the 20% (twenty percent) remaining on the difference mentioned above must be paid in domestic currency. If the CONVERSION DATE OF DEBENTURES is subsequent to the completion of the ACCREDITED IPO the ISSUING COMPANY may elect the conversion into additional SHARES of up to 100% (one hundred percent) of the difference between UPDATED FACE VALUE of the DEBENTURES converted and FACE VALUE of BRL $ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais), subject to the provisions of item 16:14 below.

16.4. THE CONVERSION PRICE and the MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SHARES will be simultaneously and proportionally adjusted whenever the capital increase through bonus, stock split or reverse split of SHARES, in any way, that may occur as of the DATE OF ISSUE, without any charge to the holders of the DEBENTURES and the same proportion established for such events. Thus, (i) in the case of grouping of SHARES, the Conversion Price shall be multiplied by the same ratio relative to the grouping and the MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SHARES shall be divided by the ratio for the grouping of SHARES, and (ii) in the case of SHARES split or bonus, the CONVERSION PRICE shall be divided by the same ratio of the split of SHARES or by the same ratio used for bonus and the MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SHARES shall be multiplied by the same ratio relative to the split of SHARES or by the same ration used for bonus.



16.5. SHARES resulting from the conversion of the DEBENTURES: (i) shall have the same characteristics and conditions and shall enjoy the same rights and benefits of the law, currently and in the future relative to the SHARES of the COMPANY, and (ii) shall fully participate in the results whose distribution deliberation occurs from the date of REQUEST FOR CONVERSION provided if relative to the current fiscal year, including dividends and interest on capital.

16.6. The DEBENTURE HOLDERS should request the conversion of the DEBENTURES in writing to the ISSUING COMPANY ("REQUEST FOR CONVERSION"), which shall forward the request by letter filed with the TRUSTEE on the Business Day following the receipt of the REQUEST FOR CONVERSION. For all legal purposes, the conversion date shall be (i) 15 (fifteen) business day from receipt of the REQUEST FOR CONVERSION by ISSUING COMPANY until the completion of ACCREDITED IPO, or (ii) the tenth (10th) Business Day from receipt of the REQUEST FOR CONVERSION by the ISSUING COMPANY, after completion of ACCREDITED IPO ("DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES").

16.6.1. The installment that, pursuant to items (i) and (iii) of item 16.3. of this Clause III, the ISSUING COMPANY elects to pay in local currency ("INSTALLMENT") must be paid on the DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES.

16.6.2. In case of fractional shares resulting from the conversion of the DEBENTURES performed based on the above items, such fractions will be paid in cash, in DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES.

16.7. The ISSUING COMPANY shall perform on the DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES, the registration SHARES, object of the CONVERSION REQUEST in its register of shares, on behalf of the debenture holder requesting.

16.7.1. In the case of the ISSUING COMPANY adopt the accounting form for its SHARES, the formalization of the conversion will be made by means of deposit with the accounting institution of its SHARES in the DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES, of the number of SHARES corresponding to the number of

DEBENTURES converted. Any taxes and expenses related to the deposit will be paid by the ISSUING COMPANY.



16.8. The formal conversion of the DEBENTURES into shares, Pursuant to this Clause, shall imply automatically in the cancellation of the converted DEBENTURES.

16.9. In the DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES, the SHARES of the ISSUING COMPANY will be available to the DEBENTURE HOLDERS. The TRUSTEE and the ISSUING COMPANY are hereby obliged to take all measures necessary for communication and formalization of the conversion of the DEBENTURES under this DEED.

16.10. The capital increase of the ISSUING COMPANY arising from the conversion of the DEBENTURES into common shares issues will not include preemptive rights to shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY, as provided in Article 171, paragraph 3, of the CORPORATE LAW and in compliance to the provisions of section III c/c paragraph 1, Article 166 of CORPORATE LAW, and the Articles of incorporation of the ISSUING COMPANY, and will be approved and endorsed in the appropriate Board Trade within thirty (30) days after its execution .

16.11. If by the end of the CONVERSION PERIOD, the General Meeting or the Board of Directors of the ISSUING COMPANY decides to:

(a) issue SHARES, and / or bonus of SHARES subscription, for the public or private subscription, including under CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING, as defined in section 24.1, item s, which issue price, exercise price or conversion price (each defined as "ISSUE PRICE"), as applicable, is less than the minimum price set out in the table below, each DEBENTURE HOLDER will, at its sole discretion and within maximum period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of the meeting that approved the new issue, the right to convert all or part of the DEBENTURES into shares at the same PRICE OF ISSUE. The amount of SHARES that the debenture holder is entitled to will be the result of dividing the

UPDATED FACE VALUE of the DEBENTURES by the PRICE ISSUE, subject to the provisions of section 16.3. above. For purposes of this subparagraph, are excepted the issue of SHARES to be performed in the amount of BRL$ 1.00 (one real) per SHARE, which will cease as of April 1, 2013, including the amount of up to BRL$ 6,294,784,188.42 (six billion, two hundred ninety-four million, seven hundred and eighty-four thousand, one hundred eighty-eight reais and forty-two cents), corresponding to the difference between (i) the amount committed by the current shareholders of the ISSUING COMPANY to increase the capital of the ISSUING COMPANY and (ii) the value of the capital stock of the ISSUING COMPANY that on the date of March 31, 2013 corresponds to BRL$ 2,021,000,000.00 (two billion and twenty-one million reais).




Perio a o

Dat o issu


Minimum pric pe shar

U t 12 th month inclusiv

BRL$1,0 pe SHAR

1th t th 2  th month inclusiv

BRL$1,0 pe SHAR

2  th t th 3  th month inclusiv

BRL$1,1 pe SHAR

3  th t th 4  th month inclusiv

BRL$1,2 pe SHAR

4  th t th 6  th month inclusiv

BRL$1,3 pe SHAR

6st t th 7nd month inclusiv

BRL$1,4 pe SHAR


(b) issue other DEBENTURES convertible into shares or any other securities convertible into SHARES, each DEBENTURE HOLDER will, at its sole discretion and within a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of the meeting that decided on the new issue, the right to subscribe to new securities and use its DEBENTURES, updated as per item 12 above, plus COMPENSATION as provided in item 13.1. above for payment.

(c) undertake a reorganization involving a merger or that results in the merger of the ISSUING COMPANY into another company ("CORPORATE REORGANIZATION"), and provided it is not declared in GENERAL MEETING OF DEBENTURE HOLDERS the EARLY REDEMPTION as provided for in item 24.1. item "s" in this Clause III of this DEED, shall be ensured to DEBENTURE HOLDERS entitled to demand, in GENERAL MEETING OF DEBENTURE HOLDERS, in its sole discretion, the full succession of the obligations of this ISSUE by the company resulting from the CORPORATE REORGANIZATION and addendum to this DEED for the sole purpose of ensuring the right to convert the DEBENTURES into common shares of said company and the changing of the CONVERSION PRICE of the DEBENTURES, so that it reflects the exchange ratio established in the appraisal report of the shares issued for the purposes of CORPORATE REORGANIZATION according to the formula below.



In order to obtain the new CONVERSION PRICE and MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SHARES the formulas below must be applied:



If the GENERAL MEETING OF DEBENTURE HOLDERS approves the subscription of a new issue of DEBENTURES under item "b", the DEBENTURE HOLDERS must comply with all the steps and procedures required to the perfect and complete subscription and payment of the new issue of DEBENTURES to which they are entitled, through the use of the DEBENTURES pursuant to the terms, conditions and schedule to be established for the new issue.

16.11.1. The provisions of section 16:11. above do not apply to cases of issue of SHARES of the ISSUING COMPANY based on grant programs of stock option or subscription of SHARES of the ISSUING COMPANY, for its officers and employees as may be approved by a General Meeting of Shareholders .

16.11.2. The holder of the SHARES arising from the conversion of the DEBENTURES shall be entitled to certain protections and governance rights in proportion to his share in the capital of the COMPANY, at least equivalent to the rights and corporate governance rules established for listing on the New Market segment of the BM&FBOVESPA. The completion of the ACCREDITED IPO will be considered as compliance to rights of holder of SHARES arising from the conversion of the DEBENTURES provided herein.

16.11.3 If the conversion occurs prior to ACCREDITED IPO, as defined in clause 16.17. below the DEBENTURE HOLDERS who exercised the conversion will be entitled to join the Shareholders' Agreement of the Issuing company.



16.12. The SHARES arising from conversion of DEBENTURES, which DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES is prior to the ACCREDITED IPO, as defined in clause 16.17. below, may, at the discretion of DEBENTURE HOLDERS who exercised the conversion, to be used to pay quotas issued by Participações Sondas Investment Fund, enrolled with the CNPJ / MF under No. 12.396.426/0001-95 and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM") under the. 431-6 ("FIP SONDAS"). The shares to be subscribed by DEBENTURE HOLDERS who exercised the conversion under this Clause III will be subject to a private instrument of investment commitment to be entered between said DEBENTURE HOLDER and FIP SONDAS ("Shareholding RELOCATION"). The amount of shares subscribed by DEBENTURE HOLDERS who exercised the conversion regarding the amount of SHARES to be paid up in FIP SONDAS must always ensure that the participation of those DEBENTURE HOLDERS in FIP SONDAS after RELOCATION shareholding reflects indirectly the same interest in the ISSUING COMPANY owned directly before the shareholding RELOCATION.

16.13. In the event of Shareholding RELOCATION, the relocated DEBENTURE HOLDER (which performs the conversion) should perform the following acts: (i) execution of investment commitment with FIP SONDAS, regulating, among other things, the conditions for subscription of quotas and its payment with shares of the ISSUING COMPANY, (ii) execution of subscription report of shares of FIP SONDAS, and (iii) membership of the said DEBENTURE HOLDER TO FIP SONDAS Regulation, to the Shareholders Agreement of FIP SONDAS, which a copy shall be provided to the DEBENTURE HOLDER previously to the migration ("SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT"), and other documents to which, under the SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT, any new shareholder of FIP SONDAS is obliged to adhere.

16.14. Notwithstanding the provisions of Item 16.1. to 16.9. above, the ISSUING COMPANY may, within 90 (ninety) days from the completion of the ACCREDITED IPO, as defined in item 16:17. below, or upon completion of subsequent public offerings in in the New Market, in the minimum amount at least equal to that provided in Section 16:17, and within the PERIOD OF CONVERSION ("CONDITION OF CONVERSION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY ") require full conversion of the DEBENTURES issued and paid-effectively, in compliance with the LIMIT PARTICIPATION OF BNDESPAR as defined in section 16:19. below (provided that if the total conversion of the DEBENTURES exceeds the LIMIT PARTICIPATION OF BNDESPAR it may be required partial conversion of the DEBENTURES issued and effectively paid until that threshold is reached), by an amount resulting from the division of SHARES UPDATED's FACE VALUE OF DEBENTURES in the DATE OF CONVERSION OF DEBENTURES (as defined in item 16:15. below), at the CONVERSION PRICE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY, defined in item 16:16. below ("CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY").



16.14.1. It is hereby established that the obtainment of the status of open company for trading of shares of the COMPANY as a result of reorganization involving merger with a publicly traded company does not imply in ACCREDITED IPO, as defined in item 16.17 of this Clause III, and therefore , does not constitute the CONDITION FOR CONVERSION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY.

16.15. Upon verification of the CONDITION FOR CONVERSION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY, if the ISSUING COMPANY intends to exercise the right provided for in section 16:14. above, it must do so by means of a notification addressed to the TRUSTEE within 10 (ten) days from the date of the verification informing the amount of DEBENTURES to convert ("NOTIFICE OF CONVERSION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY " ). In up to 01 (one) business day from receipt of the NOTICE OF CONVERSION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY, the TRUSTEE shall notify the DEBENTURE HOLDERS about this event. For all legal purposes, the date of conversion of the DEBENTURES shall be the fifth (5th) business day from receipt of the NOTICE OF CONVERSION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY by the TRUSTEE ("DATE OF CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES"), subject to the procedures described in Section 16.6. above, as well as the operational procedures of the BM & FBOVESPA, as applicable.

16.16. THE CONVERSION PRICE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY is the lesser of the price resulting from the formula below and the entry price of the share in ACCREDITED IPO.



PAçãoinicial = BRL$1,025 (a real one and twenty five tenths of cents) per SHARE Ndiasúteis = Number of Days between DATE OF ISSUE and DATE OF THE CONVERSION OF DEBENTURES



16.17. ACCREDITED IPO means an initial public offering of shares of the ISSUING COMPANY in a minimum amount of BRL$ 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion REAIS), held on the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&F-Bovespa.

16.18. The provisions of item 16.4., 16.5. and 16.7. to 16:11. above apply, mutatis mutandis, to the case of conversion at the discretion of the ISSUING COMPANY.

16.19. CONVERSION OF THE DEBENTURES AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ISSUING COMPANY shall be limited to a maximum contribution of 20% (twenty percent) of BNDESPAR of the capital stock of the ISSUING COMPANY ("LIMIT PARTICIPATION OF BNDESPAR").

17.1. To ensure the timely and full payment of any obligations of the DEBENTURES such as debt principal, interest, penalties and fines, the DEBENTURES will be with floating charge.
18.1. The waiver to any of the rights resulting from this DEED is not presumable. Any tolerance, express or implied, by the DEBENTURE HOLDERS, with the delay or breach of any obligation by the ISSUING COMPANY shall not imply novation.
19.1. All payments for principal and income relative to the DEBENTURES will be made available through electronic transfer (TED), credit order document (DOC), or



transfer, as applicable, to the current account indicated by the DEBENTURE HOLDER to the ISSUING COMPANY and will be held on the dates set forth in this DEED.

19.1.1. In case of use of DOC, the payment must be made one day in advance, so that the resources are available in the current account of the DEBENTURE HOLDER on the dates specified in this DEED.

20.1. If the ISSUING COMPANY is unable to make any payment to a holder of DEBENTURES as a result of inaccuracy or lack of updated information on such DEBENTURES holder, such DEBENTURES holder shall not be entitled to any delinquent interest, penalty or indemnity, however, he will be entitled to the rights acquired up to the date of the release of funds by the ISSUING COMPANY, plus COMPENSATION of the DEBENTURES payable from the maturity date of the unfulfilled financial obligation until the date of the effective availability of funds, however, in this case the interest for the subsequent period shall be computed from the date of the actual payment and not the originally scheduled maturity.
21.1. In the event of default of any obligation assumed by the ISSUING COMPANY in this DEED, the provisions of Articles 39 to 47-A of the "Provisions Applicable to BNDES Agreements", which is an integral part of this DEED as APPENDIX I ("APPLICABLE PROVISIONS " ) will be observed, given that, for the calculation of the amount due, the charges will be calculated on a pro rata basis per Days until the date of actual payment of the installment due. The APPLICABLE PROVISIONS shall be construed so that "Beneficiary" shall mean the ISSUING COMPANY and "BNDES" shall mean the DEBENTURE HOLDERS.
22.1. All maturity in respect to any payment event of the DEBENTURES provided in this DEED to occur on Saturdays, Sundays or national holidays or bank holiday or any other day on which banks located in the City of Rio de Janeiro should be required to




b closed   will  b fo all  purposes  an legal  effect,  extended  to  th firs Busines Day  thereafter,  an th charge calculated  b thi date,  inclusive,  an th perio followin regular  determinatio an calculatio o charge o th DEBENTURES  shall  start  fro that  new  date,. 



22.2. Th tim limit provided  i thi DEE shall  b computed  excludin th day  o th beginnin an includin th maturity  date. 






23.1. Unti th ful settlemen o th DEBENTURES subjec to  th other  obligation i thi DEED,  th ISSUIN COMPAN undertake to



a)        provide  to  th TRUSTEE: 


(i          after  th en o eac fiscal  year,  unti th las Busines Day  o th lega deadlin fo disclosure,  copies  o it complet financial  statements  fo th respectiv fiscal  year,  followed  b th managemen report  an th independen auditors report,  unles suc informatio is withi that  period,  provided  to  th holder o DEBENTURE o th websit of  th ISSUIN COMPANY



(ii          informatio about  th occurrenc o an o th event liste i ite24.1. belo immediately  after  bein awar o i o a requested  b th TRUSTEE.  Thi informatio should  b accompanied  b report  fro th ISSUIN COMPAN with  th descriptio o th occurrenc an th measure that  ISSUIN COMPAN intends  to  tak wit respec to  suc occurrence.  If  thi informatio arises  fro an  event,  ac o fac tha gives  ris to  notic o material  fac b th ISSUIN COMPANY pursuan t CVM.  358,  o January  3, 2002, as  amended,  th disclosure  o suc event,  ac o fac under  thi subsectio shall  occur  concurrently  with  it releas to  th market,  accordin to  that  statement; 



(iii          copy  o an mai o judicial  o extrajudicial  notic received  b thISSUIN COMPAN that  can  impai th ability  o th ISSUIN COMPAN t





fulfill  thei obligation i thi DEED,  withi tw (2)  Busines Day after  it receipt; 



(iv         an relevan informatio o documen o th ISSUE,  withi 1 (ten Busines Day fro th receipt  o th reques



(v  Withi ten  (10)  Busines Day after  th effectiv registratio i th Boar o Trade,  promptly  provid copie o all  th minute o th General  Meetin o th Board  o Director o th ISSUIN COMPAN involvin i an way  th interests  o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS



(vi       withi ten  (10)  Busines Day fro th dat o receipt  o suc request,  document an o informatio a may  b reasonably  requeste b th TRUSTEE  i writin s that  th TRUSTEE  i capable  to  comply  wit it obligation unde thi DEED  an applicable  law



(vii        fo th purpos o monitorin th cas provided  fo i ite 24.1.  (f)  an (p)  below th ISSUIN COMPAN undertakes  t submi quarterly  report to  th TRUSTEE  report  o th judicial  claim i whic th ISSUIN COMPAN o an o it direc o indirec subsidiarie appear  a defendan an   i   whic   they    (i   hav   an    amoun   equal    o   greate   than    BRL

50,000,000.00  (fifty  millio Reais o (ii that  relates  to  child  labor,  slavery  o crim agains th environment,  prepared  b lawyers  involved  i suc claims containin thei respectiv opinions Th ISSUIN COMPAN i no require to  forward  th report  i th ISSUIN COMPAN doe no appear  a defendan i court  clai o suc nature,  an



(viii         giv notic o an issue  o SHARES  o securitie convertibl intSHARES  withi ten  (10)  Busines Day o th completio o that  issue. 




b             keep  all  accounts  updated  an prepare  thei record i accordanc wit applicable  law an regulations




c         conven General  Meetin o DEBENTURE  HOLDER to  deliberate  o an matter  that  directly  o indirectly  relate  to  thi ISSU i th TRUSTEE  fails  t do  so



d)         no conduc operation outside  thei busines purpose,  subjec to  th statutory  provisions law an regulation i force; 



e)          remai complian with  respec to  al taxes  owed  to  federal,  state  o municipal  treasuries except  wit respec t thos taxe that  are  challenged  i goo faith  b th ISSUIN COMPANY i administrativ an o judicial  field; 



f)          comply an caus its  subsidiarie to  comply  i all  material  respects with  al laws rules regulation an orders i an jurisdictio i whic i carries  out  busines o hav goods especially  to  comply  wit th environmental  bodies complyin with  specifi environmental  legislation an th legislatio applicable  to  person with  disabilities except  fo thos obligation o legislatio challenged  i goo fait i administrativ an o judicial  field; 



g         immediately  infor th TRUSTE o th occurrenc o an default  referred  to  i thi DEED; 



h          report  to  th TRUSTEE  o th date  o th event,  th nam an CP MF  o individual  exercisin pai positio o that  i an  employe o officer  o th company whic ha been  sworn  i as  congressman  o senator; 



i            obtai an maintai vali an regular  i all  material  respects al permits licenses authorizations permits  o approval necessary  fo th developmen o it busines an th busines o its  subsidiaries



j            maintain conserv an preserv i goo order  an workin condition i all  material  respects all  o it assets  relevan o necessary  fo th proper  conduc o it business



k) ensure that its financial statements and accounting records do not contain any incorrect or false information or omit any material information that should be disclosed in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions in force;

l) not participate in, or carry out any transaction with related parties that are not held strictly commutative and compatible with the market requirements;

m) comply, as applicable, with the "PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BNDES CONTRACTS", approved by Resolution No. 665, of December 10, 1987, partially amended by Resolution No. 775, of December 16, 1991, by Resolution No. 863 of March 11, 1996, by Resolution No. 878 of 04 September 1996, by Resolution No. 894 of 06 March 1997, by Resolution No. 927 of 1 April 1998, by Resolution No. 976, of September 24, 2001, by Resolution No. 1571 of March 4, 2008, by Resolution No. 1832 of September 15, 2009, by Resolution 2078 of March 15, 2011 and Resolution 2079, the same date, all of BNDES Board, published in the Official Gazette (Section I) of December 29, 1987, December 27, 1991, April 8, 1996, September 24, 1996, March 19 1997, April 15, 1998, October 31, 2001, March 25, 2008, November 6, 2009, April 4, 2011 and April 18, 2011, respectively, which constitute APPENDIX I to this DEED;

n) not dispose of or encumber goods of its noncurrent assets, or of any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries, subject to registration of property in excess of the individual or aggregate limit of 10% (ten percent) of non-current consolidated assets, based on the audited financial statements for the year preceding the sale or encumbrance unless approved (including as to price and form of payment) in advance by holders of DEBENTURES representing the majority of the outstanding DEBENTURES and except for the assets included in the fixed assets of the ISSUING COMPANY that on this date were already encumbered, as well as the assets that are encumbered in favor of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social - BNDES, or in favor of other creditors, for the purpose of obtaining long-term funding for the PROJECT or their bridge loans;

o) upon occurrence, depending on the application of resources to the purpose set out in item 5 of Clause III above, a reduction of the staff of the ISSUING COMPANY during the term of the DEBENTURES, offer a training program aimed at job opportunities in the region and / or relocation programs for workers in other companies;

p) adopt during the term of this DEED, the measures and actions designed to prevent or remedy damage to the environment, safety and occupational health that may be caused by the ISSUING COMPANY and / or its subsidiaries in respect of the use of funds from this ISSUE;



q) maintain in good standing its obligations before the environmental bodies, fulfilling the specific environmental legislation, except for those obligations or legislation challenged in good faith in administrative and / or judicial field;

r) apply the proceeds of this ISSUE solely for the purpose mentioned in item 5 of Clause III;

s) apply for registration as an open capital company until December 31, 2013 and meet all the requirements developed by the CVM within the statutory period, and in the event of any offer of shares, remain listed on the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&FBOVESPA, unless previously approved by DEBENTURE HOLDERS representing 2/3 (two thirds) of the outstanding DEBENTURES, and in this case, the ISSUING COMPANY will be entitled to migrate to higher level of corporate governance;

t) to publish, within the time and in the manner required by corporate law, its economic and financial information;

u) provide visits to the construction sites of rigs, so that the DEBENTURE HOLDERS allow in situ monitoring of the construction of rigs of the PROJECT, and

v) Maintain, simultaneously, during the term of the DEBENTURES, the following financial ratios, according to quarterly verification to be held by the TRUSTEE, based on quarterly financial statements, duly submitted by the ISSUING COMPANY, being the first quarterly verification related to the numbers of the first quarter of 2013.

1. Current Assets of ISSUING COMPANY / Current Liabilities of ISSUING COMPANY equal to or greater than 1.0 x

2. Net Debt / (Net Debt + Consolidated Paid up Capital of the Issuing company) less than or equal to 85%.



23.1.1. For the purposes of paragraph "v" of Clause 23.1., the following settings shall apply:

"Consolidated Paid up Capital " means the sum of the paid-up capital of the ISSUING COMPANY and the installment of the paid up capital by minority shareholders in subsidiaries of the ISSUING COMPANY.

"Net Debt" means the sum of all financial consolidated debts of the ISSUING COMPANY, as applicable, with individuals and / or entities, including loans and third-party financing, issue of fixed-income securities, whether convertible into shares in the local capital market and / or international, amounts payable related to acquisitions, the values related to redeemable shares of the ISSUING COMPANY, as well as the excess amount to be paid for derivative transactions, subtracted from the cash (cash and cash equivalents).


24.1. In addition to the cases provided for in Articles 39, 40 and 47-A of APPLICABLE PROVISIONS, it may be declared, subject to items 24.3. to 24.6. below as early matured all DEBENTURES, and the ISSUING COMPANY may be required, without prejudice to the penalties set forth in sections II and III of Chapter IX of APPLICABLE PROVISIONS, the debt payment on the outstanding balance of the DEBENTURES, including the updating of nominal value plus COMPENSATION and other charges until the date of payment, applying the provisions of item 21 above, and further without prejudice to the pursuit of compensation for damages to fully compensate the possible damage caused by the default of ISSUING COMPANY, in the following events:

a) noncompliance by the ISSUING COMPANY of any pecuniary obligation related to the DEBENTURES not remedied within ten (10) Business Days of its due date;

b) repeated protests of securities against the ISSUING COMPANY that, as an individual amount, are equal to or greater than BRL$ 10,000,000.00 (ten million reais) updated since the DATE OF ISSUE by the IPCA or in added value in a period of 12 (twelve) consecutive months exceed BRL$ 70,000,000.00 (seventy million reais) updated since the DATE OF ISSUE by the IPCA, unless (i) the protest has been made in error or bad faith of others, and this fact is validly proven by the ISSUING COMPANY within thirty (30) calendar days, (ii) if, within the same period, judiciary guarantees in court are provided by the ISSUING COMPANY and accepted by the Judiciary , or even (iii) if halted or canceled within five (5) Business Days upon knowledge by the ISSUING COMPANY;



(iii i halted  o cancele withi fiv (5)  Busines Day upo knowledg b thISSUIN COMPANY



c        applicatio fo judicial  o extrajudicial  recovery  o self-bankruptc filed  b th ISSUIN COMPAN o an o its  direc o indirec subsidiarie that  represent,  at  individual  o aggregate  a leas 5%  (fiv percent)  o th total  asset o th ISSUIN COMPANY o th delivery  o judgmen o bankruptc o th ISSUIN COMPANY



d)        dissolutio an liquidatio o ISSUIN COMPANY



e)         no b remedie b an DEBENTURE  HOLDER  o b th TRUSTEE,  withi thirty  (30)  day fro th extrajudicial  notic sent,  th breac o an non-monetar obligatio set  forth  i thi DEED; 



f)         declaratio o acceleratio o an deb o th ISSUIN COMPAN o an o its  direc an indirec subsidiaries due  to  contractua default  o fina convictio i cour fo   paymen   o   an    amoun   i   individual    o   aggregate    perio   o   twelv   (12)  consecutiv month equals  to  o abov BRL 50,000,000.00  (fifty  millio Reais),  updated  sinc th DAT O ISSU b th IPCA



g        inclusio i corporate  agreemen o b law o th ISSUIN COMPANY o provisio b whic special  quoru i require fo deliberatio o approval  o matter limitin o restrictin th contro o th COMPAN as  currently  exercised,  o even  th inclusio therei o provision related  to



(i restriction o th ability  o growth  o th ISSUIN COMPAN o o its  technological  development; 


(ii acces restriction o th ISSUIN COMPAN to  new  markets o


(iii restriction o los o ability  to  pay  financial  obligation resultin fro thi operation



h        confirmatio that  th representation o thi DEED made  b th ISSUIN COMPANY were  fals o misleading o materially  incorrec o incomplet a th tim they  were  made; 




i          chang th busines purpos o th ISSUIN COMPANY unles previously  approved  b DEBENTUR HOLDERS  representin 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin DEBENTURES




j           i th capital  reductio o th ISSUIN COMPAN i approved  with  repaymen to  shareholder o th value  o share o b reducin th amoun thereof,  i no paid,  th significanc o th entries unles previousl approved  b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin tw third (two-thirds o th outstandin DEBENTURES




k         creatio o redeemable  shares  o participatio certificates  b th ISSUIN COMPANY unles previously  approved  b DEBENTUR HOLDER representin 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin Debentures




l)          i th controllin interest,  direc o indirect,  o th ISSUIN COMPAN o an o its  direc o indirec subsidiarie that  represent,  at  individual  o aggregate  value  a leas 5%  (fiv percent)  o th total  asset o th ISSUIN COMPANY as  currently  exercised  i altered  b an means unles previously  approve b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin Debentures except  (i i th cas o changes  resultin fro corporat reorganization o direc o indirec controllin companie o th ISSUIN COMPAN where  n chang i indirec contro o th ISSUIN COMPANY including demerger  o liquidatio o Fi Sondas under  righ o migratio o shareholder  o Fi Sonda fo th ISSUIN COMPANY o th enterin into  shareholders agreemen between  shareholder o part  o th indirec shareholder o th Compan wh hold  jointly  50%  (fifty  percent)  o th shares  o Fi Sondas under  Articl 116  o CORPORAT LA o (ii a result  o th completio o th ACCREDITED  IPO; 




m        acquisitio b th ISSUIN COMPAN o contro o interes i other  companies "greenfield"  projects "join ventures o consorti consistin o activitie outside  th busines purpos o th ISSUIN COMPANY featurin th deviatio o th ISSUIN COMPANY’ busines purpose,  unles approve i advanc b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin Debentures




n         non-complianc b th ISSUIN COMPANY o th schedule,  with  an provisio contained  i sectio 16  o thi Claus III; 





o           failure  b th ISSUIN COMPANY to  compl with  th obligation under  ite23.1. (n an (v o thi Claus III unles previously  approved  b th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  representin 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin Debentures



p)          th existenc o final  judgmen i relatio to  act b th ISSUIN COMPANY implyin infringemen t legislatio dealin wit th figh agains discriminatio based  o rac o gender,  child  labo an force labor,  or  crim agains th environmen



q          allocatio o th funds  raised  i thi ISSU other  than  a specified  i ite oClaus III; 



r)           paymen o dividends subjec t th provision o Article  20 o th LA OF  STOC CORPORATIONS interes o capital  o an othe profi sharin statutorily  provided when  i arrear with  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS



s                approval  o an merger,  split transformatio o an other  corporate  reorganizatio o th ISSUIN COMPANY o it subsidiaries whether  b strictly  corporate  reorganizatio o b dispositio o relevan assets  ("CORPORAT RESTRUCTURING")  (provided  that  th increas o decreased  o indirec interes o th ISSUIN COMPAN i its  subsidiarie will  no b considered  an  even o reorganizatio fo purposes  o thi clause provide that  suc increas o decreas i indirec interes i explicitly  provide i th Shareholder Agreement i effec o th DAT OF  ISSUE,  an relatin to  28  (twenty  eight)  SPE headquartere i th Netherland an indirectl controlled  b th ISSUIN COMPANY),  except: 



(i          spin-off  o subsidiary  i whic spli portio i incorporated  only  i compan that  is an even  after  th operatio remains wholly  owned  subsidiary  o th ISSUIN COMPANY



(ii         merger  o merger  o share i whic (a)  th ISSUIN COMPAN i th mergin entity  an (b th companie involved  hav 100 o its  share hel b th ISSUIN COMPAN prio to  suc merge (except  fo share hel symboli an exclusively  fo fillin legal  requirements),  o




(iii         i suc reorganizatio transactio i approved  b th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  representin at  leas 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin debentures




t)          upo obtainmen o open  capital  company' registration th ISSUIN COMPAN o th listin o th Nov Mercado  o th BM&FBOVESPA th cancellatio o registratio as  open  capital  compan o th ISSUIN COMPAN o th remova o th ISSUIN COMPAN o th Nov Mercado  o BM&FBOVESPA unles approved  i advanc b holder o debenture representin at  leas 2/3  (tw thirds o th outstandin Debentures




u)         default  o an obligatio incurred  before  th BNDES  an it subsidiaries b th ISSUIN COMPAN o entity  part  o th economi grou that  th ISSUIN COMPAN belongs whic i no remedied  withi ten  (10)  busines day o notic sen b th BNDE o it subsidiarie to  th ISSUIN COMPANY




v         certificatio o empowermen a Federal  Deputy  o Senato o perso who performin compensated  function o bein amon th owners controller o director o th ISSUIN COMPANY a provided  fo i Federa Constitution article  54 item an II. 




24.2.     In  th even o occurrenc o an o th events  specified  i subparagraph  (c o sectio 24.1.  above,  whe related  to  th ISSUIN COMPAN an no to  an o it subsidiaries an paragraph  (d)  o ite 24.1.  abov th automati acceleratio o th DEBENTURES regardles o an prio notificatio t o consultatio with  th ISSUIN COMPAN o th DEBENTURE  HOLDER shall  occur




24.3.     In  th even o occurrenc o an o th events  specified  i subparagraph  o ite 24.1.  above,  th ISSUIN COMPAN an o th TRUSTEE  shall  conven withi tw (2)  Busines Day o th dat o whic h become awar o th occurrenc o an suc event,  General  Meetin o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  to  discus th declaratio o early  maturity  o th DEBENTURES subjec to  th quoru specifie i ite 2.1.  o Claus belo ("DECLARATION  O DEFAUL FOR  ACCELERATE MATURITY"). 





24.4.     In  th even o occurrenc o an o th events  specified  i ite 24.1.  above,  i th DECLARATIO OF  DEFAUL FOR  ACCELERATED  MATURIT i adopted,  th TRUSTEE  shall  declare  th early  maturity  o all  obligation o th DEBENTURES  an demand b sendin notificatio to  th ISSUIN COMPAN ("ACCELERATIO NOTICE")  wit copy  to  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS th immediate  paymen b th ISSUIN COMPAN o al financial  obligation under  th ISSUE,  perhap includin charge levied  up  to  th date  o actual  payment. 




24.5.        Notwithstandin th provision o sectio 24.3.  above,  th Meetin o DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  with  th purpos o deliberate  o th early  maturity  may  als b convened  b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin 10%  (ten  percent),  at  least,  o th outstandin debentures




24.6.      In  cas o th ACCELERATED  MATURIT o th DEBENTURES  th ISSUIN COMPAN shall  fully  settl th outstandin Debenture b payin i cas th updated  fac valu o th Debentures plu all  charges  provided  fo i thi DEED  an i th APPLICABL PROVISIONS whic mus b made  withi fiv (5)  Busines Day o receipt  o th ACCELERATION  NOTIC b th ISSUIN COMPANY






25.1. In  th even o collectio o enforcemen order,  th ISSUIN COMPAN shall  pay  fin o 10 (ten  percent o th amoun actually  due  o th DEBENTURES includin principal  an interest,  subjec to  th paymen o court  costs an attorneys fees payable  fro th commencemen o th collectio actio o enforcement. 









1.1. Th ISSUIN COMPAN constitute an appoints  a TRUSTE o th ISSUE:  Pavarin Distribuidor de  tulo Valore Mobiliário Ltda.,  which hereby an i th bes for o th law accept th appointment,  pursuan to  th law  an to  thi DEED,  t th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS statin that: 



a)              i doe no have,  under  th penalties  o an law an legal  impediment,  pursuan to  paragraph  3,  o article  66  o Law  No 6404/76,  i th CV Instructio No28, o November  23,  198 (a altered,  ―  CV Instructio 28)  an i other  applicable law or,  i cas o alteration th rule that  may  replac them t perfor th functio granted  to  them



b accept th functio granted  to  them totally  assumin th dutie an attribution set  fort i th specifi la an i thi DEED; 



c they  are  awar o th applicabl regulatio fro th Brazilian  Central  Bank o CVan other  competen authorities



d) i i no i an o th interes conflict situation set  forth  i article  1 o CV Instructio 28; 



e) confirmed  th accurac o th informatio contained  herein causin th omissions failures  o defect to  b corrected; 



f) fully  accept thi DEED  an all  o it term an conditions



gi i equal  to  financial  institution bein duly  organized,  constituted  an existen pursuan to  th Brazilian  Laws



hi i duly  authorize to  execute  thi DEED  an to  comply  wit its  obligation set  forth  herein bein complied  all  legal  an statutory  requirement neede fo it



ith executio o thi DEED  an th fulfillmen o it obligation hereunde do  no infring an obligatio previously  assumed  b th TRUSTEE; 



jthi DEED  i vali an enforceabl obligatio o th TRUSTEE,  an enforceable  accordin to  its  terms an





k serve a Trustee  o th firs issu o commo DEBENTURE o th Company i th amoun o BRL 1,850,000,000.00,  represented  b 1,850  DEBENTURES  wit warranty  represented  b pledg o share an dividends assignmen o rights  an receivable an surety  letter,  maturin i 2033,  with  monetary  compensatio b th IPC an 8.0%  per  year  compensatio an th annual  paymen o interests  an principal. 



2         TERM 



2.1.   Th TRUSTEE  will  start  performin hi dutie on  th date  o thi DEE o an amendmen concernin th replacemen an shall  continu to  perform  hi dutie unti hi actual  replacemen o th full  settlemen o it obligation under  thi DEED. 



3         REPLACEMEN



3.1.    In  cas o absence,  temporary  incapacity resignation intervention judicia o extrajudicial  liquidation bankruptcy o an other  cas o vacancy shal b held  withi maximu o thirty  (30)  day o th causin event,  th General  Meetin o DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  fo th appointmen o new  TRUSTEE whic may  b called  b th TRUSTEE  to  b replaced,  b th ISSUIN COMPAN o b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin 10%  (ten  percent),  at  least o th outstandin debentures I cas th call  doe no occur  withi 15  (fifteen day before  th expiratio o th aforementioned  period,  i will  b up  to  th ISSUIN COMPAN to  accomplis it subjec to  fifteen  (15)  day perio fo th firs cal an eigh (8)  day fo th secon call,  provided  that  th ISSUIN COMPAN may  appoin temporary  substitute  while  completin th proces o choosin new  TRUSTEE



3.2. If  th TRUSTEE  cease to  perform  hi dutie b supervenin circumstances  t thi DEED,  h shall  immediately  report  th fac to  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  requestin hi replacement. 



3.3. It  i permitted  to  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  after  th expiratio o deadlin fo th distributio o th DEBENTURES to  replac th TRUSTEE,  an to  appoin hi substitute,  at  meetin specially  convene fo that  purpose. 



3.4.   Th replacemen o th TRUSTEE  shall  b subjec to  amendmen to  thi DEED whic mus b filed  at  th Board  o Trade  o th Stat o Ri d Janeiro






4.1. In  additio to  other  require b law th followin are  duties  an responsibilitie o th TRUSTEE: 



a) protec th right an interests  o DEBENTURE  HOLDERS employing o th job care  an diligence,  whic an  activ an hones man  usually  uses i managin hi ow property



bresig i th even o occurrenc o conflicts  o interes o an other  type  o disability



ckeep  i goo care  all  registries correspondenc an other  document relate to  th exercis o thei functions



d) chec at  th tim o acceptin th duty th veracity  o th informatio contained  i thi DEED,  makin all  effort to  correc an omissions failure o defect known



e) promote  i th competen bodies i th ISSUIN COMPAN fail to  do th recor o th addendum o thi DEED,  remedyin gaps  an irregularitie that  may  hav therein In  thi case,  th registrar  shall  notify  th administratio o thi ISSUIN COMPAN to  provide  hi with  th necessary  information  an documents



f) monito th complianc wit th periodicity  i providin th required  information informin th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  about  an omission o inaccuracies  contained  i suc information



grequest,  when  i deem necessary  fo th faithful  performanc o hi duties updated  certificates  o civi distributors court o th publi treasurer notar protest,  conciliatio an trial  courts publi treasure  prosecutor office,  where  th headquarter o th principal  ISSUIN COMPAN i located; 

hconvene,  when  necessary th General  Meetin o DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  b notic publishe at  leas three  (3)  times  i th medi agencie where  th ISSUIN COMPAN should  mak it publications

iatten th General  Meetin o DEBENTUR HOLDERS  i order  to  provide  th informatio requested  an provide  copie o th minutes  t th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  withi (three Busines Day fro th date  o it performance; 

jprepar an  annual  report  to  DEBENTURE  HOLDERS under  Articl 68,  paragraph  1 letter  (b o CORPORAT LAW whic shall  contai at  leas th followin information


(i relevan fact occurred  durin th fiscal  year  ended  relativ to  th implementatio o th obligation assumed  b th ISSUIN COMPAN under  thi DEED  an t th guarantee  provided,  mentioned  i paragraph  17  o Claus II above; 

(ii amortizatio an interes paymen o th DEBENTURE i th period as  well  as  acquisition an sale o DEBENTURE mad b th ISSUIN COMPANY an

(iii statemen about  it ability  to  continue  functionin as  th TRUSTEE; 


kmak th report  referred  t i subparagraph  "j abov availabl to  th DEBENTURE  HOLDER withi four  (4)  month o th clos o th fiscal  year  o th ISSUIN COMPANY an fo perio o at  leas three  (3)  months at  leas i followin locations

(ii th headquarter o th ISSUIN COMPANY an



(ii      i hi office even  i i i availabl i th "website"  o th TRUSTEE. 



l) exercis all  th rights  an privilege available  to  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  an to  th TRUSTE provided  i thi DEED  an i document attached  to  it,    unles suc rights  an privilege are  waived  i th General  Meetin o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  convene fo thi purpose,  b DEBENTUR HOLDERS  representin th totality  o th outstandin Debentures including without  limitation sendin an forwardin all  notices  an communication provide for  therein


mkeep  th lis o DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  an its  addresse updated  with  thISSUIN COMPANY


n monito complianc with  th clause contained  i thi DEED; 


o notify  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS individually  i possible withi sixty  (60 day o an default  b th ISSUIN COMPANY o obligation i thi DEED,  indicatin th locatio where  h will  provide  further  informatio to  interested  parties an


n forward  to  DEBENTUR HOLDERS individually  i possible,  withi on (1)  Busines Day copy  o all  reports  an communication received  fro ISSUIN COMPAN regardin ISSUE. 





5.1. Th TRUSTEE  uses  an judicia o extrajudicia procedures agains th ISSUIN COMPANY fo th protectio an defens o th interests  o th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  an th realizatio o thei claims an shall,  i cas o default  o th ISSUIN COMPANY



a) declar under  th term o thi DEED,  especially  item 24.3.  an 24.4.  o Claus III  above,  th early  maturity  o th DEBENTURES and  collec th principal  an accessories



bperform a representative o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS th guarantee provided  under  ite 1 o Claus III  above,  usin th proceeds  to  pay  th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS an


ctak an measure  necessary  to  carry  out  th credits  o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  under  thi DEED. 






6.1. Th TRUSTEE  will  only  b exempt  fro responsibility  fo no adoptin th measures  contemplated  i subparagraph (a)  throug (c o ite abov i th convened  General  Meetin o DEBENTUR HOLDERS  authorize hi no t do  s b resolutio o th DEBENTUR HOLDER representin 60%  (sixty  percent)  o th outstandin debentures






7.1. Th ISSUIN COMPAN shall  pay  th TRUSTEE,  o th institutio that  replaces  it as  fee fo th performanc o dutie an obligation incumben upo i under  th law  an thi DEE compensatio to  b pai as  follows


(iAnnual  installments  o BRL 8,000.0 (eigh thousan reais each with  th firs installmen du i fiv (05)  day after  th signin o th DEED,  an th remainin installment o th sam day  o th year  subsequen to  th expiratio o th DEBENTURES and,  i suc date  i no busines day th firs busines day  thereafter,  o while  th TRUSTEE  represents  th interest o the  DEBENTURE  HOLDERS a provided  i ite (vi below


  (iiPaymen o Installments  o compensatio described  abov shall  b made  to  th TRUSTEE,  plu amount related  to  taxes  an duties  o revenue:  IS (Servic Tax  o an kind),  PIS  (Contributio to  th Social  Integratio Program an COFIN (Socia Contributio fo Socia Security  Financing includin an interest,  additional  taxes fine o penalties  that  ma incur  i relatio to  suc taxes  o transactions a well  as  an increase i pre-existin rates  s that  th TRUSTEE  receive th compensatio as  i suc taxes  wer no levied; 



(iii       Th Installment mentioned  abov wil b updated  annually  accordin to  th accumulate variatio o th IGP-M,  o i it absenc o inability  o application b th official  index  that  may  replac it,  fro th date  o paymen o th firs installment,  up  to  th date o paymen o eac subsequen installmen calculate pr rat basis; 



(iv      If  th ISSUIN COMPAN i no performin all  its  obligation i th DEED  o i th even o prio restructurin o condition o th DEBENTURES  after  subscription th TRUSTEE  will  b entitled  to  on additional  compensatio equivalen to  BRL400.00 (four  hundred  Reais per  man  hour  work  devoted  t (i advisin DEBENTURHOLDERS (ii attendanc at  meeting with  th ISSUIN COMPAN an o with  DEBENTURE  HOLDER an (iii th implementatio o th consequential  decision o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  an th ISSUIN COMPANY Th additional  compensatio shall  b pai b th ISSUIN COMPAN to  th Trustee  withi fiv (05)  Busines Day after  delivery  o th statemen report  o tim spent



(v In  th even o late  paymen o an amoun due  as  result  o compensatio herei fixed,  th overdue  will  b subjec to  interes o 1%  (on percent)  per  month  an non compensatory  fin o 2%  o th valu due an



(viTh compensatio i payabl even  afte th maturity  o th Debentures i th TRUSTEE,  i still  workin o collectin th fulfillmen o obligation o th ISSUIN COMPANY an d no include  th paymen o reasonable  third  party  experts suc a auditors lawyers consultants  finance,  amon others





8.1. THE  ISSUIN COMPAN shall  reimburs th TRUSTEE  all  th reasonable  an demonstrably  expenses  i has  incurred,  to  protec th rights  an interest o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS o to  mak thei claims except  i cases  wher th ISSUIN COMPAN i successful  i lawsuits  that  are  file b th TRUSTEE,  b reques o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS i whic cas th related  tax  los burden  will  b born b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS


8.2.   In  cas o default  o th ISSUIN COMPANY all  expense that  th TRUSTEE  may  incur  to  protec th interest o th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  mus b approved  i advanc b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS an subsequently  reimbursed  to  th



DEBENTURE  HOLDER b th ISSUIN COMPANY Suc expenses  include  legal  fees includin third  parties arbitrated  b court  o arbitratio court,  deposits expense an judicia charge o lawsuits  filed  b th TRUSTEE,  i related  t th solutio o delinquency a representativ o th DEBENTUR HOLDERS



8.2.1 Th compensatio an reimbursabl expenses  o th TRUSTEE,  should  th ISSUIN COMPAN remai i default  wit respec to  paymen o thes fo perio exceedin thirty  (30)  calendar  days should  b advanced  b th DEBENTUR HOLDERS



8.3. Th cost referred  to  i thi item shall  includ th following



a)         publicatio o reports warning an notifications a provided  fo i thi DEED,  an other that  may  b required  b applicable  regulations


b        extractio o certificates an



c         an additional  an special  o expert  report that  may  b essential,  i there  are  omission an o obscuritie o th informatio relevan to  th stric interests  o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS however,  th expense with  lega opinion will  only  b reimbursed  b th ISSUIN COMPAN i th TRUSTE i successful  i lawsui file agains that,  otherwise,  i will  b reimbursed  b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS


8.4. Th compensatio referred  to  i thi ite will  b made  withi fiv (5)  Busines Day after  delivery  to  th ISSUIN COMPAN o documents  evidencin expense reasonably  an effectivel made  an necessary  to  protec th right o th holder o th Debentures


8.5. Th TRUSTEE  credi fo expenses  h ha mad to  protec right an interest o perfor DEBENTUR HOLDERS  'claims whic hav no been  settled  i accordanc with  item  8.4.  above,  wil b adde to  th deb o th ISSUIN COMPAN an shall  enjo th sam guarante o th DEBENTURES with  preferenc to  the i order  o payment. 







Th holder o th DEBENTURE shall  meet,  at  an time i General  Meetin to  deliberate  o matters  o interes o th DEBENTUR HOLDERS



1         NOTIC


1.1 Th meetin may  b convened  b th ISSUIN COMPANY b th TRUSTEE  an b th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin 10 (ten  percent),  at  least,  o th outstandin debentures An proposed  chang i th condition o th Debentures  will  b made  exclusively  b ISSUIN COMPANY






2.1       Th General  Meetin shal b convened  with  th quorum  set  forth  i Articl 71,  paragraph  three,  o CORPORAT LAW an unles highes quoru i expressly  provided  i thi DEED,  i shall  ac b vote  o th DEBENTUR HOLDER representin at  leas 50%  (fifty  percent)  plus  on (1)  o th then  outstandin DEBENTURES



2.2           In  th resolution o th meeting eac DEBENTURE  entitled  to  on vote,  accepted  th constitutio o agents subjec t th provision o paragraph an o Article  126  o CORPORAT LAW


2.3       Except  a otherwis provided  i thi DEED an modification (i CONVERSIO PRICE;  (ii o th DEBENTURES  COMPENSATION (iii i DAT OF  EXPIRATIO OF  DEBENTURE (iv i th assumption an criteri fo conversio o th debentures (v i thi ite 2.3.  Claus will  depen o th approval  o th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  representin at  leas 90%  (ninety  percent)  o th then  outstandin DEBENTURES



2.4         Fo th purpos o formin th quorum  referred  t i thi Claus i shall  b exclude fro th numbe o outstandin debentures thos belongin to  th ISSUIN COMPANY




2.5        Th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  will  receiv notic to  th General  Meeting o DEBENTURE  HOLDER with  at  leas thirty  (30)  day prio to  th firs cal an [15]  ([fifteen])  day fo th secon call,  applyin where  applicable,  th provision o CORPORAT LA o th General  Meetin o shareholders






1.1. Th ISSUIN COMPAN hereb represents  an warrant t th DEBENTUR HOLDERS  that: 



a)          i i compan validly  incorporate an operatin i accordanc wit th law  o stoc corporation i force; 



b                fo th executio o thi DEED  an th assumptio an fulfillmen o obligation arisin fro it all  necessary  authorization fro th governin bodie an executives  (General  Meeting Board  o Directors  an Officers were  obtained, 



c           it legal  representatives  signin thi DEED  hav statutory  power t tak o behalf  o th ISSUIN COMPANY th obligation herei set  out,  and as  trustees hav th power lawfully  granted,  an thei respectiv mandates  i full  force; 



d)           its  economic financial  statu an asset reflecte i th financial  statements  required  b law  unti th date  o whic suc statement  i made,  ha no undergon an significan change that  may  adversely  affec th fulfillmen o it obligation under  thi DEED; 



e)         there  are  n securitie issued  o draw agains i that  hav been  presented  fo protes o hav been  protested whic th individual  o total  amoun i les than  BRL

50,000,000.00  (fifty  millio Reais),  except  thos that  bein presented  fo protest,  challenged  i court,  wit reasonable  grounds  o law o restrainin injunctio o protes followed,  a appropriate,  o th respectiv mai action



f) th executio o thi DEED  an th assumptio an fulfillmen o obligation arisin fro i do  no cause,  directly  o indirectly th failure,  total  o partial o (i an




contract,  o an nature,  entered  into  prio to  th dat o signin o thi DEED,  o whic th ISSUIN COMPAN i party  o b whic i i bound,  i an way an o it tangible,  intangible,  movable  o immovable  property,  (ii an law  o regulatio to  whic th ISSUIN COMPAN o an o its  tangible,  intangible,  movable  o immovable  property  are  subject,  an (iii an order,  resolution albei preliminary judicia o administrative,  that  th ISSUIN COMPAN i aware  o an that  affects  th ISSUIN COMPAN o an o its  tangible,  intangible  assets movable  o immovable  property



g             thi DEE constitute legal,  vali an bindin obligatio o th ISSUIN COMPANY enforceable  accordin to  its  term an conditions an payments  an non monetary  obligatio under  thi DEED  are  no subordinate to  an other  deb o th ISSUIN COMPANY except  preferenc o paymen order  i th even o liquidatio o th ISSUIN COMPANY



h              has  already  obtained  all  permit an license (includin environmental)  required  b federal,  state  an local  bodies both  i Brazi an i other  jurisdictions fo th exercis o its  activitie an it subsidiarie an payable  unti th presen moment,  includin license an o permits  relatin to  th environment,  all  o whic are  valid except  fo thos obligation o legislatio challenged  i goo faith  i administrativ an o judicial  field








1.1. Communication to  b sen to  th ISSUIN COMPAN unde thi DEED,  i mad b facsimile  o electroni mai shall  b deemed  receive o th date  o it posting provided  that  its  receipt  i confirmed  b indicatio (receipt  issued  b th machin used  b th sender,  upo confirmatio b phone),  an th respectiv originals  are  forwarde withi fiv (5)  Busines Day after  sendin th message,  i made  b mail,  notices  shal b deemed  given  when  receive b protoco o "acknowledgmen o receipt"  issued  b mai o b telegram  at  th addres show i th followin qualification








Rua Humaitá  275,  sala  1302,  Humaitá 

CEP  22261-005  Ri de  Janeiro

RJ A/C Vinicius  Dia an Antoni Siqueira 

Tel.:  (21)  2528-008

FAX (21)  2528-008

Email:  vinicius.dias@setebr.co antonio.siqueira@setebr.co



CEP  20050-005  Ri de  Janeiro RJ 

A/C Mr.  Carlo Alberto  Bach Mr Rinald Rabell Ferreir

Tel.:  (21)  2507-194

FAX (21)  3554-463

Email:  pavarini@pavarini.com.b bacha@pavarini.com.b



2         APPLICABL LAW 

2.1.      Thi DEED  i governed  b th Law o th Republi o Brazil. 



3.1.          Thi DEED  an th DEBENTURES  constitute  extrajudicial  executiv title pursuan to  section an II  o Article  585  o Law  No 5,869 o January  11,  1973,  as  amended  (th "CODE  OF  CIVIL  PROCEDURE"),  an th ISSUIN COMPAN an th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  hereb acknowledg that,  notwithstandin an other  appropriate  action th obligation unde thi DEED  includ specifi performance subjec to  th provision o Article 632  an followin o th COD OF  CIVIL  PROCEDURE,  without  prejudic to  th righ to  declare  th ACCELERATED  MATURIT o th DEBENTURES  unde thi DEED




4.1. Thi DEED  i signed  i an  irrevocable  an irreversible  manner  except  i th even o non-fulfillmen o th requirements  listed  i Claus II  above,  bindin th ISSUIN COMPANY th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS an thei successors






5.1. If  an provisio o thi DEE i held  to  b illegal,  invali o unenforceable,  all  other  provision shall  remai unaffected  b suc judgment,  an th ISSUIN COMPAN an th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  will  undertak i goo faith to  replac th provisio affected  b other,  as  far  a possible  to  th sam effect. 






6.1.      Th ISSUIN COMPAN an th TRUSTEE  hereby an th DEBENTURE  HOLDERS  (separately  o together  hereafter fo th purpose o thi Sectio 6,  called  "Party o "Parties"),  fro th signature  o th subscriptio lis o th DEBENTURES undertak   t   submi   to   arbitration   permanently   an   disagreemen   o  disput relatin to  thi DEED,  includin as  to  its  interpretation performance,  default,  terminatio o invalidity whic should  b conducted  at  th Cente fo Mediatio an Arbitratio o th Chamber  o Commerc Brazil-Canada  i accordanc wit th term o it Regulations wit stric adherenc to  curren legislation especially  th Law  n 9.307/96,  an thi DEE shall  b considered  as  Claus o Commitmen pursuan t Article  o that  Law It  i therefor mandatory  th signin o th respectiv instrumen an acceptanc o th arbitratio awar that  may  b given  o an dispute  o controvers arisin out  eventually


6.2. Th arbitratio shall  b conducted  i accordanc with  th procedural  rules  o thBoard  i forc at  th tim o th arbitratio ("Chamber  Regulation"). 


6.3.   Th arbitratio shall  b carried  out  b an  Arbitratio Court  compose o thre arbitrators preferably  enrolled  i th Bar  Associatio o Brazi ("Arbitratio Court"). 


6.4.   Eac Party  to  appoin an  arbitrator.  If  there  i mor than  on claimant they  all  appoin an  agreed  sole  arbitrator;  i i i more  than  one,  they  all  appoin an  agreed 



sole  arbitrator.  Th third  arbitrator,  wh shall  chai th Arbitratio Court  shall  b chosen  jointly  b th arbitrators  appointe b th partie involved


6.5. An omissions denials disputes doubts  an lac o agreemen o th appointmen o arbitrators  b th parties  involve o th third  arbitrato shall  b settled  b th Chamber. 


6.6. Th procedures  provided  fo i thi Sectio shall  als apply  to  case o replacemen o arbitrator. 


6.7. Th arbitratio will  b held  i th city  o Ri de  Janeiro State  o Ri d Janeiro an th Arbitratio Cour may wit justification to  designate  th achievemen o specifi act elsewhere. 


6.8. Th arbitratio will  b conducted  i Portuguese. 


6.9. Th arbitratio shal b under  th law applyin th rule an principles  o law  o th Federativ Republi o Brazil


6.10. Th arbitratio shall  b completed  withi si (6)  month fro th date  o it installation whic may  b extended  with  justificatio b th Arbitratio Court


6.11. Th arbitratio will  b confidential. 


6.12.   Th Arbitratio Court  will  allocate  amon th parties accordin to  th criteri o defeat,  reasonablenes an proportionality th paymen an reimbursemen o (i th fee an other  amounts  due,  pai o reimbursed  to  th Board (ii th fees  an other  amount du o pai reimbursed  to  arbitrators (iii th fees  an other  amounts  due,  pai o reimburse to  th experts translators interpreters an other  auxiliary  stenotypist eventually  appointed  b th Arbitratio Court,  (iv th fee o collapsin fixed  b th Arbitratio Court  an (v o an indemnity  fo litigatio i bad  faith Th Arbitratio Court  shall  no condem an o Stakeholders  to  pay  o reimburs (i contractual  fees  o an other  amoun due,  pai o reimbursed  b th other  party  to  hi lawyers technicians translators interpreters  an other  auxiliary  an (ii an



other  valu due,  pai o reimbursed  b th other  party  with  respec to  arbitration lik copyin expenses endorsements endorsed  b th consulate  an travel. 



6.13. Arbitratio award shall  b final  an binding no requirin court  approval  o an appeal  agains th same,  except  fo request fo correctio an clarificatio to  th Arbitratio Court  as  provided  fo i art.  30  o Law  No 9.307/96  an eventual  annulmen actio based  o art.  32  o Law  No 9.307/96. 



6.14. Before  installatio o th Arbitratio Court,  an o th Partie may  reques th Judiciary  emergenc measures given  that  an reques fo an  urgen measure  to  th Judiciary  does  no affec th existence validity  o enforceability  o th arbitratio agreement,  o represen waiver  regardin th need  fo submissio to  arbitratio Conflict.  After  installatio o th Arbitratio Court,  th requirements  o urgenc measur shall  b directe to  th Arbitratio Court.  Emergenc measure granted  b th judiciary  may  b reviewed  b th Arbitratio Court  after  it establishment



6.15. Fo (i th emergenc measure o protectio an interi relief  prio to  th constitutio o th Arbitratio Court (ii th implementatio o th awards  o th Arbitratio Court,  includin th final  verdic an possible  partial  sentence,  (iii an actio fo annulmen based  o art.  3 o Law  No 9.307/9 an (iv th Conflict that  under  Brazilian  law  canno b submitte to  arbitration i i hereb elected  th Courts  o Ri de  Janeiro Stat o Ri de  Janeiro as  th only  competen court waivin th righ to  an other however  privileged  i may  be. 


In witnes whereof,  th ISSUIN COMPAN an th TRUSTEE,  hav signed  thi DEE i three  (3)  counterpart o equal  for an conten fo th sam purpose,  together  with  tw (2)  undersigned  witnesses





Ri de  Janeiro de  de  2013. 







Signature page of the Private Instrument Of DEED Of The 2nd Private Issuance Of Debentures Convertible Into Shares, With Floating Charge, Of Sete Brasil Participações S.A. and Pavarini Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda., on [ ] [ ] , 2013.








Signature page of the Private Instrument Of DEED Of The 2nd Private Issuance Of Debentures Convertible Into Shares, With Floating Charge, Of Sete Brasil Participações S.A. and Pavarini Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda., on [ ] [ ] , 2013.








Signature page of the Private Instrument Of DEED Of The 2nd Private Issuance Of Debentures Convertible Into Shares, With Floating Charge, Of Sete Brasil Participações S.A. and Pavarini Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda., on [ ] [ ] , 2013.


1. Name:_____________________

2. Name:_____________________





Pursuant to article 8 of CVM Instruction No. 481, of 12/17/2009, the Company hereby provides to its shareholders the following documents and information:

I – name and qualification of the interested related party:


BNDES PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A.- BNDESPAR, a full subsidiary of the BRAZILIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK - BNDES, with registered office in Brasília, Federal District, andbusiness offices in the City of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida República do Chile 100- parte, registered in the National Register of Corporate Taxpayersof the Ministry ofFinance (“CNPJ/MF”) under No. 00.383.281/0001-09.


BRAZILIANDEVELOPMENT BANK- BNDES, a Federal Company of Brazil, with registered office in Brasília, Federal District, and business offices at Avenida Repúblicado Chile n.°100, City of Rio de Janeiro, State ofRio de Janeiro, Federative Republic of Brazil (“Brazil”), registered in the National Register of Corporate Taxpayersof the Ministry of Finance (“CNPJ/MF”) under No.33.657.248/0001-89.

II – type of relationship between the interested related party and the company:



Bothof them are controlled by the Federal Government.

III –  number  of  shares  and  other  securities  issued  by  the  company  held  by  the interested related party, directly or indirectly.

Position of 07/31/2013 

















Bank –  BNDES 




























IV  –   any   existing   balances   payable   and   receivable,   between   the   involved parties:




V – detailed description of the type and extent of the interest in question:

Sete Brasil Participações S.A. (“Sete Brasil”) was formed with the purpose of constructing drilling rigs, with a high rate of national content. Currently the main customer of Sete Brasil is Petrobras, the latter has already entered into with subsidiaries of the former rig charter agreements which are currently under construction in several shipyards located in Brazil.

Petrobras directly owns an interest of 5% in the capital stock of Sete Brasil and holds 4.59% of the membership interests of the Rig Investment Fund, which is the owner of 95% of the shares of Sete Brasil. Thus, the interest owned by Petrobras in Sete Brasil, directly (5%) and indirectly, through the Rig Investment Fund (4.36% = 4.59% out of 95%), is equal to 9.4%.

Since the formation of Sete Brasil, a relevant interest of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) in the Project was contemplated upon long-term loans. The Business Plan of Sete Brasil indicates investments in the amount of US$ 25.5 billion, from which US$ 12.75 billion are to be obtained from BNDES

Due to its relevant interest in the financing of the Project, BNDES, in the second semester of 2012, informed Sete Brasil its intent to hold an interest in the equity of the Project.

After negotiations, it was determined that BNDES will hold an interest in the capital of Sete Brasil by means of the acquisition, by BNDESPar, of Convertible Shares (“DCAs”) to be issued by Sete Brasil, in a private placement. Such DCAs are securities to be issued by Sete Brasil and acquired by BNDESPar, being a financing transaction, and BNDESPar is entitled to convert them into shares of Sete Brasil. The acquisition of DCAs is aligned with the practices adopted by BNDES in similar transactions.

For BNDESPar to acquire such DCAs, the current shareholders of Sete Brasil (Petrobras and the Rig Investment Fund) are required to waive the preemptive right to the subscription of such DCAs pursuant to article 57, paragraph 1, of Law No. 6.404 of 1976.

Thus, BNDES is concerned with the resolution on the waiver of the preemptive right to the subscription of the convertible bonds since it is a necessary condition for BNDESPar, its full subsidiary, to acquire DCAs to be issued by Sete Brasil and, as a result, allow its interest in the equity of the project.

VI – recommendation of the Management concerning the proposal, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the transaction to the company:

The Board of Directors of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, recommends that its shareholders approve the waiver, by Petrobras, of the preemptive right to the subscription of convertible bonds (“DCAs”) to be issued by Sete Brasil Participações S.A.

The acquisition of DCAs, by BNDESPar, will allow Sete Brasil to raise part of the funds (up to R$ 1,200,000,000.00) to be used in the project of construction of 29 drilling rigs, twenty eight of which will be constructed upon a charter agreement with Petrobras. Taking into account the prestige of BNDES in the market, its interest in the equity of Sete Brasil will add value to the reputation of the company with other potential financers.
If the shareholders of Sete Brasil (Petrobras and the Rig Investment Fund) exercise the preemptive right to the subscription of such DCAs and BNDESPar acquires them and chooses to convert them into shares of Sete Brasil, the interest of Petrobras is expected to be diluted from 9.4% to around 8.5% of the capital stock of Sete Brasil.



VII – if the matter submitted for approval of the meeting of shareholders is an agreement subject to the rules of article 245 of Law No. 6.404, of 1976:

Not applicable





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: September 27, 2013
/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results.  These forward-looking statements are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results o f operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 
All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and you should not place reliance on any forward-looking statement contained in this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events or for any other reason.