Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials
[X]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                              PHARMION CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]      No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


         3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
            computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
            amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
            was determined):


         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


         5) Total fee paid:


[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
         Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
         fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid


         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


         3) Filing Party:


         4) Date Filed:


                                      - 2 -

The following was sent to all holders of restricted stock unit awards and
options to purchase shares of common stock of Pharmion Corporation under the
Pharmion Corporation 2000 Stock Incentive Plan on January 4, 2008 in connection
with the proposed acquisition of Pharmion Corporation by Celgene Corporation.


As we announced November 18, 2007, Pharmion Corporation ("Pharmion") entered
into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") with Celgene
Corporation ("Celgene") providing for the acquisition of Pharmion by Celgene
(the "Merger").

The purpose of this notice is to provide further detail regarding the
consequences the Merger will have with respect to the options to purchase common
stock of Pharmion ("Pharmion Options") and restricted stock unit awards ("RSUs")
granted under the Pharmion Corporation 2000 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan").
You are receiving this notice because you hold at least one outstanding award of
Pharmion Options or RSUs under the Plan. This notice does not intend to provide
information regarding any other awards or any other plan or agreement with

The following questions and answers are provided for your general information
only and are qualified by the exact language of the Merger Agreement. Pursuant
to the Merger Agreement and the Plan, holders of Pharmion Options and RSUs are
entitled to notice regarding the treatment of their stock-based awards under the
Plan in connection with the Merger. This document satisfies such notice


US Federal Income Taxes -- IRS Circular 230 disclosure:

To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service,
we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication is not
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i)
avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing,
or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.


Question 1: What will happen to my vested Pharmion Options in connection with
the Merger?

          Answer: Upon the consummation of the Merger (the "Closing"), without
          any action on your part, all of your then-outstanding, exercisable and
          vested Pharmion Options will be cancelled, and you will receive, in
          exchange therefor, the consideration you would have


          received (i) had you, immediately prior to the Closing, effected a
          cashless exercise of such vested Pharmion Options, subject to all
          applicable income and employment withholding taxes normally due upon
          the cashless exercise of stock options, and (ii) had the net shares of
          Pharmion common stock that would have been issued to you upon such
          cashless exercise been converted by the Merger into the merger
          consideration being received by all holders of Pharmion common stock
          in connection with the Merger (as described more fully below).

          For purposes of determining the number of net shares of Pharmion
          common stock that would have been issued to you upon such a "cashless
          exercise" of your vested Pharmion Options and therefore subject to
          conversion into merger consideration, you would multiply the number of
          shares of stock subject to the vested portion of each Pharmion Option
          grant awarded to you, by the exercise price per share stated in your
          grant agreement, to determine the total "purchase price" of the
          Pharmion shares of common stock. You would then subtract from the
          total number of Pharmion shares of common stock you would be
          purchasing, the number of shares equal in market value on the date of
          cashless exercise to the sum of (x) the purchase price and (y) the
          aggregate income and employment withholding taxes payable as a result
          of the deemed exercise of such vested Pharmion Options. See
          illustrative examples of a "cashless exercise" and the resulting
          merger consideration below.

          Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the "merger consideration" per share
          of Pharmion common stock consists of (x) $25.00 in cash and (y) a
          fraction of a share of Celgene common stock equal to (A) $47.00
          divided by (B) the volume weighted average price per share of Celgene
          common stock on The Nasdaq Stock Market for the 15 consecutive trading
          days ending on (and including) the third trading day immediately prior
          to the date of Closing (the "Celgene Stock Measurement Price");
          provided that you will not receive in the Merger more than 0.8370, or
          less than 0.6445 (such range, the "Collar"), of a share of Celgene
          common stock per share of Pharmion common stock deemed held by you as
          the result of such automatic cashless exercise of your vested Pharmion
          Options. Thus, for example, in the event the Celgene Stock Measurement
          Price falls to any price below $56.15, the stock portion of the merger
          consideration will never be higher than 0.8370 of a share of Celgene
          common stock per share of Pharmion common stock, and in the event the
          Celgene Stock Measurement Price rises above $72.93, the stock portion
          of the merger consideration will never be lower than 0.6445 of a share
          of Celgene common stock per share of Pharmion common stock. In lieu of
          any fractional share resulting from the operation of this formula, you
          will receive an amount in cash (rounded down to the nearest whole
          cent) equal to such fractional share multiplied by the Celgene Stock
          Measurement Price.

          Examples: The following examples illustrate how the treatment of
          vested Pharmion Options described in this answer will work, based on
          several assumptions. Please note that these illustrations are only
          examples and may not be construed as a guarantee of any particular
          financial result.


General Assumptions for Examples:

1.   You hold vested Pharmion Options on the date of Closing to purchase 100
     shares of Pharmion common stock at an exercise price of $40.00 per share.

2.   The assumed total tax withholding rate is 35% (each Holder's applicable tax
     withholding rate will be determined and applied)

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                                 Example #1          Example #2          Example #3
                                                Celgene Stock       Celgene Stock       Celgene Stock
                                                 Measurement         Measurement         Measurement
                                              Price Within the     Price Below the     Price Above the
                                                   Collar              Collar              Collar
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Assumptions Variable by Example:

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Celgene Stock Measurement Price                    $65.00              $50.00              $80.00
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Closing Price of Pharmion common stock             $72.00              $66.85              $76.56
immediately prior to the Closing
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Deemed Cashless Exercise:

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Purchase price of Pharmion Option shares
                                                   $4,000              $4,000              $4,000
                                                (100 shares x       (100 shares x       (100 shares x
                                                $40.00/share        $40.00/share        $40.00/share
                                               exercise price)     exercise price)     exercise price)
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Net market value of Pharmion Option shares,     (100 shares x       (100 shares x       (100 shares x
after subtracting the Purchase Price, but      $72.00/share) -     $66.85/share) -     $76.56/share) -
before taxes                                   $4,000 = $3,200     $4,000 = $2,685     $4,000 = $3,656
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Assumed tax withholding obligation             $3,200 x 35% =      $2,685 x 35% =      $3,656 x 35% =
                                                  $1,120.00            $939.75            $1,279.60
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Net market value of Pharmion Option shares       $3,200.00 -         $2,685.00 -         $3,656.00 -
after taxes                                      $1,120.00 =          $939.75 =          $1,279.60 =
                                                  $2,080.00           $1,745.25           $2,376.40
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                                $2,080/$72.00      $1745.25/$66.85    $2,376.40/$76.56
Net number of shares of Pharmion common          per share =         per share =         per share =
stock deemed distributed to you upon          28.8889 Pharmion    26.1070 Pharmion    31.0397 Pharmion
cashless exercise of vested Pharmion Options       shares              shares              shares
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Merger Consideration Components:

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                              $25.00 x 28.8889    $25.00 x 26.1070    $25.00 x 31.0397
Cash component of merger consideration        Pharmion shares     Pharmion shares     Pharmion shares
                                              = $722.22 cash      = $652.68 cash       = $775.99 cash
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                               28.8889 Pharmi
                                                  shares x        26.1070 Pharmion    31.0397 Pharmion
                                               ($47.00/$65.00)    shares x .8370 =    shares x .6445 =
Celgene common stock component of                     =             21 shares of        20 shares of
consideration (whole shares)                    20 shares of       Celgene common      Celgene common
                                               Celgene common           stock               stock
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                                 0.8896 of a         0.8516 of a         0.0051 of a
                                                Celgene share       Celgene share       Celgene share
Cash in lieu of remaining fractional             remaining x         remaining x         remaining x
Celgene share                                 $65.00 = $57.82     $50.00 = $42.58     $80.00 = $0.40
                                                    cash                cash                cash
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------

--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                               Cash of $780.04    Cash of $695.26     Cash of $776.39
                                                 ($722.22 +          ($652.68 +          ($775.99 +
                                               $57.82) and 20      $42.58) and 21      $0.40) and 20
Net Merger Consideration Received:               shares of           shares of           shares of
---------------------------------              Celgene common      Celgene common      Celgene common
                                                   stock               stock               stock
--------------------------------------------- ------------------  ------------------  ------------------


Question 2: Will I need to take any action to receive this consideration in
connection with the Merger?

          Answer: No, you do not need to take any further action with respect to
          your vested Pharmion Options in order to receive the consideration
          described above. If you do nothing now, then if and when the Merger is
          completed (i.e., the Closing occurs), you will automatically be
          entitled to payment of the merger consideration received by Pharmion
          stockholders in the Merger in respect of the number of shares of
          Pharmion common stock that you would have received upon a cashless
          exercise of your outstanding vested Pharmion Options upon the Closing,
          as described above. As the Closing draws nearer, further instructions
          will be provided regarding the process by which you will actually
          receive the merger consideration. HOWEVER, SEE QUESTION 6 BELOW


Question 3: What will happen to my unvested Pharmion Options in connection with
the Merger?

          Answer: Upon the Closing, each of your unvested Pharmion Options will
          be converted into an option to acquire Celgene common stock with a
          substantially equivalent "spread value" (a "Celgene Option") and will
          otherwise continue to be governed by the same terms and conditions in
          the Plan and any agreements related to the grant of such Pharmion
          Options as were applicable immediately prior to the Closing. The
          remaining vesting schedule of your unvested Pharmion Options will be
          unaffected by the conversion into Celgene Options. Celgene will assume
          and continue to administer the Plan, and any new grants that are
          issued by Celgene under the Plan following the Closing, if any, will
          be for Celgene common stock only.

          The number of shares of Celgene common stock subject to each of your
          converted Celgene Options will be equal to (i) the number of shares of
          Pharmion common stock subject to each unvested Pharmion Option held by
          you, if any, immediately prior to the Closing, multiplied by (ii) an
          "option exchange ratio." The exercise price per share for each of your
          Celgene Options will equal (x) the exercise price per share of each
          such Pharmion Option immediately prior to the Closing, divided by (y)
          the "option exchange ratio." For purposes of the above, the "option
          exchange ratio" means (A) the value of the per-share merger
          consideration received in the Merger by holders of Pharmion common
          stock, divided by (B) the Celgene Stock Measurement Price (defined in
          the answer to Question 1 above).

          The following example illustrates how the arrangement described in
          this answer will work, based on several assumptions. Please note that
          this illustration is only an example and may not be construed as a
          guarantee of any particular financial result.


General Assumptions for Example #4 - Conversion of Unvested Pharmion Options:

1.   Celgene Stock Measurement Price: $65.00

2.   You hold unvested Pharmion Options on the date of Closing to purchase 100
     shares of Pharmion common stock at an exercise price of $40.00 per share.

3.   The assumed value of the per-share merger consideration is $72.00

4.   The spread value of unvested Pharmion Options at Closing: 100 shares x
     ($72.00 - $40.00) = $3,200

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
                                                          Example #4
                                                Conversion of unvested Pharmion
                                                    Options to Celgene Options
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Number of shares of Celgene common stock         100 Pharmion Option shares x
underlying your Celgene Options                     ($72.00/$65.00 per share) =
                                                   110 Celgene Option shares
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Exercise price of converted Celgene Options:              $40.00 per
                                                   share/($72.00/$65.00 per
                                                   share) = $36.11 per share
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Spread value of Celgene Options:                110 shares x ($65.00 - $36.11)
                                                         = $3,177.90
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

          Thus, the "spread value" of your unvested Pharmion Options before the
          Closing ($3,200) is substantially equal (and not exactly equal due to
          the rounding provisions in the Merger Agreement) to the "spread value"
          of your Celgene Options after the Closing ($3,177.90).

Question 4: Will I need to take any action for my unvested Pharmion Options to
be converted in connection with the Merger into Celgene Options?

          Answer: No, you do not need to take any further action with respect to
          your unvested Pharmion Options in order for them to be converted into
          Celgene Options. The conversion of your unvested Pharmion Options into
          Celgene Options will occur automatically upon the Closing.

Question 5: What will happen to my unvested Pharmion Options in the event my
employment terminates with Pharmion (or its successor), either prior to or after
the Closing?

          Answer: The treatment of your unvested Pharmion Options upon a
          termination of employment depends upon the timing of and circumstances
          surrounding such


          termination, as follows:

          (1) In the event your employment with Pharmion terminates for any
          reason prior to the Closing, the same terms and conditions as set
          forth in the Plan and any agreements thereunder relating to the grant
          of your Pharmion Options will continue to govern such Pharmion
          Options. To the extent vested Pharmion Options remain outstanding and
          exercisable after your termination and through the Closing, they will
          be treated as any other vested Pharmion Option as described herein. To
          the extent vested Pharmion Options remain outstanding and exercisable
          after your termination but expire prior to the Closing, they will be
          treated as described in the answer to Question 6 below.

          (2) In the event your employment is terminated as of the Closing or
          within 12 months following the Closing, in either case because
          Pharmion (or its successor) either (i) does not provide you with
          "comparable employment" or (ii) terminates you other than for "Cause"
          (as defined in the Plan), each of your Celgene Options (converted from
          Pharmion Options as described in the answer to Question 3 above) will
          accelerate and vest in full as of the date of your termination, and
          you will have three months from the date of your termination to
          exercise each such Celgene Option, or if earlier, until the time each
          such Celgene Option would have expired pursuant to its terms. For
          purposes of the above, "comparable employment" means a position with
          Pharmion (or its successor) on and following the Closing which (x)
          does not result in a material reduction in scope, or material change
          in content, of your duties and responsibilities, (y) provides you with
          compensation and employee benefits (other than equity compensation)
          that are comparable in the aggregate to the greater of (A) those
          provided by Celgene to similarly situated employees of Celgene and (B)
          those provided by Pharmion immediately prior to the Closing, and (z)
          does not require you to relocate your principal business location
          beyond fifty miles from your principal business location immediately
          prior to the Closing.

          (3) In the event your employment terminates for any reason on or
          following the Closing other than as set forth in (2) above, the same
          terms and conditions as set forth in the Plan and any agreements
          thereunder related to the grant of such Celgene Options (which will
          have been converted from Pharmion Options as described in the answer
          to Question 3 above) will continue to govern such options.


Question 6: What will happen to my Pharmion Options that would otherwise expire
prior to the Closing pursuant to their terms?

          Answer: Prior to the Closing, the Merger Agreement will have no effect
          on your outstanding Pharmion Options, which will remain subject to the
          terms and conditions of the applicable Plan and award agreements
          currently in effect. Thus, whether or not you are currently or remain
          a Pharmion employee or to the extent any Pharmion Options you hold
          would expire pursuant to their terms prior to the Closing, you will
          need to exercise


          vested Pharmion Options if you wish to participate in the Merger as a
          holder of Pharmion common stock. If you fail to exercise your Pharmion
          Options prior to their expiration date, those Pharmion Options will
          expire on their expiration date, and you will not be entitled to any
          consideration in connection with the Merger in respect of such
          Pharmion Options or the Pharmion common stock underlying such Pharmion


Question 7:  What will happen to my RSUs in connection with the Merger?

          Answer: Subject to your continued employment with Pharmion through the
          date of the Closing, immediately prior to Closing, and without any
          action on your part, your unvested RSUs will fully vest, and if
          applicable, settle in net shares of Pharmion common stock (subject to
          applicable income and employment tax withholding). The shares of
          Pharmion common stock held by you as a result of such vesting or
          vesting and settlement will be converted into the merger consideration
          being received by all holders of Pharmion common stock in connection
          with the Merger, as described in the answer to Question 1 above.

          In the event your employment with Pharmion terminates prior to the
          Closing, the treatment of your RSUs will be based, without regard to
          the Merger Agreement, on the terms and conditions of the applicable
          Plan and award agreements currently in effect with respect thereto,
          including the current vesting schedules.


Notwithstanding the signing of the Merger Agreement, if the Merger is not
completed for any reason (no Closing takes place), your RSUs and/or Pharmion
Options will remain unaffected by the Merger Agreement and will remain subject
to all of the terms and conditions of the Plan and award agreements currently in
effect, including the current vesting schedules.


This document shall not constitute an offer of any securities for sale. The
Merger will be submitted to Pharmion's stockholders for their consideration and
vote. In connection with the Merger, Celgene and Pharmion intend to file
relevant materials with the SEC, including a registration statement, the proxy
statement/prospectus, and other relevant documents concerning the Merger.
Investors and stockholders of Celgene and Pharmion are urged to read the
registration statement, the proxy statement/prospectus, and other relevant
documents filed with the SEC when they become available, as well as any
amendments or supplements to such documents because they will contain important
information about Celgene, Pharmion, and the Merger. Stockholders of Celgene and
Pharmion can obtain more information about the proposed transaction by reviewing
the Forms 8-K filed by Celgene and Pharmion in connection with the announcement
of the entry into the Merger Agreement and any other relevant documents filed
with the SEC when they become available. The proxy statement/prospectus, the
registration statement, and any other relevant materials (when they become
available), and any other documents filed with the SEC by Celgene or Pharmion,
may be obtained free of charge at the


SEC's web site at www.sec.gov. In addition, investors and stockholders may
obtain free copies of the documents filed with the SEC by directing a written
request to: Celgene Corporation, 86 Morris Ave., Summit, New Jersey 07901,
Attention: Investor Relations, or Pharmion Corporation, 2525 28th Street, Suite
200, Boulder, Colorado 80301, Attention: Investor Relations. Investors and
stockholders are urged to read the proxy statement/prospectus, the registration
statement, and other relevant materials when they become available before making
any voting or investment decision with respect to the Merger.


Pharmion and its directors, executive officers, and other members of its
management and employees may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of
proxies from stockholders of Pharmion in connection with the Merger. Information
regarding Pharmion's directors and executive officers is available in Pharmion's
proxy statement on Schedule 14A for its 2007 annual meeting of stockholders,
which was filed with the SEC on April 30, 2007. Additional information regarding
the interests of such potential participants will be included in the proxy
statement and the other relevant documents filed with the SEC when they become

If you have additional questions concerning the information contained in this
notice, please contact Steve Dupont (telephone: 720-564-9153; email:
sdupont@pharmion.com) or Diane Anderson (telephone: 720-564-9125, email:
