Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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o |
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Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
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Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and
0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
SEC 1913 (02-02) |
Persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid
OMB control number. |
April 24, 2009
Dear CTS Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2009 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of CTS Corporation. The meeting will be held
on Wednesday, May 27, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. Central
Daylight Time, at the Hilton
Lakes Resort & Conference Center, 250 West Shick
Road, Bloomingdale, IL 60108.
The official meeting notice, proxy statement, and proxy form are
enclosed. These materials were first mailed to shareholders on
April 24, 2009. We hope you will attend the meeting in
person. Whether you plan to attend the meeting or not, we
encourage you to read this proxy statement and vote your shares.
The vote of every shareholder is important.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Vinod M. Khilnani
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Notice of the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders
To Be Held On
May 27, 2009
To CTS Shareholders:
The 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CTS Corporation
will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at
9:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time, at the Hilton
Chicago/Indian Lakes Resort & Conference Center,
250 West Shick Road, Bloomingdale, IL 60108. To obtain
directions to the meeting location, please call
(574) 523-3800.
Only shareholders of record at the close of business on
April 9, 2009 may vote at this meeting or any
adjournments that may take place. At the meeting, shareholders
will vote on:
1. Election of directors for the ensuing year;
2. Approval of the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity
and Performance Incentive Plan;
3. Ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as
CTS independent auditor for 2009; and
4. Any other business properly presented at the meeting.
Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote in favor of the
director-nominees, approve the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus
Equity and Performance Incentive Plan, and ratify the
appointment of Grant Thornton LLP.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Richard G. Cutter
April 24, 2009
Your vote is important.
Please date, sign and promptly mail the enclosed proxy card.
No postage is required if mailed in the United States.
To be held on
May 27, 2009
This proxy statement was first mailed to shareholders on
April 24, 2009, and is furnished in connection with the
solicitation by CTS Corporations Board of Directors
of proxies to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
The following is important information in a
format regarding the meeting and this proxy statement.
Q: |
Upon what may I vote? |
A: |
(1) Election of director-nominees to serve on the Board of
Directors; |
(2) Approval of the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and
Performance Incentive Plan; and
(3) Ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP
as CTS independent auditor for 2009.
Q: |
How does the Board of Directors recommend that I vote? |
A: |
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote: |
(1) FOR each of the director-nominees identified in this
(2) FOR the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and
Performance Incentive Plan; and
(3) FOR ratification of Grant Thornton LLP as CTS
independent auditor for 2009.
Q: |
How will voting on any other business be conducted? |
A: |
We are not aware of any other business to be brought before the
shareholders at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders other
than as described in this proxy statement. However, if any other
business is properly presented for shareholder consideration,
your signed proxy card gives authority to Roger R. Hemminghaus,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Richard G. Cutter, Vice
President, Secretary and General Counsel, to vote on those
matters at their discretion. |
Q: |
How many votes are needed for approval of each proposal
presented in this proxy statement? |
A: |
Assuming that at least a majority of CTS common shares are
represented at the Annual Meeting, either in person or by proxy: |
(1) The eight director-nominees receiving the most votes
will be elected. Only votes cast for a nominee will be counted.
Your proxy will be voted for the eight director-nominees unless
it contains contrary instructions. Abstentions, broker
non-votes, and instructions on your proxy to withhold authority
to vote for one or more of the nominees will result in those
nominees receiving fewer votes;
(2) The CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance
Incentive Plan will be approved if a majority of the shares
present vote to approve the Plan. With respect to this proposal,
abstentions will have the same effect as a vote against the
proposal. Broker non-votes will not be voted for or against the
proposal and will not be counted as entitled to vote; and,
(3) The Audit Committees appointment of Grant
Thornton LLP as CTS independent auditor for 2009 will be
ratified if a majority of the shares present support the
appointment. With respect to this proposal, abstentions will
have the same effect as a vote against the proposal. Broker
non-votes will not be voted for or against the proposal and will
not be counted as entitled to vote.
Q: |
Who is entitled to vote? |
A: |
Shareholders on the close of business on April 9, 2009,
which is referred to as the Record Date, are entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting. As of close of business on the Record Date,
there were 33,747,763 shares of CTS common stock issued and
outstanding. Every shareholder of common stock is entitled to
one vote for each share of common stock held on the Record Date. |
Q: |
How do I vote? |
A: |
Please sign and date each proxy card that you receive and return
it at your earliest convenience in the prepaid envelope
provided. If you return your signed proxy card but do not mark
the boxes showing how you wish to vote, your shares will be
voted FOR the director-nominees, FOR the CTS Corporation 2009
Omnibus Equity and Performance Incentive Plan, and FOR
ratification of Grant Thornton LLP as CTS independent
auditor for 2009. Even if you return your proxy card, you still
have the right to revoke your proxy or change your vote at any
time before the Annual Meeting. If you wish to revoke your proxy
or change your vote, notify CTS Secretary by returning a
later-dated proxy card. Of course, you may always vote in person
at the meeting. |
Q. |
How can I vote shares of stock that I hold under the CTS
Corporation Retirement Savings Plan? |
A. |
The CTS Corporation Retirement Savings Plan is CTS 401(k)
plan. Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, the plan trustee,
will vote the shares in your account according to your
instructions. If Vanguard does not receive your instructions for
how to vote your shares, they will not be voted. You must
provide instructions or make changes to your instructions on how
to vote shares in your CTS Corporation Retirement Savings Plan
on or before May 21, 2009. On that date, your instructions
will be transmitted to the plan trustee and cannot be changed. |
Q: |
What does it mean if I get more than one proxy card? |
A: |
It means that you hold CTS shares registered in more than one
account. Please sign and return all proxy cards you receive to
ensure that all your shares are voted. |
Q: |
Who solicits proxies and how much will this proxy
solicitation cost? |
A: |
In February 2009, CTS Corporation hired Georgeson &
Co., Inc. to solicit votes for a fee of $6,500. CTS also
reimburses Georgeson for reasonable expenses, fees charged by
banks, brokers and other custodians, fiduciaries and nominees
for their costs of sending proxy and solicitation materials to
our shareholders. Broadridge, Inc. also distributes proxy
materials on CTS behalf and is reimbursed by CTS for
mailing and distribution expenses. In addition, proxies may be
solicited by executive officers of CTS, for which no additional
compensation is paid. |
Q: |
Other members of my household and I hold shares of CTS stock
in street name and we received only one copy of the proxy
statement and one annual report. How can we receive additional
copies of these materials? |
A: |
Under the Securities and Exchange Commissions
householding rules, a corporation or broker who
provides notice may deliver a single copy of the proxy statement
and annual report to shareholders who share an address unless a
shareholder submits contrary instructions. If you would prefer
to receive separate copies of these documents in the future, you
may notify your broker or you may direct a written or oral
request to CTS Corporation, Investor Relations, 905 West
Boulevard North, Elkhart, Indiana 46514; you can call
(574) 523-3800
and ask to speak to our Investor Relations staff; or, you may
send an |
e-mail to If your household is currently
receiving multiple copies of the proxy statement and annual
report and you would prefer to receive only a single copy in the
future, you may notify your broker or direct a request to the
address, phone number or
address immediately above. |
Q: |
How may a shareholder nominate a candidate for election to
the CTS Board of Directors? |
A: |
Director-nominees for the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
may be nominated by shareholders by sending a written notice to
the corporate office to the attention of Richard G. Cutter, Vice
President, Secretary, and General Counsel for CTS Corporation.
Pursuant to the CTS Corporation bylaws, all nominations must be
received no earlier than January 15, 2010 and no later than
March 1, 2010. The notice of nomination is required to
contain certain representations and information about the
nominee, which are described in CTS bylaws. Upon request,
copies of the bylaws may be obtained free of charge from
CTS Secretary, or from CTS website at |
Q: |
When are shareholder proposals for the 2010 Annual Meeting
due? |
A: |
CTS advance notice bylaw provisions require that in order
to be presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, any
shareholder proposal, including the nomination of a candidate
for director, must be in writing and mailed to the corporate
office to the attention of Richard G. Cutter, Vice President,
Secretary, and General Counsel for CTS Corporation, and must be
received no earlier than January 15, 2010 and no later than
March 1, 2010. Certain information is required to be
included with shareholder proposals, which is described in
CTS bylaws. Upon request, copies of the bylaws may be
obtained free of charge from CTS Secretary, or from
CTS website at |
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the
director-nominees, FOR the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity
and Performance Incentive Plan, and FOR the ratification of the
appointment of Grant Thornton LLP.
CTS Articles of Incorporation provide that the number of
directors will be between three and fifteen, as fixed from
time-to-time by the Board of Directors. The CTS Board of
Directors has established the current number of authorized
directors at eight. There are eight director-nominees for
election. Detailed information on each is provided below. All
directors are elected annually and serve one-year terms or until
their successors are elected and qualified.
Nominees for the Board of Directors. Each
director-nominee named below is currently a director of
CTS Corporation. The ages shown are as of April 24,
2009, the date on which this proxy statement was first mailed to
shareholders. Each director-nominee has agreed to serve as a
director if elected. If one or more of the nominees become
unavailable for election, the members of the Board of Directors
will, in their sole discretion and pursuant to authority granted
by the CTS Corporation bylaws, nominate and vote for a
replacement director or reduce the authorized number of
since 1999
Age 64
Mr. Catlow is Dean of the College of Business at Concordia
University. Mr. Catlow served as President of Ameritech
Cellular Services, a wireless communications service provider,
from 1998 until his retirement in 2000. Mr. Catlow
previously served as Executive Vice President of Ameritech and
as President of Ameritech International, Inc., where he directed
Ameritech international investments and was responsible for
global acquisitions and alliances.
since 1990
Age 66
Mr. Ciancia has been a partner in Corporate Development
International, Inc., a corporate search firm specializing in
mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, since 1998. Previously,
Mr. Ciancia served as President of Uponor ETI, a supplier
of PVC pipe products, specialty chemicals and PVC compounds.
since 1998
Age 67
Mr. Cody has served as Vice Chairman of Macys, Inc.
(formerly known as Federated Department Stores, Inc.), a
nationwide department store retailer, since February 2003. From
1992 to 2003, Mr. Cody was Executive Vice President, Legal
and Human Resources of Federated Department Stores, Inc.
since 2003
Age 50
Ms. Collawn is President and Chief Operating Officer of PNM
Resources, a utilities corporation serving electricity and
natural gas customers, since August 2008. Prior to this
position, she served as Utilities President from June 2007.
Prior to June 2007, Ms. Collawn was President and Chief
Executive Officer of Public Service Company of Colorado, an Xcel
Energy, Inc. subsidiary, from November 2005. Ms. Collawn
served as President of Customer and Field Operations of Xcel
Energy from July 2003.
since 2000
Age 72
Mr. Hemminghaus is the Chairman of the CTS Corporation
Board of Directors. He is the retired Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corporation, a
corporation that refined and marketed petroleum products on a
retail and wholesale basis, serving from 1996 until 2000.
Mr. Hemminghaus is a past Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas. Mr. Hemminghaus also serves as a Director
of Tandy Brand Accessories, Inc. and Xcel Energy, Inc.
since 2000
Age 69
Mr. Henning is the retired Deputy Chairman of
Ernst & Young LLP, an independent accounting firm,
serving from 1999 to 2000. Mr. Henning served as Chief
Executive Officer of Ernst & Young International, Inc.
from 1993 until 1999. Mr. Henning also serves as a Director
and as a member of the audit committee at each of Omnicom Group,
Inc., Landstar Systems, Inc., and Highlands Acquisition
since 2007
Age 56
Mr. Khilnani joined CTS Corporation in May 2001 as
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. In July 2007,
he was elected President and appointed Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Khilnani received his Masters degree in economics from
Delhi University in 1973 and his MBA in Finance from the
University of New York in 1977. He holds CPA and CMA
certifications. Mr. Khilnani has over 30 years of
leadership experience in finance, strategy, mergers and
acquisitions, and operating roles based in the USA and Europe,
18 years at Cummins, Inc. Mr. Khilnani also serves as
a Director, member of the Nominating and Governance Committee,
and member of the Compensation Committee for Brush Engineered
Materials, Inc.
since 1998
Age 59
Mr. Profusek is the Head of Mergers &
Acquisitions for Jones Day, a global law firm which he joined in
1975. Mr. Profusek also serves as a Director of Valero
Energy Corporation and is a member of Valeros Compensation
and Nominating and Governance Committees.
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR each of these
On February 4, 2009, the Board of Directors unanimously
approved and adopted, subject to shareholder approval, the
CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance
Incentive Plan (the 2009 Plan). The purpose of the
2009 Plan is to provide certain employees, consultants, and
non-employee directors of the corporation
(Participants) with the opportunity to receive
stock-based and performance incentives in order to attract,
motivate, and retain qualified individuals and to align their
interests with the interests of shareholders. You are being
asked to approve the 2009 Plan.
CTS currently may grant equity awards under the terms of the
CTS Corporation 2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan (the
2004 Plan), including stock options, stock
appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units,
performance shares, performance units, or other stock awards. If
the 2009 Plan is approved by the shareholders, no grants will be
made under the 2004 Plan in the future, except for grants
awarded pursuant to the term of the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan and the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan (an on-target award of
226,000 restricted stock units with a maximum total of 452,000
restricted stock units possible). Approval of the 2009 Plan will
in no way affect the validity of prior grants made under the
2004 Plan.
You are also being asked to approve certain material terms of
the 2009 Plan in order to preserve CTS ability to receive
a federal income tax deduction for performance-based payments
under the 2009 Plan. As discussed in the section entitled
Deductibility of Certain Executive Compensation,
Section 162(m) of the Code disallows the corporate tax
deduction for certain compensation in excess of $1 million
per year paid to certain executive officers. However, certain
compensation, including compensation based on the attainment of
performance goals, is excluded from this deduction limit if the
compensation is granted under a plan whose material terms for
performance-based awards for purposes of Section 162(m) are
approved by shareholders. Under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code and applicable regulations, CTS must seek
shareholder approval at five-year intervals to preserve
CTS ability to receive this federal income tax deduction.
Shareholder approval of the 2009 Plan will have the effect of
reducing the potential tax to be paid by CTS on certain
compensation should it reach the limits set forth in
Section 162(m) of the Code. If shareholders fail to approve
the 2009 Plan, CTS generally will still be able to make awards
of, among other things, stock options, stock appreciation
rights, restricted stock and deferred stock under the 2004 Plan,
but CTS may be limited in its ability to grant certain
performance-based awards under the 2004 Plan for purposes of
Section 162(m). The Board of Directors recommends that you
vote to approve the 2009 Plan, including the material terms for
performance-based awards for purposes of Section 162(m).
A summary of the 2009 Plan follows, which summary is qualified
in its entirety by reference to the 2009 Plan itself, a copy of
which is attached to this proxy statement as Exhibit A. A
new plan benefits table is not provided because no grants have
been made under the 2009 Plan and all grants will be
Administration: |
The 2009 Plan shall be administered by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the
Compensation Committee).
The Compensation Committee shall have
authority to interpret the 2009 Plan and any award agreement
under the 2009 Plan, prescribe rules and regulations, and make
determinations necessary for the administration of the 2009 Plan.
The determinations of the Compensation
Committee shall be conclusive and binding.
The Compensation Committee may delegate its
authority to a subcommittee or, subject to certain conditions,
to one or more officers of the corporation to make awards to
employees who are not directors, executive officers, or more
than 10% shareholders.
Available Shares: |
The maximum number of shares that may be
issued under the 2009 Plan is 3,400,000, subject to adjustment
as described in the 2009 Plan.
The maximum number of shares that may be
issued under the 2009 Plan that are the result of incentive
stock options is 3,400,000.
The number of shares issued as restricted
stock, restricted stock units, performance shares and
performance units and other stock awards (after taking into
account any forfeitures and cancellations) will not during the
life of the 2009 Plan, in the aggregate, exceed
If any award is forfeited, expires, or is
otherwise terminated, the associated unissued shares will again
be available for future awards. Any shares that are tendered by
a Participant or are reacquired by the corporation using the
proceeds from the purchase price of an award will not be
available for future grants under the 2009 Plan. Shares withheld
by the corporation to satisfy the tax withholding obligation
shall count against the maximum number of shares available for
grant under the 2009 Plan. The number of shares covered by a
stock appreciation right (SAR), to the extent that
it is exercised and settled in shares, and whether or not all
the shares covered by the award are actually issued to the
Participant upon exercise of the SAR, shall be considered issued
or transferred pursuant to the 2009 Plan. In the event that the
corporation repurchases shares with option proceeds, those
shares will not be added to the maximum number of shares
available for grant under the 2009 Plan. If, under the 2009
Plan, a Participant has elected to give up the right to receive
compensation in exchange for shares based on fair market value,
such shares will not count against the maximum number of shares
available for grant under the 2009 Plan. Unless otherwise
determined by the Compensation Committee, awards that are
designed to operate in tandem with other awards shall not be
counted against the maximum number of shares available for grant
under the 2009 Plan, in order to avoid double counting. To the
extent any award is settled in cash, the number of shares
available for issuance under the 2009 Plan shall be reduced by
an amount equal to the quotient of: (i) the dollar amount
of such cash payment, reduced by any amount tendered by the
Participant or retained by CTS to satisfy tax withholding
obligations in connection with the award; divided by
(ii) the fair market value of a share on the date of the
cash payment.
Any shares issued under the 2009 Plan shall
consist, in whole or in part, of authorized and unissued shares,
shares purchased in the open market or otherwise, shares in
treasury, or any combination thereof, as the Compensation
Committee or, as appropriate, the Board of Directors may
Eligibility: |
Participants shall include those employees,
consultants, and Board members designated by the Compensation
Committee. The number of persons eligible to participate in the
2009 Plan is currently estimated to be approximately
225 people.
Awards: |
The following types of awards may be granted
under the 2009 Plan (which may be in lieu of other amounts owed
to a Participant), subject to such terms as the Compensation
Committee may prescribe in an award agreement:
Options: The right to
purchase shares of CTS common stock, no par value, at a
specified price. Options may take the form of incentive stock
options or nonqualified stock options, but incentive stock
options may only be granted to employees under
Section 3401(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. On
April 9, 2009, the closing price of CTS common stock on the
New York Stock Exchange was $4.62.
SARs: The right to
receive the difference between the fair market value of a share
on the date of exercise and the exercise price, payable in cash
or shares. SARs may not have a term of more than 10 years.
Restricted Stock: An
award of shares subject to certain restrictions and/or the risk
of forfeiture.
Restricted Stock
Units: An award of units representing the
right to receive one share or an amount equal to the fair market
value of one share, payable in cash or shares, subject to
certain restrictions and/or the risk of forfeiture.
Shares: An award, denominated in shares,
which is earned during a specified performance period subject to
the attainment of performance criteria.
Performance Units: An
award, denominated in currency-valued units, which is earned
during a specified performance period subject to the attainment
of performance criteria.
Other Stock
Awards: An award of shares or an award that
is based in whole or in part on the value of a share (such as
dividend equivalents), payable in shares, cash, other
securities, or other property.
Section 162(m) Qualification: |
The Compensation Committee may designate
certain awards, referred to as Qualified Performance-Based
Awards, to be compliant with the requirements for
qualified performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The following individual annual grant
limitations apply per calendar year, subject to adjustment as
described in the 2009 Plan:
Options/SARs: 500,000 shares.
Qualified Performance-Based Awards of Performance
Shares: 125,000 shares.
Qualified Performance-Based Awards of Performance
Units: $2,000,000.
Criteria: |
Performance criteria applicable to any
Qualified Performance-Based Award to a covered employee,
referred to as Performance Measures, must be based on specified
levels of or growth in one or more of the following: free cash
flow; free cash flow from operations; total earnings; earnings
per share, diluted or basic; earnings per share from continuing
operations, diluted or basic; earnings before interest and
taxes; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and
amortization; earnings from continuing operations; net asset
turnover; inventory turnover; debt ratios; operating expense;
inventory turns; net earnings; operating earnings; gross
operating margin, gross margin percentage; return on equity;
capital expenditures; cost of quality; on-time delivery; return
on net assets; return on total assets; return on capital; return
on investment; return on sales; gross sales, net sales; market
share; net market share; economic value added; expense reduction
levels; stock price; working capital; controllable working
capital and total shareholder return.
Performance Measures may be considered either
alone or in any combination, and may be expressed with respect
to CTS or one or more operating units or groups, as the
Compensation Committee may determine. Performance Measures may
be determined on an absolute basis or relative to internal goals
or relative to levels attained in prior years or related to
other companies or indices or as ratios expressing relationships
between two or more Performance Measures.
Performance Measures may be defined to exclude
certain types or categories of extraordinary, unusual or
non-recurring items; changes in applicable laws, regulations, or
accounting principles; currency fluctuations; discontinued
operations; non-cash items, such as amortization, depreciation,
or reserves; or any recapitalization, restructuring, asset
impairment, reorganization, merger, acquisition, divestiture,
consolidation, spin-off,
combination, liquidation, dissolution, sale of assets, gain or
loss on asset sales, or other similar corporate transactions;
provided, however, that such action shall not be taken in the
case of a Qualified Performance-Based Award where such action
would result in the loss of the otherwise available exemption of
the award under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Compensation Committee shall provide how
any Performance Measure shall be adjusted to the extent
necessary to prevent dilution or enlargement of any award as a
result of extraordinary events or circumstances, as determined
by the Compensation Committee, or to exclude the effects of
extraordinary, unusual, or non-recurring items; changes in
applicable laws, regulations, or accounting principles; currency
fluctuations; discontinued operations; non-cash items, such as
amortization, depreciation, or reserves; or any
recapitalization, restructuring, asset impairment,
reorganization, merger, acquisition, divestiture, consolidation,
combination, liquidation, dissolution, sale of assets, gain or
loss on asset sales, or other similar corporate transactions;
provided, however, that such action shall not be taken in the
case of a Qualified Performance-Based Award where such action
would result in the loss of the otherwise available exemption of
the award under Section 162(m) of the Code.
The exercise price of an option or SAR may not
be below the fair market value of a share on the date of grant,
unless granted as a substitute award in compliance with
Section 424(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Certain adjustments must be made to the
maximum share amounts and other limitations in the event of
certain changes in the number of outstanding shares or certain
corporate transactions or other similar events, including stock
splits and stock dividends. In the event of such transaction or
event, the Compensation Committee may provide alternative
consideration as a substitute for awards under the 2009 Plan and
may require surrender and replacement of awards in compliance
with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. For each
option or SAR with an exercise price greater than the
consideration offered in connection with any such transaction or
event, the Compensation Committee may in its sole discretion
elect to cancel such option or SAR without any payment to the
person holding such option or SAR.
Other Provisions: |
The repricing of options or SARs without
shareholder approval is prohibited.
The exercise price of an option or SAR may not
be below the fair market value of a share on the date of grant,
unless granted as a substitute award in compliance with
Section 424(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Certain adjustments must be made to the
maximum share amounts and other limitations in the event of
certain changes in the number of outstanding shares or certain
corporate transactions or other similar events, including stock
splits and stock dividends. In the event of such transaction or
event, the Compensation Committee may provide alternative
consideration as a substitute for awards under the 2009 Plan and
may require surrender and replacement of awards in compliance
with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. For each
option or SAR with an exercise price greater than the
consideration offered in connection with any such transaction or
event, the Compensation Committee may in its sole discretion
elect to cancel such option or SAR without any payment to the
person holding such option or SAR.
The 2009 Plan shall not be construed to give a
Participant the right to continue as an employee, consultant, or
director of CTS and a Participant will not have any rights as a
shareholder unless and until shares are actually issued.
Any rights under the 2009 Plan are not
assignable by a Participant except by will or by the applicable
laws of descent and distribution, unless otherwise determined by
the Compensation Committee. In no event will any award granted
under the 2009 Plan be transferred for value.
Subject to the approval of the Board where
required, the Compensation Committee may amend or terminate the
2009 Plan in whole or in part; provided that no amendment or
termination may be made without shareholder approval that would
increase the maximum number of shares that may be issued under
the 2009 Plan (except for adjustments permitted under the 2009
Plan), change the class of eligible Participants, permit the
repricing of outstanding options or SARs or otherwise require
shareholder approval. No amendment or termination may terminate
or adversely affect any right of a Participant under an award
without that Participants consent, except as necessary to
comply with changes in law or accounting rules applicable to CTS.
The Compensation Committee may adopt, amend,
or terminate arrangements to make tax or other benefits
available to Participants subject to laws of a foreign
jurisdiction or to conform with such laws.
The 2009 Plan shall be governed by the laws of
the State of Indiana, without regard to its conflict of laws
CTS reserves the right to make certain
amendments to the 2009 Plan related to compliance with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.
The 2009 Plan contains an award
clawback feature. If the Board of Directors learns
of any intentional misconduct by a Participant which directly
contributes to the corporation having to restate all or a
portion of its financial statements, the Board may require the
Participant to reimburse the corporation for the difference
between any awards paid out to the Participant and the amount
the Participant would have earned as awards based on the
corrected financial results.
Effective Date and Termination: |
The 2009 Plan will become effective as of
May 27, 2009, subject to shareholder approval.
Unless earlier terminated, the 2009 Plan will
expire on May 26, 2019.
Federal Income
Tax Consequences
The following is a brief summary of some of the federal income
tax consequences of certain transactions under the 2009 Plan
based on federal income tax laws in effect on January 1,
2009. This summary is not intended to be complete and does not
describe state or local tax consequences. It is not intended as
tax guidance to Participants in the 2009 Plan.
Tax Consequences
to Participants
Nonqualified Stock Options. In general,
(1) no income will be recognized by an optionee at the time
a nonqualified stock option is granted; (2) at the time of
exercise of a nonqualified stock option, ordinary income will be
recognized by the optionee in an amount equal to the difference
between the exercise price paid for the shares and the fair
market value of the shares, if unrestricted, on the date of
exercise; and (3) at the time of sale of shares acquired
pursuant to the exercise of a nonqualified stock option,
appreciation (or depreciation) in value of the shares after the
date of exercise will be treated as either short-term or
long-term capital gain (or loss) depending on how long the
shares have been held.
Incentive Stock Options. No income generally
will be recognized by an optionee upon the grant or exercise of
an incentive stock option, or ISO. The exercise of an ISO,
however, may result in alternative minimum tax liability. If
shares are issued to the optionee pursuant to the exercise of an
ISO, and if no disqualifying disposition of such shares is made
by such optionee within two years after the date of grant or
within one year after the transfer of such shares to the
optionee, then upon sale of such shares, any amount realized in
excess of the exercise price will be taxed to the optionee as a
long-term capital gain and any loss sustained will be a
long-term capital loss.
If shares acquired upon the exercise of an ISO are disposed of
prior to the expiration of either holding period described
above, the optionee generally will recognize ordinary income in
the year of disposition in an amount equal to the excess (if
any) of the fair market value of such shares at the time of
exercise (or, if less, the amount realized on the disposition of
such shares if a sale or exchange) over the exercise price paid
for such shares. Any further gain (or loss) realized by the
Participant generally will be taxed as short-term or long-term
capital gain (or loss) depending on the holding period.
SARs. No income will be recognized by a
Participant in connection with the grant of a SAR. When the SAR
is exercised, the Participant normally will be required to
include as taxable ordinary income in the year of exercise an
amount equal to the amount of cash received and the fair market
value of any unrestricted shares received on the exercise.
Restricted Stock. The recipient of restricted
stock generally will be subject to tax at ordinary income rates
on the fair market value of the restricted stock (reduced by any
amount paid by the Participant for such
restricted stock) at such time as the shares are no longer
subject to forfeiture or restrictions on transfer for purposes
of Section 83 of the Internal Revenue Code
(Restrictions). However, a recipient who so elects
under Section 83(b) of the Internal Revenue Code within
30 days of the date of transfer of the shares will have
taxable ordinary income on the date of transfer of the shares
equal to the excess of the fair market value of such shares
(determined without regard to the Restrictions) over the
purchase price, if any, of such restricted stock. If a
Section 83(b) election has not been made, any dividends
received with respect to restricted stock that is subject to the
Restrictions generally will be treated as compensation that is
taxable as ordinary income to the Participant.
Restricted Stock Units. No income generally
will be recognized upon the award of restricted stock units. The
recipient of an award of restricted stock units generally will
be subject to tax at ordinary income rates on the fair market
value of unrestricted shares on the date that such shares are
transferred to the Participant under the award (reduced by any
amount paid by the Participant for such restricted stock units),
and the capital gains/loss holding period for such shares will
also commence on such date.
Performance Shares and Performance Units. No
income generally will be recognized upon the grant of
performance shares or performance units. Upon payment in respect
of the earn-out of performance shares or performance units, the
recipient generally will be required to include as taxable
ordinary income in the year of receipt an amount equal to the
amount of cash received and the fair market value of any
unrestricted shares received.
Other Stock Awards. No income generally will
be recognized upon the grant of other stock awards. Upon payment
of other awards, the recipient generally will be required to
include as taxable ordinary income in the year of receipt an
amount equal to the amount of cash received and the fair market
value of any unrestricted shares received.
Tax Consequences
to CTS
To the extent that a Participant recognizes ordinary income in
the circumstances described above, CTS will be entitled to a
corresponding deduction provided that, among other things, the
income meets the test of reasonableness, is an ordinary and
necessary business expense, is not an excess parachute
payment within the meaning of Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code and is not disallowed by the
$1 million limitation on certain executive compensation
under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of the
CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance
Incentive Plan.
Grant Thornton LLP has served as CTS independent
registered public auditor since June 2005 and has been appointed
by the Audit Committee to continue as CTS independent
auditor for 2009. In the event that ratification is not approved
by a majority of the shares of CTS common stock represented at
the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy and entitled to vote on
the matter, the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors will
review the Audit Committees future selection of
independent auditors.
Representatives of Grant Thornton LLP will be present at the
Annual Meeting. The representatives will be available to respond
to appropriate questions. The representatives will also be
afforded an opportunity at such time to make such statements as
they desire.
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR ratification of
the appointment of
Grant Thornton LLP as CTS independent auditor for 2009.
The following table provides information about shares of CTS
common stock that could be issued under all of CTS equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2008:
Number of Securities
Remaining Available for
Number of Securities to
Exercise Price of
Future Issuance Under
be Issued Upon Exercise
Equity Compensation Plans
of Outstanding Options,
Options, Warrants
(Excluding Securities
Plan Category
Warrants and Rights
and Rights
Reflected in Column(a))
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders(1)
(1) |
In 1990, CTS adopted the Stock Retirement Plan for Non-Employee
Directors. As of December 1, 2004, this plan was amended to
preclude crediting any additional units under the plan. Prior to
the amendment, CTS annually credited an account for each
non-employee director with 800 common stock units. CTS also
annually credited each deferred stock account with an additional
number of common stock units representing the amount of
dividends which would have been paid on an equivalent number of
shares of CTS common stock for each quarter during the preceding
calendar year. Upon retirement, the non-employee director is
entitled to receive one share of CTS common stock for each
common stock unit in his deferred stock account. CTS has issued
only treasury shares for common stock units under the plan. On
December 31, 2008, the deferred stock accounts contained a
total of 56,261 units. |
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires CTS directors, executive officers and certain
persons who own more than 10% of CTS common stock to file
with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York
Stock Exchange, initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of CTS common stock. Executive officers,
directors and holders of at least 10% of CTS common stock
are required to furnish CTS with copies of all
Section 16(a) reports they file. Based solely on written
representations from reporting persons and on our review of
Section 16(a) reports provided by those individuals, CTS
believes that all required Section 16(a) filings were
completed in a timely manner in 2008, with the exception of one
report on one transaction for Vinod M. Khilnani, which was filed
one day late due to an administrative oversight.
Directors are assigned to committees of the Board of Directors
by the full Board of Directors each year following their
election at the Annual Meeting.
The Compensation Committee is a standing committee of the Board
of Directors. Directors Cody, Catlow, Collawn, and Henning are
the current members of the Compensation Committee. Each member
of the Compensation Committee is an independent director as
defined by the New York Stock Exchange Corporate Governance
Listing Standards and the CTS Corporation Corporate
Governance Guidelines. The Committee held four meetings in 2008.
A copy of the Compensation Committee Charter may be obtained
free of charge from CTS Secretary upon request or from
CTS website at
The Compensation Committee establishes executive compensation
policies and reviews and approves senior executive and director
compensation and employment agreements. The Compensation
Committee reviews and approves corporate goals and objectives
relevant to the Chief Executive Officers compensation,
evaluates the Chief Executive Officers performance against
those objectives, and makes recommendations to the Board of
Directors regarding the Chief Executive Officers
compensation. The Compensation Committee also administers the
CTS Corporation Management Incentive Plan and the
CTS Corporation 2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan. If
the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance
Incentive Plan is approved, the Compensation Committee will also
administer the 2009 Plan. Annually, the Compensation Committee
conducts an evaluation of its performance for the fiscal year.
The Compensation Committee does not delegate authority to
perform any of the foregoing functions with respect to the
compensation of any executive officer. The Compensation
Committee may delegate authority to make cash incentive or
equity awards to non-executive officers to the Chief Executive
and/or the
Senior Vice President Administration subject to specific numeric
limits. The Chief Executive Officer recommends to the
Compensation Committee the form and level of compensation for
each executive officer other than himself. The Compensation
Committee recommends the Chief Executive Officers form and
level of compensation to the full Board of Directors for
The Senior Vice President Administration regularly reports to
the Compensation Committee regarding market trends in executive
compensation. He also provides background information, such as
peer benchmark data, to assist the Compensation Committee in
making decisions about executive compensation. The Compensation
Committee may direct the Senior Vice President Administration to
research specific issues and make recommendations to the
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Directors Cody, Catlow, Collawn, and Henning were appointed to
the Compensation Committee following their election to the Board
of Directors at the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
CTS Corporation. During 2008, no executive officer of CTS
served as a director of any other entity for which any CTS
director was an executive officer.
Nominating and
Governance Committee
The Nominating and Governance Committee is a standing committee
of the Board of Directors. Directors Ciancia, Cody, Collawn, and
Frieling are the current members of the Nominating and
Governance Committee. Each member of the Nominating and
Governance Committee is an independent director as defined by
the New York Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Listing
Standards and the CTS Corporation Corporate Governance
Guidelines. The Nominating and Governance Committee held four
meetings in 2008. A copy of the Nominating and Governance
Committee Charter may be obtained free of charge from CTS
Secretary upon request or from CTS website at
The Nominating and Governance Committee reviews and makes
recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning committee
assignments and director-nominees for election at the Annual
Meeting. The Nominating and Governance Committee also develops
the CTS Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines for the
approval of the Board of Directors and makes recommendations on
matters of corporate governance. CTS bylaws describe the
process for nominating a candidate for election to the Board of
Directors at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. CTS does not
have a formal policy concerning whether the Nominating and
Governance Committee will consider director-nominees submitted
by shareholders. CTS did not receive any shareholder
director-nominees for election at the 2009 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders. At this time, the Board of Directors does not
believe a formal policy regarding shareholder director-nominees
is necessary since CTS bylaws provide a process for
nomination of directors and no shareholder nominations for
director have been received in past years.
The Nominating and Governance Committee reviews with the Board
of Directors, on an annual basis, the requisite skills and
director characteristics of any new members as well as the
composition of the Board of
Directors as a whole. This review includes an assessment of
whether each non-management director qualifies as independent
and an assessment of the diversity, age, skills, and experience
of the directors in the context of the needs of the Board of
Directors. Although the Nominating and Governance Committee has
not established any specific minimum criteria or qualifications
that a candidate must possess, the Nominating and Governance
Committee seeks candidates who possess the experience necessary
to make a valuable contribution to the Board of Directors. The
Nominating and Governance Committee may retain search firms for
the purpose of identifying and evaluating director candidates.
The Nominating and Governance Committee also considers
director-nominees identified by management and by non-management
The Audit Committee is a standing committee of the Board of
Directors. Directors Catlow, Ciancia, Frieling, and Henning are
the current members of the Audit Committee. Each member of the
Audit Committee is financially literate and meets the
independence standards applicable to audit committee members
under the New York Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Listing
Standards, as well as the CTS Corporation Corporate
Governance Guidelines and the Audit Committee Charter. The Board
of Directors has determined that Mr. Henning qualifies as
an audit committee financial expert under the criteria set forth
in Item 407(d)(5)(ii) of
Regulation S-K.
In addition to being a member of the CTS Audit Committee,
Mr. Henning serves on the audit committees of three other
public companies. The Board of Directors met and discussed
whether or not Mr. Hennings additional service would
negatively impact his service to the CTS Audit Committee. It is
the opinion of the Board of Directors that
Mr. Hennings breadth and depth of financial
experience and knowledge greatly enhances the abilities and
competencies of the CTS Audit Committee and that, as a retiree,
Mr. Henning has ample time and capacity to serve four
public company audit committees without impairment of his
ability to serve the CTS Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee held nine meetings in 2008. A copy of the
Audit Committee Charter may be obtained free of charge from
CTS Secretary upon request or from CTS website at
The Audit Committee is responsible for appointing the
independent auditor, approving engagement fees and all non-audit
engagements, and reviewing the independence and quality of the
independent auditor. The Audit Committee reviews audit plans,
audit reports, and recommendations of the independent auditor
and the internal audit department. The Audit Committee reviews
systems of internal accounting controls and audit results. The
Audit Committee also reviews and discusses with management
CTS financial statements, earnings press releases, and
earnings guidance. In addition, the Audit Committee also reviews
CTS compliance with public-company regulatory requirements
and the CTS Code of Ethics.
Finance and
Strategic Initiatives Committee
The Finance and Strategic Initiatives Committee is a standing
committee of the Board of Directors. Directors Catlow, Frieling,
Khilnani, and Profusek are the current members of the Finance
and Strategic Initiatives Committee. The Finance and Strategic
Initiatives Committee held two meetings in 2008. A copy of the
Finance and Strategic Initiatives Committee Charter may be
obtained free of charge from CTS Secretary upon request or
from CTS website at
The Finance and Strategic Initiatives Committee reviews and
makes recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning
corporate financing arrangements, tax strategies, dividend
policy, financial structure, acquisition and divestiture
strategies, and similar matters. Additionally, the Finance and
Strategic Initiatives Committee reviews and approves capital
project appropriation requests for capital projects that are
above certain prescribed limits.
During 2008, the Board of Directors held seven meetings. It is
the policy of the Board of Directors that each director endeavor
to attend each Annual Meeting of Shareholders, unless exigent
circumstances arise. Each director standing for re-election at
the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders attended that meeting.
The CTS Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines provide
that an independent director is one who:
Is not an employee of the corporation and has not been an
employee of the corporation for at least five years;
Is not an affiliate of the corporation other than in the
capacity as a director; and has not been an affiliate of the
corporation for at least five years;
Is not an employee or affiliate of the corporations
present auditing firm or an auditing firm retained by the
corporation within the past five years and has not been an
employee or affiliate of such a firm for at least five years;
Is not an employee of a company on whose board an executive of
the corporation presently serves as a director or has served as
a director within the past five years and has not been an
employee of such a company for at least five years;
Is not an employee of a company that accounts for at least 2% or
$1 million, whichever is greater, of the corporations
consolidated gross revenues, and has not been an employee of
such a company for at least five years;
Is not an employee of any company which made payments to or
received payments from the corporation which exceeded 2% or
$1 million, whichever is greater, of that companys
consolidated gross revenues; and has not been an employee of
such a company for at least five years;
Is not an employee or director of any company that makes direct
material investments or trades in CTS stock or that regularly
advises investors concerning CTS stock;
Does not presently receive any direct or material indirect
compensation from the corporation other than compensation
attributable to the directors service as a member of the
Board and its committees;
Has not received more than $10,000 per year in direct
compensation from the corporation during the past five years,
excluding compensation attributable to the directors
service as a member of the Board and its committees;
Does not have any other relationship with the corporation or any
other entity, including charitable and civic organizations that
in the opinion of the Board could be considered to effect the
directors ability to exercise his independent judgment as
a director;
Is not an immediate family member of any individual who would
fail to meet the criteria for independence set forth above.
For purposes of determining whether a director has a material
relationship with the corporation apart from his service as a
director, the Board of Directors has determined that the
corporations purchase of regulated electric and gas
service from a utility company does not constitute a material
Additionally, for purposes of determining whether a director has
a material relationship with CTS Corporation apart from his
or her service as a director, any transaction that is not
required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404(a) of
Regulation S-K
shall be deemed categorically immaterial. A copy of the
CTS Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines may be
obtained free of charge from CTS Secretary upon request or
from CTS website at
The Board of Directors has determined that each non-management
director is an independent director and has no material
relationship with CTS Corporation, apart from his or her
service as a director. The Board
of Directors made this determination by reference to the
definition of an independent director contained in the New York
Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Listing Standards and by
reference to the standards set forth in the CTS Corporation
Corporate Governance Guidelines. As a result, the Board of
Directors concluded that Walter S. Catlow, Lawrence J. Ciancia,
Thomas G. Cody, Patricia K. Collawn, Gerald H.
Frieling, Jr., Roger R. Hemminghaus, Michael A. Henning,
and Robert A. Profusek are each independent directors.
CTS does not have a written policy specific to transactions with
related persons. However, CTS does have written policies and
procedures with respect to conflicts of interest. The
CTS Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines provide
that the Nominating and Governance Committee shall review any
situation which might be construed to disqualify a director as
independent and to make a recommendation to the Board of
Directors regarding the directors service on board
committees and nomination for re-election to the Board of
Directors. The Nominating and Governance Committee Charter
further provides that the Nominating and Governance Committee
shall review any potential director conflicts of interest and
recommend appropriate action to the Board of Directors.
CTS has adopted a Code of Ethics that applies to all CTS
employees, including the principal executive officer, the
principal financial officer, the principal accounting officer
controller, and all other executive officers and non-employee
directors. The CTS Code of Ethics includes ethical standards
concerning conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of
interest. With respect to executive officers and other
employees, potential conflicts of interest must be reported to
management. The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing
compliance with the Code of Ethics and reviews any potential
conflict of interest involving an executive officer. A copy of
the CTS Code of Ethics may be obtained free of charge from
CTS Secretary upon request or from CTS website at
The CTS Corporate Governance Guidelines encourage all directors
to participate in director continuing education programs. CTS
reimburses directors for attendance at such programs. In
addition, management monitors and reports to the directors
regarding significant corporate governance initiatives. The
directors also receive a presentation on new developments in
corporate governance no less frequently than annually.
It is the policy of the Board of Directors to hold an executive
session excluding management directors at each regular scheduled
Board of Directors meeting. In 2008, an executive session
was held at each regular board meeting. The Chairman of the
Board of Directors presides over the executive sessions.
The Board of Directors has adopted CTS stock ownership
guidelines that apply to non-employee directors and executives
in order to align their interests with those of shareholders and
promote enduring shareholder value. The guidelines are
administered by the Compensation Committee. A copy of the
guidelines may be obtained free of charge from CTS
Secretary upon request or from CTS website at
Shareholders and other interested parties may address written
communications to individual directors, including non-management
directors, or to the Board of Directors as a whole, by writing
to Richard G. Cutter, Vice President, Secretary and General
Counsel, at CTS corporate office located at 905 West
Boulevard North, Elkhart, Indiana, 46514. All communications
from shareholders must include the name and address of the
shareholder as it appears on the record books of
CTS Corporation and the name and address of the beneficial
owner, if any, on whose behalf the communication is submitted.
CTS Secretary will compile such communications and forward
them to the directors on a periodic basis. However, CTS
Secretary has authority to disregard any communication which is
primarily an advertisement or solicitation or which is
threatening, obscene, or similarly inappropriate in nature.
Communications that have been disregarded for these reasons may
be reviewed by any non-management director upon request.
Five Percent Owners of Common Stock. The
table below lists information about the persons known by
CTS Corporation to beneficially own at least 5% of its
common stock as of December 31, 2008, unless a different
date is indicated below. There were 33,711,225 shares of
CTS common stock issued and outstanding as of December 31,
2008. The information below is derived solely from the most
recent Schedules 13D or 13G, and amendments thereto, filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Name and
Number of Shares
Percent of Class
GAMCO Asset Management Inc., et al.(1)
One Corporate Center
Rye, New York 10580
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP(2)
Palisades West, Building One
6300 Bee Cave Road
Austin, Texas 78736
Barclays Global Investors, NA, et al.(3)
400 Howard Street
San Francisco, California 94105
AXA Financial, Inc., et al.(4)
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10104
(1) |
As reported on a Schedule 13D/A filed on March 6,
2009, as of that date, GAMCO Asset Management Inc. and its
affiliates reported having sole voting power with respect to
4,025,783 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
(2) |
As reported on a Schedule 13G/A filed on February 9,
2009, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP reported having sole
voting power with respect to 3,035,855 shares and sole
dispositive power with respect to 3,080,440 shares. |
(3) |
As reported on a Schedule 13G filed on February 5,
2009, Barclays Global Investors, NA, and its affiliates reported
having sole voting power with respect to 1,948,947 shares
and sole dispositive power with respect to 2,504,323 shares. |
(4) |
As reported on a Schedule 13G/A filed on February 13,
2009, AXA Financial, Inc. and its affiliates reported having
sole voting power with respect to 1,688,390 shares and sole
dispositive power with respect to 2,235,231 shares. |
Directors and Officers Stock
Ownership. The following table shows how much CTS
common stock each named executive officer, director, and all
executive officers and directors as a group, beneficially owned
as of April 9, 2009, including shares covered by stock
options exercisable within 60 days of April 9, 2009.
Please note that, as reported in this table, beneficial
ownership includes those shares a director or officer has the
power to vote or transfer, as well as shares owned by immediate
family members that reside in the same household with the
director or officer. The shares shown as beneficially owned by
all current directors and officers do not include
1,458,900 shares held by the Northern Trust Company as
Trustee of the CTS Corporation Employee Benefit Plans
Master Trust. The CTS Corporation Employee Benefit Plan
Investment Committee has voting and investment authority over
those shares.
within 60
held in
common stock
% of shares
Donna L. Belusar
H. Tyler Buchanan
Walter S. Catlow
Lawrence J. Ciancia
Thomas G. Cody
Patricia K. Collawn
Richard G. Cutter
Gerald H. Frieling, Jr.
Roger R. Hemminghaus
Michael A. Henning
Vinod M. Khilnani
Matthew W. Long
Robert A. Profusek
Donald R. Schroeder
All Current Directors and Officers as a Group (18 total)
* |
Represents less than 1% of CTS common stock |
(1) |
Includes shares vesting within 60 days. |
(2) |
Includes restricted stock units that are distributable upon the
directors separation from service and convert on a
one-to-one basis to shares of CTS common stock upon distribution. |
(3) |
No director or executive officer has pledged his or her shares. |
This compensation discussion and analysis provides details about
CTS compensation practices for the named executive
officers whose names appear in the tables below. The information
provided in this section should be read in conjunction with the
tables and narratives that accompany the information presented.
Throughout 2008, Mr. Vinod M. Khilnani served as President
and Chief Executive Officer of CTS. Effective July 2, 2007,
CTS Treasurer Mr. Matthew W. Long was appointed Interim
Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Long remained in that position
until January 21, 2008, when Ms. Donna L. Belusar was
appointed Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Longs
appointment as Interim Chief Financial Officer ended that same
date, and he continues in his duties as Treasurer for CTS. The
following executives are CTS named executive officers for
2008, as that term is defined by the Securities and Exchange
Mr. Vinod M. Khilnani, President and Chief Executive
Ms. Donna L. Belusar, Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer;
Mr. Matthew W. Long, Treasurer, (formerly Interim Chief
Financial Officer);
Mr. H. Tyler Buchanan, Senior Vice President (retired
December 31, 2008);
Mr. Donald R. Schroeder, Executive Vice President; and
Mr. Richard G. Cutter, Vice President, Secretary, and
General Counsel.
CTS believes that its policies and practices as presented in
this compensation discussion and analysis reflect the
corporations compensation philosophy and enable it to
attract, motivate, and retain high quality executive management.
The Compensation Committee met four times in 2008 to discuss
compensation matters.
CTS uses a mix of cash and equity to compensate its executives.
The elements of compensation for each named executive officer
include base salary, annual cash incentives, performance-based
equity awards, time-based equity awards, retirement benefits,
perquisites, and health and welfare benefits. Although not
determinative, the Compensation Committee considers the median
of peer group data provided by Towers Perrin and data that it
compiles from reputable public compensation databases as
guidelines when setting CTS executives total compensation.
The Compensation Committee also considers a number of other
factors when establishing executive compensation and
recommending total compensation for the Chief Executive Officer.
It is possible for CTS executives to earn above-market
compensation in any year, but they may earn below market
compensation as well, depending on individual and corporate
performance for that year.
A substantial part of CTS executives total compensation is
based on performance and is at-risk each year. As an executive
officer takes on more responsibility with CTS, the Compensation
Committee generally increases the percentage of his or her total
compensation that is at-risk. As a result, our named executive
officers have a substantial percentage of their total
compensation opportunities based on at-risk, variable elements
of compensation. CTS believes that this practice is appropriate
because the corporations named executive officers have the
greatest ability to drive performance and, therefore, should
have the most to gain or lose in terms of compensation
opportunities based on performance.
CTS centers total compensation for each executive officer
position at approximately the fiftieth percentile of
compensation for similar positions at similarly situated
companies based on peer benchmark data, although this measure is
a guideline rather than a fixed rule. CTS practice to
structure its executive compensation at approximately the
fiftieth percentile is based upon a philosophy that by using a
median award, CTS is able to balance motivating the executive
with what it perceives as market-competitive factors in being
able to recruit and retain top executive talent. CTS does not
generally utilize a specific formula for
allocating total compensation between current and long-term
compensation or between cash and non-cash compensation.
Beginning in 2008, however, the Compensation Committee adopted a
practice whereby approximately one half of the value of an
executives total long-term incentive award will be
comprised of performance-based equity awards. The amount of
compensation allocated to each element of compensation reflects
allocation percentages in benchmark data for comparable
positions. Factors such as level of experience,
responsibilities, demonstrated performance, time with the
corporation, achievement of individual and corporate goals, and
retention considerations also affect the compensation level and
structure. The amount of total compensation realized or
potentially realizable from prior compensation awards does not
directly influence the level of compensation paid or future pay
opportunities. Factors such as the tax and accounting treatment
of different forms of compensation may influence the form and
structure of executive compensation, but do not necessarily
affect the total level of compensation to be provided.
Additionally, CTS seeks to motivate executives with
performance-based incentives to maximize CTS performance
and enhance shareholder value.
Guided by this philosophy, CTS has specifically designed and
administered its executive compensation program to achieve three
main objectives:
To provide a competitive level of total compensation necessary
to attract, motivate, and retain talented and experienced
To maximize the individual performance of each executive to help
CTS achieve short-term and long-term financial and operational
goals; and
To align the interests of CTS executives with the
interests of its shareholders.
CTS offers executive compensation packages that contain a
variety of elements. Total compensation packages are designed to
achieve each of CTS compensation objectives as follows:
Elements of Total
Base salary
Retirement benefits
Health and welfare benefits
Fixed compensation necessary to attract, motivate, and help
retain executive talent.
Annual cash incentives
Performance-based equity awards
Variable incentive compensation to promote the achievement of
specific financial and operational performance objectives.
Align executives interests with shareholder interests.
Time-based equity awards
Fixed equity awards necessary to attract and help retain
executive talent.
Align executives interests with shareholder interests.
Role of
Management in Executive Compensation Decisions
In 2008, Mr. Khilnani relied on the competitive information
provided by external compensation consultants as compiled by
Mr. James L. Cummins, CTS Senior Vice President
Administration. After reviewing the data compiled by
Mr. Cummins, Mr. Khilnani recommends a total
compensation package to the Compensation Committee for each
named executive officer other than himself. As a benchmark,
Mr. Khilnanis general aim
is to align each executive officers total
compensation at approximately the fiftieth percentile of
similarly situated executives. Mr. Khilnanis practice
promotes CTS philosophy in that by using the fiftieth
percentile, or median compensation, as a benchmark in setting
total compensation, the corporation will be able to attract,
motivate, and retain qualified executives who will lead the
corporation to achieve its goals.
How Executive
Compensation is Determined
The Compensation Committee discusses the data used by
Mr. Khilnani, considers his recommendations, and ultimately
decides on total compensation for each named executive officer.
At the February meeting of the Board of Directors, the
Compensation Committee set targets for compensation
opportunities that are intended to qualify as performance-based
awards under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
For all executives other than the Chief Executive Officer, total
compensation packages for the year are finalized when approved
by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee
recommends a total compensation package for the Chief Executive
Officer to the Board of Directors. This package only becomes
final upon final approval by the Board of Directors.
The Compensation Committee has the responsibility to ensure that
a market analysis of executive compensation is performed at
regular intervals, generally every two to three years. As
discussed above, the Compensation Committee considers the
recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer in setting total
compensation awards for each executive other than himself. The
Compensation Committee also considers benchmark data compiled by
or obtained from compensation consultant professionals when it
sets total compensation for CTS executive officers, including
the Chief Executive Officer.
In the fall of 2008, management recommended, and the
Compensation Committee approved, a proposal to modify the
executive compensation review process. Under the former process,
the various elements of executive compensation were reviewed at
separate times of the year. The revised process will enable all
elements of executive compensation to be reviewed each year
during the Compensation Committees February meeting. This
new process of reviewing compensation in total streamlines and
consolidates review and recommendation activities, promotes a
better understanding of each executives complete
compensation package, and improves administrative efficiency.
These process changes were approved by the Compensation
Committee to be implemented in a phased fashion for future
compensation cycles beginning with the compensation for 2009.
Overall Mix and
Structure of Compensation
Annually, the Compensation Committee considers the total
compensation opportunities for each named executive officer and
determines how total compensation should be allocated across the
different types of compensation offered by CTS. The Compensation
Committee does not generally follow a definitive policy when
determining the mix of and structure for total compensation.
Instead, it considers current market practices, individual
performance and goal attainment and retention considerations.
Generally, the Compensation Committee considers market practices
to obtain a baseline of total compensation for each executive.
Using this as a starting point, the Compensation Committee
engages in discussion to consider the Chief Executive
Officers recommendations with the objective of ensuring
that a substantial portion of each named executive
officers total compensation is at-risk and measured by the
corporations performance in the short term, balanced
against rewarding the officer in the long term for his or her
continued contributions to the corporation. In this way, CTS
believes that it is able to align the interests of the named
executive officers with those of the shareholders
year-over-year, as well as over the long term.
Cash incentives and equity compensation opportunities increase
across the executive officer positions consistent with
increasing responsibility. This structure generally means that
the most senior executives will have a higher percentage of
their total compensation at-risk and variable than the less
senior executives. As a result, the most senior executive
officers who have the greatest ability to drive CTS
performance have the most to gain or lose based on corporate and
individual performance.
In addition to cash and equity components, CTS offers its
executives retirement, health and welfare benefits, and
perquisites. The corporation believes that health and welfare
benefits are standard practice in most peer group companies and
is an expected component of overall compensation benefits
provided to executive officers.
Benchmarks Executive Compensation using Market Data
For the annual executive compensation review, Mr. Cummins
assembles benchmark data from well-regarded sources for all
elements of compensation, including base salary, perquisites,
annual incentives, incentive targets, and equity awards. This
benchmark information is used by Mr. Khilnani to recommend
a compensation package for each executive officer in accordance
with CTS compensation philosophy. The benchmark data is
also provided to the Compensation Committee and used as one
consideration in setting executive compensation.
Towers Perrin. Every two to three years, CTS
obtains benchmark data reports from Towers Perrin for all
executive officer positions in order to determine current
prevailing pay rates for such positions. For years in which CTS
does not purchase executive compensation data from Towers
Perrin, Towers Perrin will provide guidance on the industry and
market total compensation increase year-over-year. Towers Perrin
provides CTS with detailed, comprehensive, and sophisticated
compensation analysis which enables CTS to make well-informed
decisions on executive compensation. Towers Perrin produces the
benchmark data reports through analysis of information derived
from multiple large surveys on the pay practices of other
companies. CTS executive officer positions are compared to
positions with similar job responsibilities in general industry
and the electronics and scientific equipment industry. Towers
Perrin determines competitive pay based on regression analysis,
a statistical technique that considers the relationship between
total revenues and compensation. Towers Perrin uses information
provided by CTS on job descriptions and CTS financial data
to select which companies and positions are appropriate
comparisons for CTS officer positions.
Based on its review of corporate pay practices, Towers Perrin
has explained to CTS that total compensation levels that are
within 15% of the median of the market data are generally
considered to be within the range of competitive practice. The
Compensation Committee considered this guidance by Towers Perrin
when establishing 2008 compensation levels, although the
Compensation Committee may deviate from this guideline in light
of a particular executives level of experience, skills,
and tenure with the corporation. In cases where compensation for
an executive falls substantially below the 15% of median data
threshold, consistent with CTS compensation philosophy,
the Compensation Committee will ordinarily recommend a larger
increase to bring the compensation in line with the acceptable
median over time. For example, in 2008, the Chief Executive
Officer was substantially below the market data. After
considering this and all other relevant compensation factors,
the Compensation Committee recommended a larger than average
increase for the Chief Executive Officer position in 2008.
The data provided by Towers Perrin does not indicate the
corporations from which it is derived but provides the
Compensation Committee with median data about executive
officers total compensation from companies that are of
similar size and revenue to CTS. CTS does not limit its peer
group to its industry because compensation data is not available
for all of its competitors and also because CTS believes that it
is important to consider compensation practices at other
companies of comparable size and scope in order to attract and
retain executive talent.
Although CTS does not have access to the identities of the
benchmarked companies, management and the Compensation Committee
have confidence in the Towers Perrin market data reports because
the data is pulled from large, detailed, and comprehensive
survey data, because the market data for the Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Financial Officer are compared against the
Equilar benchmark data (discussed below), and because Towers
Perrin is a well-known compensation consultant used by CTS on
numerous occasions and their benchmark data has historically
proven appropriate in attracting and retaining qualified and
talented executives of the caliber CTS desires.
Benchmark compensation reports were obtained from Towers Perrin
for use in setting 2007 executive compensation. When setting
2008 compensation, CTS aged the 2007 Towers Perrin data by
applying a 4% aging factor supplied by Towers Perrin. Management
and the Compensation Committee considered this inflationary
guideline while setting total 2008 compensation for each
In conjunction with the new executive compensation review
schedule, Towers Perrin benchmark compensation reports were
completed and reviewed in September 2008 for use in setting 2009
executive compensation levels.
Equilar. Mr. Cummins consults the
web-based Equilar compensation database as a source for
benchmark data primarily for the Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer positions. Equilar draws data from proxy
statements and reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. It is difficult for CTS to establish a
pure peer group because relatively few companies are
the same size and have the same business segments as CTS.
Therefore, the companies chosen for benchmark purposes were
selected because they fit at least one criterion of similar
revenue, similar size, similar industry or similar products and
services to CTS. The companies selected for benchmarking in 2008
were ArvinMeritor, Inc., AVX Corporation, Benchmark Electronics,
Inc., BorgWarner, Inc., Celestica, Inc., Flextronics
International, Ltd., Frequency Electronics, Inc., Gentex
Corporation, Jabil Circuit, Inc., KEMET Corporation, Key Tronic
Corporation, Kimball International, Inc., LaBarge, Inc., Lear
Corporation, LittelFuse, Inc., Methode Electronics, Inc., Molex
Incorporated, Plexus Corp., RF Micro Devices, Inc., Sanmina-Sci
Corporation, Sparton Corporation, Spectrum Control, Inc.,
Stoneridge, Inc., Sypris Solutions, Inc., Technitrol, Inc.,
Triquint Semiconductors, Inc., Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., and
Williams Controls, Inc. Mr. Cummins reviews and reevaluates
the Equilar peer group annually to ensure that all of the peers
continue to meet at least one of the selection criteria. Peers
who no longer meet such criteria, or for which information is no
longer available through Equilar, may be eliminated or replaced.
Management and the Compensation Committee evaluate the Equilar
data against the Towers Perrin benchmark data discussed
previously. When compared, the data sources should reveal
similar benchmark compensation ranges for the Chief Executive
Officer and the Chief Financial Officer. A wide disparity may
reveal that the Equilar peer group is inadequately
representative or that the Towers Perrin data is distorted, and
should be reexamined. The comparison of this data helps to
assure Management and the Compensation Committee that the
benchmark data used is appropriate. For 2008, the Equilar data
was found by management and the Compensation Committee to be
within an acceptable range.
Elements of Total
Base Salary. Base salary is included as an
element of total compensation to ensure that each named
executive officer receives a minimum return for his or her
service to the corporation each year. In 2008, in keeping with
CTS compensation philosophy and objectives, the
Compensation Committee determined reasonable base salaries for
its named executive officers by aligning target compensation for
each named executive officer at approximately the fiftieth
percentile of peer executives set forth in current market
compensation data provided by compensation professionals. The
Compensation Committee considers the executives duties,
responsibilities, past performance and time with the corporation
in setting base salary.
The annual base salaries for named executive officers set in
2008 were as follows: Mr. Khilnani $550,000;
Ms. Belusar $288,750; Mr. Long
$185,848; Mr. Buchanan $272,023;
Mr. Schroeder $341,857; and Mr. Cutter
$260,416. Annual compensation as discussed above is
not directly comparable to total compensation as shown in the
Summary Compensation Table because it uses base salary
established in June 2008, rather than salary earned in fiscal
year 2008. Other compensation arrangements in which named
executive officers participate are discussed below.
In light of the current business recession, the CTS executive
officer base salaries were temporarily reduced five percent.
This temporary salary reduction began the first pay period of
February 2009, and is anticipated to expire on or about
June 30, 2009, concurrent with the reinstatement of full
salaries for those other corporate employees whose salaries were
also temporarily reduced in early 2009. Each executive
officer also took one week of unpaid furlough during the first
quarter of 2009. CTS believes that as it looks to reduce costs
throughout the corporation, executive pay should also be
included in such cost-reduction measures.
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation. CTS
believes that it is important to motivate its executives to
achieve annual corporate financial goals. Therefore, CTS puts a
substantial part of each executives total compensation
at-risk by tying it directly to overall corporate performance.
CTS uses an annual management incentive compensation plan, or
MIP, established pursuant to the terms of the
CTS Corporation 2007 Management Incentive Plan, in order to
focus CTS executives on the most critical of its
shorter-term financial metrics each year. The MIP provides for
annual cash payments to named executive officers based on
CTS financial performance and achievement of individual
goals. An executives ultimate award is determined under a
formula that provides for payment of zero to 200% of a target
award based on CTS actual performance versus the
established quantitative financial performance goals. In
addition, the Compensation Committee may adjust awards downwards
based upon the executives actual performance versus
individual qualitative and quantitative goals.
Awards under the annual MIP are intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code. In order to qualify under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the material
terms of the plan must be approved by the shareholders at least
every five years, and goals must be set within the first
90 days of each fiscal year. The terms of the
CTS Corporation 2007 Management Incentive Plan were
approved by shareholders at the June 2007 Annual Meeting of
How Management Incentive Plan Target Awards and Performance
Goals are Set. Each February, the Compensation
Committee establishes a target award and qualitative and
quantitative performance goals for each executive. Target awards
are set as a percentage of base salary. In setting targets, the
Compensation Committee takes into consideration the median
percentile targets in the Towers Perrin benchmark reports as
well as internal parity. As an example, if review of the Towers
Perrin benchmark data discloses that, on average, it is
customary for a position to be offered an annual cash incentive
representing 10% of salary, CTS will usually use a range
centered on that 10% mark when it decides what is appropriate
for performance-based annual cash awards. CTS practice to
structure its executive annual cash incentive compensation at
approximately the fiftieth percentile is based upon a philosophy
that by using a median award, CTS is able to balance motivating
the executive with what it perceives as market-competitive
factors in being able to recruit and retain top executive talent.
Quantitative financial performance goals are based on CTS
established business plan for the fiscal year. Management
prepares, and the Board of Directors reviews, a business plan
for each fiscal year that includes sales, earnings, key balance
sheet metrics, and cash flow for each business unit. The
business plan considers prior year results, strategic
initiatives, approved forward investment plans, projected market
demands, competition, improvement initiatives, and other factors
in establishing plan budgets and results. Provided that a metric
is a performance measure authorized under the terms of the
CTS Corporation 2007 Management Incentive Plan, the
Compensation Committee may use any of the metrics set out in the
business plan to establish executive compensation awards each
In 2008, the Compensation Committee set quantitative financial
performance goals using CTS operating earnings (per
applicable business unit) and CTS earnings per share.
Operating earnings was selected as a metric because operating
earnings is an objective, quantitative value easily measured for
performance purposes. CTS chose earnings per share from
CTS annual business plan as a metric because it believes
that earnings per share is a direct measurement of overall
corporate performance which takes into consideration market
conditions and provides a quantitative measurement from which
CTS is able to assess the performance of its named executive
officers for each particular year.
The Compensation Committee set the performance level for each of
these metrics for each executive and established a minimum
performance level that must be reached before an award is paid
for performance based on a particular metric. When establishing
performance levels for particular metrics, the Compensation
Committee will consider past and projected performance levels
for both the corporation and the executive, external market
conditions, presumptions for the coming year, and desired
overall share performance targets for that year.
Individual qualitative and quantitative performance goals for
each executive are specific items within each executives
area of job responsibility which are related to the business
plan and overall corporate objectives. These are set at the same
time as the quantitative financial performance goals.
Likelihood of Executive Achieving Management Incentive Plan
Goals. Management endeavors to establish a plan
that demands challenging, but achievable results given expected
business conditions. While actual awards will vary above and
below target from year to year, CTS expects that over a period
of several years, payouts under the MIP will average about 100%
of target. Over the past four years, payouts under the MIP based
on corporate metrics alone averaged 97% of target. Over the past
four years, payouts under the MIP, including corporate and
business unit metrics, averaged 75% of target.
For years 2005 through 2008, the target and actual awards to all
participating executives are shown below:
Incentive Plan Result
Determination of Actual Awards. Actual MIP
award payments are based on a formula and may vary from zero to
200% of the target award based on achievement of the
quantitative financial performance goals over a range that
begins below the business plan targets and extends above the
business plan targets. To encourage management to focus on
financial risk mitigation as well as upside opportunity, the
payout cliff drops to zero if performance falls
below a threshold level of plan achievement. On the upside,
payout increases linearly as performance exceeds the business
plan. One consequence of this cliff threshold and payout
performance formula is that the executives risk of
receiving no award is greater than the executives
opportunity to obtain an award that is substantially above
target. Another consequence is that payouts above target
represent a fraction of the expected return to the corporation
from better than plan performance.
How 2008 Awards were Calculated. For CTS
executives with overall corporate responsibility,
Mr. Khilnani, Ms. Belusar, Mr. Long, and
Mr. Cutter, performance measurements are weighted 100% for
CTS earnings per share objective. Those executives with
business unit responsibility, Mr. Buchanan and
Mr. Schroeder, are weighted with 40% weighted upon earnings
per share objectives and 60% weighted upon business unit
operating earnings objectives. The target award for
Mr. Khilnani was 75% of base salary. For Mr. Schroeder
and Mr. Buchanan, the target award was 50% of base salary.
For Ms. Belusar and Mr. Cutter,
the target incentive was 45% of base salary. For Mr. Long
it was 30% of base salary. These target awards were derived in
part from competitive data provided by Towers Perrin and in part
by the Compensation Committees judgment on internal equity
of the positions, their relative value to the corporation, and
the desire to maintain a consistent annual target award
incentive for the Chief Executive Officer and other key
executive officers of the corporation and the business units.
As mentioned previously, the named executive officers were
eligible to earn from 0% to 200% of their target award. The
award opportunities available to each named executive officer
ranged from no payment if the goals were met below the 75%
performance level to a 200% payout if the goals were met at or
above the 130% performance level.
The table below lists each named executive officers 2008
base salary, which was used to calculate the annual target
award, the officers 2008 annual incentive plan
quantitative financial performance goals, the 2008 performance
level results, and the total annual MIP incentive earned for
2008 MIP
2008 MIP
Performance Goals
Performance Results
2008 Base
Vinod M. Khilnani
Donna L. Belusar
Matthew W. Long
H. Tyler Buchanan
Donald R. Schroeder
Richard G. Cutter, III
(1) |
EPS and Strategic Business Unit Operating Earnings are downward
adjusted as described below in Use of Discretion for
Downward Adjustments. |
Use of Discretion for Downward
Adjustments. The incentive plan is based upon an
expected set of events, regulations, external conditions, and
assumptions regarding the management teams ability to
achieve those results. While it is understood that not all
factors impacting the business results are within
managements control, the business plan is expected to
reflect reasonable assumptions regarding such factors, and
management is expected to adjust to such factors, as best
possible, while still working to achieve or exceed targeted
results. Despite management efforts, such factors may still
negatively impact results. However, it is also recognized that
some factors, outside managements control, may have undue
impact on results, defeating the intent of the incentive in
terms of motivating or rewarding participants. In order to
comply with Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code,
however, the incentive plan precludes the Compensation Committee
from exercising discretion to increase awards payable to those
employees designated by the Compensation Committee as covered
employees as part of the year-end calculations. As a result,
targets are established at a consistent level lower than that
reflected in the business plan. Establishing covered
employees calculated incentive factors under the incentive
plan at a level that enables the Compensation Committee to use
its discretion to adjust awards downward achieves the same
result that can be obtained by adjusting performance measures
for non-covered employees (employees not subject to
Section 162(m)). If no unusual condition occurs, the
Compensation Committee will adjust the final result downward so
that covered employees achieve the same target level achievement
as non-covered employees. For 2008, the Compensation Committee
downwardly adjusted the EPS result from $0.77 to $0.70, so that
a consistent target achievement was met. Additionally, the
Compensation Committee downwardly adjusted
Mr. Schroeders operating earnings result from
$13.359 million to $12.359 million and
Mr. Buchanans operating earnings result from
$17.427 million to $14.427 million.
Equity Compensation
Performance-based equity grants encourage strong financial
performance while aligning executive compensation with
shareholder interests. Under the terms of the performance-based
plans, executives may earn restricted stock unit awards based
upon achievement of financial objectives that CTS believes are
beneficial to the corporation and shareholders
CTS overall performance relative to peers over a longer
term. Strong financial performance is encouraged since
increasing levels of performance will result in increasing
awards to the executive. Evaluating performance by comparison to
peers helps to assure a true measure of performance under
current market conditions.
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. In
February 2008, under the terms of the CTS Corporation 2004
Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, the Compensation Committee
established a two-year performance-based equity compensation
plan called the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. Depending upon the level
of CTS achievement of sales growth and CTS total
stockholder return relative to an enumerated peer group over a
two-year period (fiscal years 2008 and 2009), an executive
officer may receive a restricted stock unit award of up to 200%
of a target award established for his or her position. Relative
total stockholder return was selected as it is a meaningful
measure to our shareholders as it compares CTS stock price
appreciation against the stock price appreciation of our peers.
It is a particularly useful measure in volatile economic times.
Sales growth was selected to reinforce senior managements
focus on increasing sales.
The Towers Perrin benchmark market data discussed previously is
used by the Compensation Committee in setting the target awards.
Sixty percent of the target award is weighted to relative total
stockholder return and 40% of the target award is weighted to
sales growth. The peer group used to measure relative total
stockholder return originally consisted of 29 peer companies.
The plan contains a peer group adjustment protocol. This
protocol requires the removal from the peer group of a company
that on the last day of a performance period is delisted from
its exchange, if the peer or its successor is not relisted on
the same or another specified exchange within 30 days. In
such event, the relative total stockholder return is calculated
as if the delisted company was never a peer. However, a bankrupt
company will be retained in the peer group for calculation
purposes as bankruptcy is clearly indicative of poor
performance. After application of the peer group adjustment
protocol removed EPCOS AG, the peer group consists of the same
companies used for the Equilar comparison discussed above.
All named executive officers are participants in the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. The awards are intended
to qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
performance goals and target awards were established by the
Compensation Committee at its meeting in February 2008. All
participants must remain in the employ of the corporation
throughout the performance period, which ends December 31,
2009. Performance will be measured at the end of the performance
period, and awards for achievement of the performance goals will
be granted in 2010 in the form of restricted stock units and
will vest immediately, subject to certification of 2009 fiscal
year results by CTS independent auditor. Awards will be
settled on the basis of one share of CTS stock for each
restricted stock unit on the settlement date, which will be no
later than March 15, 2010.
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. In
February 2009, under the terms of the CTS Corporation 2004
Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, the Compensation Committee
established another two-year performance-based equity
compensation plan, called
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. Depending upon CTS
total stockholder return relative to an enumerated peer group
over a two-year performance period (fiscal years 2009 and 2010),
an executive officer may receive a restricted stock unit award
of up to 200% of a target award established for his or her
position. Relative total stockholder return was selected as it
is a meaningful measure to our shareholders as it compares
CTS stock price appreciation against the stock price
appreciation of our peers. It is a particularly useful measure
in volatile economic times. The Compensation Committee did not
select sales growth as a metric for the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan due to volatile economic
conditions and the lack of visibility beyond the first two
quarters of 2009 at the time when the plan was adopted.
The peer group used to measure relative total stockholder return
consists of 28 peer companies, the same companies used for the
Equilar comparison discussed above. The peer group adjustment
protocol for this plan places companies delisted due to
performance reasons and bankrupt companies at the bottom of the
peer group performers. Any peer company that does not exist at
the end of a performance period for any reason other than bad
performance shall, for purposes of calculating relative total
stockholder return, be removed from the peer group and treated
as if it was never a part of the peer group.
All named executive officers, with the exception of
Mr. Schroeder, are participants in the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. The awards are intended
to qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
performance goals and target awards were established by the
Compensation Committee at its meeting in February 2009.
Performance will be measured at the end of the performance
period, and awards for achievement of the performance goals will
be granted in 2011 in the form of restricted stock units and
will vest immediately, subject to certification of 2010 fiscal
year results by CTS independent auditor. Awards will be
settled on the basis of one share of CTS stock for each
restricted stock unit on the settlement date, which will be no
later than March 15, 2011.
Chief Executive Officer Performance Share
Agreement. In addition to his participation in
the long-term incentive plans described above, Mr. Khilnani
is a party to an ongoing Performance Share Agreement with CTS,
with grants made under the terms of the 2004 Omnibus Long-Term
Incentive Plan. Under this agreement, CTS established a
performance-based restricted stock unit award for
Mr. Khilnani. An aggregate of 25,000 units may be
earned over the course of three separate performance periods,
commencing on July 2, 2007, July 2, 2008, and
July 2, 2009, respectively, and ending on July 1,
2010, July 1, 2011, and July 1, 2012, respectively.
Vesting will occur, if at all, at a rate of up to 150% of the
target award on the end date of each performance period and is
tied exclusively to CTS total stockholder return relative
to an enumerated peer group of companies. The vesting rate will
be determined using a matrix based on CTS percentile
ranking compared to the peer group. The peer group used to
measure relative total stockholder return originally consisted
of 32 peer companies; however, the plan contains a peer group
adjustment protocol. This protocol requires the removal from the
peer group of a company that on the last day of a performance
period is delisted from its exchange, if the peer or its
successor is not relisted on the same or another specified
exchange within 30 days. In such event, the relative total
stockholder return is calculated as if the delisted company was
never a peer. However, a bankrupt company will be retained in
the peer group for calculation purposes as bankruptcy is clearly
indicative of poor performance. After application of the peer
group adjustment protocol set forth in the plan, removing EPCOS
AG, Aeroflex Incorporated, Sirenza Microdevices, Inc., and
Solectron Corporation, the peer group consists of the same
companies used for the Equilar comparison discussed above.
Future Performance-Based Equity Grants. A new
omnibus equity plan is being submitted for shareholder approval
at the 2009 Annual Meeting as described in this proxy statement
above in Proposal 2: Approval of the
CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance
Incentive Plan. If this plan, which we refer to as the
2009 Plan, is approved, all performance-based equity
compensation grants after the date of approval will be made
under the 2009 Plan, with the exception of grants for the
Performance Restricted Stock Plan and the
Performance Restricted Stock Plan, which due to their award
structure, require the grant to be made after the performance
period. Grants pursuant to these performance restricted stock
unit plans (with an on-target award of 226,000 restricted stock
units up to a maximum total of 452,000 restricted stock units)
will continue to be made out of the CTS Corporation 2004
Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, which we refer to as the 2004
Plan, after completion of the performance periods as the
relevant performance periods began during the term of the 2004
Plan. In addition, all grants under the 2004 Plan in existence
prior to the approval of the 2009 Plan will continue to be
settled under the 2004 Plan.
Time-Based Equity
CTS believes that stock ownership and equity-based compensation
are valuable tools for motivating employees to improve CTS
long-term performance. CTS also believes that equity grants are
an effective way to align executive and shareholder interests,
because a significant amount of an executives potential
is directly tied to enhancing shareholder value. Time-based
equity grants play a critical role in retaining and motivating
executive talent by assuring them that if they remain an
employee in good standing they are assured an equity award. The
retention of qualified executives over the longer term assists
CTS in retaining valuable institutional knowledge. Additionally,
this helps to assure that executives are able to meet their
obligations under the stock ownership guidelines. The
Compensation Committee considers equity grants as part of its
review of annual executive compensation. In recent years, the
Compensation Committee has generally met in June to conduct this
review, although equity grants will now move toward being
considered each February beginning in 2009.
2008 Grants. For 2008 time-based equity
compensation grants, CTS issued restricted stock units under the
2004 Plan. The 2009 Plan is being submitted for shareholder
approval at the 2009 Annual Meeting as described by this proxy
statement above in Proposal 2: Approval of the
CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance
Incentive Plan. If the 2009 Plan is approved, all
time-based equity compensation grants after the date of approval
will be made under the 2009 Plan, although grants in existence
prior to that date will continue to be settled under of the plan
under which they were granted. CTS does not have a program or
policy to coordinate option or restricted stock unit grants to
its executives with the release of material non-public
Restricted stock unit awards under the 2004 Plan are provided,
and will be provided under the 2009 Plan, if approved by
shareholders, to executives as well as a broader group of
management employees. The Compensation Committee generally
considers restricted stock unit awards as part of its review of
annual executive compensation in June. The Committee grants
restricted stock unit awards to executive officers, other than
the Chief Executive Officer, and general managers. The
Compensation Committee recommends a restricted stock unit grant
for the Chief Executive Officer that is approved by the full
Board of Directors. Restricted stock unit awards are settled one
share of CTS common stock for each unit upon vesting. For new
hires or to recognize significant individual contributions, the
Compensation Committee may grant individual restricted stock
unit awards to executive officers at different times during the
year and may use alternative vesting schedules or distribution
The terms of previous restricted stock unit grants provided for
vesting in installments over a five year period; however, in
2008, CTS changed the vesting schedule for new restricted stock
unit grants to a three year installment vesting period. The
Compensation Committee accelerated vesting to increase the
perceived value of the annual awards while effectively managing
expenses associated with the plan. In addition, market trends
suggest a three year vesting schedule is becoming more
prevalent. In June 2008, the Compensation Committee awarded
restricted stock units vesting over a three year term to each
executive officer, based on the recommendation of management.
Management based its recommendations on the number of units to
be awarded on peer data obtained from Equilar and Towers Perrin
as discussed above. CTS did not grant any stock options in 2008.
CTS believes that the general practice of deferred vesting of
equity awards over several years further helps to align the
interests of executives with shareholders, as the value of the
deferred (unvested) portion of the grant depends directly on
CTS stock price. CTS also believes that deferred vesting
helps in the retention of executives, as the terms of restricted
stock unit grants provide that any unvested portion of a grant
is forfeited in the event of any termination, including
Benefits and Plans
CTS retirement plans are designed to provide a competitive
level of retirement benefits necessary to attract and retain
executive talent. Retirement benefits encourage executive
retention to the extent that executives are rewarded with
increased benefits for extending their term of service. CTS
offers a 401(k) plan to all current executives and a defined
benefit plan to most current executives.
Defined Contribution Plan. Participation in
CTS 401(k) plan is voluntary and is open to substantially
CTS employees. The companys matching contribution levels
are governed by the rules in effect when employees began
employment with CTS. Under the terms of the plan that are
applicable to
Mr. Khilnani, Mr. Long, Mr. Buchanan,
Mr. Schroeder, and Mr. Cutter, CTS matches an
employees contributions $.50 for every dollar, up to 6% of
eligible pay, for a maximum matching contribution of 3%, subject
to limitations under the Internal Revenue Code.
Under the terms of the plan that are applicable to
Ms. Belusar, CTS matches an employees contributions
dollar for dollar up to the first 3% of eligible pay, and
thereafter at $.50 for every dollar up to the next 2% of
eligible pay, for a maximum matching contribution of 4%, subject
to limitations under the Internal Revenue Code.
In light of the current business recession, effective the first
pay date after February 20, 2009, CTS suspended all company
matching contributions to the 401(k) plan, except those for
bargaining unit employees. Therefore, company matches to
executive officers 401(k) contributions are not currently
being made. It is anticipated that the company match of employee
contributions will be restored when conditions improve.
Defined Benefit Plan. Mr. Khilnani,
Mr. Long, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Schroeder, and
Mr. Cutter are eligible to participate in the
CTS Corporation Pension Plan which we refer to as the
Pension Plan. The Pension Plan is a tax-qualified defined
benefit plan. On April 1, 2006, CTS closed the Pension Plan
to new entrants. Employees and executives that join CTS after
that date, such as Ms. Belusar, are ineligible to join the
Pension Plan, and thus cannot earn benefits under the Pension
The Pension Plan requires participants to complete a period of
vesting service in order to become eligible for a benefit. Each
of the eligible named executive officers has completed the
required vesting service period. The Pension Plan benefit is
based on a formula representing a factor of average monthly
earnings over a period of time multiplied by credited service,
which determines the monthly benefit. Certain participants may
elect an early retirement benefit at age 55, at a reduced
benefit. Mr. Khilnani, Mr. Buchanan,
Mr. Schroeder, and Mr. Cutter are eligible to take
early retirement.
Under the terms of the Pension Plan, annual incentive
compensation counts toward determining the sum of average
earnings used in the benefit calculation. Thus, these benefits
are directly affected by earned incentive compensation.
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans. Each
named executive officer who participates in a qualified defined
benefit plan also participates in a supplemental executive
retirement plan, called an Individual Excess Benefit Retirement
Plan. The purpose of the supplemental executive retirement plans
is to restore retirement benefits the executive would otherwise
have earned under the qualified defined benefit plan in the
absence of limitations under the Internal Revenue Code and to
provide a competitive level of retirement benefits. Benefits
earned under a supplemental executive retirement plan are
unfunded and are not insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation. The terms of these plans are discussed under the
caption 2008 Pension Benefits below.
CTS provides a limited set of perquisites and other compensation
in order to attract, motivate, and retain executive talent. In
2008, compensation for named executive officers included a
quarterly cash perquisite allowance for nonreimbursed travel
expenses, reimbursement for financial planning services,
reimbursement for tax preparation services, and reimbursement
for an executive physical. In addition, Mr. Schroeder
received a temporary living allowance to compensate him for the
increased cost of living associated with his relocation from
Indiana to California. Ms. Belusar also received relocation
assistance and a tax
gross-up on
non-deductible reimbursed relocation expenses. Other
compensation includes imputed income on life insurance benefits.
To create parity among the executives, as well as to better
manage the potential costs associated with these perquisites,
several program changes were introduced effective
January 1, 2009. The changes implemented annual caps on the
reimbursement of tax preparation services and executive
physicals, and changed the mode of payment for financial
planning services from reimbursement to a predetermined
quarterly cash perquisite allowance. In addition,
Mr. Schroeders temporary living allowance was ended
February 2009 with Mr. Schroeders relocation to
Illinois to assume the leadership role for the
corporations Electronic Components business.
Health and
Welfare Benefits
Named executive officers are eligible to participate in a
standard set of health and welfare benefits, including medical
insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance,
accidental death & dismemberment insurance, disability
insurance, dependent life insurance, employee assistance plan,
and health care and dependent care reimbursement accounts. The
same terms of participation that apply to salaried employees
generally govern the participation of named executive officers
in these benefits.
Agreements with
Named Executive Officers
Chief Executive Officer Employment
Agreement. In conjunction with his assumption of
the duties of President and Chief Executive Officer,
Mr. Khilnani entered into an employment agreement with CTS
effective July 2, 2007. The term of this employment
agreement is two years. For a complete understanding of the
employment agreement, please see the section of this proxy
statement titled Employment Agreement with Vinod M.
Khilnani below. This agreement provides assurances to and
promotes the retention of our top executive, a key position. No
other named executive officer has an employment agreement with
Severance Agreements. On December 5, 2007,
CTS entered into
severance agreements with Mr. Khilnani, Mr. Long,
Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Schroeder, and Mr. Cutter. The
purpose of these agreements is to retain executives and
encourage them to focus on corporate interests during times of
change and uncertainty. For a complete understanding of the
severance agreements, please see the section of this proxy
statement titled Potential Payments Upon Termination or
below. On January 22, 2008, CTS entered into a
severance agreement with Ms. Belusar, similar to the terms
of the Tier 1 severance agreements for other named
executive officers. Ms. Belusar, however, will not receive
certain retirement plan make-whole provisions as she is not a
participant in the Pension Plan and does not have an Individual
SERP, as discussed above. For a complete understanding of
Ms. Belusars severance agreement, please see the
section of this proxy statement titled Potential Payments
Upon Termination or
Buchanan Retirement Agreement. On
September 25, 2008, Mr. Buchanan informed CTS that he
would be retiring from the corporation effective
December 31, 2008. In connection with his separation from
CTS, Mr. Buchanan entered into an agreement with CTS which
entitles him to a lump sum retirement payment equal to $412,500,
in exchange for certain promises. For a complete understanding
of Mr. Buchanans retirement agreement, please see the
section of this proxy statement titled Buchanan Retirement
Agreement below.
Policy on
Recovery of Awards
The CTS Corporation 2007 Management Incentive Plan, under
which the annual MIP is administered, and the 2009 Plan being
submitted for shareholder approval each include a provision to
address recoupment of incentive awards in the event of financial
restatements. The recoupment provisions provide that if the
Board of Directors learns of any intentional misconduct by a
plan participant which contributes to CTS having to restate its
financial statements, the Board may require that individual to
reimburse CTS for the difference between any award he or she
received and the amount of the award he or she would have
received based on the financial results as restated.
Stock Ownership
The Board of Directors has adopted stock ownership guidelines
which are administered by the Compensation Committee. The stock
ownership guidelines define expected stock ownership levels for
executive officers, general managers and non-employee directors.
The guidelines are available online at:
The intent of the guidelines is to require executives and
directors to maintain a significant equity stake in CTS. The
stock ownership guidelines provide that executives and directors
are expected to retain at least 75% of their restricted stock
units until threshold ownership levels have been attained and at
least 25% of any equity awards received from CTS once they have
achieved the threshold levels. To avoid placing an undue tax or
cash flow burden on the individual, threshold levels are
established based on the premise that they will be attainable
through retention of equity awards over five years. Threshold
levels for named executive officers range from 15,000 share
units to 100,000 share units. The Chief Executive Officer
guideline applicable to Mr. Khilnani is 100,000 share
units. The guideline applicable to Ms. Belusar and
Mr. Schroeder is 40,000 share units. The guideline
applicable to Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Cutter is
30,000 share units. The guideline applicable to
Mr. Long is 15,000 share units. Share units include
shares of CTS common stock, shares subject to vested options,
non-vested restricted stock, and non-vested restricted stock
The Compensation Committee of the CTS Corporation Board of
Directors has reviewed and discussed the foregoing Compensation
Discussion and Analysis with management. Based on this review
and discussion, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
be included in CTS Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for year ended December 31, 2008 and this proxy statement.
Thomas G. Cody, Chairman
Patricia K. Collawn
Walter S. Catlow
Michael A. Henning
2008 Summary
Compensation Table
Change in
Value and
All Other
Name and Principal
Vinod M. Khilnani
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Donna L. Belusar
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Matthew W. Long
(Formerly Interim
Chief Financial Officer)
H. Tyler Buchanan
Senior Vice President
Donald R. Schroeder
Executive Vice President
Richard G. Cutter
Vice President, Secretary,
and General Counsel
(1) |
Mr. Khilnani became President and Chief Executive Officer
in July 2007. Compensation for 2007 therefore reflects six
months of compensation as Chief Financial Officer and six months
of compensation as President and Chief Executive Officer. |
(2) |
Ms. Belusar Joined CTS as Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer in January of 2008. |
(3) |
Amounts for 2008 represent cash payments in connection with
lapse of transfer restrictions on restricted shares issued under
the 1988 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. |
(4) |
Assumptions made in the valuation of restricted stock units are
set forth in Note I to CTS Consolidated Financial
Statements as reported in CTS Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008.
Mr. Buchanans retirement and consequent forfeiture of
time-based restricted stock units resulted in the crediting of
amounts previously expensed. |
(5) |
Assumptions made in the valuation of stock options are set forth
in Note I to CTS Consolidated Financial Statements as
reported in CTS Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008. |
(6) |
Amounts for 2008 represent payments earned under the 2008
Management Incentive Plan. |
(7) |
Other than for Mr. Buchanan and Ms. Belusar, the
change in pension value for 2008 is based on the difference
between the estimated present value of each accrued benefit for
named executive officers as of December 31, 2008 under the
CTS Corporation Pension Plan and his Individual Excess Benefit
Retirement Plan and the estimated present value of each named
executive officers accrued benefit as of December 31,
2007 under the CTS Corporation Pension Plan and his Individual
Excess Benefit Retirement Plan. Calculations are made based on
the assumptions described under the caption 2008 Pension
Benefits below. Because of his December 31, 2008
retirement, Mr. Buchanans change in pension value for
2008 is based on the difference between the actual present value
of his accrued benefit as of December 31, 2008 under the
CTS Corporation Pension Plan and his Individual Excess Benefit
Retirement Plan and the estimated present value of his accrued
benefit as of December 31, 2007 |
under the CTS Corporation Pension Plan and his Individual Excess
Benefit Retirement Plan. These amounts do not include any
above-market or preferential earnings on non-qualified deferred
compensation. Ms. Belusar does not participate in the CTS
Corporation Pension Plan and does not have an Individual Excess
Benefit Retirement Plan. |
(8) |
Amounts in this column for 2008 reflect the following
perquisites and personal benefits: |
for Mr. Khilnani, a cash perquisite allowance and tax
preparation services.
for Ms. Belusar, $34,379 for non-deductible reimbursed
relocation expenses, a $16,067 associated tax
gross-up, a
$4,000 miscellaneous moving expense, a cash perquisite
allowance, and financial planning services.
for Mr. Long, a cash perquisite allowance and investment
advisory services.
for Mr. Buchanan, a cash perquisite allowance, tax
preparation services, and investment advisory services.
for Mr. Schroeder, an $80,400 temporary living allowance, a
cash perquisite allowance, financial planning services, and tax
preparation services.
for Mr. Cutter, a cash perquisite allowance, financial
planning services, and tax preparation services.
2008 Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
All Other
Estimated Possible Payouts
Estimated Future Payouts
Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Equity Incentive Plan
Number of
Exercise or
Date Fair
Base Price
Value of
of Stock
of Option
Stock and
or Units
Grant Date
Vinod M. Khilnani
2008 Management Incentive Plan
2007 Performance Stock Unit Plan(1)
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan(2)
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
Donna L. Belusar
2008 Management Incentive Plan
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan(3)
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan(2)
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
Donald R. Schroeder
2008 Management Incentive Plan
2007 Performance Stock Unit Plan(1)
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan(2)
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
H. Tyler Buchanan
2008 Management Incentive Plan
2007 Performance Stock Unit Plan(1)
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan(2)
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
Richard G. Cutter
2008 Management Incentive Plan
2007 Performance Stock Unit Plan(1)
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan(2)
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
Matthew W. Long
2008 Management Incentive Plan
2007 Performance Stock Unit Plan(1)
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan(2)
2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
(1) |
In February 2007, the Compensation Committee established terms
applicable to performance-based equity compensation awards for
fiscal year 2007 under the CTS Corporation 2004 Omnibus
Long-term Incentive Plan. The awards are intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code. Restricted stock units for achievement of
the performance goals were granted in February 2008 following
certification of 2007 fiscal year results by CTS
independent auditor. |
(2) |
In February 2008, the Compensation Committee established terms
applicable to performance-based equity compensation awards for
fiscal years 2008 and 2009 under the CTS Corporation 2004
Omnibus Long-term Incentive Plan. The awards are intended to
qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. Restricted
stock units for achievement of the performance goals will be
issued in February 2010 following certification of 2009 fiscal
year results by CTS independent auditor. |
(3) |
Ms. Belusar was awarded 25,000 restricted stock units upon
commencement of her employment with CTS. This award vests in 20%
installments each year over five years and is intended to assist
her in reaching required stock ownership guideline levels within
an acceptable timeframe. |
Employment Agreement with Vinod M.
Khilnani. On June 14, 2007, CTS entered into
an employment agreement with Mr. Khilnani, which became
effective on July 2, 2007. The term of the agreement is two
years. The agreement vests Mr. Khilnani all of the duties
customarily incident to the positions of President and Chief
Executive Officer in publicly traded companies. The agreement
provides that Mr. Khilnanis salary, bonus, and other
compensation will be recommended by the Compensation Committee
and set by the Board of Directors. The agreement also provides
that Mr. Khilnanis base salary shall not be reduced
below $500,000, the base salary in effect on the date of the
agreement, unless there is in effect a general salary reduction
affecting all of CTS employees. Per the agreement,
Mr. Khilnani is entitled to participate in incentive
compensation programs on terms no less favorable than other CTS
senior executive officers, and he is entitled to participate in
CTS pension, retirement savings, health and welfare, and
other employee benefit plans on a basis consistent with that
offered to other salaried employees of CTS, to the extent
permitted by law.
The agreement provides that if CTS terminates
Mr. Khilnanis employment under certain circumstances
or Mr. Khilnani terminates his employment for good reason,
as defined in the agreement, CTS will provide Mr. Khilnani
with compensation equal to his current base salary and his
target incentive compensation for the calendar year prior to
termination for a period of two years following the termination
date. To bring the payment provisions into compliance with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, on
December 3, 2007, CTS amended Mr. Khilnanis
agreement to reflect that Severance Benefits will be paid in a
single lump sum cash payment as soon as practicable but not more
than 90 days after the date of Mr. Khilnanis
separation from service (within the meaning of
Section 409A); provided, however, that if Mr. Khilnani
is a specified employee as defined in Section 409A, such
payment shall be paid on the earlier of (1) the first day
of the seventh month following the date of his separation from
service or (2) his death. In addition, this amendment
clarified that termination did not occur under the employment
agreement until such event qualified as separation of service
within the meaning of Section 409A and clarified that
Mr. Khilnani would be ineligible for additional severance
under CTS Severance Pay-Exempt Salaried Employees Policy,
or any successor to that policy, if he were in fact paid
severance pursuant to his employment agreement.
Mr. Khilnani does not receive any compensation for his
service as a director of the corporation.
Compensation Arrangements. CTS does not have
employment agreements with any executive officers other than
Mr. Khilnani. Annual base salary for each named executive
officers, other than Mr. Khilnani, is determined by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Khilnanis annual base salary is determined by the
Board of Directors based on a recommendation by the Compensation
Buchanan Retirement Agreement. On
September 25, 2008, Mr. Buchanan informed CTS that he
would be retiring from the corporation effective
December 31, 2008. In connection with his separation from
CTS, Mr. Buchanan entered into an agreement with CTS
pursuant to which he will be entitled to receive a lump sum
payment in 2009 equal to $412,500. Mr. Buchanans
awards under the annual MIP and any other cash or equity
compensation program will be governed by the terms of those
plans. In consideration of the benefits provided under the
agreement, Mr. Buchanan agreed to maintain certain CTS
information as confidential, to refrain from competing with CTS
for a period of eighteen months following his separation on
December 31, 2008, to do nothing that would be inconsistent
with the interests of CTS, and to refrain from disparaging or
intentionally harming CTS reputation.
Bonuses. Amounts shown in the
Bonus column in the 2008 Summary Compensation Table
reflect cash payments under the CTS Corporation 1988
Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. Under that plan,
recipients receive a cash award equal to the fair market value
of each restricted share of CTS stock on the date the
restrictions lapse. The plan provided for awards to vest over a
five-year period. No awards have been made under that plan since
2003 and the Compensation Committee has expressed its intent to
make no future awards under this plan. Dividends are paid on
restricted shares at the same rate applicable to non-restricted
shares of CTS common stock.
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation. In
2008, each named executive officer, along with other officers
and key employees, participated in the annual MIP. The
Compensation Committee adopted this annual cash incentive Plan
under the terms of the 2007 CTS Corporation Management
Incentive Plan approved by the shareholders in 2007.
Corporation-wide and strategic business unit quantitative
performance goals were established for the 2008 fiscal year
under the annual MIP. Each participant was also assigned
objective qualitative performance goals for the 2008 fiscal year
which contributed to CTS financial performance. A target
award was established for each participant based on a percentage
of his or her base salary. The Compensation Committee
established the performance goals and target awards for each
named executive officer, other than Mr. Khilnani. The Board
of Directors approved the performance goals and target award for
Mr. Khilnani based on a recommendation by the Compensation
Committee. The percentage of achievement of performance goals
determined the percentage of the target award which each
participant earned. Amounts shown in the Summary Compensation
Table reflect awards based on achievement of operating earnings
(per applicable business unit) and CTS earnings per share
goals. Determination of the achievement of quantitative
performance goals was subject to the completion of the annual
audit and certification of CTS 2008 fiscal year results by
its independent auditor. CTS paid the awards to participants in
the form of lump sum cash payments. A chart detailing the
targets and payouts for each executive officer, and additional
information on how awards are calculated appears in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of this proxy
statement entitled Annual Cash Incentives.
Performance-Based Equity Compensation. In
order to tie a substantial portion of executive pay to the
overall financial performance of the corporation, while aligning
the interests of CTS executives with those of shareholders
over the longer term, CTS has established performance-based
equity compensation plans under the terms of the 2004 Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan. The terms of the
Performance Restricted Stock Plan pay an executive a percentage
between 0-200% of a target award in RSUs, based upon how well
the corporation performs in two key metrics, sales growth and
relative total shareholder return, over a two year performance
period. Sixty percent of the target award is weighted to
relative total stockholder return and 40% of the target award is
weighted to sales growth. The peer group used to measure
relative total stockholder return is the same peer group used
for the Equilar comparison discussed previously. All named
executive officers are participants in the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. The awards are intended
to qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
performance goals and target awards were established by the
Compensation Committee at its meeting in February 2008.
Restricted stock units for achievement of the performance goals
will vest and be issued in 2010 subject to certification of 2009
fiscal year results by CTS independent auditor. CTS also
has established the terms of the
Performance Restricted Stock plan which operates in much the
same manner, with a possible payout of 0-200% of a target award
payable in RSUs, but in this plan the sole performance measure
is relative total shareholder return. The peer group used to
measure relative total stockholder return is the same peer group
used for the 2008-2009 Performance Restricted Stock Plan. All
executive officers with the exception of Mr. Schroeder are
participants in the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan. The awards are also
intended to qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
performance goals and target awards were established by the
Compensation Committee at its meeting in February 2009.
Restricted stock units for achievement of the performance goals
will vest and be issued in 2011 subject to certification of 2010
fiscal year results by CTS independent auditor. Finally,
Mr. Khilnani and the corporation have entered into a
performance-based compensation arrangement. An aggregate of
25,000 units may be earned over the course of three
separate performance periods, commencing on July 2, 2007,
July 2, 2008, and July 2, 2009, respectively, and
ending on July 1, 2010, July 1, 2011, and July 1,
2012, respectively. Vesting will occur, if at all, at a rate of
up to 150% of the target award on the end date of each
performance period and is tied exclusively to CTS total
stockholder return relative to an enumerated peer group of
companies. The vesting rate will be determined using a matrix
based on CTS percentile ranking compared to the peer
group. The peer group is the same peer group used for the
Equilar comparison discussed previously.
Time-Based Equity Compensation. The
Compensation Committee has historically awarded equity-based
compensation to named executive officers on an annual basis. In
2008, the Compensation Committee awarded the named executive
officers other than Mr. Khilnani restricted stock units and
stock options under the CTS Corporation 2004 Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan. The Board of Directors approved the
grant of restricted stock units to Mr. Khilnani under the
CTS Corporation 2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan based
on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee. Restricted
stock unit awards distribute one
share of CTS common stock for each unit upon vesting. The award
recipient does not receive dividends or other rights related to
CTS common stock until vested. Restricted stock units
historically vested in 20% installments over a period of five
years but in 2008 this was changed to a three year vesting
schedule. Non-vested restricted stock units are forfeited upon
termination of employment, except in the case of death,
disability or
of the corporation, which events accelerate the vesting of
restricted stock units.
Equity Awards at 2008 Fiscal Year-End
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Market Value
Number of
Number of
Shares or
of Shares or
Units of
Units of
Stock Held
Stock Held
That Have
That Have
Not Vested
Not Vested
Vinod M. Khilnani
Donna L. Belusar
Donald R. Schroeder
H. Tyler Buchanan
Richard G. Cutter
Matthew W. Long
(1) |
Award granted on June 7, 2006 vests in 25% installments
each year commencing on June 7, 2007. |
(2) |
Award granted on June 8, 2005 vests in 25% installments
each year commencing on June 8, 2006. |
(3) |
3,600 restricted stock units will vest on June 9, 2009;
3,800 restricted stock units will vest on June 8, 2009 and
2010; 3,100 restricted stock units will vest on June 7,
2009, 2010, and 2011; 5,000 restricted stock units will vest on
July 2, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; 9,999 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2009; 10,002 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2010; 9,999 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2011; 25,000 restricted stock
units will vest on October 4, 2009; 3,600 restricted stock
units will vest on December 31, 2010. |
(4) |
5,000 restricted stock units will vest on February 4, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013; 3,333 restricted stock units will
vest on June 4, 2009; 3,334 restricted stock units will
vest on June 4, 2010; 3,333 restricted stock units will
vest on June 4, 2011. |
(5) |
3,200 restricted stock units will vest on June 9, 2009;
3,400 restricted stock units will vest on June 8, 2009 and
2010; 2,800 restricted stock units will vest on June 7,
2009, 2010, and 2011; 2,800 restricted stock units will vest on
June 6, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; 3,333 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2009; 3,334 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2010; 3,333 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2011; 3,000 restricted stock
units will vest on December 31, 2010. |
(6) |
2,400 restricted stock units will vest on December 31, 2010. |
(7) |
2,400 restricted stock units will vest on June 9, 2009;
2,600 restricted stock units will vest on June 8, 2009 and
2010; 2,300 restricted stock units will vest on June 7,
2009, 2010, and 2011; 2,300 restricted stock units will vest on
June 6, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; 2,667 restricted stock
units will vest on June 4, 2009 and 2010; 2,666 restricted
stock units will vest on June 2, 2011; 2,100 restricted
stock units will vest on December 31, 2010. |
(8) |
1,200 restricted stock units will vest on June 9, 2009;
1,200 restricted stock units will vest on June 8, 2009 and
2010; 1,000 restricted stock units will vest on June 7,
2009, 2010, and 2011; 1,000 restricted stock units will vest on
June 6, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; 800 restricted stock
units will vest on September 12, 2009, 2010, 2011, and
2012; 1,334 restricted stock units will vest on June 4,
2009; 1,333 restricted stock units will vest on June 4,
2010 and 2011; 900 restricted stock units will vest on
December 31, 2010. |
2008 Option
Exercises and Stock Vested
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Shares Acquired
Value Realized
Shares Acquired
Value Realized
on Exercise
on Exercise
on Vesting
on Vesting
Vinod M. Khilnani
Donna L. Belusar
Donald R. Schroeder
H. Tyler Buchanan
Richard G. Cutter
Matthew W. Long
(1) |
Includes $15,120 in market value of shares vesting under the
1988 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. An equal amount was
paid as a cash bonus upon vesting. |
(2) |
Includes $12,960 in market value of shares vesting under the
1988 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. An equal amount was
paid as a cash bonus upon vesting. |
(3) |
Includes $12,960 in market value of shares vesting under the
1988 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. An equal amount was
paid as a cash bonus upon vesting. |
(4) |
Includes $10,800 in market value of shares vesting under the
1988 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. An equal amount was
paid as a cash bonus upon vesting. |
(5) |
Includes $4,320 in market value of shares vesting under the 1988
Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan. An equal amount was paid
as a cash bonus upon vesting. |
2008 Pension
Number of
Years of
Value of
During Last
Fiscal Year
Plan Name
Vinod M. Khilnani
CTS Corporation Pension Plan(1)
CTS Corporation Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan(2)
Donna L. Belusar
CTS Corporation Pension Plan
CTS Corporation Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan
Matthew W. Long
CTS Corporation Pension Plan(1)
CTS Corporation Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan(2)
H. Tyler Buchanan
CTS Corporation Pension Plan(1)
CTS Corporation Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan(2)
Donald R. Schroeder
CTS Corporation Pension Plan(1)
CTS Corporation Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan(2)
Richard G. Cutter, III
CTS Corporation Pension Plan(1)
CTS Corporation Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan(2)
(1) |
Mr. Buchanan retired effective December 31, 2008. The
present value of his qualified benefit is the present value of
his 75% joint and survivor annuity benefit of $6,534 per month.
The present value used a discount rate of 6.90%. For
Mr. Khilnani, Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Cutter, and
Mr. Long, the actuarial present value of qualified benefits
is calculated as a single life annuity, deferred to age 65
without pre-retirement decrements. |
(2) |
Mr. Buchanan retired effective December 31, 2008. The
present value of his Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plan
benefit is the actual value of his lump sum benefit as of
December 31, 2008. For Mr. Khilnani,
Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Cutter, and Mr. Long, the
actuarial present value of Individual Excess Benefit Retirement
Plan benefits is calculated as a lump sum, deferred to
age 65 without pre-retirement decrements. Additionally, the
SERP lump sum segment rates used for Mr. Cutter as of
December 31, 2008 include a 20% phase-in of the November
2008 30-Year
Treasury rate as he will reach age 65 before the Pension
Protection Act assumptions are 100% phased in. All other
participants reach age 65 after the Pension Protection Act
assumptions are phased in. |
Pension Benefits. The CTS Corporation
Pension Plan, which we refer to as the Pension Plan, is a
defined benefit plan. The Pension Plan requires participants to
complete five years of vesting service in order to be eligible
for a benefit. On April 1, 2006, CTS closed the Pension
Plan to new entrants.
Employees and executives that join CTS after that date, such as
Ms. Belusar, are ineligible to join the Pension Plan, and
thus cannot earn benefits under the Pension Plan. Each of the
pension-eligible named executive officers, Mr. Khilnani,
Mr. Long, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Schroeder, and
Mr. Cutter, have completed the required vesting service
period. The benefit formula is 1.25% of average monthly pay
during the three calendar years of the participants last
ten calendar years of service in which the participant received
the highest pay, multiplied by a participants credited
service to arrive at a monthly benefit. For calculation
purposes, pay includes amounts reported in the salary, bonus,
and non-equity incentive plan columns of the Summary
Compensation Table. Benefits under the Pension Plan are not
subject to any deduction for social security or other offsets.
Normal retirement age under the pension plan is age 65.
Participants with five years of credited service may elect an
early retirement benefit at age 55. Mr. Khilnani,
Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Schroeder, and Mr. Cutter are
currently eligible to elect early retirement. As previously
announced, Mr. Buchanan has elected early retirement. Early
retirement benefits are reduced by 0.25% for each month that the
participant may receive a benefit between the ages of 55 and 65.
The normal form of benefit under the Pension Plan is a single
life annuity. Married participants receive a reduced benefit
under a joint and 50% survivor annuity absent spousal consent to
waive this benefit. Married participants may also elect to
receive their benefit under a joint and 75% survivor annuity.
Section 415(b)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, placed a
limit of $185,000 for 2008 on the amount of annual pension
benefits that may be paid from a tax-qualified plan.
Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code limits the
amount of annual compensation that may be taken into account in
calculating a benefit under a tax-qualified plan to $230,000 for
2008. The Pension Plan includes a supplemental benefit for named
participants, including each of the named executive officers,
except Mr. Long, that allows for payment of benefit
amounts, to the extent permitted by the Code in excess of the
benefit amounts that would be permitted by those provisions.
Prior to December 5, 2007, the named executive officers
other than Ms. Belusar participated in one of two CTS
excess benefit retirement plans, referred to as the Prior SERPs.
However, these Prior SERPs were not compliant with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore,
benefits under these Prior SERPs were replaced by non-qualified
Individual Excess Benefit Retirement Plans, referred to as an
Individual SERP, for each named executive officer employed with
CTS on December 5, 2007. As Ms. Belusar is not a
participant in the Pension Plan and since she was not a member
of a prior SERP or employed with CTS on December 5, 2007,
she does not have an Individual SERP. All other named executive
officers are participants in Individual SERPs. The Individual
Excess Benefit Retirement Plans provide that upon retirement,
the participant will receive a supplemental retirement benefit
equal to the difference between his actual benefit under the
Pension Plan and the benefit the participant would receive under
the Pension Plan if restrictions imposed on the calculation of
benefits under tax-qualified plans were disregarded and the
percentage of the participants compensation reflected in
the Pension Plan benefit formula was replaced with a percentage
specified in the Individual SERP. This specified percentage is
designed to place the executive in approximately the same
financial position as they would have enjoyed under the Prior
SERPs, which had a smaller multiplier factor and which also
included 50% of the fair market value of restricted stock units
which would have vested during the three highest pay calendar
years in the pay calculation.
So as to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
Code, the Individual SERPs provide that participants will
receive the actuarial present value of the benefit, payable as a
single lump sum cash payment from the general assets of CTS, in
the seventh month after the participants employment
terminates, or age 55, whichever is later. The actuarial
present value is determined using the actuarial assumptions
required by the Pension Protection Act as well as those employed
under the Pension Plan for determining lump sum cash outs in the
plan year during which the separation from service occurs or at
age 55, whichever is later. If the participants
separation from service occurs on or after age 55, the
participant will receive interest on the lump sum amount for the
period between his separation from service and its payment at an
interest rate equal to the single rate equivalency of the lump
sum interest rate assumptions used to calculate the lump sum
Potential Payments Upon Termination or
Change-in-Control. Each
named executive officer has a
severance agreement. There are two versions of the severance
agreement. The first version is referred to as a Tier 1
severance agreement and the second version is referred to as a
Tier 2 severance agreement. Mr. Khilnani,
Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Schroeder, and Mr. Cutter are
beneficiaries of Tier 1 severance agreements. On
January 22, 2008, Ms. Belusar entered into a modified
Tier 1 severance agreement, which is substantially the same
as all other Tier 1 severance agreements except
Ms. Belusar will not have the benefit of certain retirement
plan make-whole provisions since she is not a participant in the
Pension Plan and does not have an Individual SERP, as discussed
above. Mr. Long is the beneficiary of a Tier 2
severance agreement.
Under the Tier 1 severance agreement, a
is defined generally as: (1) the acquisition by any person
of 25% or more of CTS voting stock, subject to certain
exceptions; (2) the incumbent board members ceasing to
constitute a majority of the board; (3) a reorganization,
merger, consolidation, or sale of all or substantially all of
CTS assets, subject to certain exceptions; or (4) the
approval by the shareholders of a complete liquidation or
dissolution of CTS, subject to certain exceptions.
An executive with a Tier 1 severance agreement is entitled
to severance compensation if, within three years after a
the executive terminates his or her employment for good reason
or his or her employment is terminated by CTS or its successor
for any reason other than cause, disability, or death; provided,
that on each anniversary of a
the three-year period is automatically extended for one year
unless either party provides notice otherwise. Good reason is
defined generally as: (1) the failure to maintain the
executive in his or her office or position or an equivalent or
better office or position; (2) a significant adverse change
in the nature of the executives duties; (3) a
reduction in the executives base or incentive pay or an
adverse change in any employee benefits; (4) the
executives good faith determination that as a result of a
change in circumstances following the
he or she is unable to carry out or has suffered a substantial
reduction in the duties he or she had prior to the
(5) a successor entitys failure to assume all
obligations of CTS under the severance agreement; (6) CTS
or its successor moves the executives principal work
location by more than 35 miles or requires him or her to
travel at least 20% more; (7) CTS or its successor commits
any material breach of the severance agreement; or
(8) CTS stock ceases to be publicly traded or listed
on the New York Stock Exchange. An executive who separates from
service after the commencement of discussions with a third party
that ultimately results in a
may be treated as separating from service following the
for purposes of the severance agreement.
Compensation under the Tier 1 severance agreement includes:
(1) a lump sum payment equal to three times the sum of the
greater of the executives base salary at the time of the
or the executives average base salary over the three years
prior to termination plus the greater of the executives
average incentive pay over the three years prior to the
or the executives target incentive pay for the year in
which the
occurred; (2) continued availability of medical and dental
benefits for 36 months following termination at the
executives expense, with CTS reimbursing the executive for
the portion of the premium in excess of the employee share for
such coverage (and if such coverage causes the executive to
incur tax because it cannot be provided by a corporate plan, the
corporation will reimburse the executive for such additional
tax), provided that the obligation to provide these benefits
will be reduced to the extent medical and dental benefits are
provided by another employer; (3) a lump sum payment equal
to the increase in actuarial value of the benefits under
CTS qualified and supplemental retirement plans that the
executive would have received had he or she remained employed
for 36 months following his or her termination date
(inapplicable to Ms. Belusar); (4) a lump sum payment
equal to 0.90 times three times the executives average
matching contribution percentage under the 401(k) plan for the
three prior years times the lesser of the executives
salary and incentive pay or the maximum amount of compensation
that may be taken into account under the 401(k) plan, to
compensate for the amounts that CTS would have contributed to
the executives 401(k) plan account had the executive
remained employed for 36 months following his or her
termination; (5) reimbursement of up to $30,000 for
outplacement services; (6) reimbursement of legal, tax and
estate planning expense related to the severance agreement;
(7) a lump sum payment equal to the
executives target incentive pay for the year in which the
termination occurs, prorated based on his or her number of
months of actual service during the year; and
(8) accelerated vesting, exercise rights and lapse of
restrictions on all equity-based compensation awards. In
addition, if any payments made to the executive are subject to
excise tax under the golden parachute rules of
Sections 280G and 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code, the
executive will receive an additional payment to put the
executive in the same after-tax position as if no excise tax had
been imposed.
To the extent that the executive receives severance benefits
under the severance agreement, the executive may not, for a
period of one year following his termination date, participate
in the management of any business which engages in substantial
and direct competition with CTS or its successor. In addition,
for a period of three years after separation from service, the
executive may not solicit any corporate employee to leave
employment with CTS or any of its subsidiaries, may not hire or
engage any person who was employed with CTS or any of its
subsidiaries and may not assist any organization with whom the
executive is associated in taking such actions. The executive is
generally entitled to be reimbursed by CTS for legal fees
incurred to enforce his rights under the severance agreement.
The Tier 2 severance agreement is substantially similar to
the Tier 1 described above except that certain eligibility
periods and severance amounts are different. Specifically,
Tier 2 participants will be entitled to severance
compensation if within two years after the
he or she terminates his or her employment for good reason (as
described above) or CTS or its successor terminates the
executive for any reason except cause, disability, or death. The
severance eligibility period, however, does not automatically
extend under the Tier 2 severance agreement.
Further, under the Tier 2 severance agreement, compensation
to which a participating executive is entitled includes:
(1) a lump sum equal to one and one half (1.5) times the
sum of the greater of the executives base salary at the
time of the
or the executives average base salary over the three years
prior to termination plus the greater of the executives
average incentive pay over the three years prior to the
or the executives target incentive pay for the year in
which the
occurred; (2) continued availability of medical and dental
benefits for 12 months following termination at the
executives expense, with CTS reimbursing the executive for
the portion of the premium in excess of the employee share for
such coverage, (and if such coverage causes the executive to
incur tax because it cannot be provided by a corporate plan, CTS
will reimburse the executive for such additional tax), provided
that the obligation to provide these benefits will be reduced to
the extent medical and dental benefits are provided by another
employer; (3) a lump sum payment equal to the increase in
actuarial value of the benefits under CTS qualified and
supplemental retirement plans that the executive would have
received had he or she remained employed for 12 months
following his or her termination date; (4) a lump sum
payment equal to 0.96 times the executives average
matching contribution percentage under the 401(k) plan for the
three prior years times the lesser of the executives
salary and incentive pay or the maximum amount of compensation
that may be taken into account under the 401(k) plan, to
compensate for the amounts that CTS would have contributed to
the executives 401(k) plan account had the executive
remained employed for 12 months following his or her
termination; (5) reimbursement of up to $15,000 for
outplacement services; (6) a lump sum payment equal to the
executives target incentive pay for the year in which the
termination occurs, prorated based on his or her number of
months of actual service during the year; and
(7) accelerated vesting, exercise rights and lapse of
restrictions on all equity-based compensation awards.
In addition, a Tier 2 severance agreement does not provide
for an additional payment if any amount or benefit to be paid to
the executive would constitute an excess parachute payment
within the meaning of Section 280G of the Internal Revenue
Code. Instead, the payments and benefits under the Tier 2
severance agreement will be reduced to the minimum extent
necessary so that no portion of any payment or benefit will
constitute an excess parachute payment; provided, however, that
the reduction will be made only if and to the extent that such
reduction would result in an increase in the aggregate payment
and benefits to be provided, determined on an after tax basis
(taking into account the excise tax imposed pursuant to
Section 4999, or any successor provision, or any other
tax). The period of non-solicitation of corporate employees
under this
second version is two years from separation of service. In all
other material respects, this second version of the severance
agreement is consistent with the terms of the above-described
Tier 1 severance agreement.
Severance compensation under both the Tier 1 and the
Tier 2 severance agreements is designed to comply with
Section 409A of the Code. Lump sum payments of severance
compensation are generally to be made as soon as practicable but
not more than ninety days after the executive separates from
service; provided, however, that if the executive is a specified
employee within the meaning of Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code, then the payment shall be made on the earlier of
the first day of the seventh month following the date of the
executives separation from service or the executives
death. Payment of severance compensation under the
severance agreement will be reduced to the extent of any
corresponding payments under any other agreement. The terms of
the severance agreements will expire December 31, 2011 or,
if triggered, at the end of the severance period.
Assuming that a
event occurred and the named executive officer was terminated
without cause on December 31, 2008, the estimated severance
compensation provided to each named executive officer is as
Vesting of
Vesting of
Relocation &
Pro Rata
Stock &
401(k) match
Excise Tax
Gross Up
Vinod M. Khilnani
Donna L. Belusar
Matthew W. Long
Donald R. Schroeder
Richard G. Cutter
As stated previously, Mr. Khilnanis employment
agreement provides that if the Corporation terminates his
employment under certain circumstances or Mr. Khilnani
terminates his employment for good reason, as defined in the
agreement, the Corporation will provide Mr. Khilnani with
compensation, equal to his current base salary and his target
incentive compensation for the calendar year prior to
termination, for a period of two years following the termination
Also, as discussed above, Mr. Buchanan has executed a
retirement agreement due to his retirement effective
December 31, 2008. For a complete understanding of this
agreement, please see the section of this proxy statement titled
Buchanan Retirement Agreement above.
Fees Earned
or Paid
in Cash
Stock Awards(1)
Option Awards(2)
Walter S. Catlow
Lawrence J. Ciancia
Thomas G. Cody
Patricia K. Collawn
Gerald H. Frieling, Jr.
Roger R. Hemminghaus
Michael A. Henning
Robert A. Profusek
(1) |
Amounts in this column reflect the dollar amount of compensation
expense recognized by CTS in 2008 with respect to all stock
awards granted to non-employee directors. On December 3,
2008, 9,300 restricted stock units were awarded to each
non-employee director for 2008 service, except that
Mr. Hemminghaus received 13,900 restricted stock units for
service as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The grant
date fair value for each share in the awards was $5.54. The
grant date fair value of each award other than
Mr. Hemminghaus was $51,522. The grant date fair value of
Mr. Hemminghaus award was $77,006. Those awards
vested on January 7, 2009 and were distributed upon vesting
absent a deferral election by the director. Mr. Catlow,
Mr. Ciancia, Ms. Collawn, Mr. Henning, and
Mr. Profusek elected to defer distribution until their
retirement from the Board of Directors. The non-employee
directors had no other non-vested stock awards outstanding at
fiscal year-end. |
(2) |
Amounts in this column reflect the dollar amount of compensation
expense recognized by CTS in 2008 with respect to all option
awards to non-employee directors in prior years. Non-employee
directors did not receive option awards in fiscal year 2008. The
number of shares underlying options at fiscal year-end for each
non-employee director, other than Ms. Collawn, was 14,000
exercisable. The number of shares underlying unexercised options
at fiscal year-end for Ms. Collawn was 3,100 exercisable. |
Director Compensation. Employee directors
receive no additional compensation for serving on the Board of
Directors or Committees of the Board of Directors. Compensation
for non-employee directors is determined by the Board of
Directors based on recommendations by the Compensation Committee.
All non-employee directors, except the Chairman of the Board of
Directors, receive the following fees for their service on the
Board of Directors: annual board retainer $30,000;
annual retainer for each Audit Committee member - $5,000; annual
retainer for each Compensation Committee member
$5,000; annual retainer for each Finance Committee member
-$3,000; annual retainer for each Nominating and Governance
Committee member $3,000; additional annual retainer
for Audit Committee Chairman $5,000; additional
annual retainer for Compensation Committee Chairman
$5,000; additional annual retainer for Finance Committee
Chairman $3,000; additional annual retainer for
Nominating and Governance Committee Chairman $3,000;
meeting fee for each Board of Directors or Committee
Meeting $1,500. All committee meetings, including
special meetings called by committee chairmen, are compensated
at the regular meeting fee rate. Special activity by the
committee chairmen, as well as any special activity by another
committee member that is requested or approved by a committee
chairman, is also compensated at the regular meeting fee rate.
The non-employee Chairman of the Board of Directors received an
annual retainer for his service on the Board of Directors in the
amount of $275,000, and is compensated for each meeting at the
$1,500 regular meeting fee rate. CTS reimburses non-employee
directors for reasonable travel expenses related to their
performance of services and for director education programs.
CTS does not currently have a retirement plan for non-employee
directors. In 1990, CTS adopted the Stock Retirement Plan for
Non-Employee Directors. Under that plan, a deferred common stock
unit account was established for each non-employee director.
Through January 2004, 800 common stock units and additional
units representing dividends on CTS common stock paid were
credited annually to each non-employee directors account.
When a non-employee director retires from the Board of
Directors, he or she receives one share of CTS common stock for
each deferred common stock unit credited to his or her account.
On December 1, 2004, the Board of Directors amended the
plan to preclude crediting any additional units to the deferred
common stock unit accounts. The number of deferred common stock
units credited to each directors account is shown in the
Directors and Officers Stock Ownership table above.
The Audit Committee acts pursuant to its written charter adopted
by the Board of Directors, a copy of which may be obtained from
CTS website at
All members of the Audit Committee are financially literate and
independent as defined in the New York Stock Exchange Corporate
Governance Listing Standards.
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with CTS
management and Grant Thornton LLP, CTS independent
auditor, the audited consolidated financial statements of the
corporation for 2008; has discussed with the independent auditor
the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61, as amended (AICPA, Professional
Standards, Vol. 1 AU Section 380), as adopted by the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board in Rule 3200T; has
received from the independent auditor the written disclosures
and letter required by applicable requirements of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding independent
accountants communications with the Audit Committee concerning
independence; and has discussed with the independent auditor its
independence. Based on the review and discussions described
above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors
that the financial statements be included in CTS Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 for filing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Michael A. Henning, Chairman
Walter S. Catlow
Lawrence J. Ciancia
Gerald H. Frieling, Jr.
Grant Thornton LLP has served as CTS independent auditor
since 2005.
Grant Thornton LLP representatives plan to attend the 2009
Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CTS Corporation and will
be available to respond to appropriate questions from
shareholders. The following table presents fees for professional
audit and other services provided by Grant Thornton LLP to CTS
for the years ended December 31, 2008 and December 31,
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees(1)
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
(1) |
For 2008, audit-related fees consist of fees billed by Grant
Thornton LLP for FAS 123R and FAS 133 related work. |
The Audit Committees policy is to pre-approve all audit
and non-audit services provided by the independent auditors. The
Audit Committee annually reviews audit and non-audit services
proposed to be rendered by Grant Thornton LLP during the fiscal
year. The Audit Committee has delegated authority to
the Audit Committee Chairman to grant pre-approval of services
by the independent auditors, provided that the Chairman reports
on any such pre-approval decisions at the next scheduled meeting
of the Audit Committee. None of the services rendered by Grant
Thornton LLP were approved by the Audit Committee after the
services were rendered pursuant to the de minimis exception
established under the rules of the Securities and Exchange
2008 Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
Upon receipt of the written request of a CTS shareholder owning
shares of common stock on the Record Date addressed to Richard
G. Cutter, Secretary of CTS Corporation, 905 West
Boulevard North, Elkhart, Indiana 46514, CTS will provide to
such shareholder, without charge, a copy of its 2008 Annual
Report on
Form 10-K,
including the financial statements and financial statement
schedule. The report is also available on CTS website at
Important Notice
Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 27,
This proxy statement, along with our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 and our 2008
Annual Report, are available free of charge on the Investor
Relations section of our website at
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Richard G. Cutter
Elkhart, Indiana
April 24, 2009
Appendix A
Section 1. PURPOSE: The
purpose of the CTS Corporation 2009 Omnibus Equity and
Performance Incentive Plan is to provide certain employees and
consultants of CTS Corporation and its Affiliates and
members of the Board with the opportunity to receive stock-based
and other incentive grants in order to attract, motivate and
retain qualified individuals and to align their interests with
those of shareholders.
Section 2. EFFECTIVE
DATE: This Plan will become effective as of
May 27, 2009, subject to the approval of the shareholders
in accordance with the Companys Bylaws and the laws of the
State of Indiana at the Annual Meeting to be held on
May 27, 2009. Unless sooner terminated as provided herein,
the Plan shall terminate on May 26, 2019. After the Plan is
terminated, no future Awards may be granted under the Plan, but
Awards previously granted shall remain outstanding in accordance
with their applicable terms and conditions. Furthermore, no
grants will be made on or after May 27, 2009 under the
Prior Plans. Subject to shareholder approval of the Plan at the
Annual Meeting to be held on May 27, 2009, no grants will
be made on or after May 27, 2009 under the Existing Plan
except (a) for grants earned under the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan and the
Performance Restricted Stock Unit Plan and (b) that
outstanding awards granted under the Existing Plan will continue
unaffected following May 27, 2009.
Section 3. DEFINITIONS: As
used in this Plan, unless the context otherwise requires, each
of the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below.
(a) Affiliate shall mean any entity
that, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with, the Company.
(b) Award shall mean a grant of an
Option, SAR, Restricted Stock Award, Performance Award, or Other
Stock Award pursuant to the Plan, which may, as determined by
the Committee, be in lieu of other compensation owed to a
(c) Award Agreement shall mean an
agreement, either in written or electronic format, in such form
and with such terms and conditions as may be approved by the
Committee, which evidences the terms and conditions of an Award.
(d) Board of Directors or
Board shall mean the board of directors of
the Company.
(e) Code shall mean the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any references
to a particular section of the Code shall be deemed to include
any successor provision thereto.
(f) Committee shall mean the
Compensation Committee or such other committee of the Board of
Directors, which shall consist solely of two or more members of
the Board who are outside directors within the
meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code, non-employee
directors within the meaning of Securities and Exchange
Rule 16b-3
promulgated under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended, and independent directors as defined by any
applicable stock exchange rule or any such successor provision
(g) Company shall mean
CTS Corporation, an Indiana corporation.
(h) Consultant shall mean any person
engaged by the Company or an Affiliate to render services to
such entity as a consultant or advisor.
(i) Covered Employee shall mean a
Participant who is, or is determined by the Committee to be
likely to become, a covered employee within the
meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code (or any successor
(j) Date of Grant shall mean the date
specified by the Committee on which a grant of Options, SARs or
Performance Awards, or a grant or sale of Restricted Stock
Awards or Other Stock Awards pursuant to the Plan will become
effective (which date will not be earlier than the date on which
the Committee takes action with respect thereto).
(k) Employee shall mean an employee of
the Company or any Affiliate.
(l) Exercise Price shall mean an amount,
as determined by the Committee, at which an Option or SAR can be
exercised by a Participant, which amount shall not be less than
the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Date of Grant, unless
such Option or SAR is granted pursuant to an assumption or
substitution of another Option in a manner that satisfies the
requirements of Section 424(a) of the Code.
(m) Existing Plan shall mean the
CTS Corporation 2004 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, as
(n) Fair Market Value shall mean, as of
a given date, unless otherwise determined by the Committee, the
closing sale price for a Share as reported on a national
securities exchange on such date if the Shares are then being
traded on such an exchange. If no closing sale price was
reported for such date, the closing sale price on the last
preceding day on which such a price was reported shall be used.
If there is no regular public trading market for the Shares, the
Fair Market Value for a Share shall be the fair market value of
a Share as determined in good faith by the Committee. The
Committee is authorized to adopt another fair market value
pricing method, provided such method is stated in the Award
Agreement and is in compliance with the fair market value
pricing rules set forth in Section 409A of the Code.
(o) Incentive Stock Option shall mean an
Option which is intended to meet the requirements set forth in
Section 422 of the Code or any successor provision.
(p) Nonqualified Stock Option shall mean
an Option not intended to qualify as an Incentive Stock Option.
(q) Option shall mean the right to
purchase Shares granted pursuant to Section 8, which may
take the form of either an Incentive Stock Option or a
Nonqualified Stock Option and which shall not have a term of
more than 10 years.
(r) Other Stock Award shall mean an
Award of Shares or Awards that are valued in whole or in part,
or that are otherwise based on, Shares, including but not
limited to dividend equivalents or amounts which are equivalent
to any federal, state, local, domestic, or foreign taxes
relating to an Award, which may be payable in Shares, cash,
other securities, or any other form of property as the Committee
shall determine, subject to the terms and conditions set forth
by the Committee and granted pursuant to Section 12.
(s) Participant shall mean an Employee,
Consultant, or member of the Board selected by the Committee to
receive Awards under the Plan.
(t) Performance Awards shall mean Awards
of Performance Shares or Performance Units.
(u) Performance Measures shall mean any
of the following performance criteria, either alone or in any
combination, and may be expressed with respect to the Company or
one or more operating units or groups, as the Committee may
determine: free cash flow; free cash flow from operations; total
earnings; earnings per share, diluted or basic; earnings per
share from continuing operations, diluted or basic; earnings
before interest and taxes; earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation, and amortization; earnings from continuing
operations; net asset turnover; inventory turnover; debt ratios;
operating expense; inventory turns; net earnings; operating
earnings; gross operating margin, gross margin percentage;
return on equity; capital expenditures; cost of quality; on-time
delivery; return on net assets; return on total assets; return
on capital; return on investment; return on sales; gross sales,
net sales; market share; net market share; economic value added;
expense reduction levels; stock price; working
capital; controllable working capital and total shareholder
return. Performance Measures applicable to any Qualified
Performance-Based Award to a Covered Employee must be based on
specified levels of or growth in one or more of the Performance
Measures listed in the immediately preceding sentence.
Performance Measures may be determined on an absolute basis or
relative to internal goals or relative to levels attained in
prior years or related to other companies or indices or as
ratios expressing relationships between two or more Performance
Additionally, Performance Measures may be defined to exclude
certain types or categories of extraordinary, unusual or
non-recurring items; changes in applicable laws, regulations or
accounting principles; currency fluctuations; discontinued
operations; non-cash items, such as amortization, depreciation
or reserves; or any recapitalization, restructuring, asset
impairment, reorganization, merger, acquisition, divestiture,
consolidation, spin-off,
combination, liquidation, dissolution, sale of assets, gain or
loss on asset sales, or other similar corporate transactions;
provided, however, that such action shall not be
taken in the case of a Qualified Performance-Based Award where
such action would result in the loss of the otherwise available
exemption of the Award under Section 162(m) of the Code.
The Committee shall provide how any Performance Measure shall be
adjusted to the extent necessary to prevent dilution or
enlargement of any Award as a result of extraordinary events or
circumstances, as determined by the Committee, or to exclude the
effects of extraordinary, unusual, or non-recurring items;
changes in applicable laws, regulations, or accounting
principles; currency fluctuations; discontinued operations;
non-cash items, such as amortization, depreciation, or reserves;
or any recapitalization, restructuring, asset impairment,
reorganization, merger, acquisition, divestiture, consolidation,
combination, liquidation, dissolution, sale of assets, gain or
loss on asset sales, or other similar corporate transactions;
provided, however, that such action shall not be
taken in the case of a Qualified Performance-Based Award where
such action would result in the loss of the otherwise available
exemption of the Award under Section 162(m) of the Code.
(v) Performance Share shall mean an
Award denominated in Shares, which is earned during a
Performance Period subject to the terms and conditions as
determined by the Committee and granted pursuant to
Section 11.
(w) Performance Period shall mean, in
respect of a Performance Award, a period of time established by
the Committee pursuant to Section 7 at the end of which the
achievement of one or more measurable performance objectives
established for a Performance Measure and relating to such
Performance Award are to be evaluated or measured.
(x) Performance Unit shall mean an Award
denominated in units having a value in dollars or such other
currency, as determined by the Committee, which is earned during
a Performance Period subject to the terms and conditions as
determined by the Committee and granted pursuant to
Section 11.
(y) Plan shall mean the Companys
2009 Omnibus Equity and Performance Incentive Plan, as may be
amended, or amended and restated, from time to time.
(z) Prior Plans shall mean the
Companys 1988 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan, the
Companys 1996 Stock Option Plan, the Companys 2001
Stock Option Plan and the Companys
Incentive Unit Appreciation Rights Plan, as each may have been
amended from time to time.
(aa) Qualified Performance-Based Award
shall mean any Award or portion of an Award that is intended to
satisfy the requirements for qualified performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code.
(bb) Restricted Stock shall mean an
Award of Shares, subject to such terms and conditions as
determined by the Committee and granted pursuant to
Section 10, as to which neither the substantial risk of
forfeiture nor any prohibition on transfer has expired.
(cc) Restricted Stock Award shall mean
an Award consisting of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock
(dd) Restricted Stock Unit shall mean an
Award consisting of a bookkeeping entry representing the right
to receive one Share or an amount equivalent to the Fair Market
Value of one Share, payable in cash or Shares, and representing
an unfunded and unsecured obligation of the Company, except as
otherwise provided by the Committee, subject to such terms and
conditions as determined by the Committee and granted pursuant
to Section 10.
(ee) Shares shall mean shares of common
stock, without a par value, of the Company.
(ff) Stock Appreciation Right or
SAR shall mean an Award which represents the right
to receive the difference between the Fair Market Value of a
Share on the date of exercise and an Exercise Price, payable in
cash or Shares, subject to such terms and conditions as
determined by the Committee and granted pursuant to
Section 9 and which shall not have a term of more than
10 years.
Section 4. ADMINISTRATION: Subject
to the express provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall have
authority to administer and interpret the Plan, to interpret any
Award Agreement, to prescribe, amend, and rescind rules and
regulations relating to the Plan and any Award Agreement, and to
make all other determinations deemed necessary or advisable for
the administration of the Plan. Any determination by the
Committee pursuant to any provision of the Plan or of any Award
Agreement will be final and conclusive. No member of the
Committee will be liable for any such action or determination
made in good faith. In exercising its discretion, the Committee
may use such objective or subjective factors as it determines to
be appropriate in its sole discretion. To the extent permitted
by law, the Committee may from time to time delegate all or any
part of its authority under this Plan to a subcommittee. To the
extent of any such delegation, references in this Plan to the
Committee will be deemed to be references to such subcommittee.
The Committee may delegate to one or more of its members or one
or more officers of the Company the authority, subject to terms
and conditions as the Committee shall determine, to
(a) designate Employees to be recipients of Awards under
the Plan and (b) determine the size of any such Awards;
provided, however, that: (x) the Committee shall not
delegate such responsibilities to any such officer for Awards
granted to an employee who is an officer, Director, or more than
10% beneficial owner of any class of the Companys equity
securities that is registered pursuant to Section 12 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as determined by
the Board in accordance with Section 16 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; (y) the resolution
providing for such authorization sets forth the total number of
Shares such officer(s) may grant; and (z) the officer(s)
shall report periodically to the Committee regarding the nature
and scope of the Awards granted pursuant to the authority
Section 5. SHARES
(a) Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 5(g),
the maximum number of Shares available for issuance under the
Plan shall be 3,400,000.
(b) If any Shares are subject to an Award that is
forfeited, expires, or is otherwise terminated without the
issuance of Shares, such Shares shall again be available for
Awards under the Plan. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained herein: (i) if Shares are tendered or otherwise
used in payment of the Exercise Price of an Option, the total
number of Shares covered by the Option being exercised shall
reduce the maximum number of Shares available under
Section 5(a); (ii) Shares withheld by the Company to
satisfy the tax withholding obligation shall count against the
maximum number of Shares available under Section 5(a); and
(iii) the number of Shares covered by an SAR, to the extent
that it is exercised and settled in Shares, and whether or not
all the Shares covered by the Award are actually issued to the
Participant upon exercise of the SAR, shall be considered issued
or transferred pursuant to the Plan. In the event that the
Company repurchases Shares with Option proceeds, those Shares
will not be added to the maximum number of Shares available
under Section 5(a). If, under the Plan, a Participant has
elected to give up the right to receive compensation in exchange
for Shares based on Fair Market Value, such Shares will not
count against the maximum number of Shares available under
Section 5(a).
(c) Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, Awards
that are designed to operate in tandem with other Awards shall
not be counted against the maximum number of Shares available
under Section 5(a) in order to avoid double counting.
(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum number of
Shares that may be issued upon the exercise of Incentive Stock
Options shall equal the aggregate number of Shares stated in
Section 5(a), subject to adjustment as provided in
Section 5(g) to the extent that such adjustment does not
affect the ability to grant or the qualification of Incentive
Stock Options under the Plan.
(e) To the extent any Award is settled in cash, the number
of Shares available for issuance under the Plan pursuant to
Section 5(a) shall be reduced by an amount equal to the
quotient of: (i) the dollar amount of such cash payment,
reduced by any amount tendered by the Participant or retained by
the Company to satisfy tax withholding obligations in connection
with the Award; divided by (ii) the Fair Market Value of a
Share on the date of the cash payment.
(f) Any Shares issued under the Plan shall consist, in
whole or in part, of authorized and unissued Shares, Shares
purchased in the open market or otherwise, Shares in treasury,
or any combination thereof, as the Committee or, as appropriate,
the Board may determine.
(g) In the event of any merger, reorganization,
consolidation, recapitalization, stock dividend, stock split,
reverse stock split, spin-off, combination, repurchase or
exchange of Shares or other securities of the Company, or
corporate transaction or event having an effect similar to the
foregoing, the Committee shall adjust the number and type of
Shares available for Awards under the Plan, the number and type
of Shares subject to outstanding Awards, and the Exercise Price
with respect to any Award as is equitably required to prevent
dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits
intended to be made available under the Plan. In the case of any
stock split, including a stock split effected by means of a
stock dividend, and in the case of any other dividend paid in
shares of the Company, such adjustments shall be made
automatically without the necessity of Committee action, on the
customary arithmetical basis. Any fractional Share resulting
from an adjustment pursuant to this Section 5(g) shall be
disregarded. Moreover, in the event of any such transaction or
event, the Committee may provide in substitution for any or all
outstanding Awards under this Plan such alternative
consideration as it may determine to be equitable and may in
connection therewith require the surrender of all or part of any
Award to be replaced in a manner that complies with
Section 409A of the Code. In addition, for each Option or
SAR with an Exercise Price greater than the consideration
offered in connection with any such transaction or event, the
Committee may in its sole discretion elect to cancel such Option
or SAR without any payment to the person holding such Option or
(h) The number of Shares issued as Restricted Stock,
Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares and Performance Units
and Other Stock Awards (after taking into account any
forfeitures and cancellations) will not during the life of the
Plan in the aggregate exceed 3,400,000 Shares.
Section 6. ELIGIBILITY: The
Committee from time to time may designate which Employees,
Consultants, and members of the Board shall become Participants
under the Plan.
Section 7. CODE
(a) This Section 7 is applicable to any Qualified
Performance-Based Award granted to a Covered Employee.
Performance Measures applicable to any Qualified
Performance-Based Award to a Covered Employee must be based on
specified levels of or growth in one or more of the Performance
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan other
than Section 5(g): (i) no Participant will be granted
Options or SARs, in the aggregate, for more than
500,000 Shares during any calendar year; (ii) no
Participant will be granted Qualified Performance-Based Awards
of Performance Shares for more than 125,000 Shares during
any calendar year; provided, however, that, if any
other Qualified Performance-Based Awards of Performance Shares
are outstanding for such Participant for a given calendar year,
such Share limitation shall be reduced for each such given
calendar year by the Shares that could be received by the
Participant under all such Qualified Performance-Based Awards,
divided, for each such Qualified
Performance-Based Award, by the number of full calendar years of
the Company applicable to each such outstanding Qualified
Performance-Based Award; and (iii) in no event will any
Participant in any calendar year receive a Qualified
Performance-Based Award of Performance Units having an aggregate
maximum value as of their respective Dates of Grant in excess of
$2,000,000; provided, however, that, if any other
Qualified Performance-Based Awards of Performance Units are
outstanding for such Participant for a given calendar year, such
dollar limitation shall be reduced for each such given calendar
year by the amount that could be received by the Participant
under all such Qualified Performance-Based Awards, divided, for
each such Qualified Performance-Based Award, by the number of
full calendar years of the Company applicable to each such
outstanding Qualified Performance-Based Award. The limitations
set forth in this Section 7(b) shall be subject to
adjustment under Section 5(g) of the Plan only to the
extent that such adjustment does not affect the status of any
Qualified Performance-Based Award intended satisfy the
requirements for qualified performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code. If an
Option is granted in tandem with a SAR such that exercise of the
Option or SAR with respect to one Share cancels the tandem
Option or SAR, respectively, with respect to such Share, the
tandem Option and SAR with respect to such Share shall be
counted as covering only one Share for purposes of applying the
limitation set forth in this Section 7(b).
(c) The Committee shall have the authority to impose such
other restrictions on Qualified Performance-Based Awards as it
may deem necessary or appropriate to ensure that such Qualified
Performance-Based Awards satisfy the requirements for
qualified performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code.
Section 8. OPTIONS: Subject
to the terms and conditions of the Plan, the Committee may grant
Options to Participants on such terms and conditions as the
Committee may prescribe in an Award Agreement, including, but
not limited to, the Exercise Price; vesting schedule; method of
payment of the Exercise Price; treatment upon termination of
employment; treatment upon certain corporate transactions or
events; and other terms and conditions that the Committee may
deem appropriate. Incentive Stock Options may only be granted to
Participants who meet the definition of employees
under Section 3401(c) of the Code.
Section 9. STOCK
APPRECIATION RIGHT: Subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan, the Committee may grant SARs to
Participants on such terms and conditions as the Committee may
prescribe in an Award Agreement, including, but not limited to,
the Exercise Price; vesting schedule; form of payment; treatment
upon termination of employment; treatment upon certain corporate
transactions or events; and other terms and conditions that the
Committee may deem appropriate.
Section 10. RESTRICTED
STOCK AWARD: Subject to the terms and conditions
of the Plan, the Committee may grant Restricted Stock Awards to
Participants on such terms and conditions as the Committee may
prescribe in an Award Agreement, including, but not limited to,
the vesting schedule; purchase price, if any; deferrals allowed
or required; treatment upon termination of employment; treatment
upon certain corporate transactions or events; and other terms
and conditions that the Committee may deem appropriate.
AWARDS: Subject to the terms and conditions of
the Plan, the Committee may grant Performance Awards to
Participants on such terms and conditions as the Committee may
prescribe in an Award Agreement, including, but not limited to,
the performance period; performance criteria; treatment upon
termination of employment; treatment upon certain corporate
transactions or events; and other terms and conditions that the
Committee may deem appropriate. Notwithstanding anything in this
Plan to the contrary, the Committee shall not adjust the number
of Performance Shares or Performance Units to which a Qualified
Performance-Based Award pertains where such action would result
in the loss of the otherwise available exemption of the Award
under Section 162(m) of the Code.
Section 12. OTHER
STOCK AWARDS: Subject to the terms and conditions
of the Plan, the Committee may grant Other Stock Awards to
Participants on such terms and conditions as the Committee may
prescribe in an Award Agreement, including, but not limited to,
the vesting schedule, if any; purchase price, if
any; deferrals allowed or required; treatment upon termination
of employment; treatment upon certain corporate transactions or
events; and other terms and conditions that the Committee may
deem appropriate.
ON REPRICING: Except in connection with a
corporate transaction or event described in Section 5(g) of
the Plan, the terms of outstanding Awards may not be amended to
reduce the Exercise Price of outstanding Options or SARs, or
cancel outstanding Options or SARs in exchange for cash, other
Awards or Options or SARs with an Exercise Price that is less
than the Exercise Price of the original Options or SARs without
shareholder approval.
Section 14. WITHHOLDING: The
Committee may make such provisions and take such steps as it may
deem necessary and appropriate for the withholding of any taxes
that the Company is required by law or regulation of any
governmental authority, whether federal, state, local, domestic,
or foreign, to withhold in connection with the grant, exercise,
payment, or removal of restrictions of an Award, including, but
not limited to, requiring or permitting the Participant to remit
to the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy such withholding
requirements in cash or Shares or withholding cash or Shares due
or to become due with respect to the Award at issue. In no event
shall the Fair Market Value of Shares to be withheld pursuant to
this Section 14 to satisfy applicable withholding taxes in
connection with the benefit exceed the minimum amount of taxes
required to be withheld.
delivery of any Shares under this Plan may be postponed by the
Company for such period as may be required to comply with any
applicable requirements under any applicable listing requirement
of any national securities exchange or any law or regulation
applicable to the issuance and delivery of Shares, and the
Company shall not be obligated to issue or deliver any Shares if
the issuance or delivery of such Shares shall constitute a
violation of any provision of any law or regulation of any
governmental authority or any national securities exchange.
Section 16. NO
RIGHT TO AWARDS: No Employee, Consultant, or
member of the Board shall have any claim to be granted any Award
under the Plan, and there is no obligation for uniform treatment
of Employees, Consultants, or members of the Board under the
Plan. The terms and conditions of Awards need not be the same
with respect to different Participants.
Section 17. NO
an Award shall not be construed as giving a Participant the
right to be retained in the employ or as a Consultant of the
Company or an Affiliate or any right to remain as a member of
the Board, as the case may be. Termination of the services of an
Employee, a Consultant, or a member of the Board shall not give
rise to any liability or any claim under the Plan, unless
otherwise provided in the Plan or an Award Agreement.
Section 18. NO
RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER: A Participant shall have
no rights as a shareholder with respect to any Shares covered by
an Award until the date of the issuance of such Shares.
Section 19. SEVERABILITY: If
any provision of the Plan or any Award is, becomes, or is deemed
to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction or
would disqualify the Plan or any Award under any law deemed
applicable by the Committee, such provision shall be construed
or deemed amended to conform to applicable laws, or if it cannot
be so construed or deemed amended without, in the determination
of the Committee, materially altering the purpose or intent of
the Plan or the Award, such provision shall be stricken as to
such jurisdiction or Award, and the remainder of the Plan or
such Award shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 20. NO
nor any Award shall create or be construed to create a trust or
separate fund of any kind or a fiduciary relationship between
the Company or any Affiliate and a Participant or any other
person. To the extent any person acquires a right to receive
payments from the Company or an Affiliate pursuant to an Award,
such right shall be no greater than the right of any unsecured
general creditor of the Company or any Affiliate.
Section 21. HEADINGS: Headings
are given to the Sections of the Plan solely as a convenience to
facilitate reference. Such headings shall not be deemed in any
way material or relevant to the construction or interpretation
of the Plan or any provisions thereof.
Section 22. NONASSIGNABILITY: Unless
otherwise determined by the Committee, no Participant or
beneficiary may sell, assign, transfer, discount, or pledge as
collateral for a loan, or otherwise anticipate any right to
payment under the Plan other than by will or by the applicable
laws of descent and distribution, and in no event shall any
Award granted under the Plan or such right to payment be
transferred for value.
addition to such other rights of indemnification as members of
the Board or the Committee or officers or employees of the
Company or an Affiliate to whom authority to act for the Board
or Committee is delegated may have, such individuals shall be
indemnified by the Company to the maximum extent permitted by
law and the Companys Bylaws.
Section 24. FOREIGN
JURISDICTIONS: The Committee may adopt, amend, or
terminate arrangements, not inconsistent with the intent of the
Plan, to make available tax or other benefits under the laws of
any foreign jurisdiction to Participants subject to such laws or
to conform with the laws and regulations of any such foreign
AND AMENDMENT: Subject to the approval of the
Board where required, the Committee may at any time and from
time to time alter, amend, suspend, or terminate the Plan in
whole or in part; provided, however, that no action shall be
taken by the Board or the Committee without the approval of
shareholders that would
(a) Increase the maximum number of Shares that may be
issued under the Plan, except as provided in Section 5(g);
(b) Change the class of eligible Participants;
(c) Permit the repricing of outstanding Options or SARs, as
provided in Section 13; or
require approval of the Companys shareholders under any
applicable law, regulation, stock exchange listing rule, or
other rule. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no termination or
amendment of the Plan may, without the consent of the applicable
Participant, terminate or adversely affect any right or
obligation under an Award previously granted under the Plan,
except as necessary to comply with changes in law or accounting
rules applicable to the Company.
Section 26. COMPLIANCE
(a) To the extent applicable, it is intended that this Plan
and any grants made hereunder comply with the provisions of
Section 409A of the Code, so that the income inclusion
provisions of Section 409A(a)(1) of the Code do not apply
to the Participants. This Plan and any grants made hereunder
shall be administered in a manner consistent with this intent.
Any reference in this Plan to Section 409A of the Code will
also include any regulations or any other formal guidance
promulgated with respect to such Section by the
U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Internal Revenue
(b) Neither a Participant nor any of a Participants
creditors or beneficiaries shall have the right to subject any
deferred compensation (within the meaning of Section 409A
of the Code) payable under this Plan and grants hereunder to any
anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge,
encumbrance, attachment or garnishment. Except as permitted
under Section 409A of the Code, any deferred compensation
(within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code) payable to
a Participant or for a Participants benefit under this
Plan and grants hereunder may not be reduced by, or offset
against, any amount owing by a Participant to the Company or any
of its Affiliates.
(c) If, at the time of a Participants separation from
service (within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code),
(i) the Participant shall be a specified employee (within
the meaning of Section 409A of the Code and using the
identification methodology selected by the Company from time to
time) and (ii) the Company shall make a good faith
determination that an amount payable hereunder constitutes
deferred compensation
(within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code) the
payment of which is required to be delayed pursuant to the
six-month delay rule set forth in Section 409A of the Code
in order to avoid taxes or penalties under Section 409A of
the Code, then the Company shall not pay such amount on the
otherwise scheduled payment date but shall instead pay it,
without interest, on the first business day of the seventh month
after such six-month period.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this Plan and grants
hereunder to the contrary, in light of the uncertainty with
respect to the proper application of Section 409A of the Code,
the Company reserves the right to make amendments to this Plan
and grants hereunder as the Company deems necessary or desirable
to avoid the imposition of taxes or penalties under
Section 409A of the Code. In any case, a Participant shall
be solely responsible and liable for the satisfaction of all
taxes and penalties that may be imposed on a Participant or for
a Participants account in connection with this Plan and
grants hereunder (including any taxes and penalties under
Section 409A of the Code), and neither the Company nor any
of its affiliates shall have any obligation to indemnify or
otherwise hold a Participant harmless from any or all of such
taxes or penalties.
Section 27. APPLICABLE
LAW: This Plan shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana, without
regard to its principles of conflict of laws.
Section 28. RECOUPMENT
OF AWARDS: If the Board of Directors learns of
any intentional misconduct by a Participant which directly
contributes to the Company having to restate all or a portion of
its financial statements, the Board may, in its sole discretion,
require the Participant to reimburse the Company for the
difference between any Awards paid to the Participant based on
achievement of financial results that were subsequently the
subject of a restatement and the amount the Participant would
have earned as awards under the Plan based on the financial
results as restated.
c/o National City Bank |
Shareholder Services Operations |
Locator 5352 |
P. O. Box 94509 |
Cleveland, OH 44101-4509 |
Proxy card must be signed and dated below.
ò Please fold and detach card at perforation before mailing. ò
The undersigned, having received the Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and the Proxy
Statement hereby appoints Roger R. Hemminghaus and Richard G. Cutter as proxies, each with the
power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated
on the reverse, all shares of Common Stock of CTS Corporation held of record by the undersigned on
April 9, 2009 at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders originally convened on May 27, 2009 and at any
adjournment thereof.
Signature |
Signature (If held jointly) |
Please sign exactly as shown hereon. When shares are held by joint tenants, both must sign. When
signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such.
If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president or other authorized officer. If
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person. |
Please sign and date this proxy card and return it promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope,
or otherwise to National City Bank, P.O. Box 535300, Pittsburgh, PA 15253, so that your shares may
be represented at the Annual Meeting.
ò Please fold and
detach card at perforation before mailing. ò
This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein. If not otherwise
marked, this Proxy will be voted FOR the election of all nominees listed below and FOR items 2 and 3.
Nominees: |
(1) W. S. Catlow |
(2) L. J. Ciancia |
(3) T. G. Cody |
(4) P. K. Collawn |
(5) R. R. Hemminghaus |
(6) M. A. Henning |
(7) V. M. Khilnani |
(8) R. A. Profusek |
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FOR all nominees listed above. |
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(except as listed to the contrary below) |
for all nominees listed above. |
To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write that nominees name below:
2. |
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3. |
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4. |
In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting, or any adjournment thereof. |