Tucker Carlson: The second diversity arrived to Martha’s Vineyard, the locals called the army for today

Guests: Jason Rantz, Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie, JD Vance

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," September 19, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


If you're used to thinking of Canada as our slightly dorky Arctic cousin, literally the last nation on earth where the mullet is considered a legitimate haircut, the country where American fads go to die, and of course, you're used to thinking all of that about Canada because it has long been true. It's time to think again.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Canada, of all places is a leading indicator. As the woke revolution spreads across the West, Canada is at the vanguard of it. Under Justin Trudeau Canada has done everything to the maximum possible extent. It has criminalized political speech, it has banned self-defense, it has used the power of the state to squelch Christianity, all of it.

So, if you want to know what's going to happen next in the United States, it's time to look North. Canada is the Ghost of Christmas Future.

So with that in mind, it's worth taking a look at what is happening right now in Canada's schools because you are starting to see all of it in your children's schools very soon.

So this week, video surfaced on the internet from a place called Trafalgar High School in Oakville, Ontario. That's right across the lake from Niagara Falls. These videos show a teacher called Stephen Hanna, who apparently has been employed at Trafalgar high for several years.

Recently Hanna, decided to dress like a woman or more precisely as a grotesque caricature of a woman not a real woman, but a kind of pneumatically inflated Marilyn Monroe lookalike.

As part of his costume, Hanna strapped on a pair of gigantic prosthetic breasts, each the size of a 10-pound watermelon. We're not exaggerating here. They're visible for at least a hundred yards away, if not from space. We'll show you the picture. We are right now on the screen.

But here's the thing, Hanna isn't doing this in private, in his home and restaurants and clubs. If he were, we would not be mentioning it on the show because it would not be our business. Have fun, Stephen Hanna.

No. Stephen Hanna is doing it in class, in front of children. As the Canadian journalist, Jonathan Kay put it, "Hanna has been dressing like this for a while. But only recently have students within the school gone public with this fact." So they have been enduring this for a while.

Kay also notes that Hanna's costume is based on the style of Japanese internet pornography, which translates roughly into English as exploding milk porn.

So, what's going on here? We know exactly what's going on here. Let's stop pretending. Women may not see it right away because generally their lives are not defined by their sex drives. But if you're a man, you get it instantly.

What is this about? It's about sex.

Stephen Hanna is enlisting other people's children in his sexual fantasies. That's why he is doing this in class. Having an audience of children give Stephen Hanna a sexual charge. He is getting off on this.

There is no question about it. This is the guy in the van trying to give your sixth grader candy. This is the flasher in the park. This guy is a pervert. He should not be within 500 yards of children, period. He is a threat to children.

Now, there have always been threats to children. In every society, there are people like this. And every society deals with them swiftly and very harshly. But no longer in the West. Now people like this are not punished, they are celebrated and then protected.

Trafalgar High School, which is public, it is funded by Canadian taxpayers is vigorously defending his behavior and threatening anyone who notices.

So, it's the Halton District School Board, which oversees the school that has sent us the statement and we're quoting: "The School Board recognizes the rights of the parents, staff, students, guardians, community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression. Gender identity and gender expression are protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code."

Oh, the Human Rights Code. Really? Where are the rights of the kids? There are none.

In other words, if you complain, if you're a parent who complains about Stephen Hanna, enlisting your children in his sexual fantasies, you are the criminal. You are breaking Canadian law.

For the most part, the Canadian media, the most supine media that speaks English are siding with Stephen Hanna, the sicko. Other than the noble exceptions of Jonathan Kay, who we just quoted, in a small feminist blog called "Redux," nobody is covering what Stephen Hanna is doing to kids, sexually. The rest are effectively defending it.

"The Toronto Sun" for example, went with this headline: "School Board prepares for backlash over trans High School Teacher." Oh, backlash. Trans high school teacher. He is protected.

No, he is a freaking weirdo wagging fake breasts in the face of your children because it titillates him. And if you complain about that, you're the problem.

So, the problem is parents, not the pervert in the classroom.

It's hard to believe this is happening, but we're sad to tell you it's not just happening in Canada. You see versions of it everywhere, including in this country. And to be clear what this is, children being used as props in the sexual fantasies of adults. Children being used as props in the sexual fantasies of adults. Are you okay with that? Is any normal person okay with that? It is completely wrong.

It is utterly outside the bounds of what is acceptable. It's not a close call. And yet, suddenly, teachers -- licensed teachers -- are bragging about it on social media.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have had multiple students come up to me not just with their sexuality, but also with their gender identity. It's one of the reasons I think it's so important to be out and loud and proud.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I teach my elementary school students about gender identity. Some people are girls, some are boys, some are both, some are neither.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I might tell this kid, "We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to." And he like looks around. He goes, "Oh, that one."


CARLSON: So again, if you were walking through the park with your kids and a stranger came up and started talking to them, say to your fifth grader, your five-year-old, even your 14-year-old about sex, what would you do? Well, you would call the police, of course. That's not allowed. It's a crime because they are children.

But teachers are allowed to do it and then to brag about it, and it is not stopping with classroom instruction. All over the country, adults are forcing children to attend drag shows. Watch.


CARLSON: So just to be clear, as if it is not clear, and somehow we're in such a haze that it isn't clear to a lot of people, these are sexual fantasies playing out in public.

And on one hand, we've all sort of agreed that's fine, go do your thing, but you are not allowed to bring children into your sexual fantasies because that's a species of child molestation.

You can be fully clothed when it happens. It doesn't make it any less abusive or any less immoral. They are children. Keep children away from your sex life, sicko.

There was never any question about that. But now there is, and it's a bit of a tip off that the same people conducting it are now trying to tell you that you can't use the word "pedophile." Oh, I wonder why. Watch this.


ALLEN WALKER, TEACHER: I want to talk about minor attracted persons because they are probably the most vilified population of folks in our culture.

You may have noticed that I'm using the term "minor attracted persons" sometimes abbreviated to MAPs, instead of the more commonly used term "pedophile."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: MAP advocacy groups like Before You Act have advocated for use of the term MAP. They've advocated for it primarily because it's less stigmatizing than other terms like "pedophile."

A lot of people when they hear the term "pedophile," they automatically assume that it means a sex offender, and that isn't true, and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors.


CARLSON: The last clip was from the Protasia Foundation, which you think Federal law enforcement would be taking a very close look at and its donors. Child molestation is a crime for a reason. It destroys people. You can't use children as sexual objects.

Now, the first woman you heard from Allen Walker who worked at Old Dominion University in Virginia. She was fired after the video came out, but shortly after Johns Hopkins hired her as a Post Doc, so she got promoted. She was rewarded for making excuses for child molestation.

And it's not just academics. You see book publishers aggressively trying to sexualize children. Have you taken a look at young adult books recently? Most are too stupid, some are flat out pornographic.

In Fairfax Virginia last year, a mother informed her School Board that two books in the school's library, one called "Gender Queer;" another called "Lawn Boy," written for seventh graders contained material that you don't need to be approved to think, well, this is not -- something is going on here.

According to ABC News, the book "Gender Queer," "Contains explicit illustrations of oral sex and masturbation." The novel 'Lawn Boy' contains graphic depictions of sex between men and children."

So why are they pushing this on kids? Well, of course to prime them for sexual exploitation. And anyone who said that's a puritanical take on this, you're being hysterical. Get real. Get real. What's the point of pushing pornography on children except to sexualize them and take advantage of them? And they're telling us, this is not really child molestation.

By the way, everyone in charge seems to be fully behind this. Oh, it's so dark.

And then of course, there's the medical angle. At Boston Children's Hospital, they're cutting the breasts off of healthy children. According to a paper published in the "Journal of Clinical Medicine," Boston's children's hospital did -- and we are quoting "177 gender affirming double mastectomy surgeries in recent years, roughly half of them were on girls, 15 to 18."

Similar gender affirming treatments, specifically chemical castration were offered for many years in Britain. We are not the first to do this, at their infamous Tavistock Child Identity Clinic.

Now, Britain's government just announced it is closing Tavistock. Why? Because they've been sued by more than a thousand families who allege that "Children and young adolescents were rushed into treatment," and therefore, "Suffered life changing and in some cases irreversible effects."

They should have known that. The data has been out for a long time, but people with a sexual agenda, not a political agenda, a sexual agenda have pushed so hard to make this legal and then fashionable that we've ignored it. But the numbers have been there.

In 2011, researchers in Sweden released the results of a study that lasted three decades. That study found that people who underwent "gender affirming surgery" were 19 times more likely to kill themselves than people who hadn't, the general population.

So instead of covering all of this, that's not a story? Really? Sexualizing children, mutilating their genitals, because you get off on it, our media is not covering this at all. They're encouraging it and they're hiding the reality behind euphemisms. You're referring to castration as "gender affirming care" -- castration of children.


MSNBC REPORTER: Gender affirming mental and medical care for minors.

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN ANCHOR: Often provide gender affirming care to transgender people.

MSNBC REPORTER: And gender affirming care --

ALI VELSHI, MSNBC ANCHOR: Seeking to ban gender affirming medical care for transgender youth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Efforts to restrict access to gender affirming care - -

JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: Life-saving, gender affirming care for transgender people.


CARLSON: Life-saving gender affirming care. Really? Can you slow down a little bit and tell me what exactly that entails? Can you be a lot more specific? Can you bring pictures then? Show me what it looks like? Can you do that?

What exactly are teachers talking to my kids about? What's a human sexuality lecture look like in my sixth graders' class? Why don't you tell me? Speak slowly, so I can take notes.

The reality of all this behind the euphemism is horrifying. It is sexualizing children and they go completely hysterical when you point that out because it's true.

And the real question is, why is everyone else putting up with this? In a healthy country with an intact social fabric, neighborhood dads would mete out instant justice to anyone who even thought about sexualizing their kids.

And if you doubt that, go in and try it in Bulgaria or South Africa, the Solomon Islands, good luck. Let us know how that ends if you can still speak. People won't put up with it. Because the instinct to protect your children is the deepest of all human instincts and it has to be, of course, it has to be.

But it's been all been eliminated in the West. Parents in this country and in Canada are far more passive. Why? Because they haven't recognized this phenomenon for what it is. They believe it is some kind of political movement, somehow related to the liberation struggle for trans rights, and therefore something you're not allowed to complain about, or you're a bigot, and all the moms thinks you're bad.

But it's not a liberation struggle. There is no liberation struggle. The battle for trans rights is long over. Trans people have rights. They can dress any way they like. And not only is that entirely legal, most Americans have no interest whatsoever in interfering with it, at all.

This is a fundamentally live and let live country and it always has been. That's the deal we've always had. You do your thing, I'll do mine and we'll both leave one another alone.

And the overwhelming majority of the American population still favors that. Republican, Democrat, Independent -- everybody is for that. But that's not what this is -- at all.

These are not people want to leave you alone or your kids alone. These are not people who want to leave you alone or your kids alone. These are weirdos getting creepy with other people's children. That's exactly what it is. Say it. Say it. That's what it is.

Now, naturally, Joe Biden who showered with his own daughter, who said her sex life was destroyed by it, is now the lead spokesman for this lunacy.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And we're committed to advancing gender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, at work, and our military, and our housing and healthcare systems -- everywhere, simply everywhere.

Today, we're announcing even more steps, but there is always more work to do. To end the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color and girls of color, to ensure transgender seniors can age with dignity -- dignity -- to parents of transgender children, affirming your child's identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.


CARLSON: Oh, yes. Tell us more about how to keep your children safe and healthy, Joe Biden, Mr. Shower with his daughter guy? Are you joking. These are sex crimes and the people committing them should be punished.

Now, try and say that out loud, anywhere, but on FOX News. You can't. Why can't you? Because it's true. That's why. You can't say the true things. You can claim the earth is flat and no one gets exercise. But when you start saying things like all lives matter, or sexualizing my children is a crime and if you keep it up, I'm going to hurt you because I'm the dad, say that, you're done.

Libs of TikTok is being banned from the internet. Why? Because it showed documentary evidence of what was happening. Some people describe what was happening, it is grooming. We're not exactly sure what that means. But if it's sexually abusing children, yes, that is what's happening.

But the term "groomer" is now hate speech says NBC News.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A couple of months ago, these people, one is Libs of TikTok, another is Matt Walsh, you have Chris Rufo, who you just mentioned -- they've been villainizing and literally demonizing these doctors who treat these people for months now.

And so, in that time you can just see it in their mentions. The sicko language, I've seen it a million times over because every time they tweet about these doctors, using these doctors faces sometimes and all of the comments are like "sickos, demonic, satanic, pedophile, groomer."


CARLSON: Yes, they are being mean to doctors who castrate children, who cut the breasts off girls. Yes.

This is not only happening, it is being celebrated and aggressively defended by virtually everyone with power. Take three steps back.

We used to say, "Oh, our society doesn't care about children." That's not what this is. What you're seeing is a society that hates children. You would have to hate children in order to sexualize them because sexualizing children screws them up for life. Ask anyone to whom it has happened. Period.

No one should put up with this. No parent should put up with this for one second, no matter what the law says. Your duty, your moral duty is to defend your children.

This is an attack on your children and you should fight back.

Well, things are going pretty great in New York. On Friday, a man was caught on tape terrorizing a McDonald's in the city with an axe. No big deal. You won't believe what happened next though. Our crime correspondent, Jason Rantz has that story for us this evening.

Hey, Jason.

JASON RANTZ, TCT CRIME CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. I guess it was just your typical early morning in New York where a hatchet-wielding man goes on a rampage at a McDonald's in Manhattan.

Now, the viral video from this past Friday morning is terrifying. It shows a 31-year-old named, Michael Palacios, and he appears to instigate a fight after witness says a woman had rejected one of his advances.

It ends up devolving into some kind of verbal sparring with a few guys, one of them looks to be the woman's friend. And before you know it, Palacios throws the first punch. The men react. A fight ensues, and then Palacios, he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a hatchet. Watch this.





RANTZ: So at one point, you see him threatening a woman with the hatchet, possibly the one who rejected him. And what's so striking is that this kind of incident, I guess, happens enough that people don't actually run away screaming. They just kind of watch this and film it like it's a typical day.

Now luckily, no serious injuries, but also no serious consequences. Police arrested him around 3:00 PM They found the hatchet, but also a knife in his back. He now faces multiple charges including criminal mischief and criminal possession of a weapon. But thanks to bail reform laws, he was released without bail about a couple of hours later.

Back in 2020, New York Democrats pretended that cash bail was racist, so they change what qualifies for bail and none of the charges against Palacios actually qualify, so he just walked.

And by the way, this movement on bail reform isn't staying in New York. As you pointed out last week, Illinois Democrats passed a bill that ends cash bail for most criminal suspects, including those charged with Murder 2. Now, that goes into effect on January 1st, I think we can probably predict how that's going to end.

CARLSON: Unbelievable. I just wanted fries, but I've got to hatchet, too. McDonald's in New York City.

Jason Rantz, great to see you tonight. Thank you for that.

RANTZ: Super served.

CARLSON: Super served. Unbelievable.

Well, whistleblowers from within the FBI are coming forward with stunning new information on how the Bureau under the direction of Joe Biden is handling January 6th cases. We thought it was bad, it is much worse. We've got exclusive details, which have not been released before tonight, so we are going to show them to you for the first time, next.


CARLSON: So, during his famous red speech a couple of weeks ago, Joe Biden labeled his political opponents domestic extremists, terrorists who threaten the existence of our nation. Now, you may have written off that claim as the rantings of a doddering old fool, but this is the President of the United States with the full mechanics of the largest bureaucracy in the history of the world behind him.

So now, the FBI is working hard to bolster those false claims. It's open domestic terrorism investigations all over the country, most of them against innocent people.

Now, we have proof that many of these investigations are entirely fraudulent, they are political. This is so wrong. It should not be happening.

Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio just sent a letter to the FBI Director, Christopher Wray who should be ashamed of himself, outlining the evidence. The evidence comes from a whistleblower within the FBI.

According to that whistleblower, the FBI is breaking its own procedures to create the illusion that new domestic extremism cases are popping up all over the United States.

In reality, virtually all of these cases are about January 6th, which was a non-violent election justice protest and covered of course, by the Constitution of the United States, excluding the people who have committed vandalism, but you have a right to assemble if you want.

So, the FBI's Washington offices overseeing these investigations, these domestic extremist investigations. The whistleblower said that, "The manipulative casefile practice creates false and misleading crime statistics. Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from a single black swan incident at the Capitol, January 6th, FBI and DOJ officials point to significant increases in domestic extremism and terrorism around the United States."

So, they're lying with numbers, just like they did under corona. This is fraud, and now it is occupying a huge percentage of the FBI's time at the very moment we just had two million people whose identities we can't verify waltz into our country.

Now, the whistleblower says he was told that: "Child sexual abuse, material investigations were no longer an FBI priority, and should be referred to local law enforcement agencies." Oh, germane to the last subject we addressed in the open tonight. You'll notice they're downplaying the importance of child sex crimes. Interesting.

So, we reached out to the FBI for comment, and a spokesman told us: "The threat posed by domestic violent extremists is persistent, evolving, and deadly." Of course, they can't point to any deadliness. Ashli Babbitt -- oh, wait, she was killed.

Congressman Jim Jordan represents Ohio, and is the member of Congress who has these documents. Congressman, we really appreciate your coming on and telling us about this.

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): You bet.

CARLSON: So, how do you assess what the whistleblower has told you?

JORDAN: Well, we think he is being straightforward. We think he is honest. We think he's a brave guy for coming forward.

And I think, the way I view it in my mind is, Tucker, they are juicing the numbers and they're cooking the books, and they are so focused on this. They're willing to pull agents from child trafficking cases to foster this narrative that you talked about that Joe Biden in front of Independence Hall with the red background, clenched fist talking about half the country being extremists.

So remember, we've had previous whistleblowers who came to us and said that they were being pressured to label cases as domestic violent extremism. This whistleblower came forward and talked to us about how they're cooking the books, making the numbers seem that there are cases all over the country, when in fact, they're all related to January 6th.

And now what's happened? Today, we learned that this newest whistleblower has been suspended from his job. So, there is retaliation going against this guy for coming forward and telling us what's going on.

CARLSON: So the administration is doing this because there is really no one to push back. I mean, Corporate America is completely on their side -- the entertainment business, the media, and of course, the entire Congress.

Democrats think they're going to win both Houses, keep both Houses. They just announced today, "We are going to keep both Houses."

JORDAN: Yes, I don't think they are.

CARLSON: If that were to happen. Well, I hope it doesn't, of course, but if it were to happen, it feels like they would double down and start putting a lot of people in jail.

JORDAN: No, and that is why this election is 50 days, Tucker is so darn important. The way you send a message is put Republicans in in charge and then what we have to do is get tough.

We've got to be committed to getting the two route to the American people we got to be committed to any and every remedy we can come up., Nothing should be off the table when it comes to reining in a political Justice Department which everyone knows is now the case.

I mean, think about the last six weeks, Joe Biden raided the home of a former President, took the phone of a sitting Member of Congress. The Inspector General at the Justice Department assisted in imaging the phone. He is supposed to be the independent oversight of the Justice Department.

And oh, by the way, he also signed legislation, which is going to unleash 87,000 IRS agents to come harass, we, the taxpayer. That happened in six weeks, for goodness sake. So yes, this election is critical when it comes to America's freedoms, liberties, and the Bill of Rights.

CARLSON: I think you're right. I'm not a huge booster of the Republican Party or anything, but I'm certainly rooting for them this time. That's for sure. I think this is -- when you put it that way, this is really scary, and I appreciate you coming on tonight.

Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, thank you.

JORDAN: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So, they're doing whatever they can to win the midterms, selling off this country's Strategic Petroleum Reserve in parts of China, really? And now declaring COVID over. Biden just said that, hoping that will win him the midterms. We've got details. They're amazing. Next.


CARLSON: So, apparently, I am not aware that the world has new scientific data that maybe we should consider before imposing it on the public. New York City just fired more than 800 teachers and teachers' aides because -- can you guess -- they refused to get the 'rona shot.

And it remains true as of tonight that tens of thousands of students in this country still can't get an education unless they've taken the shot or the booster. You may not have known that.

Joe Biden should know that, he is the President. But last night, he went on "60 Minutes" and he only asked, "How long is the show?" And then he declared the pandemic is over.



JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID, we're still doing a lot of work on it. It's -- but the pandemic is over.


CARLSON: Boy, if you're Biden's handlers, you never let him do a walk and talk on camera. He looks even older than he is. So, you may be wondering if the pandemic is over, then how do we still have a problem with COVID as Biden says we did?

Well, he went on to explain that COVID is still causing a lot of issues. Mostly low poll numbers for him. Watch.


PELLEY: Your approval rating in the country is well below 50 percent. And I wonder why you think that is?

BIDEN: This is a really difficult time. We're at an inflection point in the history of this country. We're going to make decisions and we're making decisions now that are going to determine what we're going to look like the next 10 years from now.

I think you'd agree that the impact on the psyche of the American people, as a consequence of the pandemic is profound.


CARLSON: Thomas Massie is one of the smartest members of Congress and also one of the most honest. He represents Kentucky. He's on the House Judiciary Committee.

Congressman, thanks so much for joining us, and that may sound like low praise, a smart and honest Member of Congress. They just aren't that many. So, we're always glad to see you.

What do you make of Biden's interview on COVID?

REP. THOMAS MASSIE (R-KY): Look, we've been living under a form of Martial Law for about two and a half years now. All of the powers that the President has claimed to himself that emanated or were predicated on the COVID virus, those need to go away today.

When I saw him say that yesterday, I suggested that the public health emergencies should go away, that all the governors that have these executive powers that should go away, the vaccine mandates need to go away if the pandemic is over.

And finally, one of the most onerous things the PREP Act. This basically is what I call medical malpractice martial law. It supersedes all State law, all Federal law, and it says unless somebody with intent kills you, you know with one of their PCR tests or with the treatment or with the vaccine, you have no legal recourse unless they meant to hurt you.

It's ridiculous and this needs to go away. We've even seen hundreds of billions of dollars of student loans, Joe Biden claims he has the power to just reassign that debt to taxpayers, because of COVID. Well, if he thinks the pandemic is over, then take away all those powers. Repeal them. End it now.

CARLSON: So, just to be totally clear on what you just said about current Federal law, if my child was required to get a COVID shot in order to go to college, as almost all college students were and then develops severe heart problems, as so many young people have from these vaccines, we can't sue the college for requiring that.

MASSIE: No, you can't sue the college or the person that gave you the shot or the pharmaceutical company that made the shot. In fact, I have a constituent, she went to get a test at a hospital, they stuck the swab so far up in her nose, they punctured the membrane that holds in the fluid that surrounds your brain, required surgery to fix, it leaked into her throat.

And she went to sue the people that stuck that swab up in her nose, they said, "No, PREP Act." So it doesn't just cover vaccines, it covers everything. It covers the treatments, the vaccines, and the tests and anybody giving them.

I have a mom who took her two kids to get a flu shot last year. They accidentally gave them the adult dose of the COVID vaccine. Again, they say "Oh, PREP Act, you can't sue us."

By the way, you know, you gave me credit for being honest. I'm going to have -- I'm going to commit candor here on TV, which is a crime in DC. This actually started under President Trump. The PREP Act was a declaration by his Health and Human Services Secretary.

CARLSON: Well, it's awful. And people should have a legal recourse when they're injured, I think. I mean, call me liberal. I think they should.

MASSIE: You know, Biden has used fear. They've amended the PREP Act for COVID 12 times now and they need to end it. Biden has declared the pandemic is over, so we need to take away all of the powers that he's claimed to himself. We don't live in a dictatorship. We live in a Republic.

CARLSON: Amen. Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky. A man who is not on TV enough. Great to see you tonight. Thank you.

MASSIE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, California announced it was going to ban all gas powered vehicles and a lot of people laughed because Gavin Newsom who runs the State into the ground is now a third world country is a moron. Obviously, he just says whatever is on the card.

And of course, California doesn't even have electricity to have electric cars. They can't keep the lights on. So, how are they going to power the future of vehicles? Well, they're not, obviously. It's a joke.

But what is not a joke is that it's not just California that is pushing this. politicians in places like Ohio, sensible States are also trying to ban gasoline engines, your car, your truck, your lawnmower. It got virtually no attention when it happened.

But in 2019, Congressman Tim Ryan of Youngstown, Ohio, made his plan clear.


REP. TIM RYAN (D-OH): I hope we don't have to wait until 2050 , the way things are moving. You know, Senator Sanders and I got into this on the floor or on the debate a little bit. He was like, banning gas cars in 2040.

In my mind, in all honesty, it's like, okay, great, whatever. But like if we're waiting for 2040 to get rid of gas vehicles, like we're doing something terribly wrong.


CARLSON: Oh, okay. So ban gas vehicles in Ohio, meaning no one can travel. No one has a reliable means of transportation and everybody can have their vehicle controlled and turned off remotely by the government -- Tim Ryan.

Are voters for this?

JD Vance is running against Tim Ryan for a US Senate seat this November. He joins us tonight.

JD Vance, thanks so much for coming on. This seems like a completely crazed and fringe position. Is it in Ohio?

JD VANCE (R), OHIO SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: I definitely think it is, Tucker, and you hit the nail on the head here. This is terrible for Ohio consumers.

I mean, people should be able to drive whatever car they want to, because this is America and people have the freedom to choose. But it's also -- if you think about this as a massive class war against Ohio auto workers, why should we all be denied gas-powered cars? Why should Ohio auto workers be put out of the job because Tim Ryan's donors who own the electric car companies want to get a little richer?

That's not representing the people of Ohio. It sure as hell not representing the interests of the middle class in Ohio. And of course that's not what Tim Ryan is interested in. He is interested in representing his donors so they can continue to fund his fraudulent campaign.

CARLSON: Why is it always banning this, that, and the other thing. I'm banning, you know, cigarettes, anything that you enjoy, they are banning. Why don't you say I'm going to make a car that is so great, you're going to want to buy it. Isn't that kind of the American way? Why does Tim Ryan go right to making it illegal?

VANCE: Well, he goes right to making it illegal because he knows that his preferred green energy fantasy that he'd like to project onto the entire State of Ohio won't happen through free choice.

He recognizes that unless the government forces this on people, nobody's going to go for it. And I have to say, Tucker, I mean, this is why people need to support my campaign, JDvance.com, because what he is doing is fundamentally trying to transform the country, and it's going to make a lot of us poorer if we let him do it. We can't let him do that.

CARLSON: And he is pretending to be some kind of working man voice of the people. I mean, it's just so insulting if you listen to what he actually says.

JD Vance, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

VANCE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So, a lot of us look to what happened in Martha's Vineyard last week where a group of 50 illegal aliens from Venezuela arrived to the island were immediately removed by the Army as pretty contemptible behavior on the part of the people of Martha's Vineyard.

But people in Martha's Vineyard are now saying they're enriched and they're proud of their own bravery. They spent almost two days with Venezuelans and they live to tell the story.

We're going to tell you their stories after the break.


CARLSON: Martha's Vineyard is an idyllic spot in the Atlantic Ocean off Massachusetts, but for decades now, people on Martha's Vineyard had been pining for diversity. "We need more diversity. We need more diversity."

Well, diversity finally arrived, sent on a jet plane by Ron DeSantis and the second diversity arrived, the locals, the ones who pined for diversity, called the Army and had diversity shipped to a military base where apparently diversity belongs. Ooh.

People were not too upset on Martha's Vineyard as diversity was led away to a military base. Watch.



KATE BOLDUAN, CNN HOST: There are cheers in Martha's Vineyard this morning just before migrants boarded buses to go on to Joint Base Cape Cod.


CARLSON: The brown people are leaving. We're so excited. Go Brown people, go. Don't come home. If you're not my housekeeper, get off the island

So it may seem like they're bigots. I mean, what's the other conclusion? But no. According to CNN, they're just grateful. They were clapping in gratitude for Ron DeSantis and what he did, the gift that he gave them.

Here is an actual CNN headline. We didn't believe this was real, but it is and we are quoting: "They enriched us. Migrants 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on Martha's Vineyard." Forty-four hours?

Wow, it didn't take long to leave an indelible mark, less than two days in the same zip code with Venezuelans and their lives are changed forever.

This remind you of the kid in your class who adopted a Spanish accent after spring break in Cabo? Or the guy who converted to Islam because he wants to switch planes in Dubai? It seems a little premature, right?

So we decided to look into it. Is Martha's Vineyard really congratulating itself for surviving it's ever so brief encounter with Hispanics? Yes, it is.

One nonprofit on the island called the Martha's Vineyard Community Foundation posted this message on its website. Again, this is real. "Our immigrant visitors have left the island. They have expressed enormous gratitude for the outpouring of support and generosity shown by the island community, which was heartfelt and overflowing."

I mean, these people called the Army in to have the Hispanic shipped to a military base, but the Hispanics are very grateful to be shipped to a military base by the Army. Grateful for the attention.

The foundation also praised island residents for raising $40,000.00 in a fundraiser for the migrants, oh but not really for the migrants, because none of the money is going to actual migrants. Of course, it is not: "The Vineyard Community stepped up in an unprecedented way." Really? On whose behalf? Oh its own.

The money went to them. They raised money for themselves, not for the Venezuelans. Hilarious.

But if you want to know in any community across the United States, where the locust of self-congratulatory posturing is, were the most insufferable people in any given town that of course, would be the local Episcopal Church.

In Edgartown on Martha's Vineyard that is St. Andrew's Episcopal and needless to say, as their inclination, they self-congratulated big time, "We have been so overwhelmed with everyone's kind words and thought and financial support for our brothers and sisters from Venezuela." Our brothers and sisters who we had deported instantly, by men with guns.

So, we thought we'd check in with our brothers and sisters from Venezuela, but unfortunately, they're locked up on a military base so they could not be reached for comment tonight.

So what do Beto O'Rourke and Justin Trudeau have in common? Apart from French sounding names, we will tell you straight ahead.


CARLSON: Well unfortunately, I talked too much as usual, so now we don't have time to show you the soundbite of Justin Trudeau drunkenly singing show tunes, but there is a whole internet out there and our suggestion is, treat yourself. It is worth it.

We will see you tomorrow at eight. Here is Sean Hannity.

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