
Quarterly Report

May 31, 2008

ING Prime Rate Trust

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This report is submitted for general information to shareholders of the ING Funds. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective shareholders unless accompanied or preceded by a prospectus which includes details regarding the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information. This information should be read carefully.

ING Prime Rate Trust


May 31, 2008

Table of Contents

Portfolio Managers' Report     2    
Statement of Assets and Liabilities     8    
Statement of Operations     9    
Statements of Changes in Net Assets     10    
Statement of Cash Flows     11    
Financial Highlights     12    
Notes to Financial Statements     13    
Portfolio of Investments     25    
Additional Information     56    


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ING Prime Rate Trust


Dear Shareholders:

ING Prime Rate Trust (the "Trust") is a diversified, closed-end management investment company that seeks to provide investors with as high a level of current income as is consistent with the preservation of capital. The Trust seeks to achieve this objective by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in U.S. dollar denominated floating rate secured senior loans.

AS OF MAY 31, 2008
Net Assets   $ 939,926,503    
Total Assets   $ 1,558,110,040    
Assets Invested in Senior Loans   $ 1,515,800,172    
Senior Loans Represented     549    
Average Amount Outstanding per Loan   $ 2,761,020    
Industries Represented     38    
Average Loan Amount per Industry   $ 39,889,478    
Portfolio Turnover Rate (YTD)     2 %  
Weighted Average Days to Interest Rate Reset     43    
Average Loan Final Maturity     63    
Total Leverage as a Percentage of Total Assets
(including preferred shares)
    38.96 %  



The Trust declared $0.12 of dividends during the first fiscal quarter ended May 31, 2008. Based on the average month-end net asset value ("NAV") per share of $6.21, this resulted in an annualized distribution rate of 7.94%(1) for the quarter. The Trust's total net return for the first fiscal quarter ended May 31, 2008, based on NAV, was 8.27% versus a total gross return on the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index ("LLI")(2) of 4.58% for the same quarter. For the year ended May 31, 2008, the Trust's total net return, based on NAV was (8.06)% versus (2.48)% gross return for the LLI. The total market value return (based on full reinvestment of dividends) for the Trust's common shares during the quarter was 8.06% and (15.95)% for the year ended May 31, 2008.


The senior loan market rallied during the Trust's first fiscal quarter, as investors searched for value within a very beaten down asset class. Coming on the heels of the single worst calendar quarter on record (the three-month period ended March 31, 2008), an exceptionally strong April and May brought the year-to-date performance of the Index to a (1.33)%. While still in the red, it is currently estimated that the LLI will produce approximately 3% of interest income through the balance of the year. Should that happen, and should loan prices remain reasonably stable, the LLI would again post a positive annual total return in what may be ultimately recognized as one of the most volatile years in recent capital markets history.

(1)  The distribution rate is calculated by annualizing dividends declared during the period and dividing the resulting annualized dividend by the Trust's average net asset value (in the case of NAV) or the average month-end NYSE Composite closing price (in the case of Market). The distribution rate is based solely on the actual dividends and distributions, which are made at the discretion of management. The distribution rate may or may not include all investment income and ordinarily will not include capital gains or losses, if any.

(2)  The LLI is an unmanaged total return index that captures accrued interest, repayments, and market value changes. It represents a broad cross section of leveraged loans syndicated in the United States, including dollar-denominated loans to overseas issuers. Standard & Poor's ("S&P") and the Loan Syndications and Trading Association ("LSTA") conceived the LLI to establish a performance benchmark for the syndicated leveraged loan industry. An investor cannot invest directly in an index.


ING Prime Rate Trust


The primary catalyst to higher loan prices has been the ongoing easing of the immense technical imbalance that has prevailed since credit markets seized up last summer. As of this writing, the supply overhang of unsold 2007-vintage loans residing on banks' balance sheets is estimated at approximately $64 billion, down from $111 billion at the end of March (and roughly $237 billion at the peak last summer). We've often stated that diminishing supply, together with stable to growing demand, will likely have a positive impact on secondary loan prices, even as default rates continue to move upward, so long as that move is relatively measured and its composition sufficiently anticipated (see below). Thus far, that has been the case. Supply has clearly come down, and will likely continue to do so as pending transactions are either sold into the market or cancelled. Demand, on the other hand, has held reasonably steady, buoyed in part by traditional and new investors seeking to increase exposure to investment assets backed by collateral. An additional positive influence, the prospect of higher short-term interest rates, has also reignited interest in floating rate loans, as floating rate loans remain one of the very few higher-yielding asset classes to benefit from rising short-term rates. Until very recently, when the U.S. Federal Reserve (the "Fed") publicly shifted its bias to controlling inflation, aggressive rate cuts had played a major role in arresting the demand for loans, even though, in the eyes of many investors, value appeared compelling.

Not surprising, fundamental credit conditions have deteriorated somewhat since the first of the year, prompted by tighter liquidity conditions (i.e., credit availability) and, to a lesser degree, decelerating corporate earnings and soaring fuel and commodity prices. Through the end of May, the lagging twelve-month default rate stood at 2.51% by number of loans, from 1.5% at the end of February (the date of our last report), and from a record-low 0.26% at the end of 2007. Although the May number represents a 56-month high, it's important to note the pace of defaults has tapered off since the end of February as the majority of the activity occurred during the first ten months of the year. Further, the bulk of these fresh defaults reside within the most deeply troubled industry sectors and did not come as a significant surprise to most investors (real estate and automotive accounted for 37% and 16%, respectively, of LLI defaults as of May 31). Fortunately, our rigorous underwriting and monitoring process has, thus far, allowed us to avoid the spate of defaults that have occurred within the LLI since the beginning

AS OF MAY 31, 2008
Charter Communications
Operating, LLC
    3.2 %     5.2 %  
CHS/Community Health
Systems, Inc.
    3.0 %     4.9 %  
Cequel Communications, LLC     2.3 %     3.9 %  
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.     2.1 %     3.5 %  
HCA, Inc.     2.0 %     3.3 %  
UPC Financing Partnership     1.6 %     2.6 %  
Norwood Promotional Products     1.6 %     2.6 %  
Georgia Pacific Corporation     1.6 %     2.6 %  
CSC Holdings, Inc.     1.5 %     2.5 %  
Univision Communications, Inc.     1.4 %     2.3 %  


AS OF MAY 31, 2008
Healthcare, Education and
    11.2 %     18.6 %  
North American Cable     9.4 %     15.7 %  
Printing & Publishing     6.3 %     10.4 %  
Retail Stores     5.3 %     8.9 %  
Utilities     5.3 %     8.7 %  
Data and Internet Services     5.0 %     8.2 %  
Leisure, Amusement,
    4.7 %     7.8 %  
Chemicals, Plastics & Rubber     4.1 %     6.8 %  
Foreign Cable, Foreign TV,
Radio and Equipment
    4.0 %     6.7 %  
Radio and TV Broadcasting     3.8 %     6.3 %  



ING Prime Rate Trust


of the year. While we remain hopeful that the problems will remain contained within these sectors, there are indications that the now oft discussed collection of headwinds facing the domestic economy, i.e., record energy prices, a seemingly endless slide in home values and waning consumer confidence, could cause default activity to pick up more broadly. We continue to monitor the situation closely.


The Trust utilizes financial leverage to seek to increase the yield to the holders of common shares while maintaining the appropriate credit standards. Using leverage for investment purposes involves borrowing at a floating short-term rate, and investing those proceeds at a higher floating rate. Unlike traditional fixed income asset classes, using leverage in the floating rate senior loan asset class should not expose investors to the same degree of risk from rising short-term interest rates, as the income produced from the Trust's loan investments will adjust in a fashion consistent with the Trust's borrowing costs. The use of leverage can, however, magnify the erosion of the Trust's net asset value in declining markets. As of May 31, 2008, the Trust had $450 million of "Aaa/AAA(3)" rated cumulative auction rate preferred shares outstanding, and $157 million of borrowings outstanding under $450 million in available credit facilities. Total leverage, as a percentage of total assets (including preferred shares), was 38.96% at period end.

Since early February 2008, for the first time in the history of its auction rate preferred shares program, the Trust did not receive hold orders and purchase requests for its preferred shares during their weekly auctions that equaled the full amount of such shares. As a result the amount sold by each selling shareholder was reduced pro rata or to zero. In addition, the dividend rate on such preferred shares, which is normally set by means of a Dutch Auction procedure, automatically reset to the maximum rate permitted under the preferred shares program. That maximum rate is 150% of the applicable commercial paper base rate on the day of the auction.

As we have stated in the past, it is important for investors in the Trust's common and preferred shares to understand that this is a market liquidity issue and not a credit issue. The preferred shares of ING Prime Rate Trust have the highest rating issued by the rating agencies and are backed by the assets of the Trust. Further, even under current conditions, we believe that the Trust will be able to continue to pay the dividends required under its preferred shares program, whether those dividend rates are set by the Dutch Auction procedure or at the maximum rate.

The Board of Trustees ("Board") and the management of the Trust continue to evaluate options to address the current liquidity concerns with respect to the auction rate preferred securities. In this regard, in a press release issued on June 9, 2008, the Trust announced that management recommended and the Board approved a partial redemption of the auction rate preferred shares outstanding that would be funded by drawing on leverage available under the Trust's credit facilities, the extensions of which were also recommended by management and approved by the Board. The Trust expects to redeem approximately $225 million of the $450 million auction rate preferred shares outstanding, approximately 50% by series, subject to satisfying the notice and

(3)  Obligations rated Aaa by Moody's Investors Service are judged to be of the highest quality, with minimal credit risk. An obligator rated 'AAA' has extremely strong capacity to meet its financial commitments. 'AAA' is the highest Issuer Credit Rating assigned by Standard & Poor's. Credit quality refers to the Trust's underlying investments, not to the stability or safety of this Trust.


ING Prime Rate Trust


other requirements that apply to such redemptions. It is currently anticipated that the redemption of 50% of the auction rate preferred shares outstanding will be completed in July 2008.(1)

We continue to evaluate additional options to address the current liquidity concerns with respect to the auction rate preferred shares. There can be no assurance that any additional means for liquidity will be identified, and if they are, it is possible that the Trust's leverage or its benefits from leverage will diminish.


Looking out, we see loan prices as somewhat range bound until the direction of the U.S. economy becomes clearer. Of course, prices will remain subject to both credit specific and general market risk. In our view, the Fed remains somewhat hamstrung, trying to delicately balance downside growth risk and upside inflation risk. As such, we don't see a significant chance of a meaningful move — in either direction — in short term rates on the very near-term horizon. Longer term, we believe the Fed will have no choice but to raise rates to combat now visible inflationary pressures. Again, not only would moderately rising short-term interest rates benefit loan investors through higher current yields, but, absent any material credit or liquidity stress, loan values, unlike those of fixed income securities, are relatively immune to moderate changes in rates. We also believe that our strategy of investing primarily in the better quality and most liquid non-investment grade bank loans, combined with rigorous ongoing monitoring, has the potential to continue our favorable default experience. Absent a loss associated with a default, senior bank loans pay off at original face value, which can provide investors the opportunity to, over time, recapture price declines and take advantage of price discounts. Investors looking to capitalize on that favorable total return opportunity must have a reasonable risk tolerance and a sufficiently long investment horizon.

Jeffrey A. Bakalar
Senior Vice President
Senior Portfolio Manager
ING Investment Management Co.
  Daniel A. Norman
Senior Vice President
Senior Portfolio Manager
ING Investment Management Co.


ING Prime Rate Trust
July 3, 2008

(1)  The redemption of 50% of the auction rate preferred shares was completed in July 2008.


ING Prime Rate Trust


    Average Annual Total Returns for the
Years Ended May 31, 2008
    1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   10 Years  
Based on Net Asset Value (NAV)     (8.06 )%     3.56 %     5.86 %     4.16 %  
Based on Market Value     (15.95 )%     2.08 %     3.61 %     2.37 %  
S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index     (2.48 )%     3.67 %     4.58 %     4.37 %  
Credit-Suisse Leveraged Loan Index     (3.25 )%     3.65 %     4.82 %     4.43 %  


The table above illustrates the total return of the Trust against the Indices indicated. An index has no cash in its portfolio, imposes no sales charges and incurs no operating expenses. An investor cannot invest directly in an index.

Total returns based on NAV reflect that ING Investments, LLC (the Trust's "Investment Adviser") may have waived or recouped fees and expenses otherwise payable by the Trust.

Performance data represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment in the Trust will fluctuate. Shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The Trust's future performance may be lower or higher than the performance data shown. Please log on to or call (800) 992-0180 to get performance through the most recent month end.

Calculation of total return assumes a hypothetical initial investment at the net asset value (in the case of NAV) or the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") Composite closing price (in the case of Market Value) on the last business day before the first day of the stated period, with all dividends and distributions reinvested at the actual reinvestment price.

Senior loans are subject to credit risks and the potential for non-payment of scheduled principal or interest payments, which may result in a reduction of the Trust's NAV.

This report contains statements that may be "forward-looking" statements. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the "forward-looking" statements.

The views expressed in this report reflect those of the portfolio managers only through the end of the period of the report as stated on the cover. The portfolio managers' views are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions.


The LLI is an unmanaged total return index that captures accrued interest, repayments, and market value changes. It represents a broad cross section of leveraged loans syndicated in the United States, including dollar-denominated loans to overseas issuers. Standard & Poor's and the Loan Syndications & Trading Association ("LSTA") conceived the LLI to establish a performance benchmark for the syndicated leveraged loan industry. An investor cannot invest directly in an index.

The Credit-Suisse Leveraged Loan Index is an unmanaged index of below investment grade loans designed to mirror the investable universe of the U.S. dollar-denominated leveraged loan market. An investor cannot invest directly in an index.


ING Prime Rate Trust



Quarter Ended   Prime Rate   NAV 30-day
SEC Yield(A) 
  Mkt. 30-Day
SEC Yield(A) 
  Annualized Dist.
Rate @ NAV(B) 
  Annualized Dist.
Rate @ Mkt.(B) 
May 31, 2008     5.00 %     8.18 %     8.89 %     7.58 %     7.95 %  
February 29, 2008     6.00 %     10.99 %     11.93 %     9.03 %     9.79 %  
November 30, 2007     7.50 %     10.46 %     11.15 %     7.97 %     8.67 %  
August 31, 2007     8.25 %     10.92 %     10.18 %     7.53 %     8.44 %  


(A)  Yield is calculated by dividing the Trust's net investment income per share for the most recent thirty days by the net asset value (in the case of NAV) or the NYSE Composite closing price (in the case of Market) at quarter-end. Yield calculations do not include any commissions or sales charges, and are compounded for six months and annualized for a twelve-month period to derive the Trust's yield consistent with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") standardized yield formula.

(B)  The distribution rate is calculated by annualizing each monthly dividend, then averaging the annualized dividends declared for each month during the quarter and dividing the resulting average annualized dividend amount by the Trust's average net asset value (in the case of NAV) or the NYSE Composite closing price (in the case of Market) at the end of the period.

Risk is inherent in all investing. The following are the principal risks associated with investing in the Trust. This is not, and is not intended to be, a description of all risks of investing in the Trust. A more detailed description of the risks of investing in the Trust is contained in the Trust's current prospectus.

Credit Risk: The Trust invests a substantial portion of its assets in below investment grade senior loans and other below investment grade assets. Below investment grade loans involve a greater risk that borrowers may not make timely payment of the interest and principal due on their loans. They also involve a greater risk that the value of such loans could decline significantly. If borrowers do not make timely payments of the interest due on their loans, the yield on the Trust's common shares will decrease. If borrowers do not make timely payment of the principal due on their loans, or if the value of such loans decreases, the value of the Trust's NAV will decrease.

Interest Rate Risk: Changes in short-term market interest rates will directly affect the yield on the Trust's common shares . If short-term market interest rates fall, the yield on the Trust's common shares will also fall. To the extent that the interest rate spreads on loans in the Trust experience a general decline, the yield on the Trust will fall and the value of the Trust's assets may decrease, which will cause the Trust's value to decrease. Conversely, when short-term market interest rates rise, because of the lag between changes in such short-term rates and the resetting of the floating rates on assets in the Trust's portfolio, the impact of rising rates will be delayed to the extent of such lag.

Leverage Risk: The Trust borrows money for investment purposes. Borrowing increases both investment opportunity and investment risk. In the event of a general market decline in the value of assets such as those in which the Trust invests, the effect of that decline will be magnified in the Trust because of the additional assets purchased with the proceeds of the borrowings.


ING Prime Rate Trust

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited)

Investments in securities at value (Cost $1,649,106,180)   $ 1,523,662,528    
Foreign currencies at value (Cost $2,866,317)     2,828,377    
Investment securities sold     15,834,198    
Interest     15,051,997    
Other     34,504    
Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts     655,058    
Prepaid expenses     27,907    
Prepaid facility fees on notes payable     15,471    
Total assets     1,558,110,040    
Notes payable     157,000,000    
Payable for investment securities purchased     3,752,741    
Accrued interest payable     635,433    
Deferred arrangement fees on revolving credit facilities     597,529    
Dividends payable — preferred shares     120,706    
Payable to affilates     1,407,978    
Payable to custodian     156,748    
Accrued trustees fees     51,440    
Payable to custodian due to bank overdraft     1,680,225    
Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts     652,444    
Unrealized depreciation on unfunded commitments     1,642,429    
Other accrued expenses     485,864    
Total liabilities     168,183,537    
Preferred shares, $25,000 stated value per share at liquidation
value (18,000 shares outstanding)
NET ASSETS   $ 939,926,503    
Net assets value per common share outstanding (net assets divided by
145,094,493 shares of beneficial interest authorized and outstanding,  
no par value)
  $ 6.48    
Paid-in capital   $ 1,312,128,054    
Distributions in excess of net investment income     (575,451 )  
Accumulated net realized loss on investments and foreign currency
related transactions
    (246,392,911 )  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments and foreign currency
related transactions
    (125,233,189 )  
NET ASSETS   $ 939,926,503    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS for the three months ended May 31, 2008 (Unaudited)

Interest   $ 27,316,602    
Arrangement fees earned     120,241    
Other     319,705    
Total investment income     27,756,548    
Investment management fees     3,254,853    
Administration fees     1,017,142    
Transfer agent fees     29,164    
Interest expense     2,325,082    
Shareholder reporting expense     34,300    
Custody and accounting expense     204,900    
Professional fees     55,860    
Preferred shares — dividend disbursing agent fees     288,617    
ICI fees     831    
Postage expense     65,074    
Trustees fees     14,720    
Miscellaneous expense     64,938    
Total expenses     7,355,481    
Net investment income     20,401,067    
Net realized loss on:  
Investments     (11,457,571 )  
Foreign currency related transactions     (6,838,379 )  
Net realized loss on investments and foreign currency related transactions     (18,295,950 )  
Net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation on:  
Investments     68,639,722    
Foreign currency related transactions     3,005,554    
Unfunded commitments     567,650    
Net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments,
foreign currency related transactions and unfunded commitments
Net realized and unrealized gain on investments, foreign currency
related transactions and unfunded commitments
From net investment income     (4,028,652 )  
Increase in net assets resulting from operations   $ 70,289,391    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust


    Three Months
May 31,
February 29,
Net investment income   $ 20,401,067     $ 108,192,188    
Net realized gain (loss) on investments and
foreign currency related transactions
    (18,295,950 )     5,073,469    
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
depreciation on investments, foreign currency
related transactions and unfunded commitments
    72,212,926       (230,998,967 )  
Distributions to preferred shareholders from
net investment income
    (4,028,652 )     (23,475,824 )  
Increase (decrease) in net assets resulting
from operations
    70,289,391       (141,209,134 )  
From net investment income     (17,338,792 )     (81,821,838 )  
Decrease in net assets from distributions
to common shareholders
    (17,338,792 )     (81,821,838 )  
Reinvestment of distributions from common shares           450,139    
Proceeds from shares sold           17,785    
Net increase from capital share transactions           467,924    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets     52,950,599       (222,563,048 )  
Beginning of period     886,975,904       1,109,538,952    
End of period (including distributions in excess
of net investment income/undistributed net  
investment income of $(575,451) and  
390,926,  $respectively)
  $ 939,926,503     $ 886,975,904    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the three months ended May 31, 2008 (Unaudited)

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Interest received   $ 28,980,816    
Facility fees received     9,427    
Dividend paid to preferred shareholder     (4,071,060 )  
Arrangement fee received     18,960    
Other income received     333,946    
Interest paid     (3,049,504 )  
Other operating expenses paid     (5,159,938 )  
Purchases of securities     (33,898,596 )  
Proceeds on sale of securities     201,804,541    
Net cash provided by operating activities   $ 184,968,592    
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:  
Dividends paid to common shareholders     (17,338,792 )  
Net decrease in notes payable     (181,000,000 )  
Payable to custodian due to bank overdraft     1,680,225    
Net cash flows provided by financing activities     (196,658,567 )  
Net decrease     (11,689,975 )  
Cash at beginning of period     11,689,975    
Cash at end of period   $    
Reconciliation Of Net Increase In Net Assets Resulting From
Operations To Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   $ 70,289,391    
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting
from operations to net cash provided by operating activities:
Change in unrealized depreciation on investments     (68,639,722 )  
Change in unrealized depreciation on foreign currencies     12,439    
Change in unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts     (3,011,667 )  
Change in unrealized appreciation on other assets and liabilities     (6,326 )  
Change in unrealized depreciation on unfunded commitments     (567,650 )  
Net accretion of discounts on investments     (1,212,963 )  
Net amortization of premiums on investments     67,112    
Net realized gain on sale of investments and forward foreign currency  
related transactions     18,295,950    
Purchases of securities     (33,898,596 )  
Proceeds on sale of securities     201,804,541    
Decrease in other assets     7,915    
Decrease in interest receivable     2,810,065    
Decrease in prepaid facility fees on notes payable     9,427    
Increase in prepaid expenses     (7,395 )  
Decrease in deferred arrangement fees on revolving credit facilities     (101,281 )  
Decrease in accrued interest payable     (724,422 )  
Decrease in dividends payable — preferred shares     (42,408 )  
Increase in payable to affiliates     21,323    
Increase in accrued trustees fees     6,877    
Decrease in other accrued expenses     (144,018 )  
Total adjustments     114,679,201    
Net cash provided by operating activities   $ 184,968,592    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements


For a common share outstanding throughout the period

May 31,
  Years Ended February 28 or February 29,  
    2008   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004  
Per Share Operating Performance  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 6.11       7.65       7.59       7.47       7.34       6.73    
Income (loss) from investment operations:  
Net investment income   $ 0.14       0.75       0.71       0.57       0.45       0.46    
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments,
foreign currency related transactions and
unfunded commitments
  $ 0.38       (1.57 )     0.06       0.12       0.16       0.61    
Total from investment operations   $ 0.52       (0.82 )     0.77       0.69       0.61       1.07    
Distributions to Common Shareholders from net
investment income
  $ (0.12 )     (0.56 )     (0.55 )     (0.46 )     (0.43 )     (0.42 )  
Distribution to Preferred Shareholders   $ (0.03 )     (0.16 )     (0.16 )     (0.11 )     (0.05 )     (0.04 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 6.48       6.11       7.65       7.59       7.47       7.34    
Closing market price at end of period   $ 5.97       5.64       7.40       7.02       7.56       7.84    
Total Investment Return(1)   
Total investment return at closing market price(2)    % 8.06       (17.25 )     13.84       (0.82 )     2.04       28.77    
Total investment return at net asset value(3)    % 8.27       (13.28 )     8.85       8.53       7.70       15.72    
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets end of period (000's)   $ 939,927       886,976       1,109,539       1,100,671       1,082,748       1,010,325    
Preferred Shares-Aggregate amount outstanding (000's)   $ 450,000       450,000       450,000       450,000       450,000       450,000    
Liquidation and market value per share of Preferred Shares   $ 25,000       25,000       25,000       25,000       25,000       25,000    
Borrowings at end of period (000's)   $ 157,000       338,000       281,000       465,000       496,000       225,000    
Asset coverage per $1,000 of debt(4)    $ 2,548       2,125       2,517       2,203       2,140       2,500    
Average borrowings (000's)   $ 256,946       391,475       459,982       509,178       414,889       143,194    
Ratios to average net assets including Preferred Shares(5)   
Expenses (before interest and other fees related to revolving 
credit facility)(6) 
  % 1.47       1.54       1.57       1.64       1.60       1.45    
Net expenses after expense waiver(6)    % 2.15       3.05       3.27       3.02       2.21       1.65    
Gross expenses prior to expense waiver(6)    % 2.15       3.05       3.27       3.02       2.22       1.65    
Net investment income(6)    % 5.97       7.23       6.68       5.44       4.21       4.57    
Ratios to average net assets plus borrowings  
Expenses (before interest and other fees related to revolving
credit facility)(6) 
  % 1.71      
      1.56       1.58       1.63       1.84    
Net expenses after expense waiver(6)    % 2.51       3.17       3.25       2.90       2.26       2.09    
Gross expenses prior to expense waiver(6)    % 2.51       3.17       3.25       2.90       2.27       2.09    
Net investment income(6)    % 6.96       7.53       6.63       5.24       4.32       5.82    
Ratios to average net assets  
Expenses (before interest and other fees related to revolving
credit facility)(6) 
  % 2.19      
      2.21       2.33       2.29       2.11    
Net expenses after expense waiver(6)    % 3.22       4.36       4.62       4.27       3.17       2.40    
Gross expenses prior to expense waiver(6)    % 3.22       4.36       4.62       4.27       3.18       2.40    
Net investment income(6)    % 8.95       10.35       9.42       7.71       6.04       6.68    
Portfolio turnover rate   % 2       60       60       81       93       87    
Common shares outstanding at end of period (000's)     145,094       145,094       145,033       145,033       145,033       137,638    


(1)  Total investment return calculations are attributable to common shares.

(2)  Total investment return measures the change in the market value of your investment assuming reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, if any, in accordance with the provisions of the Trust's dividend reinvestment plan.

(3)  Total investment return at net asset value has been calculated assuming a purchase at net asset value at the beginning of each period and a sale at net asset value at the end of each period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions in accordance with the provisions of the dividend reinvestment plan.

This calculation differs from total investment return because it excludes the effects of changes in the market values of the Trust's shares.

(4)  Asset coverage represents the total assets available for settlement of Preferred Stockholder's interest and notes payables in relation to the Preferred Shareholder interest and notes payable balance outstanding. The Preferred Shares were first offered November 2, 2000.

(5)  Ratios do not reflect the effect of dividend payments to Preferred Shareholders; income ratios reflect income earned on assets attributable to the Preferred Shares; ratios do not reflect any add-back for the borrowings.

(6)  Annualized for periods less than one year.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited)


ING Prime Rate Trust (the "Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as a diversified, closed-end, management investment company. The Trust invests primarily in senior loans, which generally are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), and which contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. These loans bear interest (unless otherwise noted) at rates that float periodically at a margin above the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") and other short-term rates.


The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Trust in the preparation of its financial statements. The policies are in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles for investment companies.

A.  Senior Loan and Other Security Valuation. Senior loans held by the Trust are normally valued at the average of the means of one or more bid and ask quotations obtained from an independent pricing service or other sources determined by the Trust's Board of Trustees ("Board") to be independent and believed to be reliable. Loans for which reliable market value quotations are not readily available may be valued with reference to another loan or a group of loans for which reliable quotations are readily available and whose characteristics are comparable to the loan being valued. Under this approach, the comparable loan or loans serve as a proxy for changes in value of the loan being valued.

The Trust has engaged an independent pricing service to provide market value quotations from dealers in loans and, when such quotations are not readily available, to calculate values under the proxy procedure described above. As of May 31, 2008, 98.20% of total loans were valued based on these procedures. It is expected that most of the loans held by the Trust will continue to be valued with reference to quotations from the independent pricing service or with reference to the proxy procedure described above.

Prices from a pricing source may not be available for all loans and ING Investments, LLC (the "Investment Adviser") or ING Investment Management Co. ("ING IM" or the "Sub-Adviser"), may believe that the price for a loan derived from market quotations or the proxy procedure described above is not reliable or accurate. Among other reasons, this may be the result of information about a particular loan or borrower known to the Investment Adviser or the Sub-Adviser that the Investment Adviser or the Sub-Adviser believes may not be known to the pricing service or reflected in a price quote. In this event, the loan is valued at fair value as determined in good faith under procedures established by the Board and in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act. Under these procedures, fair value is determined by the Investment Adviser or Sub-Adviser and monitored by the Board through its Valuation, Brokerage and Proxy Committee.

In fair valuing a loan, consideration is given to several factors, which may include, among others, the following: (i) the characteristics of and fundamental analytical data relating to the loan, including the cost, size, current interest rate, period until the next interest rate reset, maturity and base lending rate of the loan, the terms and conditions of the loan and any related agreements, and the position of the loan in the borrower's debt structure; (ii) the nature, adequacy and value of the collateral, including the Trust's rights, remedies and interests with respect to the collateral; (iii) the creditworthiness of the borrower and the cash flow coverage of outstanding principal and interest, based on an evaluation of its financial condition, financial statements and information about the borrower's business, cash flows, capital structure and future prospects; (iv) information relating to the market for the loan,


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


including price quotations for, and trading in, the loan and interests in similar loans; (v) the reputation and financial condition of the agent for the loan and any intermediate participants in the loan; (vi) the borrower's management; and (vii) the general economic and market conditions affecting the fair value of the loan. Securities for which the primary market is a national securities exchange are valued at the last reported sale price. Securities reported by NASDAQ will be valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. Securities traded in the over-the-counter market and listed securities for which no sale was reported on a valuation date are valued at the mean between the last reported bid and ask price on such exchange. Securities, other than senior loans, for which reliable market value quotations are not readily available, and all other assets, will be valued at their respective fair values as determined in good faith by, and under procedures established by, the Board. Investments in securities maturing in 60 days or less from the date of acquistion are valued at amortized cost which approximates market value.

B.  Federal Income Taxes. It is the Trust's policy to comply with subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and related excise tax provisions applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and net realized capital gains to its shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. No capital gain distributions will be made by the Trust until any capital loss carryforwards have been fully utilized or expire.

C.  Security Transactions and Revenue Recognition. Revolver and delayed draw loans are booked on a settlement date basis. Security transactions and senior loans are accounted for on trade date (date the order to buy or sell is executed). Realized gains or losses are reported on the basis of identified cost of securities sold. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis at the then-current interest rate of the loan. The accrual of interest on loans is partially or fully discontinued when, in the opinion of management, there is an indication that the borrower may be unable to meet payments as they become due. If determined to be uncollectable, accrued interest is also written off. Cash collections on non-accrual senior loans are generally applied as a reduction to the recorded investment of the loan. Senior loans are generally returned to accrual status only after all past due amounts have been received and the borrower has demonstrated sustained performance. For all loans, except revolving credit facilities, fees received are treated as discounts and are accreted whereas premiums are amortized. Fees associated with revolving credit facilities are deferred and recognized over the shorter of four years or the actual term of the loan.

D.  Foreign Currency Translation. The books and records of the Trust are maintained in U.S. dollars. Any foreign currency amounts are translated into U.S. dollars on the following basis:

(1)  Market value of investment securities, other assets and liabilities — at the exchange rates prevailing at the end of the day.

(2)  Purchases and sales of investment securities, income and expenses — at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.

Although the net assets and the market values are presented at the foreign exchange rates at the end of the day, the Trust does not isolate the portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and unrealized gains or losses from investments. For securities, which are subject to foreign withholding tax upon disposition, liabilities are recorded on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the estimated tax withholding based on the securities current market value. Upon disposition, realized gains or losses on such securities are recorded net of foreign withholding tax.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


Reported net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Trust's books, and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities other than investments in securities at fiscal year end, resulting from changes in the exchange rate. Foreign security and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with investing in U.S. companies and the U.S. government. These risks include, but are not limited to, revaluation of currencies and future adverse political and economic developments which could cause securities and their markets to be less liquid and prices more volatile than those of comparable U.S. companies and U.S. government securities.

E.  Forward Foreign Currency Contracts. The Trust may enter into forward foreign currency contracts primarily to hedge against foreign currency exchange rate risks on its non-U.S. dollar denominated investment securities. When entering into a forward foreign currency contract, the Trust agrees to receive or deliver a fixed quantity of foreign currency for an agreed-upon price on an agreed future date. These contracts are valued daily and the Trust's net equity therein, representing unrealized gain or loss on the contracts as measured by the difference between the forward foreign exchange rates at the dates of entry into the contracts and the forward rates at the reporting date, is included in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Realized and unrealized gains and losses are included in the Statement of Operations. These instruments involve market and/or credit risk in excess of the amount recognized in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Risks arise from the possible inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts and from movement in currency and securities values and interest rates. Open forward foreign currency contracts are presented following the Portfolio of Investments.

F.  Distributions to Common Shareholders. The Trust declares and pays dividends monthly from net investment income. Distributions from capital gains, if any, are declared and paid annually. The Trust may make additional distributions to comply with the distribution requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. The character and amounts of income and gains to be distributed are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles for investment companies. The Trust records distributions to its shareholders on the ex-dividend date.

G.  Dividend Reinvestments. Pursuant to the Trust's Shareholder Investment Program (the "Program"), DST Systems, Inc. ("DST"), the Program administrator, purchases, from time to time, shares of beneficial interest of the Trust on the open market to satisfy dividend reinvestments. Such shares are purchased on the open market only when the closing sale or bid price plus commission is less than the NAV per share of the Trust's common shares on the valuation date. If the market price plus commissions is equal to or exceeds NAV, new shares are issued by the Trust at the greater of (i) NAV or (ii) the market price of the shares during the pricing period, minus a discount of 5%.

H.  Use of Estimates. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


I.  Share Offerings. The Trust issues shares under various shelf registration statements, whereby the net proceeds received by the Trust from share sales may not be less than the greater of (i) the NAV per share or (ii) 94% of the average daily market price over the relevant pricing period.


For the three months ended May 31, 2008, the cost of purchases and the proceeds from principal repayment and sales of investments, excluding short-term notes, totaled $34,186,409 and $224,054,789, respectively. At May 31, 2008, the Trust held senior loans valued at $1,515,800,172 representing 99.5% of its total investments. The market value of these assets is established as set forth in Note 2.

The senior loans acquired by the Trust typically take the form of a direct lending relationship with the borrower, and are typically acquired through an assignment of another lender's interest in a loan. The lead lender in a typical corporate loan syndicate administers the loan and monitors the collateral securing the loan.

Common and preferred shares, and stock purchase warrants held in the portfolio were acquired in conjunction with loans held by the Trust. Certain of these stocks and warrants are restricted and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act, or without an exemption under the 1933 Act. In some cases, these restrictions expire after a designated period of time after issuance of the shares or warrants.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

NOTE 3 — INVESTMENTS (continued)

Dates of acquisition and cost of assigned basis of restricted securities are as follows:

    Date of
  Cost or
Assigned Basis
Allied Digital Technologies Corporation
(Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)
  06/05/02   $ 100    
Block Vision Holdings Corporation (571 Common Shares)   09/17/02        
Boston Chicken, Inc. (Residual Interest in Boston
Chicken Plan Trust)
  12/26/00     9,793    
Cedar Chemical (Liquidation Interest)   12/31/02        
Covenant Care, Inc. (Warrants for 19,000 Common Shares,
Expires January 13, 2005)
Covenant Care, Inc. (Warrants for 26,901 Common Shares,
Expires March 31, 2013)
Decision One Corporation (1,752,103 Common Shares)   05/17/05     1,116,773    
Enterprise Profit Solutions (Liquidation Interest)   10/21/02        
EquityCo, LLC (Warrants for 28,752 Common Shares)   02/25/05        
Euro United Corporation (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
  06/21/02     100    
Grand Union Company (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
  07/01/02     2,576    
Humphrey's, Inc. (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)   05/15/02     50    
IAP Acquisition Corporation (3,524 Common Shares)   08/29/03        
IAP Acquisition Corporation (1,084 Common Shares)   08/29/03     3,524,300    
IAP Acquisition Corporation (1,814 Common Shares)   08/29/03        
IAP Acquisition Corporation (17,348 Common Shares)   08/29/03     428,603    
Imperial Home Décor Group, Inc. (Liquidation Interest)   01/22/04        
IT Group, Inc. (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)   09/12/03     25    
Kevco Inc. (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)   06/05/02     25    
Lincoln Paper & Tissue (Warrants for 291 Common Shares,
Expires August 14, 2015)
Lincoln Pulp and Eastern Fine (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
Norwood Promotional Products, Inc. (104,148 Common Shares)   08/23/04     32,939    
Norwood Promotional Products, Inc. (Contingent Value Rights)   12/14/07     377,999    
Safelite Realty Corporation (57,804 Common Shares)   10/12/00        
Transtar Metals (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)   01/09/03     40,230    
TSR Wireless, LLC (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)   10/15/02        
US Office Products Company (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
Total Restricted Securities excluding senior loans (market value
$840,481 was 0.09% of net assets at May 31, 2008)
      $ 5,533,513    



The Trust has entered into an investment management agreement ("Investment Advisory Agreement") with the Investment Adviser, an Arizona limited liability company, to provide advisory and management services. The Investment Advisory Agreement compensates the Investment Adviser with a fee, computed daily and payable monthly, at an annual rate of 0.80% of the Trust's Managed Assets. For purposes of the Investment Advisory Agreement, "Managed Assets" shall mean the Trust's average daily gross asset value, minus the sum of the Trust's accrued and unpaid dividends on any outstanding preferred shares and accrued liabilities (other than liabilities for the principal amount of any borrowings incurred, commercial paper or notes issued by the Trust and the liquidation preference of any outstanding preferred shares).


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


The Investment Adviser entered into a Sub-Advisory agreement with ING IM, a Connecticut corporation. Subject to such policies as the Board or the Investment Adviser may determine, ING IM manages the Trust's assets in accordance with the Trust's investment objectives, policies, and limitations.

The Trust has also entered into an administration agreement with ING Funds Services, LLC (the "Administrator") to provide administrative services and also to furnish facilities. The Administrator is compensated with a fee, computed daily and payable monthly, at an annual rate of 0.25% plus the proceeds of any outstanding borrowings of the Trust's Managed Assets.

The Investment Adviser, ING IM and the Administrator are indirect, wholly-owned subsidiaries of ING Groep N.V. ("ING Groep"). ING Groep is one of the largest financial services organizations in the world, and offers an array of banking, insurance and asset management services to both individual and institutional investors.


At May 31, 2008, the Trust had the following amounts recorded in payables to affiliates on the accompanying Statement of Assets and Liabilities:

Accrued Investment
Management Fees
Administrative Fees
$ 1,072,745     $ 335,233     $ 1,407,978    


The Trust has adopted a Retirement Policy ("Policy") covering all independent trustees of the Trust who will have served as an independent trustee for at least five years at the time of retirement. Benefits under this Policy are based on an annual rate as defined in the Policy agreement.


The Trust has entered into both a $90 million 364-day revolving credit agreement which matures August 20, 2008 and a $360 million 364-day revolving securitization facility which matures May 29, 2009, collateralized by assets of the Trust. Borrowing rates under these agreements are based on a fixed spread over LIBOR, the federal funds rate, or a commercial paper-based rate. Prepaid arrangement fees for these facilities are amortized over the term of the agreements. The amount of borrowings outstanding at May 31, 2008, was $157 million. Weighted average interest rate on outstanding borrowings was 3.50%, excluding fees related to the unused portion of the facilities, and other fees. The amount of borrowings represented 10.1% of total assets at May 31, 2008. Average borrowings for the period ended May 31, 2008 were $256,945,652 and the average annualized interest rate was 3.59% excluding other fees related to the unused portion of the facilities, and other fees.

As of May 31, 2008, the Trust had unfunded loan commitments pursuant to the terms of the following loan agreements:

Advance Food Company   $ 116,878    
Calpine Corporation     871,500    
Cannery Casino Resorts, LLC     755,906    
Cengage Learning, Inc.     3,333,333    
Centaur Gaming     350,877    
Coleto Creek Power     3,791,667    
Community Health Systems, Inc.     2,501,356    
Fontainebleau Resorts, LLC     966,667    
Golden Nugget, Inc.   $ 545,455    
Hub International Holdings, Inc.     81,046    
Kerasotes Theatres, Inc.     996,930    
Ply Gem Industries, Inc.     666,667    
Sturm Foods, Inc.     500,000    
United Surgical Partners International, Inc.     72,581    
    $ 15,550,863    


The unrealized depreciation on these commitments of $1,642,429 as of May 31, 2008 is reported as such on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


As of May 31, 2008, outstanding share offerings pursuant to shelf registrations were as follows:

  9/15/98       25,000,000       12,372,589    
  3/04/99       5,000,000       3,241,645    


On November 2, 2000, the Trust issued 3,600 shares each of Series M, Series W and Series F Auction Rate Cumulative Preferred Shares, $0.01 Par Value, $25,000 liquidation preference, for a total issuance of $270 million. Also, on November 16, 2000, the Trust issued 3,600 shares of Series T and Series Th Auction Rate Cumulative Preferred Shares, $0.01 Par Value, $25,000, liquidation preference, for a total issuance of $180 million. The Trust used the net proceeds of the offering to partially pay down the then existing indebtedness and to purchase additional senior loans. Preferred Shares pay dividends based on a rate set at auctions, normally held every 7 days. In most instances dividends are also payable every 7 days, on the first business day following the end of the rate period. Preferred shares have no stated conversion, redemption or liquidation date, but may be redeemed at the election of the Trust. Such shares may only be redeemed by the Preferred Shareholders if the Trust fails to meet certain credit quality thresholds within its portfolio.

Since early February 2008, for the first time in the history of its auction rate preferred shares program, the Trust did not receive hold orders and purchase requests for its preferred shares during their weekly auctions that equaled the full amount of such shares. As a result the amount sold by each selling shareholder was reduced pro rata or to zero. In addition, the dividend rate on such preferred shares, which is normally set by means of a Dutch Auction procedure, automatically reset to the maximum rate permitted under the preferred shares program. That maximum rate is 150% of the applicable commercial paper base rate on the day of the auction.


State Street Bank and Trust Company ("SSB") serves as the Trust's custodian and recordkeeper. Custody fees paid to SSB are reduced by earnings credits based on the cash balances held by SSB for the Trust. There were no earnings credits for the three months ended May 31, 2008.


The Trust may invest in subordinated loans and in unsecured loans. The primary risk arising from investing in subordinated loans or in unsecured loans is the potential loss in the event of default by the issuer of the loans. The Trust may acquire a subordinated loan only if, at the time of acquisition, it acquires or holds a senior loan from the same borrower. The Trust will acquire unsecured loans only where the Investment Adviser believes, at the time of acquisition, that the Trust would have the right to payment upon default that is not subordinate to any other creditor. Subject to the aggregate 20% limit on other investments, the Trust may invest up to 20% of its total assets in unsecured floating rate loans, notes and other debt instruments and 5% of its total assets in floating rate subordinated loans. As of May 31, 2008, the Trust held 0.5% of its total assets in subordinated loans and unsecured loans.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


Transactions in capital shares and dollars were as follows:

    Prime Rate Trust  
    Three Months
Ended May 31,
  Year Ended
February 29,
Number of Shares  
Reinvestment of distributions from common shares           58,938    
Proceeds from shares sold           2,320    
Net increase in shares outstanding           61,258    
Dollar Amount ($)  
Reinvestment of distributions from common shares   $     $ 450,139    
Proceeds from shares sold           17,785    
Net increase   $     $ 467,924    



The amount of distributions from net investment income and net realized capital gains are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles for investment companies. These book/tax differences may be either temporary or permanent. Permanent differences are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their federal tax-basis treatment; temporary differences are not reclassified. Key differences include the treatment of short-term capital gains, foreign currency transactions, and wash sale deferrals. Distributions in excess of net investment income and/or net realized capital gains for tax purposes are reported as return of capital.

Dividends paid by the Trust from net investment income and distributions of net realized short-term capital gains are, for federal income tax purposes, taxable as ordinary income to shareholders.

The tax composition of dividends and distributions to shareholders was as follows:

Three months ended May 31, 2008   Year Ended February 29, 2008  
Ordinary Income   Ordinary Income  
$ 21,367,444     $ 105,297,662    


The tax-basis components of distributable earnings and the expiration dates of the capital loss carryforwards which may be used to offset future realized capital gains for federal income tax purposes as of February 29, 2008 were:

$ (194,491,261 )   $ (2,455,013 )   $ (2,086,199 )   $ (847,193 )     2009    
              (47,376,376 )     2010    
              (97,064,717 )     2011    
              (57,686,392 )     2012    
              (22,421,058 )     2013    
              (560,828 )     2014    
            $ (225,956,564 )        


The Trust's major tax jurisdictions are federal and Arizona. The earliest tax year that remains subject to examination by these jurisdictions is 2003.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


In June 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued FASB Interpretation No. 48 ("FIN 48"), "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes." This standard defines the threshold for recognizing the benefits of tax-return positions in the financial statements as "more-likely-than-not" to be sustained upon challenge by the taxing authority and requires measurement of a tax position meeting the more-likely-than-not criterion, based on the largest benefit that is more than 50 percent likely to be realized. FIN 48 was effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006, with early application permitted if no interim financial statements had been issued. Acknowledging the unique issues that FIN 48 presents for investment companies that calculate NAVs, the SEC indicated that they would not object if a fund implemented FIN 48 in its NAV calculation as late as its last NAV calculation in the first required financial statement reporting period for its fiscal year beginning after December 15, 2006. At adoption, companies must adjust their financial statements to reflect only those tax positions that are more likely-than-not to be sustained as of the adoption date. Management of the Trust has analyzed the tax positions of the Trust. Upon adoption of FIN 48, management identified no uncertain tax positions that have not met the more likely-than-not standard.

On September 15, 2006, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157 ("SFAS No. 157"), "Fair Value Measurements." This statement defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (an exit price). SFAS No. 157 also stipulates that, as a market-based measurement, fair value should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, and establishes a fair value hierarchy that distinguishes between (a) market participant assumptions developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity (observable inputs) and (b) the reporting entity's own assumptions about market participant assumptions developed based on the best information available in the circumstances (unobservable inputs). SFAS No. 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. SFAS No. 157 will not impact the manner for which the Trust's investments are valued but will result in expanded financial statement disclosure.

On March 19, 2008, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 161 ("SFAS No. 161"), "Disclosure about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." This new accounting statement requires enhanced disclosures about an entity's derivative and hedging activities. Entities are required to provide enhanced disclosures about (a) how and why an entity invests in derivatives, (b) how derivatives are accounted for under SFAS No. 133, and (c) how derivatives affect an entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows. SFAS No. 161 also requires enhanced disclosures regarding credit-risk-related contingent features of derivative instruments. SFAS No. 161 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after November 15, 2008. As of May 31, 2008, management of the Trust is currently assessing the impact of the expanded financial statement disclosures that will result from adopting SFAS No. 161.

On March 19, 2008, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 161 ("SFAS No. 161"), "Disclosure about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." This new accounting statement requires enhanced disclosures about an entity's derivative and hedging activities. Entities are required to provide enhanced disclosures about (a) how and why an entity invests in derivatives, (b) how derivatives are accounted for under Statement 133, and (c) how derivatives affect an entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


SFAS No. 161 also requires enhanced disclosures regarding credit-risk-related contingent features of derivative instruments.

SFAS No. 161 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after November 15, 2008. As of May 31, 2008, management of the Trust is currently assessing the impact of the expanded financial statement disclosures that will result from adopting SFAS No. 161.


As discussed in earlier supplements filed with the SEC, ING Investments, LLC ("Investments"), the adviser to the ING Funds, has reported to the Boards of Directors/Trustees (the "Boards") of the ING Funds that, like many U.S. financial services companies, Investments and certain of its U.S. affiliates have received informal and formal requests for information since September 2003 from various governmental and self-regulatory agencies in connection with investigations related to mutual funds and variable insurance products. Investments has advised the Boards that it and its affiliates have cooperated fully with each request.

In addition to responding to regulatory and governmental requests, Investments reported that management of U.S. affiliates of ING Groep N.V., including Investments (collectively, "ING"), on their own initiative, have conducted, through independent special counsel and a national accounting firm, an extensive internal review of trading in ING insurance, retirement, and mutual fund products. The goal of this review was to identify any instances of inappropriate trading in those products by third parties or by ING investment professionals and other ING personnel. ING's internal review related to mutual fund trading is now substantially completed. ING has reported that, of the millions of customer relationships that ING maintains, the internal review identified several isolated arrangements allowing third parties to engage in frequent trading of mutual funds within ING's variable insurance and mutual fund products, and identified other circumstances where frequent trading occurred, despite measures taken by ING intended to combat market timing. ING further reported that each of these arrangements has been terminated and fully disclosed to regulators. The results of the internal review were also reported to the independent members of the Boards.

Investments has advised the Boards that most of the identified arrangements were initiated prior to ING's acquisition of the businesses in question in the U.S. Investments further reported that the companies in question did not receive special benefits in return for any of these arrangements, which have all been terminated.

Based on the internal review, Investments has advised the Boards that the identified arrangements do not represent a systemic problem in any of the companies that were involved.

Despite the extensive internal review conducted through independent special counsel and a national accounting firm, there can be no assurance that the instances of inappropriate trading reported to the Boards are the only instances of such trading respecting the ING Funds.

Investments reported to the Boards that ING is committed to conducting its business with the highest standards of ethical conduct with zero tolerance for noncompliance. Accordingly, Investments advised the Boards that ING management was disappointed that its voluntary internal review identified these situations. Viewed in the context of the breadth and magnitude of its U.S. business as a whole, ING management does not believe that ING's acquired companies had systemic ethical or compliance issues in these areas. Nonetheless, Investments reported that given ING's refusal to tolerate any lapses, it has taken the steps noted below, and will continue to seek opportunities to further strengthen the internal controls of its affiliates.


ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


•  ING has agreed with the ING Funds to indemnify and hold harmless the ING Funds from all damages resulting from wrongful conduct by ING or its employees or from ING's internal investigation, any investigations conducted by any governmental or self-regulatory agencies, litigation or other formal proceedings, including any proceedings by the SEC. Investments reported to the Boards that ING management believes that the total amount of any indemnification obligations will not be material to ING or its U.S. business.

•  ING updated its Code of Conduct for employees reinforcing its employees' obligation to conduct personal trading activity consistent with the law, disclosed limits, and other requirements.

Other Regulatory Matters

The New York Attorney General (the "NYAG") and other federal and state regulators are also conducting broad inquiries and investigations involving the insurance industry. These initiatives currently focus on, among other things, compensation and other sales incentives; potential conflicts of interest; potential anti-competitive activity; reinsurance; marketing practices (including suitability); specific product types (including group annuities and indexed annuities); fund selection for investment products and brokerage sales; and disclosure. It is likely that the scope of these industry investigations will further broaden before they conclude. ING has received formal and informal requests in connection with such investigations, and is cooperating fully with each request.

Other federal and state regulators could initiate similar actions in this or other areas of ING's businesses. These regulatory initiatives may result in new legislation and regulation that could significantly affect the financial services industry, including businesses in which ING is engaged. In light of these and other developments, ING continuously reviews whether modifications to its business practices are appropriate. At this time, in light of the current regulatory factors, ING U.S. is actively engaged in reviewing whether any modifications in our practices are appropriate for the future.

There can be no assurance that these matters, or the adverse publicity associated with them, will not result in increased fund redemptions, reduced sale of fund shares, or other adverse consequences to ING Funds.


The Trust announced that the Board of Trustees had approved a partial redemption of the auction rate preferred shares outstanding by drawing on leverage that is available under the Trust's credit facilities. Below is a summary of the redemption of approximately $225 million of the $450 million auction rate preferred shares outstanding:

  Total Shares
  Total Liquidation
Series M     1,800     $ 45,000,000     07/15/08  
Series T     1,800     $ 45,000,000     07/16/08  
Series W     1,800     $ 45,000,000     07/17/08  
Series Th     1,800     $ 45,000,000     07/18/08  
Series F     1,800     $ 45,000,000     07/21/08  
Totals     9,000     $ 225,000,000      



ING Prime Rate Trust

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)


Subsequent to May 31, 2008, the Trust paid to Common Shareholders the following dividends from net investment income:

Per Share Amount   Declaration Date   Record Date   Payable Date  
$ 0.0340       5/30/08       6/10/08       6/23/08    
$ 0.0320       6/30/08       7/10/08       7/22/08    


Subsequent to May 31, 2008, the Trust paid to Preferred Shareholders the following dividends from net investment income:

  Total Per Share
  Auction Dates   Record Dates   Payable Dates   Average
Series M   $ 104.64     06/02/08-07/14/08   06/09/08-07/21/08   06/10/08-07/22/08     4.612 %  
Series T   $ 106.74     06/03/08-07/15/08   06/10/08-07/22/08   06/11/08-07/23/08     4.706 %  
Series W   $ 104.99     06/04/08-07/16/08   06/11/08-07/23/08   06/12/08-07/24/08     4.628 %  
Series Th   $ 105.93     06/05/08-07/17/08   06/12/08-07/24/08   06/13/08-07/25/08     4.657 %  
Series F   $ 106.74     06/06/08-07/18/08   06/13/08-07/25/08   06/16/08-07/28/08     4.706 %  



ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited)

Senior Loans*: 161.3%           Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Aerospace & Defense: 2.1%      
          Avio Group   NR   NR        
$ 556,314       Term Loan, 6.423%, maturing
December 13, 2014
      $ 519,358    
EUR 708,333       Term Loan, 6.715%, maturing
December 13, 2014
EUR 708,333       Term Loan, 7.146%, maturing
December 13, 2015
$ 590,346       Term Loan, 7.468%,
maturing December 13, 2015
          Delta Air Lines, Inc.   Ba2   BB-        
  1,485,000       Term Loan, 5.006%, maturing April 30, 2012         1,270,735    
          Delta Air Lines, Inc.   B2   B        
  4,481,250       Term Loan, 6.149%, maturing April 30, 2012         3,293,719    
          Dyncorp International, LLC   Ba2   BB        
  2,158,064       Term Loan, 4.625%, maturing
February 11, 2011
          McKechnie Aerospace DE, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  992,500       Term Loan, 4.709%, maturing May 11, 2014         945,356    
          Transdigm, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  3,000,000       Term Loan, 4.655%, maturing June 23, 2013         2,915,001    
          United Airlines, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  2,496,357       Term Loan, 4.809%, maturing
February 01, 2014
          US Airways Group, Inc.   B2   B+        
  4,138,000       Term Loan, 4.883%, maturing
March 24, 2014
          Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corporation   B1   BB-        
  1,458,750       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing
September 29, 2013
Automobile: 1.9%      
          Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc.   B1   BB        
  744,375       Term Loan, 4.381%, maturing June 15, 2014         562,003    
          Ford Motor Company   Ba3   B+        
  6,228,172       Term Loan, 5.800%, maturing
December 15, 2013
          KAR Holdings, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  4,466,250       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing
October 20, 2013
          Oshkosh Truck Corporation   Ba3   BBB-        
  7,775,000       Term Loan, 4.760%, maturing
December 06, 2013
Beverage, Food & Tobacco: 3.9%      
          Advance Food Company   B1   BB-        
  49,965       Term Loan, 1.858%, maturing
March 16, 2014
  578,544       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing
March 16, 2014


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Beverage, Food & Tobacco: (continued)      
          ARAMARK Corporation   Ba3   BB        
$ 15,882,231       Term Loan, 4.571%, maturing
January 26, 2014
      $ 14,947,164    
  2,962,500       Term Loan, 4.571%, maturing
January 26, 2014
  1,388,208       Term Loan, 5.025%, maturing
January 26, 2014
          Birds Eye Foods, Inc.   B1   B+        
  856,667       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing
March 22, 2013
          Bumble Bee Foods, LLC   B1   B+        
  1,200,000       Term Loan, 5.052%, maturing May 02, 2012         1,140,000    
          Golden State Foods   B1   B+        
  3,840,000       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing
February 28, 2011
          Pinnacle Foods Holding Corporation   B2   B        
  5,657,250       Term Loan, 5.473%, maturing April 02, 2014         5,318,828    
          Sturm Foods, Inc.   B1   B        
  2,970,000       Term Loan, 5.438%, maturing
January 31, 2014
          United Biscuits   NR   NR        
GBP 1,476,692       Term Loan, 7.962%, maturing
December 14, 2014
          Van Houtte, Inc.   B1   BB-        
$ 655,050       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing July 19, 2014         619,841    
  89,325       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing July 19, 2014         78,159    
Buildings & Real Estate: 1.5%      
          Contech Construction Products, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  1,711,597       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing
January 31, 2013
          Custom Building Products, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  4,116,063       Term Loan, 6.883%, maturing
October 29, 2011
          John Maneely Company   B3   B+        
  4,256,286       Term Loan, 5.975%, maturing
December 08, 2013
          KCPC Acquisition, Inc.   Ba2   B        
  560,170       Term Loan, 4.928%, maturing May 22, 2014         518,157    
  189,655       Term Loan, 5.125%, maturing May 22, 2014         175,431    
          Lafarge Roofing   NR   NR        
  169,425       Term Loan, 4.506%, maturing June 14, 2015         123,045    
EUR 180,337       Term Loan, 6.856%, maturing June 14, 2015         203,737    
EUR 441,573       Term Loan, 6.856%, maturing June 14, 2015         498,869    
$ 171,654       Term Loan, 4.756%, maturing March 14, 2016         124,664    
EUR 409,551       Term Loan, 7.106%, maturing March 14, 2016         462,691    
EUR 210,674       Term Loan, 7.106%, maturing March 14, 2016         238,010    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Buildings & Real Estate: (continued)      
              Ply Gem Industries, Inc.   B2   BB-        
$ 761,905           Revolver, 3.558%, maturing
February 12, 2009
      $ 666,667    
              Shea Capital I, LLC   Ba3   BB-        
  490,550           Term Loan, 4.434%, maturing
October 27, 2011
              Tishman Speyer   Ba2   BB-        
  1,500,000           Term Loan, 4.340%, maturing
December 27, 2012
Cargo Transport: 1.9%      
              Baker Tanks, Inc.   B1   B        
  1,980,000           Term Loan, 5.086%, maturing May 08, 2014         1,831,500    
              Dockwise Transport, N.V.   NR   NR        
  875,000           Term Loan, 5.071%, maturing
January 11, 2015
  1,094,819           Term Loan, 5.071%, maturing
January 11, 2015
  1,094,819           Term Loan, 5.571%, maturing
January 11, 2016
  875,000           Term Loan, 5.571%, maturing
January 11, 2016
  500,000           Term Loan, 7.196%, maturing July 11, 2016         439,166    
  560,000           Term Loan, 7.196%, maturing
October 20, 2016
              Gainey Corporation   Caa2   CC        
  749,586       (3 )   Term Loan, 9.816%, maturing April 20, 2012         348,557    
              Greatwide Logistics Services, Inc.   B3   B        
  2,212,500           Term Loan, 6.200%, maturing
December 19, 2013
              Inmar, Inc.   B1   B        
  540,922           Term Loan, 5.200%, maturing April 29, 2013         508,467    
              Kenan Advantage Group, Inc.   B3   B+        
  977,512           Term Loan, 6.196%, maturing
December 16, 2011
        (2 )   Neoplan USA Corporation   NR   NR        
  896,585       (3 )   Term Loan, 0.000%, maturing June 30, 2006         31,770    
              Railamerica Transportation Corporation   NR   NR        
  4,200,000           Term Loan, 4.930%, maturing
August 14, 2008
              TNT Logistics   Ba2   BB-        
  1,902,544           Term Loan, 5.381%, maturing
November 04, 2013
  723,070           Term Loan, 5.696%, maturing
November 04, 2013
              US Shipping Partners, L.P.   Caa2   B        
  1,795,275           Term Loan, 6.196%, maturing
March 31, 2012


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Cellular: 1.9%      
          Alltel Communications, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
$ 1,500,000       Term Loan, 5.248%, maturing May 16, 2015       $ 1,389,643    
  3,730,003       Term Loan, 5.248%, maturing May 16, 2015         3,466,572    
  1,994,987       Term Loan, 5.550%, maturing May 16, 2015         1,854,091    
          Centennial Communications Corporation   Ba2   BB-        
  3,567,436       Term Loan, 4.795%, maturing
February 09, 2011
          Cricket Communications, Inc.   Ba2   B+        
  5,895,000       Term Loan, 5.696%, maturing June 16, 2013         5,796,748    
          NTELOS, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  2,155,575       Term Loan, 5.268%, maturing
August 24, 2011
Chemicals, Plastics & Rubber: 6.8%      
          AZ Chem US, Inc.   B1   BB-        
EUR 714,414       Term Loan, 6.640%, maturing
February 28, 2013
          AZ Chem US, Inc.   Caa1   CCC+        
$ 333,333       Term Loan, 8.150%, maturing
February 28, 2014
          Borsodchem Nyrt.   NR   NR        
EUR 804,394       Term Loan, 6.812%, maturing
March 26, 2015
EUR 804,394       Term Loan, 7.312%, maturing
March 26, 2016
          Brenntag Holding GmbH & Co. KG   B1   B+        
$ 1,178,182       Term Loan, 5.794%, maturing
January 17, 2014
  3,621,818       Term Loan, 5.794%, maturing
January 17, 2014
          Celanese   Ba2   BB+        
  3,200,000       Term Loan, 2.803%, maturing April 02, 2014         3,078,666    
          Cristal Inorganic Chemicals, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  2,892,750       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing May 15, 2014         2,516,692    
          Cristal Inorganic Chemicals, Inc.   B3   CCC        
  900,000       Term Loan, 8.446%, maturing
November 15, 2014
          Flint Group   NR   NR        
  936,821       Term Loan, 4.880%, maturing
December 31, 2012
  353,279       Term Loan, 4.880%, maturing
December 31, 2014
  2,333,333       Term Loan, 4.880%, maturing May 29, 2015         2,089,064    
EUR 666,667       Term Loan, 6.983%, maturing May 29, 2015         915,643    
$ 1,290,100       Term Loan, 4.880%, maturing
December 31, 2015
          Hawkeye Renewables, LLC   B3   NR        
  3,626,591       Term Loan, 6.955%, maturing June 30, 2012         2,425,283    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Chemicals, Plastics & Rubber: (continued)      
          Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
$ 7,826,935       Term Loan, 4.938%, maturing May 05, 2013       $ 7,441,177    
  1,176,000       Term Loan, 4.959%, maturing May 05, 2013         1,118,040    
  1,698,865       Term Loan, 5.000%, maturing May 05, 2013         1,615,135    
  992,500       Term Loan, 5.000%, maturing May 05, 2013         943,584    
  2,462,500       Term Loan, 5.000%, maturing May 05, 2013         2,341,133    
          Ineos US Finance, LLC   Ba3   BB-        
  2,150,615       Term Loan, 4.885%, maturing
December 16, 2012
  2,854,474       Term Loan, 4.885%, maturing
December 16, 2013
  2,853,691       Term Loan, 5.385%, maturing
December 23, 2014
          ISP Chemco, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  3,473,750       Term Loan, 4.236%, maturing June 04, 2014         3,315,260    
          JohnsonDiversey, Inc.   Ba2   BB-        
  501,036       Term Loan, 4.784%, maturing
December 16, 2010
  2,582,579       Term Loan, 4.784%, maturing
December 16, 2011
          Kraton Polymers, LLC   B1   B-        
  1,578,407       Term Loan, 4.750%, maturing May 12, 2013         1,385,052    
          Lucite International US Finco, Ltd.   Ba3   BB-        
  699,375       Term Loan, 5.150%, maturing July 07, 2013         644,299    
  1,030,382       Term Loan, 5.150%, maturing July 07, 2013         949,239    
          LyondellBasell Industries   Ba2   BB        
  3,250,000       (5 )   Term Loan, maturing April 30, 2015         2,954,250    
          MacDermid, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  1,648,421       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing April 12, 2014         1,510,366    
EUR 807,192       Term Loan, 6.981%, maturing April 12, 2014         1,114,405    
          Northeast Biofuels, LLC   B1   B        
$ 1,073,171       Term Loan, 5.946%, maturing June 30, 2013         965,854    
          Polypore, Inc.   Ba2   BB-        
  3,308,333       Term Loan, 5.110%, maturing July 03, 2014         3,194,609    
          Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc.   Ba2   BB+        
  2,862,617       Term Loan, 4.399%, maturing
December 13, 2013
Containers, Packaging & Glass: 4.8%      
          Berry Plastics Corporation   B1   BB-        
  9,916,128       Term Loan, 4.784%, maturing April 03, 2015         9,214,562    
          Graham Packaging Company   B1   B+        
  13,068,000       Term Loan, 5.037%, maturing
October 07, 2011
          Graphic Packaging International, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  7,866,343       Term Loan, 4.795%, maturing May 16, 2014         7,500,117    
          Klockner Pentaplast   NR   NR        
  2,000,000       Term Loan, 5.210%, maturing
January 03, 2016


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Containers, Packaging & Glass: (continued)      
EUR 480,547       Term Loan, 7.242%, maturing
January 03, 2016
      $ 545,470    
EUR 1,019,453       Term Loan, 7.242%, maturing
January 03, 2016
          Mauser AG   NR   NR        
EUR 625,000       Term Loan, 6.762%, maturing June 13, 2013         730,808    
EUR 625,000       Term Loan, 7.012%, maturing June 13, 2014         737,694    
$ 842,699       Term Loan, 4.757%, maturing June 13, 2015         633,429    
  842,699       Term Loan, 5.007%, maturing June 13, 2016         639,398    
          Owens-Illinois   Baa3   BBB-        
EUR 2,154,375       Term Loan, 5.884%, maturing June 14, 2013         3,094,407    
          Pro Mach, Inc.   B1   B        
$ 2,450,000       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing
December 01, 2011
          Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation   Ba2   BB        
  99,264       Term Loan, 5.058%, maturing
November 01, 2011
  594,668       Term Loan, 5.067%, maturing
November 01, 2011
          Tegrant Holding Company   B2   B        
  495,000       Term Loan, 5.430%, maturing
March 08, 2014
          Tegrant Holding Company   Caa2   CCC-        
  500,000       Term Loan, 8.180%, maturing
March 08, 2015
          Xerium Technologies, Inc.   Caa1   CCC+        
  4,235,415       Term Loan, 5.446%, maturing May 18, 2012         3,578,926    
Data and Internet Services: 8.2%      
          Activant Solutions, Inc.   B1   B+        
  930,897       Term Loan, 4.759%, maturing May 02, 2013         827,335    
          Acxiom Corporation   Ba2   BB+        
  1,703,333       Term Loan, 4.893%, maturing
September 15, 2012
          Amadeus IT Group, S.A.   NR   NR        
EUR 768,581       Term Loan, 6.709%, maturing May 04, 2015         1,105,293    
EUR 768,581       Term Loan, 7.209%, maturing May 04, 2016         1,105,507    
          Audatex   Ba3   BB-        
$ 3,098,073       Term Loan, 4.875%, maturing May 16, 2014         2,881,208    
          Carlson Wagonlit Holdings, B.V.   Ba2   BB-        
  2,750,000       Term Loan, 5.149%, maturing
August 03, 2012
          First Data Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  5,974,438       Term Loan, 5.168%, maturing
September 24, 2014
  2,192,827       Term Loan, 5.355%, maturing
September 24, 2014
  248,750       Term Loan, 5.355%, maturing
September 24, 2014


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Data and Internet Services: (continued)      
          Open Text Corporation   Ba3   BB        
$ 1,322,614       Term Loan, 4.631%, maturing
October 02, 2013
      $ 1,279,629    
          Orbitz   B1   BB-        
  9,447,500       Term Loan, 5.673%, maturing July 25, 2014         7,983,137    
          Reynolds & Reynolds Company   Ba2   BB        
  9,855,732       Term Loan, 4.383%, maturing
October 26, 2012
          Sabre, Inc.   B1   B+        
  15,958,689       Term Loan, 4.691%, maturing
September 30, 2014
          Sitel, LLC   B2   B+        
  3,893,842       Term Loan, 5.163%, maturing
January 30, 2014
          Sungard Data Systems, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  20,186,112       Term Loan, 4.508%, maturing
February 28, 2014
          Transaction Network Services, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  2,282,110       Term Loan, 4.621%, maturing
March 28, 2014
          Travelport, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  1,445,156       Term Loan, 4.631%, maturing
August 23, 2013
  289,971       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
August 23, 2013
  992,500       Term Loan, 4.631%, maturing May 23, 2014         909,130    
Diversified / Conglomerate Manufacturing: 3.3%      
          BOC Edwards   B1   BB        
  3,225,625       (5 )   Term Loan, 4.644%, maturing May 31, 2014         2,548,244    
          Brand Services, Inc.   B1   B        
  2,830,965       Term Loan, 5.014%, maturing
February 07, 2014
  1,238,250       Term Loan, 6.024%, maturing
February 07, 2014
          Brand Services, Inc.   Caa1   CCC+        
  1,600,000       Term Loan, 8.838%, maturing
February 07, 2015
          Dresser, Inc.   B2   B+        
  4,910,577       Term Loan, 5.211%, maturing May 04, 2014         4,711,085    
          EPD, Inc.   B1   B+        
  436,406       Term Loan, 4.890%, maturing July 31, 2014         371,127    
  3,047,188       Term Loan, 5.400%, maturing July 31, 2014         2,591,380    
          Ferretti S.P.A.   NR   NR        
EUR 577,667       Term Loan, 4.715%, maturing
March 31, 2015
EUR 577,667       Term Loan, 4.715%, maturing
March 31, 2016


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Diversified / Conglomerate Manufacturing: (continued)      
          Flextronics International, Ltd.   Ba1   BB+        
$ 691,719       Term Loan, 4.947%, maturing
October 01, 2014
      $ 651,946    
  197,825       Term Loan, 4.963%, maturing
October 01, 2014
          Generac Power Systems, Inc.   B1   B        
  4,405,756       Term Loan, 5.184%, maturing
November 09, 2013
          Gentek Holding Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  381,695       Term Loan, 4.765%, maturing
February 28, 2011
  1,128,890       Term Loan, 4.765%, maturing
February 28, 2011
          Mueller Group, Inc.   Ba3   BB+        
  1,747,905       Term Loan, 4.571%, maturing May 24, 2014         1,651,770    
          Rexnord Corporation / RBS Global, Inc.   Ba2   BB-        
  968,485       Term Loan, 4.978%, maturing July 19, 2013         920,061    
          Sensata Technologies   Ba3   BB        
  4,126,500       Term Loan, 4.662%, maturing April 27, 2013         3,817,013    
          Sensus Metering Systems, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  1,408,696       Term Loan, 5.271%, maturing
December 17, 2010
  97,174       Term Loan, 6.878%, maturing
December 17, 2010
          Textron Fastening Systems   B2   B+        
  492,500       Term Loan, 6.196%, maturing
August 11, 2013
Diversified / Conglomerate Service: 3.9%      
          Affinion Group   Ba2   BB        
  3,937,668       Term Loan, 5.167%, maturing
October 17, 2012
          AlixPartners, LLP   B1   BB-        
  2,578,769       Term Loan, 4.710%, maturing
October 12, 2013
          Brickman Group   Ba3   BB-        
  1,980,000       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
January 23, 2014
          Brock Holdings, Inc.   B1   B+        
  1,485,000       Term Loan, 4.633%, maturing
February 26, 2014
          Catalina Marketing Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  2,985,000       Term Loan, 5.696%, maturing
October 01, 2014
          Coach America Holdings, Inc.   B2   B        
  2,126,791       Term Loan, 5.399%, maturing April 20, 2014         1,403,682    
  442,989       Term Loan, 5.446%, maturing April 20, 2014         292,373    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Diversified / Conglomerate Service: (continued)      
          Fleetcor Technologies Operating
Company, LLC
  Ba3   B+        
$ 116,667       Term Loan, 4.880%, maturing April 30, 2013       $ 111,417    
  577,500       Term Loan, 5.075%, maturing April 30, 2013         551,513    
          Intergraph Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  1,884,107       Term Loan, 4.646%, maturing May 29, 2014         1,819,341    
          ISS Global A/S   NR   NR        
EUR 877,193       Term Loan, 6.652%, maturing
December 31, 2013
EUR 122,807       Term Loan, 6.652%, maturing
December 31, 2013
          ISTA International GmbH   NR   NR        
EUR 331,478       Term Loan, 6.769%, maturing May 14, 2015         448,320    
EUR 1,668,522       Term Loan, 6.769%, maturing May 14, 2015         2,256,656    
          Mitchell International, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
$ 445,500       Term Loan, 4.671%, maturing
March 28, 2014
          Mitchell International, Inc.   Caa1   B+        
  250,000       Term Loan, 7.938%, maturing
March 28, 2015
          Valley National Gases, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  1,956,000       Term Loan, 4.885%, maturing
February 28, 2014
          Valley National Gases, Inc.   B3   CCC+        
  250,000       Term Loan, 8.381%, maturing
August 28, 2014
          Valleycrest Companies, LLC   B1   B+        
  1,976,906       Term Loan, 5.076%, maturing
October 04, 2013
          Vertafore, Inc.   B1   B        
  3,069,116       Term Loan, 5.138%, maturing
January 31, 2012
          West Corporation   B1   BB-        
  9,417,803       Term Loan, 5.155%, maturing
October 24, 2013
Diversified Nat'l Rsrcs, Precious Metals & Minerals: 2.6%      
          Georgia Pacific Corporation   Ba2   BB+        
  25,608,613       Term Loan, 4.685%, maturing
December 20, 2012
Ecological: 0.1%      
          Synagro Technologies, Inc.   B1   B+        
  893,250       Term Loan, 4.690%, maturing April 02, 2014         772,661    
          Synagro Technologies, Inc.   Caa2   CCC+        
  485,000       Term Loan, 7.440%, maturing
October 02, 2014


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Electronics: 1.6%      
          Decision One   NR   NR        
$ 1,691,707       Term Loan, 12.000%, maturing April 15, 2010       $ 1,522,536    
          Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.   Ba1   BB        
  4,090,148       Term Loan, 4.578%, maturing
December 01, 2013
          Infor Global Solutions   B1   B+        
  496,250       Term Loan, 5.450%, maturing July 28, 2012         407,545    
  105,800       Term Loan, 6.450%, maturing July 28, 2012         93,038    
  202,784       Term Loan, 6.450%, maturing July 28, 2012         178,323    
EUR 740,625       Term Loan, 7.731%, maturing July 28, 2012         962,017    
          Infor Global Solutions   Caa2   CCC+        
EUR 500,000       Term Loan, 10.978%, maturing
March 02, 2014
          Kronos, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
$ 2,463,393       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing June 11, 2014         2,275,559    
          NXP, B.V.   Ba3   BB-        
  1,750,000       Floating Rate Note, 5.463%, maturing
October 15, 2013
EUR 1,500,000       Floating Rate Note, 7.497%, maturing
October 15, 2013
          ON Semiconductor   Baa3   BB        
$ 1,980,000       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing
September 03, 2013
Finance: 0.7%      
          LPL Holdings, Inc.   B1   B        
  7,431,203       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
June 28, 2013
Foreign Cable, Foreign TV, Radio and Equipment: 6.7%      
          Casema Bidco/Serpering Investments, B.V.   NR   NR        
EUR 113,008       Term Loan, 6.874%, maturing
November 14, 2014
EUR 58,702       Term Loan, 6.874%, maturing
November 14, 2014
EUR 120,197       Term Loan, 6.874%, maturing
November 14, 2014
EUR 171,427       Term Loan, 7.374%, maturing
November 14, 2015
EUR 119,999       Term Loan, 7.374%, maturing
November 14, 2015
          Com Hem   NR   NR        
SEK 8,666,667       Term Loan, 7.195%, maturing
January 31, 2014
SEK 8,000,000       Term Loan, 7.320%, maturing
January 31, 2015
          Levana Holding 4 GmbH   NR   NR        
EUR 1,081,359       Term Loan, 6.770%, maturing
March 02, 2015


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Foreign Cable, Foreign TV, Radio and Equipment: (continued)      
EUR 1,081,359       Term Loan, 7.284%, maturing
March 02, 2016
      $ 1,181,194    
          Numericable/YPSO France SAS   NR   NR        
EUR 1,249,580       Term Loan, 6.873%, maturing July 28, 2016         1,680,212    
EUR 1,984,549       Term Loan, 6.873%, maturing July 28, 2016         2,668,467    
EUR 765,871       Term Loan, 6.873%, maturing July 28, 2016         1,029,806    
EUR 694,875       Term Loan, 7.123%, maturing July 28, 2016         936,821    
EUR 1,305,125       Term Loan, 7.123%, maturing July 28, 2016         1,759,552    
          ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG   NR   NR        
EUR 64,583       Term Loan, 6.605%, maturing July 02, 2014         83,738    
EUR 1,190,021       Term Loan, 6.605%, maturing July 02, 2014         1,542,971    
SEK 2,269,914       Term Loan, 6.742%, maturing July 02, 2014         315,384    
EUR 122,161       Term Loan, 6.730%, maturing May 09, 2015         158,413    
EUR 2,715,121       Term Loan, 6.730%, maturing May 09, 2015         3,520,852    
          TDF, S.A.   NR   NR        
EUR 1,000,000       Term Loan, 6.386%, maturing
January 31, 2015
EUR 1,000,000       Term Loan, 6.645%, maturing
January 31, 2016
          UPC Financing Partnership   Ba3   B+        
$ 5,000,000       Term Loan, 4.553%, maturing
December 31, 2014
EUR 1,741,434       Term Loan, 6.391%, maturing
December 31, 2014
EUR 12,401,899       Term Loan, 6.391%, maturing
December 31, 2014
          Virgin Media Investment Holdings Ltd.   Ba2   BB        
GBP 3,954,322       Term Loan, 7.657%, maturing
September 03, 2012
GBP 3,383,112       Term Loan, 7.657%, maturing
September 03, 2012
GBP 423,993       Term Loan, 7.680%, maturing
September 03, 2012
GBP 833,853       Term Loan, 7.680%, maturing
September 03, 2012
Gaming: 4.9%      
          Cannery Casino Resorts, LLC   B2   BB        
$ 590,551       Term Loan, 3.475%, maturing May 18, 2013         570,620    
  1,641,142       Term Loan, 4.945%, maturing May 18, 2013         1,585,753    
          CCM Merger, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  3,375,375       Term Loan, 4.691%, maturing July 13, 2012         3,185,510    
          Centaur, LLC   B1   BB-        
  1,649,123       Term Loan, 6.696%, maturing
October 30, 2012
          Fontainebleau Las Vegas, LLC   B1   B+        
  1,933,333       Term Loan, 6.258%, maturing June 06, 2014         1,645,750    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Gaming: (continued)      
          Golden Nugget, Inc.   B1   BB-        
$ 954,545       Term Loan, 4.427%, maturing June 30, 2014       $ 874,602    
          Green Valley Ranch Gaming, LLC   B1   BB-        
  1,430,455       Term Loan, 4.654%, maturing
February 16, 2014
          Green Valley Ranch Gaming, LLC   Caa1   CCC+        
  750,000       Term Loan, 5.894%, maturing
August 16, 2014
          Greenwood Racing, Inc.   B2   BB-        
  1,481,250       Term Loan, 4.640%, maturing
November 28, 2011
          Harrahs Operating Company, Inc.   Ba2   BB        
  2,000,000       Term Loan, 5.920%, maturing
January 28, 2015
  1,500,000       Term Loan, 5.920%, maturing
January 28, 2015
          Isle Of Capri Casinos, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  1,321,310       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing July 26, 2014         1,195,786    
  1,752,916       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing July 26, 2014         1,586,389    
  4,382,290       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing July 26, 2014         3,965,972    
          Las Vegas Sands, LLC   Ba3   BB        
  1,600,000       Term Loan, 4.170%, maturing May 23, 2014         1,476,110    
  6,352,000       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing May 23, 2014         5,860,158    
          New World Gaming Partners Ltd.   Ba3   BB-        
  708,333       Term Loan, 5.188%, maturing
September 30, 2014
  3,532,813       Term Loan, 5.188%, maturing
September 30, 2014
          Penn National Gaming, Inc.   Ba2   BBB-        
  1,496,164       Term Loan, 4.579%, maturing
October 03, 2012
          Riviera Holdings Corporation   B2   BB-        
  500,000       Term Loan, 4.390%, maturing June 08, 2014         446,250    
          Seminole Tribe Of Florida   Baa3   BBB        
  16,747       Term Loan, 4.625%, maturing
March 05, 2014
        (2 )   Tropicana Entertainment — Landco   NR   D        
  3,750,000       Term Loan, 6.946%, maturing July 03, 2008         3,597,656    
          VML US Finance, LLC   B1   BB-        
  1,600,000       Term Loan, 4.95%, maturing May 25, 2012         1,549,626    
  3,200,000       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing May 25, 2013         3,099,251    
  2,000,000       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing May 26, 2013         1,937,032    
Grocery: 0.1%      
          Roundys Supermarkets, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  1,129,112       Term Loan, 5.280%, maturing
November 03, 2011


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Healthcare, Education and Childcare: 18.6%      
          Accellent, Inc.   B2   B+        
$ 1,955,000       Term Loan, 5.138%, maturing
November 22, 2012
      $ 1,710,625    
          AGA Medical Corporation   B1   BB-        
  1,632,209       Term Loan, 4.725%, maturing April 28, 2013         1,468,988    
          Catalent Pharma Solutions   Ba3   BB-        
  6,528,444       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing April 10, 2014         5,838,877    
          CHG Medical Staffing, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  400,000       Term Loan, 2.560%, maturing
January 08, 2013
  1,584,000       Term Loan, 5.151%, maturing
January 08, 2013
          CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  48,909,672       Term Loan, 4.835%, maturing July 25, 2014         46,271,387    
          Concentra Operating Corporation   B1   B+        
  1,985,000       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing June 25, 2014         1,816,275    
          CRC Health Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  1,449,636       Term Loan, 4.921%, maturing
February 06, 2013
  1,470,113       Term Loan, 4.921%, maturing
February 06, 2013
          Davita, Inc.   Ba1   BB+        
  1,999,946       Term Loan, 4.032%, maturing
October 05, 2012
          Education Management Corporation   B2   B+        
  8,213,877       Term Loan, 4.500%, maturing June 01, 2013         7,590,140    
          Emdeon Business Services, LLC   B1   BB-        
  2,367,848       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing
November 16, 2013
          EMSC, L.P.   Ba1   BB        
  3,194,155       Term Loan, 4.993%, maturing
February 10, 2012
          Gambro   NR   NR        
  646,459       Term Loan, 5.219%, maturing June 05, 2014         586,123    
SEK 2,146,343       Term Loan, 7.458%, maturing June 05, 2014         324,393    
SEK 2,111,070       Term Loan, 7.458%, maturing June 05, 2014         319,062    
$ 646,459       Term Loan, 5.719%, maturing June 05, 2015         586,123    
SEK 2,111,070       Term Loan, 7.958%, maturing June 05, 2015         319,062    
SEK 2,146,343       Term Loan, 7.958%, maturing June 05, 2015         324,393    
          Gentiva Health Services, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
$ 2,513,513       Term Loan, 4.475%, maturing
March 31, 2013
          Golden Gate National Senior Care
Holdings, LLC
  Ba3   BB-        
  1,086,857       Term Loan, 5.131%, maturing
March 14, 2011
          Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc.   B2   BB-        
  2,501,875       Term Loan, 5.239%, maturing July 11, 2014         2,351,762    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Healthcare, Education and Childcare: (continued)      
          Harrington Holdings, Inc.   B1   BB-        
$ 2,442,000       Term Loan, 4.631%, maturing
January 11, 2014
      $ 2,258,850    
          HCA, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  33,153,103       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
November 17, 2013
          Health Management Associates, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  3,802,727       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing
February 28, 2014
          Iasis Healthcare, LLC   Ba2   B+        
  2,971,102       Term Loan, 4.379%, maturing
March 15, 2014
  1,025,437       Term Loan, 4.381%, maturing
March 15, 2014
  273,450       Term Loan, 6.631%, maturing
March 15, 2014
          IM US Holdings, LLC   B1   BB        
  4,962,500       Term Loan, 4.671%, maturing June 26, 2014         4,652,344    
          inVentiv Health, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  935,786       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing July 06, 2014         881,978    
          Multiplan, Inc.   B1   B+        
  1,287,529       Term Loan, 4.938%, maturing April 12, 2013         1,218,325    
          National Mentor, Inc.   B1   B+        
  117,736       Term Loan, 4.559%, maturing June 29, 2013         102,136    
  1,984,787       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing June 29, 2013         1,721,803    
          Nycomed   NR   NR        
EUR 535,383       Term Loan, 6.978%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 388,312       Term Loan, 6.978%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 54,917       Term Loan, 6.978%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 1,397,300       Term Loan, 6.978%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 86,211       Term Loan, 6.978%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 388,312       Term Loan, 7.728%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 535,383       Term Loan, 7.728%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 1,397,300       Term Loan, 7.728%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 86,211       Term Loan, 7.728%, maturing
December 10, 2014
EUR 54,917       Term Loan, 7.728%, maturing
December 10, 2014
          Orthofix International/Colgate Medical   B1   BB+        
$ 1,776,818       Term Loan, 4.640%, maturing
September 22, 2013


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Healthcare, Education and Childcare: (continued)      
          Quintiles Transnational Corporation   B1   BB        
$ 4,978,772       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing
March 31, 2013
      $ 4,757,839    
          Renal Advantage, Inc.   NR   B+        
  3,376,287       Term Loan, 5.264%, maturing
October 06, 2012
          Rural/Metro Operating Company, LLC   Ba2   BB-        
  917,646       Term Loan, 6.270%, maturing
March 04, 2011
  519,127       Term Loan, 5.690%, maturing
March 04, 2011
          Sterigenics International, Inc.   B3   BB-        
  1,949,310       Term Loan, 5.050%, maturing
November 21, 2013
          Stiefel Laboratories, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  1,538,709       Term Loan, 4.966%, maturing
December 28, 2013
  1,176,916       Term Loan, 4.966%, maturing
December 28, 2013
          Sun Healthcare Group, Inc.   Ba2   B+        
  217,241       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing April 12, 2014         203,121    
  847,364       Term Loan, 4.789%, maturing April 12, 2014         792,286    
  136,941       Term Loan, 4.798%, maturing April 12, 2014         128,040    
          Surgical Care Affiliates, LLC   Ba3   B        
  2,977,500       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
December 29, 2014
          Team Health, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  2,037,149       Term Loan, 4.641%, maturing
November 23, 2012
          United Surgical Partners International, Inc.   Ba3   B        
  250,000       Term Loan, 4.093%, maturing April 19, 2014         228,750    
  1,660,645       Term Loan, 5.490%, maturing April 19, 2014         1,519,490    
          Vanguard Health Holdings Company II, LLC   Ba3   B+        
  3,410,095       Term Loan, 5.134%, maturing
September 23, 2011
          Viant Holdings, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  744,375       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing June 25, 2014         655,050    
          VWR International, Inc.   B1   B+        
  3,500,000       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing June 29, 2014         3,263,750    
EUR 2,500,000       Term Loan, 7.231%, maturing June 29, 2014         3,650,797    
Home & Office Furnishings: 1.6%      
          Global Garden Products Italy, S.P.A.   NR   NR        
EUR 1,250,000       Term Loan, 7.148%, maturing
October 19, 2014
EUR 1,250,000       Term Loan, 7.648%, maturing
October 19, 2015
          Hilding Anders   NR   NR        
EUR 324,872       Term Loan, 6.968%, maturing April 25, 2015         443,463    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Home & Office Furnishings: (continued)      
SEK 17,864,613       Term Loan, 7.113%, maturing April 25, 2015       $ 2,434,480    
          National Bedding Company   B1   BB        
$ 2,188,547       Term Loan, 4.741%, maturing
February 28, 2013
          Simmons Company   Ba2   BB-        
  6,942,562       Term Loan, 5.610%, maturing
December 19, 2011
          Springs Window Fashions, LLC   B2   B+        
  1,418,066       Term Loan, 5.500%, maturing
December 31, 2012
Insurance: 1.8%      
          AmWINS Group, Inc.   B2   B-        
  1,985,000       Term Loan, 5.123%, maturing June 08, 2013         1,597,925    
          Applied Systems, Inc.   B1   B-        
  1,907,273       Term Loan, 5.396%, maturing
September 26, 2013
          Conseco, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  6,161,913       Term Loan, 4.381%, maturing
October 10, 2013
          Crawford & Company   B1   BB-        
  2,853,036       Term Loan, 5.450%, maturing
October 30, 2013
          Hub International, Ltd.   B2   B+        
  283,255       Term Loan, 4.402%, maturing June 13, 2014         257,408    
  1,621,732       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing June 13, 2014         1,473,749    
          Swett & Crawford   B2   B        
  2,574,000       Term Loan, 4.966%, maturing April 03, 2014         1,981,980    
          USI Holdings Corporation   B2   B        
  1,786,500       Term Loan, 5.450%, maturing May 05, 2014         1,656,979    
Leisure, Amusement, Entertainment: 7.8%      
          24 Hour Fitness Worldwide, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  3,185,000       Term Loan, 5.933%, maturing June 08, 2012         2,993,900    
          Alpha D2, Ltd.   NR   NR        
  1,285,714       Term Loan, 7.093%, maturing
December 31, 2013
  1,714,286       Term Loan, 7.093%, maturing
December 31, 2013
          AMF Bowling Worldwide, Inc.   B1   B+        
  3,101,563       Term Loan, 5.468%, maturing June 10, 2013         2,465,742    
          Cedar Fair, L.P.   Ba3   BB        
  7,857,538       Term Loan, 4.381%, maturing
August 30, 2012
          Cinemark USA, Inc.   Ba3   B        
  3,688,682       Term Loan, 4.480%, maturing
October 05, 2013


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Leisure, Amusement, Entertainment: (continued)      
          HIT Entertainment, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
$ 1,940,892       Term Loan, 4.790%, maturing
March 20, 2012
      $ 1,763,786    
          Kerasotes Showplace Theater, LLC   B1   B-        
  150,000       Revolver, 1.178%, maturing
October 31, 2010
  281,978       Term Loan, 4.688%, maturing
October 28, 2011
          Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  7,813,929       Term Loan, 5.946%, maturing April 08, 2012         6,345,152    
  33,241,693       Term Loan, 5.946%, maturing April 08, 2012         26,993,285    
          NEP II, Inc.   B1   B        
  4,452,497       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
February 16, 2014
          Warner Music Group   Ba3   BB        
  14,886,097       Term Loan, 4.613%, maturing
February 28, 2011
Lodging: 1.7%      
          Audio Visual Services Corporation   Ba3   B+        
  995,000       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing
February 28, 2014
          Hotel Del Coronado   B1   B+        
  16,400,000       Term Loan, 4.466%, maturing
January 15, 2009
Machinery: 0.8%      
          Enersys Capital, Inc.   Ba2   BB        
  1,236,799       Term Loan, 4.437%, maturing
March 17, 2011
          Kion Group   NR   NR        
EUR 1,238,909       Term Loan, 6.775%, maturing
December 23, 2014
EUR 1,145,833       Term Loan, 7.275%, maturing
December 23, 2015
          LN Acquisition Corporation   B1   BB-        
$ 360,909       Term Loan, 5.399%, maturing July 11, 2014         342,864    
  135,341       Term Loan, 5.403%, maturing July 11, 2014         128,574    
          Maxim Crane Works, L.P.   B1   BB-        
  2,481,250       Term Loan, 4.725%, maturing June 29, 2014         2,464,191    
Mining, Steel, Iron & Nonprecious Metals: 1.0%      
          Continental Alloys & Services, Inc.   B2   B        
  493,750       Term Loan, 3.288%, maturing June 15, 2012         464,125    
          Noranda Aluminum Acquisition Corporation   Ba2   BB-        
  688,538       Term Loan, 4.719%, maturing May 18, 2014         666,160    
          Novelis   Ba2   BB        
  1,240,625       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing July 06, 2014         1,194,722    
  2,729,375       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing July 06, 2014         2,628,388    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Mining, Steel, Iron & Nonprecious Metals: (continued)      
          Oxbow Carbon and Minerals Holdings, LLC   B1   BB-        
$ 259,782       Term Loan, 4.381%, maturing May 08, 2014       $ 243,870    
  2,901,823       Term Loan, 4.440%, maturing May 08, 2014         2,724,086    
          Tube City IMS Corporation   Ba3   BB        
  162,162       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
January 25, 2013
  1,324,459       Term Loan, 7.196%, maturing
January 25, 2013
North American Cable: 15.7%      
          Atlantic Broadband   B1   B        
  1,965,154       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing
August 10, 2012
          Bresnan Communications, LLC   B2   BB-        
  2,750,000       Term Loan, 4.983%, maturing
September 29, 2013
  2,246,939       Term Loan, 5.020%, maturing
September 29, 2013
          Cequel Communications, LLC   B1   BB-        
  38,621,921       Term Loan, 4.727%, maturing
November 05, 2013
          Cequel Communications, LLC   Caa1   B-        
  525,000       Term Loan, 7.373%, maturing May 05, 2014         454,781    
          Charter Communications Operating, LLC   B1   B+        
  55,213,672       Term Loan, 4.900%, maturing
March 06, 2014
          CSC Holdings, Inc.   Ba1   BBB-        
  24,208,569       Term Loan, 4.340%, maturing
March 29, 2013
          Insight Midwest Holdings, LLC   B1   B+        
  11,002,500       Term Loan, 4.690%, maturing April 06, 2014         10,545,698    
          Knology, Inc.   B2   B        
  1,985,000       Term Loan, 4.934%, maturing June 30, 2012         1,836,125    
          Mediacom Broadband, LLC   Ba3   BB-        
  10,753,875       Term Loan, 4.235%, maturing
January 31, 2015
          Quebecor Media, Inc.   B1   B        
  2,932,500       Term Loan, 4.713%, maturing
January 17, 2013
          San Juan Cable, LLC   B1   BB-        
  1,712,492       Term Loan, 5.020%, maturing
October 31, 2012
          WideOpenWest Finance, LLC   B2   B-        
  5,833,333       Term Loan, 5.264%, maturing June 28, 2014         5,075,000    
Oil & Gas: 4.8%      
          Alon USA   B1   BB        
  1,729,620       Term Loan, 4.693%, maturing June 22, 2013         1,569,630    
  216,202       Term Loan, 4.899%, maturing June 22, 2013         196,204    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Oil & Gas: (continued)      
          Calumet Lubricants Company   B1   BB-        
$ 131,779       Term Loan, 6.534%, maturing
January 03, 2015
      $ 117,613    
  1,012,160       Term Loan, 6.675%, maturing
January 03, 2015
          Coffeyville Resources, LLC   B2   BB-        
  1,067,105       Term Loan, 5.448%, maturing
December 28, 2010
  1,268,528       Term Loan, 5.450%, maturing
December 28, 2013
          CR Gas Storage   Ba3   BB-        
  79,940       Term Loan, 4.550%, maturing May 13, 2011         77,143    
  1,342,938       Term Loan, 4.534%, maturing May 12, 2013         1,295,935    
  225,766       Term Loan, 4.589%, maturing May 12, 2013         217,865    
  152,133       Term Loan, 4.600%, maturing May 12, 2013         146,809    
          Energy Transfer Company, L.P.   Ba2   NR        
  6,000,000       Term Loan, 4.508%, maturing
February 08, 2012
          Hercules Offshore, LLC   Ba3   BB        
  2,481,250       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing July 11, 2013         2,419,219    
          McJunkin Corporation   B1   B+        
  2,670,852       Term Loan, 6.134%, maturing
January 31, 2013
          MEG Energy   Ba3   BB        
  2,796,500       Term Loan, 4.693%, maturing April 03, 2013         2,652,013    
  2,744,000       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing April 03, 2013         2,599,940    
          Pine Prairie Energy Center   B1   B+        
  495,000       Term Loan, 5.400%, maturing
December 31, 2013
          Semcrude, L.P.   Ba2   NR        
  3,201,514       Term Loan, 4.899%, maturing
March 01, 2011
          SG Resources Mississippi, LLC   B1   BB-        
  2,500,000       Term Loan, 4.599%, maturing April 02, 2014         2,387,500    
          Targa Resources, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  2,888,314       Term Loan, 4.651%, maturing
October 31, 2012
  1,039,832       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
October 31, 2012
          Venoco, Inc.   Caa1   B        
  3,000,000       Term Loan, 6.688%, maturing
September 20, 2011
          Western Refining, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  10,322,000       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing May 30, 2014         9,186,580    
Other Broadcasting and Entertainment: 2.3%      
          Deluxe Entertainment Services Group, Inc.   B1   B        
  2,397,437       Term Loan, 4.934%, maturing May 11, 2013         2,097,757    
  224,610       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing May 11, 2013         196,534    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Other Broadcasting and Entertainment: (continued)  
$ 118,110       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing May 11, 2013       $ 103,346    
      VNU   Ba3   B+        
  20,781,904       Term Loan, 4.734%, maturing
August 09, 2013
Other Telecommunications: 3.6%  
      Asurion Corporation   B2   B-        
  13,250,000       Term Loan, 5.784%, maturing July 03, 2014         12,357,692    
      BCM Ireland Holdings, Ltd.   Ba3   BB        
EUR 2,083,333       Term Loan, 6.606%, maturing
September 30, 2014
EUR 2,083,333       Term Loan, 6.856%, maturing
September 30, 2015
      Cavalier Telephone   B3   B-        
$ 2,444,211       Term Loan, 10.500%, maturing
December 31, 2012
      Gabriel Communications   B2   CCC+        
  496,250       Term Loan, 6.050%, maturing May 31, 2014         450,347    
      Hargray Communications Group, Inc.   B1   B        
  454,647       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing June 29, 2014         416,571    
      Hawaiian Telcom Communications, Inc.   Ba3   B-        
  2,818,023       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing June 01, 2014         2,280,838    
      Kentucky Data Link, Inc.   B1   B        
 3,956,268     Term Loan, 4.631%, maturing
February 26, 2014
      One Communications   B2   B-        
  2,843,571       Term Loan, 6.813%, maturing June 30, 2012         2,530,779    
      PAETEC Holding Corporation   B1   B-        
  436,065       Term Loan, 4.881%, maturing
February 28, 2013
      Time Warner Telecom Holdings, Inc.   Ba2   B        
  3,179,750       Term Loan, 4.390%, maturing
January 07, 2013
      U.S. Telepacific Corporation   B1   CCC+        
  985,004       Term Loan, 6.835%, maturing
August 04, 2011
Personal & Nondurable Consumer Products: 5.4%  
      Advantage Sales And Marketing   B2   B-        
  3,021,790       Term Loan, 4.690%, maturing
March 29, 2013
      Bushnell Performance Optics   Ba3   BB-        
  1,741,250       Term Loan, 6.446%, maturing
August 24, 2013
      Fender Musical Instruments Corporation   B2   B+        
  1,166,667       Term Loan, 6.970%, maturing June 09, 2014         1,055,833    
  2,315,833       Term Loan, 7.160%, maturing June 09, 2014         2,095,829    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Personal & Nondurable Consumer Products: (continued)      
          Gibson Guitar Corporation   B2   B        
$ 493,750       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing
December 29, 2013
      $ 459,188    
          Huish Detergents, Inc.   B1   B+        
  2,679,750       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing April 26, 2014         2,392,392    
          Information Resources, Inc.   B1   B+        
  435,159       Term Loan, 4.415%, maturing May 16, 2014         374,237    
          Jarden Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  9,170,032       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing
January 24, 2012
  1,181,245       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing
January 24, 2012
          KIK Custom Products, Inc.   B1   CCC+        
  72,805       Term Loan, 5.170%, maturing May 31, 2014         54,604    
  424,695       Term Loan, 5.170%, maturing May 31, 2014         318,521    
          Mega Bloks, Inc.   B1   B        
  972,500       Term Loan, 8.250%, maturing July 26, 2012         865,525    
          Natural Products Group, LLC   B1   B+        
  684,646       Term Loan, 4.992%, maturing
March 08, 2014
          Norwood Promotional Products   NR   NR        
  26,595,363       Term Loan, 6.000%, maturing
August 17, 2011
          Spectrum Brands, Inc.   B2   B-        
  879,524       Term Loan, 6.670%, maturing
March 30, 2013
  44,301       Term Loan, 6.828%, maturing
March 30, 2013
          Totes Isotoner Corporation   B1   B        
  411,458       Term Loan, 5.143%, maturing
January 31, 2013
          Yankee Candle Company, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  2,693,077       Term Loan, 4.606%, maturing
February 06, 2014
Personal, Food & Miscellaneous: 2.5%      
          Acosta, Inc.   B1   B        
  2,947,500       Term Loan, 4.640%, maturing July 28, 2013         2,801,967    
          Arbys Restaurant Group, Inc.   Ba3   BB        
  5,239,389       Term Loan, 4.859%, maturing July 25, 2012         4,970,870    
          Culligan International Company   B2   B-        
  990,000       Term Loan, 4.813%, maturing
November 24, 2012
          Dennys, Inc.   Ba2   BB        
  555,000       Term Loan, 4.700%, maturing
March 31, 2012
  750,000       Term Loan, 4.715%, maturing
March 31, 2012


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Personal, Food & Miscellaneous: (continued)      
          MD Beauty, Inc.   B1   BB-        
$ 2,327,481       Term Loan, 4.780%, maturing
February 18, 2012
      $ 2,298,388    
          N.E.W. Customer Services Companies, Inc.   B1   B        
  3,191,953       Term Loan, 5.277%, maturing May 22, 2014         2,892,708    
          OSI Restaurant Partners, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  372,420       Term Loan, 4.920%, maturing June 14, 2013         322,237    
  4,391,539       Term Loan, 5.000%, maturing June 14, 2014         3,799,779    
          QCE, LLC (Quiznos)   B2   B+        
  2,030,500       Term Loan, 4.985%, maturing May 05, 2013         1,745,383    
          Reddy Ice Group, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  1,000,000       Term Loan, 4.460%, maturing
August 09, 2012
          Sbarro, Inc.   Ba3   B+        
  495,000       Term Loan, 4.881%, maturing
January 31, 2014
          Seminole Hard Rock Entertainment   B1   BB        
  750,000       Term Loan, 5.300%, maturing
March 15, 2014
          U.S. Security Holdings, Inc.   B1   B+        
  585,671       Term Loan, 5.179%, maturing May 08, 2013         562,244    
Printing & Publishing: 10.4%      
          American Achievement Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  488,273       Term Loan, 4.862%, maturing
March 25, 2011
          Ascend Media Holdings, LLC   B3   B        
  853,249       Term Loan, 4.625%, maturing
January 31, 2012
          Black Press Ltd.   Ba3   BB-        
  1,200,082       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing
August 02, 2013
  728,621       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing
August 02, 2013
          Caribe Information Investments, Inc.   B1   B+        
  1,704,032       Term Loan, 4.785%, maturing
March 31, 2013
          Cengage Learning, Inc.   B1   B+        
  17,163,750       Term Loan, 4.916%, maturing July 05, 2014         15,541,776    
          Cenveo Corporation   Ba2   BB+        
  61,448       Term Loan, 4.349%, maturing June 21, 2013         58,299    
  2,836,960       Term Loan, 4.349%, maturing June 21, 2013         2,691,566    
          Hanley Wood, LLC   B2   B        
  2,715,688       Term Loan, 4.953%, maturing
March 08, 2014
          Idearc, Inc.   Ba3   BBB-        
  25,107,312       Term Loan, 4.687%, maturing
November 17, 2014


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Printing & Publishing: (continued)      
          Intermedia Outdoor, Inc.   NR   NR        
$ 1,629,375       Term Loan, 5.696%, maturing
January 31, 2013
      $ 1,384,969    
          Mediannuaire Holding   NR   NR        
EUR 600,000       Term Loan, 6.607%, maturing April 10, 2016         783,597    
EUR 600,000       Term Loan, 7.107%, maturing April 10, 2016         783,597    
          Medimedia USA, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
$ 1,231,250       Term Loan, 5.744%, maturing
October 05, 2013
          Merrill Communications, LLC   B1   BB-        
  2,894,162       Term Loan, 4.686%, maturing May 15, 2011         2,488,980    
          Nelson Canada   Ba3   BB-        
  3,980,000       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing July 05, 2014         3,572,050    
          PagesJaunes Groupe, S.A.   NR   NR        
EUR 800,000       Term Loan, 5.857%, maturing
October 24, 2013
          PBL Media   B1   B        
AUD 24,331,191       Term Loan, 10.228%, maturing
February 05, 2013
          Prism Business Media Holdings/
Penton Media, Inc.
  B1   BB-        
$ 1,683,000       Term Loan, 5.138%, maturing
February 01, 2013
          R.H. Donnelley Corporation   Ba1   BB        
  3,650,129       Term Loan, 4.571%, maturing June 30, 2011         3,575,823    
          Readers Digest   B1   B        
  4,331,250       Term Loan, 4.947%, maturing
March 02, 2014
EUR 749,659       Term Loan, 6.374%, maturing
March 02, 2014
          Source Media, Inc.   B1   B        
$ 2,777,571       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing
November 08, 2011
          Thomas Nelson Publishers   B1   B        
  2,292,500       Term Loan, 4.845%, maturing June 12, 2012         2,040,325    
          Tribune Company   B2   B        
  496,250       Term Loan, 5.542%, maturing May 19, 2014         368,776    
          Valassis Communications, Inc.   Ba2   BB        
  968,200       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing
March 02, 2014
  320,000       Term Loan, 4.580%, maturing
March 02, 2014
          Yell Group, PLC   Ba3   BB-        
  2,000,000       Term Loan, 4.381%, maturing
February 10, 2013
EUR 2,000,000       Term Loan, 6.374%, maturing
February 27, 2013


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Radio and TV Broadcasting: 6.3%      
          Block Communications, Inc.   Ba1   BB+        
$ 977,500       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
December 22, 2012
      $ 933,513    
          Citadel Broadcasting Corporation   Ba3   BB-        
  9,600,000       Term Loan, 4.175%, maturing June 12, 2014         8,335,997    
          CMP KC, LLC   NR   NR        
  1,359,663       Term Loan, 6.660%, maturing May 03, 2011         815,798    
          CMP Susquehanna Corporation   B1   B-        
  4,923,286       Term Loan, 4.483%, maturing May 05, 2013         4,129,406    
          Cumulus Media, Inc.   Ba3   B        
  2,816,326       Term Loan, 4.274%, maturing June 11, 2014         2,451,964    
          CW Media Holdings, Inc.   Ba1   B+        
  2,736,250       Term Loan, 5.946%, maturing
February 15, 2015
          Emmis Communication   B2   B+        
  1,202,188       Term Loan, 4.671%, maturing
November 01, 2013
          Local TV Finance, LLC   Ba3   B+        
  2,878,250       Term Loan, 4.869%, maturing May 07, 2013         2,518,469    
          Nexstar Broadcasting Group   Ba2   BB-        
  2,371,585       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing
October 01, 2012
  2,245,141       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing
October 01, 2012
          Nextmedia Operating, Inc.   B1   B        
  641,326       Term Loan, 6.529%, maturing
November 15, 2012
  1,442,984       Term Loan, 6.451%, maturing
November 15, 2012
          Paxson Communications   B1   CCC+        
  4,500,000       Term Loan, 5.963%, maturing
January 15, 2012
          Regent Communications   B2   B+        
  1,434,783       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
November 21, 2013
          Spanish Broadcasting Systems   B2   B-        
  3,880,000       Term Loan, 4.450%, maturing June 11, 2012         3,162,200    
          Univision Communications, Inc.   Ba3   B        
  23,499,786       Term Loan, 5.118%, maturing
September 29, 2014
          Univision Communications, Inc.   B3   CCC        
  1,733,625       Term Loan, 4.881%, maturing
March 29, 2009
Retail Stores: 8.9%      
          Amscan Holdings, Inc.   B1   B        
  1,485,000       Term Loan, 4.816%, maturing May 25, 2013         1,299,375    
          Burlington Coat Factory   B2   B-        
  3,787,868       Term Loan, 4.900%, maturing May 28, 2013         3,222,055    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Retail Stores: (continued)      
          CBR Fashion Holding   NR   NR        
EUR 500,000       Term Loan, 6.507%, maturing July 20, 2015       $ 667,449    
EUR 460,000       Term Loan, 6.749%, maturing July 20, 2016         614,053    
          Claires Stores, Inc.   B1   B        
$ 2,962,500       Term Loan, 5.413%, maturing May 29, 2014         2,372,314    
          Dollar General Corporation   B2   B+        
  12,500,000       Term Loan, 5.649%, maturing July 06, 2014         11,590,275    
          Dollarama Group, L.P.   Ba1   BB-        
  3,387,125       Term Loan, 4.649%, maturing
November 18, 2011
          General Nutrition Centers, Inc.   B1   B-        
  3,564,000       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
September 16, 2013
          Guitar Center, Inc.   B2   B-        
  5,000,000       Term Loan, 5.900%, maturing
October 09, 2014
          Harbor Freight Tools USA, Inc.   B1   B+        
  6,548,082       Term Loan, 4.643%, maturing July 15, 2010         5,696,831    
          Mapco Express, Inc.   B2   B+        
  2,056,754       Term Loan, 5.290%, maturing April 28, 2011         1,953,916    
          Mattress Firm   B1   B+        
  495,009       Term Loan, 5.150%, maturing
January 18, 2014
          Michaels Stores, Inc.   B2   B        
  8,647,086       Term Loan, 5.042%, maturing
October 31, 2013
          Nebraska Book Company, Inc.   Ba2   B        
  2,382,266       Term Loan, 5.130%, maturing
March 04, 2011
          Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.   Ba3   BB+        
  8,299,578       Term Loan, 4.758%, maturing April 06, 2013         7,965,869    
          Oriental Trading Company, Inc.   B1   B+        
  2,395,274       Term Loan, 4.802%, maturing July 31, 2013         1,964,125    
          Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  5,060,937       Term Loan, 5.025%, maturing
October 26, 2013
          Phones 4U Group, Ltd.   NR   NR        
GBP 1,615,726       Term Loan, 8.136%, maturing
September 22, 2014
GBP 1,545,301       Term Loan, 8.886%, maturing
September 22, 2015
          Rite Aid   Ba3   BB-        
$ 5,000,000       Term Loan, 4.227%, maturing June 04, 2014         4,727,500    
          Sally Holding, LLC   B2   BB-        
  2,449,969       Term Loan, 5.060%, maturing
November 16, 2013
          Sports Authority   B2   B-        
  982,500       Term Loan, 4.950%, maturing May 03, 2013         816,703    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Retail Stores: (continued)      
          Toys "R" Us, Inc.   B2   BB-        
$ 1,368,159       Term Loan, 6.969%, maturing July 19, 2012       $ 1,337,946    
          Vivarte   NR   NR        
EUR 2,500,000       Term Loan, 6.363%, maturing June 28, 2015         2,984,519    
EUR 2,500,000       Term Loan, 6.863%, maturing June 28, 2016         2,985,666    
Satellite: 0.4%      
          Intelsat Corporation   B1   BB-        
$ 1,394,660       Term Loan, 5.184%, maturing
January 03, 2012
  1,395,079       Term Loan, 5.184%, maturing
January 03, 2012
  1,394,660       Term Loan, 5.184%, maturing
January 03, 2012
Telecommunications Equipment: 1.4%      
          CommScope, Inc.   Ba3   BB-        
  1,250,000       Term Loan, 5.192%, maturing
December 27, 2014
          Macquarie UK Broadcast Ventures, Ltd.   NR   NR        
GBP 4,500,000       Term Loan, 7.951%, maturing
December 01, 2014
          Sorenson Communications, Inc.   B1   B        
$ 4,729,689       Term Loan, 5.196%, maturing April 27, 2014         4,546,413    
Textiles & Leather: 0.7%      
          Polymer Group, Inc.   B1   BB        
  4,755,030       Term Loan, 4.921%, maturing
November 22, 2012
          St. John Knits International, Inc.   B1   BB        
  660,186       Term Loan, 5.381%, maturing
March 21, 2012
          Targus Group, Inc.   B2   B        
  1,335,227       Term Loan, 7.063%, maturing
November 22, 2012
Utilities: 8.7%      
          Boston Generating, LLC   B1   B+        
  256,593       Term Loan, 5.071%, maturing
December 20, 2013
  7,052,868       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing
December 20, 2013
  1,916,404       Term Loan, 7.080%, maturing
December 20, 2013
          Calpine Corporation   B2   B+        
  1,071,000       Revolver, 3.462%, maturing March 29, 2014         937,125    
  8,512,744       Term Loan, 5.575%, maturing
March 29, 2014


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Utilities: (continued)      
          Cellnet Technology, Inc.   Ba2   NR        
$ 1,296,370       Term Loan, 6.000%, maturing July 22, 2011       $ 1,168,894    
          Cellnet Technology, Inc.   B2   NR        
  333,333       Term Loan, 5.000%, maturing
October 22, 2011
          Coleto Creek WLE, L.P.   B1   BB-        
  1,208,333       Revolver, 1.723%, maturing June 30, 2011         936,458    
  764,331       Term Loan, 5.446%, maturing June 28, 2013         700,637    
  5,187,424       Term Loan, 5.446%, maturing June 28, 2013         4,755,140    
          FirstLight Power Resources, Inc.   B1   BB-        
  1,834,852       Term Loan, 5.040%, maturing
November 01, 2013
  792,683       Term Loan, 5.250%, maturing
November 01, 2013
          FirstLight Power Resources, Inc.   B3   B-        
  1,675,000       Term Loan, 7.125%, maturing May 01, 2014         1,482,375    
          Infrastrux Group, Inc.   B2   B        
  4,229,102       Term Loan, 6.881%, maturing
November 03, 2012
          Longview Power, LLC   Ba3   BB        
  266,667       Term Loan, 5.000%, maturing
February 28, 2014
  933,333       Term Loan, 5.005%, maturing
February 28, 2014
  800,000       Term Loan, 5.063%, maturing
February 28, 2014
          MACH Gen, LLC   B2   B+        
  453,125       Term Loan, 4.446%, maturing
February 22, 2013
  4,318,957       Term Loan, 4.638%, maturing
February 22, 2014
          NRG Energy, Inc.   Ba1   BB        
  11,557,512       Term Loan, 4.196%, maturing
February 01, 2013
  4,060,899       Term Loan, 4.196%, maturing
February 01, 2013
          NSG Holdings, LLC   Ba2   BB        
  183,673       Term Loan, 4.350%, maturing June 15, 2014         170,816    
  1,386,610       Term Loan, 4.350%, maturing June 15, 2014         1,289,547    
          Texas Competitive Electric Holdings
Company, LLC
  Ba3   B+        
  5,970,000       Term Loan, 6.256%, maturing
October 10, 2014
  2,989,987       Term Loan, 6.262%, maturing
October 10, 2014
  2,500,000       Term Loan, 6.301%, maturing
October 10, 2014


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

            Bank Loan
Principal Amount       Borrower/Tranche Description   Moody's   S&P   Value  
Utilities: (continued)      
          TPF Generation Holdings, LLC   Ba3   BB-        
$ 1,600,000       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
December 15, 2013
      $ 1,529,600    
  4,719,017       Term Loan, 4.696%, maturing
December 15, 2013
          TPF Generation Holdings, LLC   B3   B-        
  1,500,000       Term Loan, 6.946%, maturing
December 15, 2014
          Viridian Group, PLC   NR   NR        
EUR 1,072,386       Term Loan, 8.526%, maturing
December 19, 2012
GBP 1,080,000       Term Loan, 9.621%, maturing
December 19, 2012
          Wolf Hollow I, L.P.   B1   B+        
$ 450,000       Term Loan, 4.636%, maturing June 22, 2012         411,750    
  1,800,000       Term Loan, 4.631%, maturing June 22, 2012         1,647,000    
  2,105,593       Term Loan, 4.946%, maturing June 22, 2012         1,926,618    
    Total Senior Loans
(Cost $1,636,072,667 )
Other Corporate Debt: 0.7%      
Automobile: 0.7%      
          Avis Budget Car Rental   Ba1   BB-        
  750,000       Floating Rate Note, 5.565%,
maturing May 15, 2014
          Navistar International Corporation   NR   BB-        
  4,950,000       Unsecured Term Loan, 6.234%,
maturing January 19, 2012
  1,800,000       Unsecured Term Loan, 6.045%,
maturing January 19, 2012
    Total Other Corporate Debt
(Cost $7,500,000 )
Equities and Other Assets: 0.1%      


Value USD
    (1), (@), (R)   Allied Digital Technologies Corporation (Residual Interest
in Bankruptcy Estate)
    (@), (R)   Block Vision Holdings Corporation (571 Common Shares)        
    (2), (@), (R)   Boston Chicken, Inc. (Residual Interest in Boston
Chicken Plan Trust)
    (2), (@), (R)   Cedar Chemical (Liquidation Interest)        
    (@), (R)   Covenant Care, Inc.        


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

Value USD
(@), (R)   Covenant Care, Inc. (Warrants for 26,901 Common Shares,
Expires March 31, 2013)
(@), (R)   Decision One Corporation (1,752,103 Common Shares)              
(2), (@), (R)   Enterprise Profit Solutions (Liquidation Interest)              
(@), (R)   EquityCo, LLC (Warrants for 28,752 Common Shares)              
(4), (@), (R)   Euro United Corporation (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
(2), (@), (R)   Grand Union Company (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
(@), (R)   Humphrey's, Inc. (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)              
(@), (R)   IAP Acquisition Corporation (3,524 Common Shares)              
(@), (R)   IAP Acquisition Corporation (1,084 Common Shares)              
(@), (R)   IAP Acquisition Corporation (1,814 Common Shares)              
(@), (R)   IAP Acquisition Corporation (17,348 Common Shares)              
(2), (@), (R)   Imperial Home Décor Group, Inc. (Liquidation Interest)              
(2), (@), (R)   IT Group, Inc. (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)           25    
(2), (@), (R)   Kevco Inc. (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)           25    
(2), (@), (R)   Lincoln Paper & Tissue (Warrants for 291 Common Shares,
Expires August 14, 2015)
(@), (R)   Lincoln Pulp and Eastern Fine (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
(@), (R)   Norwood Promotional Products, Inc.
(104,148 Common Shares)
(@), (R)   Norwood Promotional Products, Inc.
(Contingent Value Rights)
(@), (R)   Safelite Realty Corporation (57,804 Common Shares)           462,432    
(1), (@), (R)   Transtar Metals (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)              
(1), (@), (R)   TSR Wireless, LLC (Residual Interest in Bankruptcy Estate)              
(2), (@), (R)   US Office Products Company (Residual Interest in
Bankruptcy Estate)
    Total for Equities and Other Assets
(Cost $5,533,513 )
  Total Investments
(Cost $1,649,106,180 )**
    162.1 %   $ 1,523,662,528    
    Other Assets and Liabilities — Net     (62.1 )     (583,736,025 )  
    Net Assets     100.0 %   $ 939,926,503    


  *  Senior loans, while exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. These senior loans bear interest (unless otherwise noted) at rates that float periodically at a margin above the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") and other short-term rates.

  †  Bank Loans rated below Baa are considered to be below investment grade.

  NR  Not Rated

  (1)  The borrower filed for protection under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy code.

  (2)  The borrower filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy code.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

  (3)  Loan is on non-accrual basis.

  (4)  The borrower filed for protection under the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

  (5)  Trade pending settlement. Contract rates do not take effect until settlement date.

  (@)  Non-income producing security.

  (R)  Restricted security.

  AUD  Australian Dollar

  GBP  British Pound Stirling

  EUR  Euro

  SEK  Swedish Kronor

  **  For Federal Income Tax purposes cost of investments is $1,649,332,409.

    Net unrealized depreciation consists of the following:

Gross Unrealized Appreciation   $ 9,523,478    
Gross Unrealized Depreciation     (135,193,359 )  
Net Unrealized Depreciation   $ (125,669,881 )  


At May 31, 2008 the following forward foreign currency contracts were outstanding for ING Prime Rate Trust :

Currency   Sell   In
Australian Dollar
AUD 10,910,000
  Sell   07/15/08   $ 9,996,091     $ 10,370,445     $ (374,354 )  
Australian Dollar
AUD 6,546,000
  Sell   08/15/08     6,008,770       6,195,998       (187,228 )  
Australian Dollar
AUD 4,364,000
  Sell   09/15/08     4,131,225       4,114,045       17,180    
EUR 36,600,000
  Sell   07/15/08     57,369,389       56,809,181       560,208    
EUR 21,960,000
  Sell   08/15/08     34,027,896       34,032,005       (4,109 )  
EUR 14,640,000
  Sell   09/15/08     22,638,692       22,652,532       (13,840 )  
British Pound Sterling
GBP 8,550,000
  Sell   07/15/08     16,929,043       16,874,433       54,610    
British Pound Sterling
GBP 5,130,000
  Sell   08/15/08     10,039,290       10,099,705       (60,415 )  
British Pound Sterling
GBP 3,420,000
  Sell   09/15/08     6,710,827       6,717,007       (6,180 )  
Swedish Kronor
SEK 19,950,000
  Sell   07/15/08     3,339,354       3,317,177       22,177    
Swedish Kronor
SEK 11,970,000
  Sell   08/15/08     1,980,414       1,986,732       (6,318 )  
Swedish Kronor
SEK 7,980,000
  Sell   09/15/08     1,323,054       1,322,171       883    
    $ 174,494,045     $ 174,491,431     $ 2,614    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust

PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as of May 31, 2008 (Unaudited) (continued)

Fair Value Measurements — Effective March 1, 2008, the Trust adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157 ("SFAS 157"), "Fair Value Measurements." This new accounting statement defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

  •  Level 1 — quoted prices in active markets for identical investments

  •  Level 2 — other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.)

  •  Level 3 — significant unobservable inputs (including the Trust's own assumption in determining the fair value of investments)

The inputs or methodology used in valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

The following is a summary of the inputs used as of May 31, 2008 in valuing the Trust's investments at fair value:

    Investments in
  Other Financial
Level 1 — Quoted Prices   $     $    
Level 2 — Other Significant Observable Inputs     1,496,097,983       2,614    
Level 3 — Significant Unobservable Inputs     27,564,545          
Total   $ 1,523,662,528     $ 2,614    


  *  Other financial instruments may include forward foreign currency contracts, futures, swaps, and written options , which are valued at the unrealized appreciation/depreciation of the instrument.

A roll forward of fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) as of May 31, 2008, were as follows:

    Investments in
  Other Financial
Balance at 02/29/08   $ 18,607,111     $    
Net purchases (sales)     5,615,412          
Total realized and unrealized gain (loss)     2,535,842          
Amortization of premium/discount     806,180            
Transfers in and/or out of Level 3              
Balance at 05/31/08   $ 27,564,545     $    


  *  Other financial instruments may include forward foreign currency contracts, futures, swaps, and written options , which are valued at the unrealized appreciation/depreciation of the instrument.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

ING Prime Rate Trust



The Trust offers a Shareholder Investment Program (the "Program") which allows holders of the Trust's common shares a simple way to reinvest dividends and capital gains distributions, if any, in additional common shares of the Trust. The Program also offers holders of the Trust's common shares the ability to make optional cash investments in any amount from $100 to $100,000 on a monthly basis.

For dividend and capital gains distribution reinvestment purposes, DST will purchase shares of the Trust on the open market when the market price plus estimated fees is less than the NAV on the valuation date. The Trust will issue new shares for dividend and capital gains distribution reinvestment purchases when the market price plus estimated fees is equal to or exceeds the net asset value on the valuation date. New shares may be issued at the greater of (i) NAV or (ii) the market price of the shares during the pricing period, minus a discount of 5%.

For optional cash investments, shares will be purchased on the open market by DST when the market price plus estimated fees is less than the NAV on the valuation date. New shares will be issued by the Trust for optional cash investments when the market price plus estimated fees is equal to or exceeds the net asset value on the valuation date. Such shares will be issued at a discount to market, determined by the Trust, between 0% and 5%.

There is no charge to participate in the Program. Participants may elect to discontinue participation in the Program at any time. Participants will share, on a pro rata basis, in the fees or expenses of any shares acquired in the open market.

Participation in the Program is not automatic. If you would like to receive more information about the Program or if you desire to participate, please contact your broker or the Trust's Shareholder Services Department at 1-(800) 992-0180.


January 31, 2008   February 7, 2008   February 25, 2008  
February 29, 2008   March 6, 2008   March 25, 2008  
March 31, 2008   April 8, 2008   April 22, 2008  
April 30, 2008   May 8, 2008   May 22, 2008  
May 30, 2008   June 6, 2008   June 23, 2008  
June 30, 2008   July 8, 2008   July 22, 2008  
July 31, 2008   August 7, 2008   August 22, 2008  
August 29, 2008   September 8, 2008   September 22, 2008  
September 30, 2008   October 8, 2008   October 22, 2008  
October 31, 2008   November 6, 2008   November 24, 2008  
November 28, 2008   December 8, 2008   December 22, 2008  
December 19, 2008   December 29, 2008   January 13, 2009  


Record date will be two business days after each Ex-Dividend Date. These dates are subject to change.


ING Prime Rate Trust



The Trust's common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (Symbol: PPR). Effective March 1, 2002, the Trust's name changed to ING Prime Rate Trust and its CUSIP number changed to 44977W106. The Trust's NAV and market price are published daily under the "Closed-End Funds" feature in Barron's, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and many other regional and national publications.


In accordance with Section 23(c) of the 1940 Act, and Rule 23c-1 under the 1940 Act the Trust may from time to time purchase shares of beneficial interest of the Trust in the open market, in privately negotiated transactions and/or purchase shares to correct erroneous transactions.


The approximate number of record holders of Common Stock as of May 31, 2008 was 4,797 which does not include approximately 45,925 beneficial owners of shares held in the name of brokers of other nominees.


A description of the policies and procedures that the Trust uses to determine how to vote proxies related to portfolio securities is available (1) without charge, upon request, by calling Shareholder Services toll-free at 1-800-992-0180; (2) on the Trust's website at and (3) on the SEC's website at Information regarding how the Trust voted proxies related to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge on the Trust's website at and on the SEC's website at


The Trust files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Trust's Forms N-Q are available on the SEC's website at The Trust's Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC, and information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330; and is available upon request from the Trust by calling Shareholder Services toll-free at 1-800-992-0180.


In accordance with Section 303A.12 (a) of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual, the Trust submitted the Annual CEO Certification on August 2, 2007 certifying that he was not aware, as of that date, of any violation by the Trust of the NYSE's Corporate governance listing standards. In addition, as required by Section 203 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and related SEC rules, the Trust's principal executive and financial officers have made quarterly certifications, included in filings with the SEC on Forms N-CSR and N-Q, relating to, among other things, the Trust's disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting.


Investment Adviser

ING Investments, LLC

7337 East Doubletree Ranch Road

Scottsdale, Arizona 85258


ING Investment Management Co.

230 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10169

Institutional Investors and Analysts

Call ING Prime Rate Trust

1-800-336-3436, Extension 2217


ING Funds Services, LLC

7337 East Doubletree Ranch Road

Scottsdale, Arizona 85258


Written Requests

Please mail all account inquiries and other comments to:

ING Prime Rate Trust Account

c/o ING Fund Services, LLC

7337 East Doubletree Ranch Road

Scottsdale, Arizona 85258


ING Funds Distributor, LLC

7337 East Doubletree Ranch Road

Scottsdale, Arizona 85258


Transfer Agent

DST Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 219368

Kansas City, Missouri 64141


State Street Bank and Trust Company

801 Pennsylvania Avenue

Kansas City, Missouri 64105

Legal Counsel

Dechert LLP

1775 I Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006

Toll-Free Shareholder Information

Call us from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern time on any business day for account or other information, at (800)-992-0180

For more complete information, or to obtain a prospectus on any ING fund, please call your Investment Professional or ING Funds Distributor, LLC at (800) 992-0180 or log on to The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. Consider the Trust's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this information and other information about the Trust.

PRQR-UPRTQ1     (0508-072808)