The founder and chief executive of the New-Jersey-based electronics recycling firm wishes to call attention to the fact that many common household appliances are eligible for recycling.
LAKEWOOD, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / November 10, 2021 / Whether it's due to the weight of the materials or the potential dangers of leaving it out in the open, there are certain items that cannot or should not be left curbside to be disposed of with household trash. Some are well-known to the public (like chemicals and prescription medicines) while others the general public may not be aware of (consumer electronics). Virtually all electronic devices and appliances actually pose a danger to the environment if left to simply sit in a landfill, as many of their constituent parts are composed of metals that can cause serious health conditions should they seep into the air, soil, or water supply. It is with these thoughts in mind that Albert Boufarah, founder and CEO of electronic waste (e-waste) recycling firm SAMR Inc., seeks to spread public awareness that such items ought to be properly disposed of at a specialized recycling facility, as well as highlighting the specific electronic appliances and devices that this applies to.

SAMR Inc. is one of North America's foremost e-waste recycling firms. For more than twenty years it has gained prominence as a company that specializes in computer recycling. In addition, they destroy whatever data remains on the hard drives with Department of Defense standard information wiping technology, and then strip the drives down to their component parts to recycle them properly. However, SAMR Inc goes well beyond just desktop & laptop recycling. In fact, almost any kind of e-waste imaginable can be recycled at their facility, including:
- Smartphones
- Tablets
- Televisions
- Stereo Receivers
- Monitors
- Printers
- Scanners
- Microwaves
- Networking Equipment
- Coffee Makers
- Standalone Air Conditioning Units
- Recording Devices
Should an individual or organization wish to properly dispose of any of the devices listed above, SAMR Inc. is fully licensed and registered to do so. In fact, with its state-of-the-art electronics recycling facility located on the premises of its corporate headquarters, SAMR Inc. is equipped to dispose of e-waste on any scale, from a single device to a shipment of hundreds of appliances.
Anyone curious to learn more about Albert Boufarah and his professional endeavors is encouraged to visit his professional website, while anyone interested in learning more about SAMR Inc. and the many e-waste disposal services it provides is encouraged to visit the company's official website.
About Albert Boufarah:
Originally from Freehold, NJ, Albert Boufarah is a veteran businessman & a self-professed "serial entrepreneur". He started his first two companies in early adulthood, one dealing with traditional waste management and the other dealing with tree & yard waste disposal. With the success of these two companies, Albert Boufarah established himself as a force to be reckoned with in New Jersey's highly-competitive waste disposal industry.
Later, as he became more educated and concerned with climate change & other environmental issues, Albert turned his efforts toward finding eco-friendly solutions to waste management. As the millennium dawned, Albert established SAMR Inc. in order to realize his ambition of an industrial-scale, environmentally sustainable electronics recycling company and do his part to assist with the rehabilitation of the planet. In the years since, SAMR Inc. has surpassed his expectations in the realms of positive ecological and social impact, as well as expansion and profitability. Although he wears many hats professionally, Albert Boufarah views his position as the CEO of SAMR Inc. as his primary role.
About SAMR Inc.:
SAMR Inc. is one of the world's premier electronics recycling companies. It provides solutions for businesses, schools, hospitals, towns, and government entities looking to dispose of e-waste. The professional services that SAMR Inc. offers range from e-waste & TV recycling to secure data destruction to information technology asset management. With more than twenty years' experience and a state-of-the-art recycling facility located on premises, SAMR Inc. is one of only a handful of companies that can legally collect, demanufacture, and safely recycle computers and computer components. SAMR Inc. is headquartered in Lakewood, NJ, and services most of the Eastern United States.
Contact Information:
Albert Boufarah
Founder and CEO, SAMR Inc.
Phone: 866-509-7267
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