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As the CFO of Xiotech, a private performance storage company, Larry held a lead role to turn this venture backed company profitable within one year after several years of losses.
Grew Advanced Energy Industries from a market capitalization of $500 million to over $1.1 billion in two years, reduced operating expenses by over $19 million annually, and installed a tax strategy that allowed Advanced Energy to reduce its cash taxes by over $10 million. This allowed a $50 million share buyback using earnings. Once turned around, Advanced Energy implemented a successful acquisition strategy in the solar inverter market.
As a key member of the leadership team, took Applied Films Corp. from $25 million in revenues, losing money, with an $11 million (approximately $3.00 per share) market cap to $240 million in revenues in just 7 years and subsequently sold for $460 million (just under $30.00 per share). This growth included 3 major acquisitions with successful integrations.
In under two years, successfully turned Woolson Spice & Coffee, d/b/a Lion Coffee into a profitable and growing business after years of bleeding cash and losing money. Today Lion Coffee is the #1 brand of gourmet roasted coffee in Hawaii.
Installing global sales leadership and strengthening our sales force
Expanding channel partner and strategic relationships
Targeted marketing and promotional efforts, including increased trade show presence, joint selling, and private labeling
Enhancement of our recurring revenue stream from the growing tape library installed base
Geographic diversification and expansion of target markets
Product related initiatives
Acquire complementary product lines – broaden market coverage
OEM complementary products to offer a complete storage solution
Introduced new mid-tier rack mount tape library products to compete successfully in this market
Restructure the organization for greater efficiency
Centralize corporate engineering function
Establish formal organic growth and profitability strategies
Margin improvement and business rationalization where appropriate
Evaluate strategic value added opportunities, including accretive acquisitions
Product development and product line extension